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Personal Style


Beekeeper's Swarm
Marva's Invisibility Cloak




5.26 m
4.53 m
449.47 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Apr 15, 2024
(1 month)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


A Written History of The Flock



The Origins, from The Historian wrote:
I was born on the outskirts of the wyrmwound. My first memory is of a delicate dragon, similar to my hatchling size, crawling past me, flitting into the wyrmwound, straight into the festering plague. My instincts told me to move on after this odd occurence, and yet I did not; for the first years of my life, I remained around the Wyrmwound, watching dragon after dragon travel into the ooze and none return—that is, none except for the same dragon I saw that first day of my life. She was no longer the cat-sized thing I had seen at birth, instead she was a giant, writhing beast that had mold flourishing on her hide and infection bleaching her hair. She was a beast, and yet her eyes shone with intelligence. She had a mission, and I decided in that moment to follow her, documenting the mysterious energy that draws both I and others in...



The First Followers wrote:
Shortly after I began my journey after this being, I experienced the beginning of a phenomena. She had, of coursed, noticed my companionship at this point; and yet, despite the hunger in her caving belly, she did not eat me. She tossed me scraps of food that she desperately needed, a kindness unexpected from one borne of Plague. It had been another normal day, with her traveling across the boneyards, when a two-headed dragon appeared. His hide clattered and sung with bones that decorated him as he immediately flew into a bow, the heaving of his chest showing that he had been pursuing the being for a while. The being looked down at him, her numerous eyes all closing in on him. In that moment, a message was shared through these two dragons, one that I was not privy to; and then, for the first time, I heard the divine beast speak; "Wenshen." The aberration took this word with a sort of joy I only saw in starving animals before a feast, uttering back a single word in return; "Apep!" And then there were two, Apep offering Wenshen meal after meal, and Wenshen continuing to toss me scraps. And then a third dragon appeared, covered in robes and bones of his own, the sole one who did not react with hostility at that strange dank place of the Massive Skull, and instead seemed to share that same communication that Apep had all those weeks ago, and we discovered that his name was Osiris. Osiris did not take as kindly to me as Wenshen did, and Apep did not acknowledge me—however still I remained, a sort of omen for when Wenshen would appear, and when that first crowd of nomads gathered around me to ask about Wenshen, that is when I realized that I was experiencing the start of something powerful.



The Discovery wrote:
I, admittedly, was not aware of what exactly Wenshen's mission was the first time I saw her. However, as we left Plague and traversed into Earth, I realized that she was acting on some primal instinct, acting the same way a queen hamble does when she goes off on her own. Wenshen was looking for her own hive to claim, some home for herself—and we, this ragtag group of dragons and a not-quite-dragon were her workers, dedicated to herself. Yes, I will admit—what started as curiosity has grown into fondness. Back to the topic, we wandered far into Earth, following her into the deep crevices that seemed to never end, growing closer and closer to the Grand Pillar—until she suddenly stopped, dipping her head into a cave and disappearing. The three of us followed, shocked to see a grand ancient shrine, scrawlings written into each side in Olde Tongue that Osiris identified as Old Plague. And so the Shrine of Wenshen was discovered, hidden away yet somehow always being found by those who had the same goal of conquering. I reside here now, hidden in the shrine away from newcomers, known fondly only as "The Historian". May my time here be plentiful and glorious...



