
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | ART FOR APPAREL! | Sci's Art Lab (open)

So after an extended period of noodling around doing nothing about my treasureless plight, I've decided to open an art shop!

Special Summer Offer: Art for Apparel + Familiars!

I'll take:
-Flowerfalls (no other flower apparel)
-Bloody, White, and Black wraps
-Silver and Gold steampunk
-Black, White, and Red Hoods
-Ebony and Bone Antlers
-Gem apparel
-White, black, and red birdskull apparel (no headdresses)
-Holiday/Retired stuff
-Any Feathered Wings

-Familiars I don't have

Everything is valued at AH price!

Examples and Pricing

Regular Headshot: x
250g or 100k

Lineless Headshot: x
300g or 120k

Fullbody Lineless (Simple): x
500g or 200k

Fullbody Painterly: x
750g or 300k

Fullbody Lined: x
750g or 300k

I will only take two at a time C:
1. Open
2. Open

So after an extended period of noodling around doing nothing about my treasureless plight, I've decided to open an art shop!

Special Summer Offer: Art for Apparel + Familiars!

I'll take:
-Flowerfalls (no other flower apparel)
-Bloody, White, and Black wraps
-Silver and Gold steampunk
-Black, White, and Red Hoods
-Ebony and Bone Antlers
-Gem apparel
-White, black, and red birdskull apparel (no headdresses)
-Holiday/Retired stuff
-Any Feathered Wings

-Familiars I don't have

Everything is valued at AH price!

Examples and Pricing

Regular Headshot: x
250g or 100k

Lineless Headshot: x
300g or 120k

Fullbody Lineless (Simple): x
500g or 200k

Fullbody Painterly: x
750g or 300k

Fullbody Lined: x
750g or 300k

I will only take two at a time C:
1. Open
2. Open
Finished Commissions

Regular headshot of Tsarina for Zolaine
Finished Commissions

Regular headshot of Tsarina for Zolaine
@Scientist I would love some art of this spoiled little princess. This is Tsarina. [img][/img] The regular headshot for her. I am strongly considering a full body lined as well, just can't decide which dragon I'd most like one of, so that's gonna wait.

I would love some art of this spoiled little princess. This is Tsarina.


The regular headshot for her.

I am strongly considering a full body lined as well, just can't decide which dragon I'd most like one of, so that's gonna wait.
@Zolaine Got it! Would you like the tickled hyacinth in the portrait? I can't promise that I won't royally mess it up

Payment after I'm done ^^
@Zolaine Got it! Would you like the tickled hyacinth in the portrait? I can't promise that I won't royally mess it up

Payment after I'm done ^^

If the hyacinth is causing problems it can be left out, no biggie.

If the hyacinth is causing problems it can be left out, no biggie.

Here's a sketch of what the image will mostly look like when it's done:

That okay for you? Anything you'd like changed? C:

Here's a sketch of what the image will mostly look like when it's done:

That okay for you? Anything you'd like changed? C:

She's lovely! I like it very much.

She's lovely! I like it very much.
@Zolaine Just finished your commission! Here it is, feel free to send payment in treasure, gems, or a mixture of both.
@Zolaine Just finished your commission! Here it is, feel free to send payment in treasure, gems, or a mixture of both.