

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Drytil's Adopts (Closed)
1 2 ... 19 20 21 22 23 ... 143 144
Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: blood
Secondary Color: blood
Tertiary Color: abyss
Tertiary Gene: scales
Eyes: fire (orange?)
Payment: treasure

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: gloom
Secondary Color: smoke
Tertiary Color: moon
Tertiary Gene: runes
Eyes: ice (white?)
Payment: gems

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: aqua
Secondary Color: aqua
Tertiary Color: buttercup
Tertiary Gene: glimmer
Eyes: lightning (teal?)
Payment: gems

Total 100g and 40k t
Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: blood
Secondary Color: blood
Tertiary Color: abyss
Tertiary Gene: scales
Eyes: fire (orange?)
Payment: treasure

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: gloom
Secondary Color: smoke
Tertiary Color: moon
Tertiary Gene: runes
Eyes: ice (white?)
Payment: gems

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: aqua
Secondary Color: aqua
Tertiary Color: buttercup
Tertiary Gene: glimmer
Eyes: lightning (teal?)
Payment: gems

Total 100g and 40k t
@Xotik @VagabondSentinel
Orders confirmed! :D

Order confirmed and added! <3
@Xotik @VagabondSentinel
Orders confirmed! :D

Order confirmed and added! <3
JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: black
Secondary Color: maroon
Tertiary Color: maize
Tertiary Gene: crackle
Eyes: shadow
Payment: gems

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: Phthalo
Secondary Color: teal
Tertiary Color: robin
Tertiary Gene: lace
Eyes: ice
Payment: gems

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: gloom
Secondary Color: charcoal
Tertiary Color: lavender
Tertiary Gene: runes
Eyes: nature
Payment: gems

Adopt: Featherblade
Primary Color: crimson
Secondary Color: mulberry
Tertiary Color: ivory
Eye: water
Extras: primary crimson petals gradient, secondary mulberry shimmer gradient(?)
Payment: gems

Total: 200 gems if I'm correct?

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: black
Secondary Color: maroon
Tertiary Color: maize
Tertiary Gene: crackle
Eyes: shadow
Payment: gems

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: Phthalo
Secondary Color: teal
Tertiary Color: robin
Tertiary Gene: lace
Eyes: ice
Payment: gems

Adopt: Lantern
Type: Default
Primary Color: gloom
Secondary Color: charcoal
Tertiary Color: lavender
Tertiary Gene: runes
Eyes: nature
Payment: gems

Adopt: Featherblade
Primary Color: crimson
Secondary Color: mulberry
Tertiary Color: ivory
Eye: water
Extras: primary crimson petals gradient, secondary mulberry shimmer gradient(?)
Payment: gems

Total: 200 gems if I'm correct?
@Drytil - Thanks! I just realized you were allowing orders larger than 5 adopts, could I order one more?
@Drytil - Thanks! I just realized you were allowing orders larger than 5 adopts, could I order one more?
Sure! I'll be heading to bed now though, but I'll confirm it once I get back on!
Sure! I'll be heading to bed now though, but I'll confirm it once I get back on!
JNfvHTf.png FAqTCzx.png NvI7dqY.png

Do you by any chance do custom colours for the swords? I'd love to get swords for my farmer trio but one of them happens to have a skin and the colours don't completely match to FR colourwheel so I thought to ask. I can do a colour approximation if custom one is out of the question, these three deserve some great art ^ ^

Do you by any chance do custom colours for the swords? I'd love to get swords for my farmer trio but one of them happens to have a skin and the colours don't completely match to FR colourwheel so I thought to ask. I can do a colour approximation if custom one is out of the question, these three deserve some great art ^ ^
@Drytil Thanks! I'll add it here to avoid confusion.
Adopt: Flower Brooch
Primary Color: Honeydew
Secondary Color: Stonewash
Tertiary Color: Crocodile
Eye: Light
Extras: (Added gradient color for Primary/Secondary if wanted)
Payment: t

I think that brings me to 240kt total.
@Drytil Thanks! I'll add it here to avoid confusion.
Adopt: Flower Brooch
Primary Color: Honeydew
Secondary Color: Stonewash
Tertiary Color: Crocodile
Eye: Light
Extras: (Added gradient color for Primary/Secondary if wanted)
Payment: t

I think that brings me to 240kt total.

Adopt: Rapier
Primary Color: Splash
Secondary Color: Phthalo
Tertiary Color: Eggplant
Eye: Ice
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Gems

Adopt: Wingblade
Primary Color: Nightshade
Secondary Color: Peacock
Tertiary Color: Azure
Eye: Arcane
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Gems

Adopt: Cyberblade
Primary Color: Teal
Secondary Color: Cherry
Tertiary Color: Flaxen
Eye: Light
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Gems

Adopt: Rapier
Primary Color: Splash
Secondary Color: Phthalo
Tertiary Color: Eggplant
Eye: Ice
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Gems

Adopt: Wingblade
Primary Color: Nightshade
Secondary Color: Peacock
Tertiary Color: Azure
Eye: Arcane
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Gems

Adopt: Cyberblade
Primary Color: Teal
Secondary Color: Cherry
Tertiary Color: Flaxen
Eye: Light
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Gems
You are
my child
...created when I
breathed life into
@Drytil How did I not see this yet? May I please be on your pinglist so I can throw money at you?
@Drytil How did I not see this yet? May I please be on your pinglist so I can throw money at you?
7GZL67L.pngZ1RkWWM.pngWj3N42A.pngM8iaT63.png qm3ofwD.png
Adopt: Cyberblade
Primary Color: Obsidian
Secondary Color: Midnight (Daub gradient)
Tertiary Color: Leaf
Eye: Ice
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Treasure

Adopt: Wingblade
Primary Color: Maroon
Secondary Color: Platinum
Tertiary Color: Blood
Eye: Nature
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Treasure

Adopt: Rapier
Primary Color: Ice
Secondary Color: Stonewash
Tertiary Color: Royal
Eye: Arcane
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Treasure
Adopt: Cyberblade
Primary Color: Obsidian
Secondary Color: Midnight (Daub gradient)
Tertiary Color: Leaf
Eye: Ice
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Treasure

Adopt: Wingblade
Primary Color: Maroon
Secondary Color: Platinum
Tertiary Color: Blood
Eye: Nature
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Treasure

Adopt: Rapier
Primary Color: Ice
Secondary Color: Stonewash
Tertiary Color: Royal
Eye: Arcane
Extras: Gradient
Payment: Treasure
1 2 ... 19 20 21 22 23 ... 143 144