Excerpts From the Arrivals wrote:
Many eventually came to reside in the flowering wastelands, and if I gave an essay like I gave everything else than I would use all the paper and bone in Mother land. May these shortened excerpts of each event show the effect of each dragon (at least, each dragon I deemed important enough) had on the growth of The Flock.
The First of Many wrote:
I can not remember the specific order of all those who came to reside above the shrine in the flowering Earth, however I do remember the first; an eccentric aberration by the name of Murkbird. She appeared one day at the top of the crag, only noticed when Apep went to gather food for Wenshen. She was certainly odd, and tried to kill me the moment she saw me resting beside the God; maybe that is why I remember her so clearly, as she is the reason I had to begin sleeping with the sheep as a guardian rather than as the shrine's dog. She was the one to suggest a business out of our rather scenic position, and went to gather the flocks that would become the basis of our economy. In a both surprising yet expected twist, she did not become a shepherd—rather, the madam would rather spin wool and tell tales than care for the origin of her product.
A Quiet Arrival wrote:
When Clash first arrived, she was surrounded by the lambs. She greeted me as a shepherd, and immediately this was a dragon I knew needed to stay. She was met by Murkbird, who took in her bloodied figure, fake attachments clearly fashioned from dragons long deceased and fitted very recently, and welcomed her with open arms. Thus came the lover of lambs, Clash—a tender heart who, while not as fond of Wenshen as others, still shows surprising dedication that has be attached...or maybe its the respect to a fellow shepherd, who saw me resting with the ewes as a sign of peace. Regardless, that day we earned our first shepherd, and with it a diligent caretaker of the lambs.
Eclipsed Omen wrote:
One day, one of our moons covered the sun. It was a spectacle that none in our flock had expected, but that I had later learned was common knowledge by most others. Right as the moon fully covered, a rather... pink dragon emerged in the growing shadow. He was a towering thing, rather full of leg, yet the moment he saw any trace of hostility or fear within the sheep he was apologizing, a nervous grin on his face. His name was Totality, and while he was not skilled at being a shepherd, he was quite well off caring for those that could not move with the flock—namely, he cared for the elder and youngest sheep, happy to reside underneath a rare tree surrounded by them, his own flowers blooming wonderfully. An odd addition, but a welcome one.
Emergence wrote:
The ancient of Plague had revealed itself to us many years ago—it was only expected that the one of earth would arrive, as well. She had tunneled straight into the crevasse, tumbling down, down, down until he landed in front of the shrine. With the grace of a newborn lamb, she bared her fangs and demanded freedom despite never being imprisoned. Osiris wanted her killed for the accusation, but Wenshen welcomed her with a gentle flick of her grand tail. Rhia once hated us, but always adored Wenshen, something that annoyed Osiris but brought glee to Apep, who was so happy to see proof that anyone could love Wenshen. She, unlike Totality, was incredibly skilled at dealing with sheep, and immediately took the occupation of a shepherd—our first true shepherd! The job eased her temper towards us, and while she may never see me as equal, she is a decent companion to sit by and enjoy the sunset.
Ancient Among Us wrote:
Delano's appearance shocked every member here—even Wenshen seemed surprised at his appearance. He was older than all of us combined, only born a few years after the creation of his breed, already affiliated with the enemy of his ancestor's origin. He merely wandered in one day, skull covering his gaze, pelt covered in pristine pelts that spoke volumes of his skill and prowess—it is not often a Wildclaw is so skilled that they can eliminate someone without a drop of blood. This was the first dragon Osiris wanted to join, however whether that be because of his obsession with history or because he saw immediately how strong an ally Delano would be (or both), an eagerness that led to his immediate admittance, even if he had never asked to join, scarred and aged face showing confusion as he was welcomed in with open talons. He was offered a place in the shrine amongst Wenshen and Osiris and Apep, however he refused it, having no desire to participate in what he called a "cult". Instead, (since he was also not skilled with the enormous flocks of sheep we had at this point) he was assigned as an auctioneer, many stopping by just to gawk at his age and leaving with an entire flock themselves.
The Oracle wrote:
The Guard Dog wrote:
Atlas wrote:



Those Lost wrote:
Of course, with every dragon that was welcomed into the Flock, there were many that I shall not mention that would only be remembered as intruders. Any who were not of Plague were not favored by Wenshen, and thus they were killed on sight, typically by either a high priest or a loyal and eager follower. Our corner of the Breach became known as a place of certain death, even if no dragon ever truly discovered that it was us that resided here—they only saw the sheep, and it wasn't any of the caretakers who killed, surely? Any who came to question about the deaths were met with tall tales of rogue animals and familiars, and I even partook in spooking off daring hatchlings. This land is for Plague, and one day it will all belong to Wenshen, for the glory of the Plaguebringer.


Created by Sons
The Hierarchy of The Flock

16440.png The Survivor
The one who started it all, Wenshen has been dubbed by a plethora of names by her following; the Survivor is merely one of her names.
94052786p.png WENSHENshrine leader
After her long journey to find a shrine, Wenshen has resided in her holy place ever since it's discovery. While she has not spoken since her first introductions to her loyal priests, she still finds ways to communicate: For example, she tends to approves newcomers with a twitch and sentence them to death with a nod. She seems to enjoy The Historian's presence, and is the sole reason that he has not been seized and eaten by the other members of the Flock. Her massive size tends to intimidate even the most arrogant ridgeback.

