

Create, adopt, or show off your adoptables.
TOPIC | Rune's Siggy Sitters [closed]
[center] [img][/img] [size=5] [s]open[/s] | [b]closed[/b][/size] [b]Base price: 10,000T or 16 gems[/b] all genes are free (uncompleted ones may take a little longer to make though) These are my first adoptables so please be kind. Also I plan to add more new breeds at a later date so suggestions on which you'd like are helpful! [size=5][b]slots:[/b][/size] 1-open 2-open 3-open 4-open 5-open 6-open 7-open 8-open 9-open 10-open --- [size=5][b]Rules:[/b][/size] [b]1- You can order up to 3 dragons at one time[/b] [b]2- no skins or apparel.[/b] maybe in the future I will start doing those but for now I'll only make naked dergs [b]3- payment upfront[/b] so that I don't get all mixed around and topsy turvy and forget who hasn't paid. Please send payment after I have accepted your order. Your order should be finished within a week of placing it [b]4- No claiming these as your own.[/b] for my examples I have my user ID in the corner which I will remove for my orders but this doesn't mean you can claim my art as yours (however you may put these wherever you wish and upload them to any site so long as I'm given credit) [b]5- No using an adopt unless you were the one to order it or own the dragon it was made for[/b] [size=5][b]Available Genes:[/b][/size] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol][size=4][b]skydancer:[/b][/size] [b]Primary-[/b] Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Piebald, Poison, Giraffe [b]secondary-[/b]Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Peregrine, Paint, Butterfly, toxin [b]Tertiary-[/b] Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4][b]imperial:[/b][/size] [b]Primary-[/b] Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Poison [b]secondary-[/b]Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Toxin [b]Tertiary-[/b] Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4][b]coatl:[/b][/size] [b]Primary-[/b] Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Piebald, Poison [b]secondary-[/b]Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Paint, Butterfly, Toxin [b]Tertiary-[/b] Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4][b]wildclaw:[/b][/size] [b]Primary-[/b] Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Petals [b]secondary-[/b]Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Butterfly, Peregrine [b]Tertiary-[/b] Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained [/columns] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4][b]Spiral:[/b][/size] [b]Primary-[/b] Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Poison [b]secondary-[/b]Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Toxin [b]Tertiary-[/b] Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Stained [/columns] examples of what all the genes look like here- [url=]>clicky<[/url][/center] [quote=order form] @darkrune Image and link to dragon: facing left or right: payment type(treasure or gems): Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): [/quote]

open | closed
Base price: 10,000T or 16 gems
all genes are free
(uncompleted ones may take a little longer to make though)

These are my first adoptables so please be kind. Also I plan to add more new breeds at a later date so suggestions on which you'd like are helpful!




1- You can order up to 3 dragons at one time
2- no skins or apparel. maybe in the future I will start doing those but for now I'll only make naked dergs
3- payment upfront so that I don't get all mixed around and topsy turvy and forget who hasn't paid. Please send payment after I have accepted your order. Your order should be finished within a week of placing it
4- No claiming these as your own. for my examples I have my user ID in the corner which I will remove for my orders but this doesn't mean you can claim my art as yours (however you may put these wherever you wish and upload them to any site so long as I'm given credit)
5- No using an adopt unless you were the one to order it or own the dragon it was made for

Available Genes:
tumblr_nwhgz0jYYf1ujz7f3o1_250.gif skydancer:
Primary- Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Piebald, Poison, Giraffe
secondary-Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Peregrine, Paint, Butterfly, toxin
Tertiary- Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained
tumblr_nx7a7jMXSL1ujz7f3o1_250.gif imperial:
Primary- Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Poison
secondary-Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Toxin
Tertiary- Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained
tumblr_o0vp0oONMW1ujz7f3o1_250.gif coatl:
Primary- Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Piebald, Poison
secondary-Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Paint, Butterfly, Toxin
Tertiary- Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained
tumblr_o2w9hyezz81ujz7f3o1_250.gif wildclaw:
Primary- Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Petals
secondary-Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Butterfly, Peregrine
Tertiary- Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Thylacine, Stained
tumblr_o8aqu37dKl1ujz7f3o1_250.png Spiral:
Primary- Basic, Tiger, Clown, Speckle, Ripple, Bar, Vipera, Iridescent, Crystal, Cherub, Poison
secondary-Basic, Stripe, Eyespots, Freckle, Current, Daub, Hypnotic, Shimmer, Seraph, Facet, Toxin
Tertiary- Basic, Underbelly, Circuit, Gembound, Crackle, Smoke, Spines, Okapi, Glimmer, Stained

examples of what all the genes look like here- >clicky<

order form wrote:

