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TOPIC | [Closed] Blep Babies
[center][b]Blep Babies[/b] [img][/img] [b]Shop Status [Closed for Foddart][/b] Queue - - - -[/center] [center][b]General Rules[/b][/center] [LIST] [*]I am subbed to the thread; no need to ping. You still can, it just won't be necessary. [*]Please limit your request to two dragons at a time. [*]Please wait for me to confirm your order before sending the payment. [*][b]Payment is upfront.[/b] I will not start until I have received it. You can send it through either PM or CR. [*]Please credit back to this thread or my profile. [*]Do not remove my signature. You may flip or resize it. [/LIST] [emoji=question mark size=1]Please feel free to ask questions! [center][b]Cost:[/b][/center] [b]Base cost 300g or 300kt.[/b] Ratio: 1g:1000t. Mixed payments are fine. I’ll also accept [url=]wishlist[/url] items at LAH/Marketplace Value. Size: 350x350 The expected turnaround is anywhere between a day and a week. If, for any reason, I do not foresee it being possible to complete the art within the expected timeline, I will reach out and communicate that with you. All eye types except for Button (10g), Primal (20g), and Multi-Gaze (30g) are free. Genes are broken down into complexity. I have not drawn most of them so some of them may move up or down a level. Genes are listed by their Primaries, ie Boa means Boa & Saddle, but are charged independently. [i]Genes in italics are Tertiaries.[/i] [u][b]Moderns:[/b][/u] [b]Free[/b] Piebald, [i]Underbelly, Glimmer, Stained[/i] [b]25g[/b] Bar, Chrysocolla, Clown, Fade, Falcon, Giraffe, Ground, Laced, Ribbon, Savannah, Slime, Tiger, Vipera, [i]Firefly, Capsule, Contour, Points, Smirch, Soap, Sparkle, Spines, Keel, Veined[/i] [b]50g[/b] Boa, Boulder, Cherub Fern, Jaguar, Jupiter, Leopard, Metallic, Pinstripe, Pharaoh, Python, Ripple, Skink, Speckle, Swirl, Tapir, [i]Firebreather, Ghost, Glowtail*, Okapi, Peacock, Polkadot, Thylacine *with optional glow effect![/i] [b]75g[/b] Cinder, Lionfish, Mosaic, Orb, Petals, Tide, [i]Circuit, Crackle, Filigree, Flecks, Gembond, Koi, Lace, Opal, Ringlets, Smoke, Wish[/i] [b]100g[/b] Crystal, Flaunt, Harlequin, Starmap, Stitched, Wasp [b]Currently mapped out on Moderns:[/b] Clown, Giraffe, Python, Slime, Blaze, Constellation, Foam, Flair, [i]Ghost, Glimmer, Spines, Underbelly[/i] [u][b]Ancients (Aberrations):[/b][/u] [b]Free[/b] [i]Underbelly, Glimmer, Stained[/i] [b]25g[/b] Bar, Clown, Fade, Falcon, Giraffe, Ground, Ribbon, Savannah, Slime, Vipera, [i]Braids, Fangs, Firefly, Capsule, Contour, Kumo, Scales, Smirch, Sparkle, Spines, Veined[/i] [b]50g[/b] Boa, Boulder, Cherub, Fern, Jaguar, Leopard, Pinstripe, Pharaoh, Ripple, Skink, Speckle, Swirl, Tapir, [i]Augment*, Firebreather, Ghost, Glowtail*, Jewels, Peacock, Polkadot, Thylacine *with optional glow effect![/i] [b]75g[/b] Cinder, Diamond, Lionfish, Orb, Tide, [i]Fans, Filigree, Flecks, Frills, Koi, Mucous, Polypore, Riot, Skeletal, Thorns, Wish[/i] [b]100g[/b] Crystal, Flaunt, Harlequin, Starmap, Stitched, Wasp, [i]Carnivore, Flameforger, Thundercrack[/i] [b]Currently mapped out on Ancients (Aberrations):[/b] Harlequin, Sarcophagous, [i]Augment[/i]
Blep Babies
Shop Status [Closed for Foddart]

General Rules
  • I am subbed to the thread; no need to ping. You still can, it just won't be necessary.
  • Please limit your request to two dragons at a time.
  • Please wait for me to confirm your order before sending the payment.
  • Payment is upfront. I will not start until I have received it. You can send it through either PM or CR.
  • Please credit back to this thread or my profile.
  • Do not remove my signature. You may flip or resize it.

Please feel free to ask questions!
Base cost 300g or 300kt. Ratio: 1g:1000t. Mixed payments are fine. I’ll also accept wishlist items at LAH/Marketplace Value.

Size: 350x350

The expected turnaround is anywhere between a day and a week. If, for any reason, I do not foresee it being possible to complete the art within the expected timeline, I will reach out and communicate that with you.

All eye types except for Button (10g), Primal (20g), and Multi-Gaze (30g) are free.