21403.png The High Priests
These two are the most loyal to Wenshen out of every other dragon in the cult. Apep was the first, but Osiris was quick to become just as if not more dedicated once he learned of Wenshen's story. Both reside in Wenshen's shrine as caretakers and cleaners.
94052787p.png APEPhigh priest
Apep was there when the seedscar began to take over Plague. Only a young hatchling at the time, the event—which took the lives of his pack—has deeply troubled him, and left him desperate for a way to get vengeance, hoping that any sort would give him peace of mind. He heard of Wenshen while hunting, and immediately abandoned his prey to find her. He has undoubtedly been her most loyal follower, however he does not care about spreading her message—instead, he rather spend time directly worshipping her, such as through offerings or through maintaining her shrine.
94052466p.png OSIRIShigh priest
Osiris was the sole dragon to properly greet the leviathan Wenshen when she appeared outside of the Undercroft. Up to that point, he had grown restless in his then-current life, a son to a highly honored leader, one who only used her son as a status symbol. He felt as though his pack and nearly every other in the Undercroft had lost sight of Plaguebringer's true purpose for their existence, a purpose that he was delighted to rediscover the moment Wenshen appeared. He is very dedicated to spreading her message, and finds Apep to be like a father.

192.png The Oracle
Just barely being saved from the Auction house from Delano, Bao—or, The Oracle as many call them, has a home within the shrine yet is only able to be found under Delano's wing, much to even her surprise. Whether it be the gift of prophecy or the cause behind the glow in her eyes, she will forever be a hatchling.
94962450p.png BAOoracle
Hatched by chance and saved by Delano, Bao will never live the same footsteps as they've flockmates. From hatching, she's been given a destiny unique to her—the destiny of a oracle, of a prophet. They will always be trapped in the body of a hatchling only a few days old, yet their intelligence catches all off guard. She has learned about the world and it's cruelties and kindness through their visions, and while they would never say anything, they do not find Wenshen impressive in the slightest—the phenomena that they all thought was unique to Wenshen had happened multiple times each year, and has led Bao to grow bitter that this is the life they will be trapped in until Wenshen falls like all others.

35256.png The Lamb
The most loyal are fondly called Lambs by the High Priests. These are the dragons that would easily sacrifice their life for Wenshen, and find the idea of following her into the Wyrmwound to be of the highest honor, even if she would be the only one to exit alive.
74827051p.png MURKBIRDwool spinner
Certainly an oddity, Murkbird could have been a third priest had she not dedicated herself to her craft. She loves business, and enjoys haggling with passing dragons.
94388127p.png RHIAshepherd
Unaware of the conflicts that existed before her, Rhia simply wishes to live as a shepherd. She loves Wenshen, and is in training to be a priest once there is an opening.
95212489p.png ATLASshepherd
Atlas matches Lycaon in terms of chaoticness, however the main difference is that Atlas will never be somebody's dog, and may he show mercy for any who calls him such.
94182217p.png TOTALITYsheep tender
More shy if anything, Totality has an odd obsession with those around him liking him. He often speaks of the lambs like they are fellow dragons, and cries when they are sold.
94967448p.png LYCAONguardian
Lycaon is the guard dog of the territory. Born of the wyrmwound with a doggish face to match, Lycaon's loyalty and ferocity has led to her being called a mutt more than she realizes.

16438.png The Sheep
While still loyal, the Sheep are more reluctant to give up their life. These dragons tend to be more pragmatic and possibly even older, however all of them still very much follow Wenshen and want to follow the plan to take over Earth, and are therefore only slightly below Lambs.
8175616p.png DELANOsheep auctioneer
Practically an ancient himself, Delano finds himself uncaring of the rigid structure of the Flock. He only remains since he seems to be at no risk, and welcomes the temporary solace.
94825260p.png CLASHlamb specialist
She who Arrived Silently, Clash is typically seen around expecting ewes and new lambs. She is questioning of Wenshen, but honors her vow of loyalty.

3506.png The Pariah
The Flock has sworn death to any non-plaguelings that enroach into their territory—despite this, a single dragon continues to hide away, trapped in a place that hates her, and yet she can not leave. Why is she here? Truly a pariah among those who don't know she exists...
94329276p.png ANSA
Who is she? why is she here, no dragon Not of Plague should be here—get rid of her, we can't keep her! She's so small, why is she here...
Oh, what a sad thing...why can't she go home? Are there dragons searching for her? Why can't she go home...
She is planning something...

Important Locations


purchased for 10 gems from a birthday hatch from SnailMuffin

such a pretty baby... she was meant for holding lore, she is too cute to be seen!
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