Image and link to dragon:
facing left or right:
payment type(treasure or gems):
Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect):
. . . . tumblr_inline_prbs2nvhK61qh4vob_500.png . . . .
♣ Art Shop
♦ Adoptables

. . . . tumblr_inline_prbznf9HXy1qh4vob_500.png
[center][size=5][b]recent examples:[/b][/size][/center] [columns][center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [nextcol][center][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][size=5][b]Pinglists[/b][/size] (writing these broken so I don't accidently ping anyone)[/center] [size=4][b]Pinglist for open slots:[/b][/size] @ catmashiin @ GlacierFalls @ ClearLakes44 @ benjalinguinie @ nockyong @ gyroids [size=4][b]General updates pinglist:[/b][/size] @ Asphyxia @ SushiKitteh @ Ressing @ lopika @ Atzien @ Soni @ dragoninmywagon @ Cyrya @ Cuivienen @ CapriceNoir @ Nerak55 @ Minxwolfie @ lilylyric @ MaribelEmerson @ noctowlette @ benjalinguinie [size=4][b]Pinglist for new breeds:[/b][/size] all- @ SamuelMaybird @ Starfait @ Needtoscribble @ gryffindor819 @ Maymari @ Toriel @ alphasapphire @ Stormdragon @ ShadowFeather @ Mattykips @ Prophecy @ Cyrya @ evapples @ Selki @ Scarvez @ Mimas mirror- @ SamuelMaybird @ Clowny pearlcatcher- @ unusualKitten @ lopika @ JurassicPark @ bonevine nocturne- @ Starfait fae- @ Heartmane @ Ukira @ JurassicPark @ SinnamonRoll @ GEMlNl [size=4][b]Pinglist for skins/accents:[/b][/size] @ somnolentcypress @ dualscepters @ Asphyxia @ Simply @ Needtoscribble @ Pachirisu @ Cyrya @ Tiriea @ Britty [size=4][b]Pinglist for apparel:[/b][/size] @ Asphyxia @ Simply @ momiji @ Heartmane @ Needtoscribble @ Ukira @ Pachirisu @ ShadowFeather @ DraweeDragon @ Charingo @ Cyrya @ Hekmatyar
recent examples:

(writing these broken so I don't accidently ping anyone)
Pinglist for open slots:
@ catmashiin @ GlacierFalls @ ClearLakes44 @ benjalinguinie @ nockyong @ gyroids

General updates pinglist:
@ Asphyxia @ SushiKitteh @ Ressing @ lopika @ Atzien @ Soni @ dragoninmywagon @ Cyrya @ Cuivienen @ CapriceNoir @ Nerak55 @ Minxwolfie @ lilylyric @ MaribelEmerson @ noctowlette @ benjalinguinie

Pinglist for new breeds:
all- @ SamuelMaybird @ Starfait @ Needtoscribble @ gryffindor819 @ Maymari @ Toriel @ alphasapphire @ Stormdragon @ ShadowFeather @ Mattykips @ Prophecy @ Cyrya @ evapples @ Selki @ Scarvez @ Mimas
mirror- @ SamuelMaybird @ Clowny
pearlcatcher- @ unusualKitten @ lopika @ JurassicPark @ bonevine
nocturne- @ Starfait
fae- @ Heartmane @ Ukira @ JurassicPark @ SinnamonRoll @ GEMlNl

