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TOPIC | New Game: Glimmer & Gloom!
It looks fun!!!
It looks fun!!!
Looking forward to the thundercrack carnival!
Looking forward to the thundercrack carnival!
Game is an absolute waste of time and patience, much like the rest of the fairgrounds.

Artwork is nice though.
Game is an absolute waste of time and patience, much like the rest of the fairgrounds.

Artwork is nice though.
I don't get this at all... when I get one side to only one and click it, suddenly all the others around become light. When I make moves similar to ones in the video where I click and should claim all the rest of the tiles, new tiles of the other side appear. This becomes the problem as I no longer know what side I am playing.
I don't get this at all... when I get one side to only one and click it, suddenly all the others around become light. When I make moves similar to ones in the video where I click and should claim all the rest of the tiles, new tiles of the other side appear. This becomes the problem as I no longer know what side I am playing.
I love and draw dragons and enjoy lore but my writing and art is a hidden mystery for the time being.
The artwork does look good. I wish the Sprite familiars weren't so rare/expensive. :(
The artwork does look good. I wish the Sprite familiars weren't so rare/expensive. :(
Wait... if u clicc on the tile thats one color... and the rest turn the other colorr...

then u must have a full surround colorr?

this means

h a r d
Wait... if u clicc on the tile thats one color... and the rest turn the other colorr...

then u must have a full surround colorr?

this means

h a r d
Unfortunately the new game isn't very fun. Playing it is a lot like trying to hold a slippery bar of soap in your hands and just going back and forth with which hand the soap is slipping out of. The only positive I can give the game is that it has very pretty artwork.
Unfortunately the new game isn't very fun. Playing it is a lot like trying to hold a slippery bar of soap in your hands and just going back and forth with which hand the soap is slipping out of. The only positive I can give the game is that it has very pretty artwork.
@DragonPrinceLuka Yeah... it just doesn't work.
@DragonPrinceLuka Yeah... it just doesn't work.
Yeah, no.
Yeah, no.
I hate to leave negative comments, the game is beautiful and seems innovative and interesting but I wish the fairgrounds games were worth the time to play. The same amount of time invested in the coli is much more lucrative so I don't ever bother with those games, which is a shame really. Same as the little tasks at the trading post, it's like they haven't kept up with the site's economy and the payout should really be increased. It's not worth the time to recieve what feels like pennies. This happens often with virtual pet sites in my experience.
I hate to leave negative comments, the game is beautiful and seems innovative and interesting but I wish the fairgrounds games were worth the time to play. The same amount of time invested in the coli is much more lucrative so I don't ever bother with those games, which is a shame really. Same as the little tasks at the trading post, it's like they haven't kept up with the site's economy and the payout should really be increased. It's not worth the time to recieve what feels like pennies. This happens often with virtual pet sites in my experience.