@yseralline You math'd right! 95k for this pretty!
yseralline You math'd right! 95k for this pretty!
Could I please get a ping when you finish Pinstripe/Trail?
Could I please get a ping when you finish Pinstripe/Trail?
SinisterSir I complete genes on a need-by-order basis, so if you have a scry/dragon with trail and/or pinstripe, feel free to place an order!
SinisterSir I complete genes on a need-by-order basis, so if you have a scry/dragon with trail and/or pinstripe, feel free to place an order!
Oh cool!
1) Dragon:[img]http://flightrising.com/dgen/preview/dragon?age=1&body=130&bodygene=22&breed=1&element=9&gender=1&tert=99&tertgene=18&winggene=22&wings=170&auth=53bd7ec65d4aebc2c95ab804629c8691c1cdf006&dummyext=prev.png[/img]
I hope a scy is okay, Radioactive\Fuschia\Robin
2) Genes: Pinstripe\Trail\Capsule
3) Anything else: Flower color can be anything bright
4) Payment type: Treasure
Oh cool!
1) Dragon:
I hope a scy is okay, Radioactive\Fuschia\Robin
2) Genes: Pinstripe\Trail\Capsule
3) Anything else: Flower color can be anything bright
4) Payment type: Treasure
@SinisterSir 100kt for this pretty! I hope the color of the flower is electric enough!
SinisterSir 100kt for this pretty! I hope the color of the flower is electric enough!
Scorporious may i be on the pingslist? I would like to order one in the future and don't want to lose the thread. I would appreciate it :)
Scorporious may i be on the pingslist? I would like to order one in the future and don't want to lose the thread. I would appreciate it :)
1) Dragon:[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=24271392]
2) Genes: Iri / Shimmer / Glimmer
4) Payment type: [b]Gems[/b]
1) Dragon:
2) Genes: Iri / Shimmer / Glimmer
4) Payment type:
@EliasAinsworth 80g for this pretty!
EliasAinsworth 80g for this pretty!