Pinglist for skins/accents:
@ somnolentcypress
@ dualscepters
@ Asphyxia
@ Simply
@ Needtoscribble
@ Pachirisu
@ Cyrya
@ Tiriea
@ Britty

Pinglist for apparel:
@ Asphyxia
@ Simply
@ momiji
@ Heartmane
@ Needtoscribble
@ Ukira
@ Pachirisu
@ ShadowFeather
@ DraweeDragon
@ Charingo
@ Cyrya
@ Hekmatyar
. . . . tumblr_inline_prbs2nvhK61qh4vob_500.png . . . .
♣ Art Shop
♦ Adoptables

. . . . tumblr_inline_prbznf9HXy1qh4vob_500.png
[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=5][b]affiliates:[/b][/size] Feel free to ask me to be affiliates! [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]


Feel free to ask me to be affiliates!


. . . . tumblr_inline_prbs2nvhK61qh4vob_500.png . . . .
♣ Art Shop
♦ Adoptables

. . . . tumblr_inline_prbznf9HXy1qh4vob_500.png
@darkrune Image and link to dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Without apparel) [img][/img] facing left or right: Left payment type(treasure or gems): Gems Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): Nope~

Image and link to dragon:


(Without apparel)
facing left or right: Left
payment type(treasure or gems): Gems
Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): Nope~
[center]@darkrune [b]Image and link to dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]facing left or right:[/b] the right if that's okay! [b]payment type(treasure or gems):[/b] treasure [s][b]Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect):[/b][/s] [b]Image and link to dragon:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]facing left or right:[/b] the left if that's okay! [b]payment type(treasure or gems):[/b] treasure [s][b]Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect):[/b][/s] Thank you, your adopts are lovely![/center]

Image and link to dragon:


facing left or right: the right if that's okay!
payment type(treasure or gems): treasure
Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect):

Image and link to dragon:


facing left or right: the left if that's okay!
payment type(treasure or gems): treasure
Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect):

Thank you, your adopts are lovely!
@darkrune Image and link to dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] facing left or right: Left payment type(treasure or gems): Treasure Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): Nope Image and link to dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] facing left or right: Right payment type(treasure or gems): Gems Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): Nope

Image and link to dragon:


facing left or right: Left
payment type(treasure or gems): Treasure
Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): Nope

Image and link to dragon:


facing left or right: Right
payment type(treasure or gems): Gems
Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): Nope
@darkrune Image and link to dragon: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] facing left or right: right, please! payment type(treasure or gems): treasure Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): nope! Although... If/when you get Cherub and Imperials under your belt, I'd like a ping. This one's mate is an Imp, and my Cherub pair is an SD and an Imp too. o3o

Image and link to dragon:


facing left or right: right, please!
payment type(treasure or gems): treasure
Notes(any other genes you want, different eye colour, ect): nope!

Although... If/when you get Cherub and Imperials under your belt, I'd like a ping. This one's mate is an Imp, and my Cherub pair is an SD and an Imp too. o3o


Thank you all so much for ordering!!

And since you're my first customers I'll give you half off for the price!

So that'll be 8 gems for this gorgeous armoured gal

It's 10k for the both of them ^w^

They'll be 5,000 T and 8 gems together

She will cost 5,000 T and I've added you to my pinglists. I actually hope to do cherub real soon so you shouldn't have to wait too long for that :3
Thank you all so much for ordering!!

And since you're my first customers I'll give you half off for the price!

So that'll be 8 gems for this gorgeous armoured gal

It's 10k for the both of them ^w^

They'll be 5,000 T and 8 gems together

She will cost 5,000 T and I've added you to my pinglists. I actually hope to do cherub real soon so you shouldn't have to wait too long for that :3
. . . . tumblr_inline_prbs2nvhK61qh4vob_500.png . . . .
♣ Art Shop
♦ Adoptables

. . . . tumblr_inline_prbznf9HXy1qh4vob_500.png

Oh wow, thank you~!

Treasure and gems have been sent!

Oh wow, thank you~!

Treasure and gems have been sent!

Awesome! Sending treasure now. :3

Awesome! Sending treasure now. :3