Genes are broken down into complexity. I have not drawn most of them so some of them may move up or down a level. Genes are listed by their Primaries, ie Boa means Boa & Saddle, but are charged independently. Genes in italics are Tertiaries.



Piebald, Underbelly, Glimmer, Stained


Bar, Chrysocolla, Clown, Fade, Falcon, Giraffe, Ground, Laced, Ribbon, Savannah, Slime, Tiger, Vipera, Firefly, Capsule, Contour, Points, Smirch, Soap, Sparkle, Spines, Keel, Veined


Boa, Boulder, Cherub Fern, Jaguar, Jupiter, Leopard, Metallic, Pinstripe, Pharaoh, Python, Ripple, Skink, Speckle, Swirl, Tapir, Firebreather, Ghost, Glowtail*, Okapi, Peacock, Polkadot, Thylacine
*with optional glow effect!


Cinder, Lionfish, Mosaic, Orb, Petals, Tide, Circuit, Crackle, Filigree, Flecks, Gembond, Koi, Lace, Opal, Ringlets, Smoke, Wish


Crystal, Flaunt, Harlequin, Starmap, Stitched, Wasp

Currently mapped out on Moderns:
Clown, Giraffe, Python, Slime, Blaze, Constellation, Foam, Flair, Ghost, Glimmer, Spines, Underbelly

Ancients (Aberrations):


Underbelly, Glimmer, Stained


Bar, Clown, Fade, Falcon, Giraffe, Ground, Ribbon, Savannah, Slime, Vipera, Braids, Fangs, Firefly, Capsule, Contour, Kumo, Scales, Smirch, Sparkle, Spines, Veined


Boa, Boulder, Cherub, Fern, Jaguar, Leopard, Pinstripe, Pharaoh, Ripple, Skink, Speckle, Swirl, Tapir, Augment*, Firebreather, Ghost, Glowtail*, Jewels, Peacock, Polkadot, Thylacine
*with optional glow effect!


Cinder, Diamond, Lionfish, Orb, Tide, Fans, Filigree, Flecks, Frills, Koi, Mucous, Polypore, Riot, Skeletal, Thorns, Wish


Crystal, Flaunt, Harlequin, Starmap, Stitched, Wasp, Carnivore, Flameforger, Thundercrack

Currently mapped out on Ancients (Aberrations):
Harlequin, Sarcophagous, Augment
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.
[center][b]Examples[/b] [url=][img][/img] [/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img]
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.


Gonna make this a little interactive! There are 24 different breeds of dragons, 9 of which are Ancients… that’s a lot of line art, genes, and color to sift through and draw out. So, to unlock any new breed, they’ll have to be purchased separately.

To permanently unlock one Ancient breed

To permanently unlock one Modern breed

If you’d like to sponsor a new breed, kindly send me a PM with the title [Sponsership] with however much you’d like to donate and a note of whether you are funding a Modern or Ancient breed. Once enough has been collected, I’ll send out a poll for about a week to see which breed you guys want next!

I’m open to doing permababy skin/accents for these guys. Depending on complexity, it’ll range from 100g to 500g. There’ll only be a 25g charge if I have already drawn it.


Gonna make this a little interactive! There are 24 different breeds of dragons, 9 of which are Ancients… that’s a lot of line art, genes, and color to sift through and draw out. So, to unlock any new breed, they’ll have to be purchased separately.

To permanently unlock one Ancient breed

To permanently unlock one Modern breed

If you’d like to sponsor a new breed, kindly send me a PM with the title [Sponsership] with however much you’d like to donate and a note of whether you are funding a Modern or Ancient breed. Once enough has been collected, I’ll send out a poll for about a week to see which breed you guys want next!

I’m open to doing permababy skin/accents for these guys. Depending on complexity, it’ll range from 100g to 500g. There’ll only be a 25g charge if I have already drawn it.
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.
[center][b]Completed Orders[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Completed Orders
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.
And just in case... another reserve.
And just in case... another reserve.
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.
oh goodness oh no these are so cute- [url=][img][/img][/url] would love one of my boy <3 [img][/img] no apparel, however, would you be able to add lower lid eyelashes? and a beauty mark on the corner next to the right eye (so his left eye) he is a fan dragon of Dante from Vanitas no carte if that helps any
oh goodness oh no these are so cute-

would love one of my boy <3

no apparel, however, would you be able to add lower lid eyelashes? and a beauty mark on the corner next to the right eye (so his left eye) he is a fan dragon of Dante from Vanitas no carte if that helps any
pSAdiwg.png BQv1Ag9.png
@sorbetkitty Yeah I can do that! That'll be a total of 425g/kt!
@sorbetkitty Yeah I can do that! That'll be a total of 425g/kt!
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.
payment sent!
payment sent!
pSAdiwg.png BQv1Ag9.png
[center][emoji=cat 3 size=1][/center]
vsz4f3l.pngMost active during 10:00 - 22:00 FR time.