
Level 4 Wildclaw
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Jade Troodo
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Energy: 11/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Wind.
Male Wildclaw
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Personal Style


Mage's Walnut Bag
Brown Breeches
Brown Plaid Cabbie
Brass Steampunk Scarf



Scene: Windsinger's Domain


5.22 m
7.21 m
418.81 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Jan 04, 2015
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Wildclaw
EXP: 2966 / 4027





The Mouth

Basil is the talk-a-mile-a-minute type, perfectly at home among a group of Spirals and probably unwelcome in most Fae communities. Truth be told, Basil spends most of his time in Aergate, hawking and delivering newspapers to the dragons that call it home.

But even the busiest dragon has to have a place to rest his head. Basil first learned of this clan through a cunning little Fae who was almost as talkative as he was.

wind_small.png "I've got a proposition for you," she said. "With the festival coming up, a good friend of mine and I have put together a couple of great acts, but we're a couple of nobodies. Who wants to see a couple card tricks and old stories from a tiny little clan in the middle of Podunk, nowhere? That's where you come in. Yes, you, my friend, you could be very helpful. I just know that my friend and I have got the stuff to make it at this festival, but not unless somebody gets the word out, and I think you're just the one to do it."

"Oh yeah?" he replied, "and just what's in it for me?"


"How much?"

"Oh, I don't know; that depends."


"On how many people you bring in."


"Ten percent?"

Now that was worth a listen.

"Yeah...? And just how good is your act?"

The Fae tipped her grubby hat. "Drop by rehearsal tonight and find out."

A card flicked out from between two foreclaws. She held it out toward him.

He blinked. He hadn't see it get there. He gave her a skeptical look, but he took it and examined. "Mishka, huh? Alright, Mishka... you got yourself a deal."

They shook on it. "Time and place are on the back," she said.

He flipped it over. They were.

"See you then, Mouth."

"Mou—Hey!" But she was already gone.

The rest, as they say, was history. He came to rehearsal, he saw her friend, Breyer, the mute storyteller, and he saw her tremendous magical embellishments, and he enjoyed it very much! Mishka offered him lodgings in the evening as a member of the "production crew" as she called it. Whatever floated her boat. He never could stand to sleep in town, anyway, so he took the offer for the few weeks. After they closed, he'd be off again, flitting between Aergate and wherever was comfortable enough to rest his head for the night.

At least... that was the plan. Then this Imp came along.

About halfway through rehearsals, someone new turned up to the clan's doorstep. He didn't catch her name at first. He was only hanging around to pick up more fliers from Mishka before he flew into town. Then he saw her... and she caught his eye like nothing ever before.

Deep purple mane and wings stood out like jewels against a backdrop of brilliant, shining teal... and all of it streaked like a shallow streambed under fresh morning sunshine. He had to remind himself to blink.

It took some wheedling to get Mishka to tell him anything. She enjoyed watching him squirm too much. Unfortunately, since he was still pretty sketchy on Breyer's Sign Language, and he wasn't around the den enough to really know anyone else, she was his only option.

About half-an-hour later he'd learned a few basic things. Her name was Sakura. She was the other Imp's—Mercury's—half-sister. She said she'd come here because her old clan had gotten boring. Mercury was very glad to have her. Mulligan (no surprise even to Basil) was too. The great fluff would take anybody.

It wasn't until the next few weeks that he learned anything important.

She was half Coatl: it came out in the musical way she talked. She was playful, and she loved to laugh. (She'd grown quite close to her nephew over this. He wasn't sure the two of them should be left alone together, but if they were, he wanted to be there to see it.) She could fly circles around him, literally, a fact which she used to prove she could do so figuratively.

As time went on, he learned a little more. She didn't like to talk about her old clan much. They lived in the Starfall Isles somewhere. She preferred it here. She liked having family around. And she loved Breyer's stories. If she'd been allowed, she'd have watched every rehearsal and loved each and every minute of it, but Mishka kicked her out of the rehearsal cavern; said it was bad luck to have an early audience. Sometimes she sneaked in anyway, laying perfectly still on the floor or a rocky shelf along the wall and drinking it in. Most of all, he learned that she had, and he would have dueled over this, the prettiest smile on the whole of Sornieth. The way her eyes scrunched up and her ears tipped back just the tiniest touch made his heart do flips.

All of that combined together into one big problem.

The festival came and went without a hitch. Their audience was sizeable ("Not bad for a first run," Mishka said). At the end of the last show, Basil took his cut, dropped it with a satisfying jangle into his satchel, and... that was that.

Now all he had to do was go: off to the nearest empty cave, or whatever would do for the night. He looked down at his toes, rapping his foreclaws on the strap of his bag. Just had to... move his feet....

A very big black forepaw waved under his nose. He looked up to see Breyer tipping his head.

"What's wrong?"

Basil shrugged loosely then tried to put on his best cocky face.


Breyer's deadpan expression said it all. He didn't need to sign that.

Basil's face twitched for a second or two as he fought to find a comeback.

"You... need to...." He growled aloud. He couldn't come up with the right signs. Stomping his foot, he pointed roughly over toward the stage where the rest of the clan was striking their setup. Then he mimed tearing it apart, ripping at it with his claws and chomping.

Breyer blinked, throwing one ear back. He looked to the stage and then back to Basil. "What...?"

Basil sighed and shook his head, staring back at his toes for a moment. Then he looked back to the Imperial. "Sorry... I'm... umm... forget—No, no! Dumb. I'm dumb."

A streak of teal caught his eye, and he glanced past the Imp's ear. But it was just Mercury carrying off some basket of props. Basil swallowed and tugged at the strap hanging from his shoulder. By the time he turned back to say goodbye, though, Breyer had vanished.

Basil cast around for him, but he didn't have to wait long. A moment later, the Imperial returned, with Mulligan trotting along at his elbow.

"Yes," he signed, "you're dumb." Then he was off again.

"Hey!" shouted Basil, but he rolled his eyes with a tsk! What good was that gonna do? He turned his attention to the Tundra.

"Breyer says you want to see Mulligan?"

Basil blinked. "Ah—no, I... well, I guess, yeah.... I just wanted to say good—" He stalled. Two imperials were coming their way. He could see them over the Tundra's head.

Mulligan blinked. "Good.... Yes?" He tipped his head, face scrunching in confusion.

Basil came back to him slowly. "Good... Oh! Good... ah... Goodbye. I wanted to... say goodbye."

He looked disappointed. "Oh. Yes. Goodbye, Basil." Then the Tundra leaned forward and took a few deep snuffles. "Mulligan will remember. Basil will always smell like a friendship to Mulligan's clan."

The Wildclaw smiled sadly. "Yeah... you too, Mulligan...." Then he turned to go.

"Actually, no." He stomped his foot and turned back.

The Tundra turned back too, brows high.

"Mr. Mulligan, sir... I wanted to ask... I'd like.... Aw heck... Does your clan have any room for a loudmouth?"

Mulligan started wriggling from tailtip to mane. "Yes! Oh! Yes! Basil is welcome, yes!"

Behind the quivering fluff, Sakura's eyes lit up... and then they crinkled, and her ears tipped back just the tiniest touch.

Breyer touched his middle claw to his temple and flicked it outward.

Basil tipped his head.

Mishka landed between the Imp's ears "Smart," she said.

Basil grinned, a little unsure. Then he looked back to Sakura. Yeah. He thought, and he nodded a little to himself. Smart.

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