

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Kay's Dragon Adopts [HIATUS]
[center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [b]Species Available:[/b] Spirals [b]Coming Soon:[/b] Pearlcatchers, Imperials, etc. [img][/img] [b]5k per dragon[/b] 8k for a pair will be roughly 90x90 signature-safe size image [b]+2k per gene[/b] meaning 4k for primary & secondary genes [b]+2k for original copy[/b] large version roughly 300x300 image [s][b]100:1 treasure/gem conversion rate[/b][/s] only accepting treasure at this time [img][/img][/center] [color=red]• [b]As of right now, I will not do tertiary genes, apparel, or skins.[/b] If I decide to in the future, accommodations will be made for existing adoptables.[/color] • Please link adoptables you get from me to this thread. • Please send your payment [b]after[/b] you receive the adoptable. • I will gladly fix mistakes for free as long as you let me know immediately. • I will make later changes to existing adoptables, but not for free. [center][img][/img] Please post order forms in this thread. Use separate forms for multiple dragons.[/center] [code][b]Username & ID:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon:[/b] [url=]click[/url] [b]Colors:[/b] primary/secondary [b]Genes:[/b] primary/secondary [b]Original Size?:[/b] yes/no [b]Facing:[/b] left/right [b]Additional Info:[/b][/code]

Species Available: Spirals
Coming Soon: Pearlcatchers, Imperials, etc.

5k per dragon
8k for a pair
will be roughly 90x90 signature-safe size image
+2k per gene
meaning 4k for primary & secondary genes
+2k for original copy
large version roughly 300x300 image
100:1 treasure/gem conversion rate
only accepting treasure at this time

As of right now, I will not do tertiary genes, apparel, or skins. If I decide to in the future, accommodations will be made for existing adoptables.
• Please link adoptables you get from me to this thread.
• Please send your payment after you receive the adoptable.
• I will gladly fix mistakes for free as long as you let me know immediately.
• I will make later changes to existing adoptables, but not for free.

Please post order forms in this thread.
Use separate forms for multiple dragons.
[b]Username & ID:[/b] [b]Link to Dragon:[/b] [url=]click[/url] [b]Colors:[/b] primary/secondary [b]Genes:[/b] primary/secondary [b]Original Size?:[/b] yes/no [b]Facing:[/b] left/right [b]Additional Info:[/b]
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[center][img][/img] Dragons with original copies are clickable! Please do not take any adoptables that are not yours. [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]

Dragons with original copies are clickable!
Please do not take any adoptables that are not yours.

tumblr_mqxxgj2P4f1rusvipo3_100.png tumblr_mqxxgj2P4f1rusvipo1_100.png
tumblr_mqxxgj2P4f1rusvipo1_100.png tumblr_mqxxgj2P4f1rusvipo5_r1_250.png tumblr_mqxxgj2P4f1rusvipo3_100.png
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@Kay Oh my gosh! They are so cute! Would you be willing to do my future spiral pair? ^_^

Username & ID: Grenshaar & 22132
Link to Dragon: click here and her mate click here
Colors: female- azure/jungle male-emerald/magenta
Genes: female- basic/freckle male-basic/basic
Original Size?: yes
Facing: female-left male-right
Additional Info:
@Kay Oh my gosh! They are so cute! Would you be willing to do my future spiral pair? ^_^

Username & ID: Grenshaar & 22132
Link to Dragon: click here and her mate click here
Colors: female- azure/jungle male-emerald/magenta
Genes: female- basic/freckle male-basic/basic
Original Size?: yes
Facing: female-left male-right
Additional Info: