

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
@Cyvern - It will be 25kT for all three!

@FallingIcarus - 18kT for both! I don't have the Skydancer done yet, though, did you want to wait until I have that one done? ;-;

@Schicksalswende - Apparel or none? If no apparel, it'll be 17kT. With apparel, 21kT.

@sable - 14kT!

@carnivaldog - 50kT total, with apparel. ;v;

@jennarussle - I know you already sent me treasure but I was wondering if you just wanted to wait until I have Spirals and SD's done? Because I have neither done yet!

@Dragoness - 62kT! :D Also I priced the ones with skins as just normal gened dragons as they aren't too difficult!

@Lowkey - Awww, oh my gosh. ;v; What a pretty dragon! I hope I do him justice. 10kT sound reasonable?

@Kwillow - 36kT sound alright? ;^;
@Cyvern - It will be 25kT for all three!

@FallingIcarus - 18kT for both! I don't have the Skydancer done yet, though, did you want to wait until I have that one done? ;-;

@Schicksalswende - Apparel or none? If no apparel, it'll be 17kT. With apparel, 21kT.

@sable - 14kT!

@carnivaldog - 50kT total, with apparel. ;v;

@jennarussle - I know you already sent me treasure but I was wondering if you just wanted to wait until I have Spirals and SD's done? Because I have neither done yet!

@Dragoness - 62kT! :D Also I priced the ones with skins as just normal gened dragons as they aren't too difficult!

@Lowkey - Awww, oh my gosh. ;v; What a pretty dragon! I hope I do him justice. 10kT sound reasonable?

@Kwillow - 36kT sound alright? ;^;
Tumblr ! | Accent Thread ! | Fatties !
36kT sounds perfectly lovely! I'll send it over to you now.
36kT sounds perfectly lovely! I'll send it over to you now.
@AMADEUS : Apparel please, if it isn't too much trouble. I'll send over the 21k right now~
@AMADEUS : Apparel please, if it isn't too much trouble. I'll send over the 21k right now~

ahh thank you for the compliment!
I'm sure you'll do him more than enough justice with your gorgeous work ;w;
And sure, I have sent payment now
I am super excited and will definitely be ordering more at a later time, didn't want to overload you this time around!

ahh thank you for the compliment!
I'm sure you'll do him more than enough justice with your gorgeous work ;w;
And sure, I have sent payment now
I am super excited and will definitely be ordering more at a later time, didn't want to overload you this time around!

62,000 TR coming your way!
62,000 TR coming your way!
@amadeus 36k sounds good :3 I'll send it all over to you now, I think I'll forget if I don't.
@amadeus 36k sounds good :3 I'll send it all over to you now, I think I'll forget if I don't.

Monies sent! :D I can't wait!

Monies sent! :D I can't wait!
@AMADEUS; sent! :3
@AMADEUS; sent! :3
Sending moneys now! ;u;
Sending moneys now! ;u;
Artist | Cyvern's Wyverns

@AMADEUS - I never got a reply about how much it costs and what not :c Just a friendly reminder to let me know please and thank you!
@AMADEUS - I never got a reply about how much it costs and what not :c Just a friendly reminder to let me know please and thank you!
to PsychoticRomance 70834

Cute lil flyin' dergin

Kiwi's Hatchery

Tiger head linking to my carrd