@Seijuurou i'm going to have to wait till i get money again I just spent all of my treasure and gems on genes and breed change scrolls ;><
Username: Kaidan
Dragon: (direct link, or image + listed genes)
Iridescent || Butterfly || Underbelly
Apparel: n/a
Other: Paying with treasure. If I did the math correctly, it would come out to be 50kt? (Iridescent and Butterfly are both 10kt??)[/center]
@Kaidan Your adoptable has been finished, please pick it up!
* Seijuurou
* FR time +16!
Username: Frillshark
Dragon: [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=19561292]
Apparel: [item=Celadon Silk Veil]
Other: This would be about 60,000t, correct~?