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Personal Style


Shackled Book of Fairytales
Ghost Flame Collar
Murkmirth Tailcoat
Ghost Flame Wing Ribbon
Ghost Flame Tail Ribbon



Scene: Witch's Kitchen


2.41 m
2.94 m
58.59 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 16, 2024
(2 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 8 Spiral
EXP: 7591 / 16009
Mist Slash


____ KLf0Eeb.png


Mara ; Leader, Forever imprisoned || She/Her
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Be patient, my soul: thou hath suffered worse than this."

• a b o u t •

Mara, once an ordinary Spiral dragon simply in love with books and knowledge. She loved traveling the vast world learning new things, seeing new things, and meeting new dragons, but what she loved most was returning to her clan each time and sharing all that she had learned on her journeys with them. Of course the good times can't last forever and when Mara caught wind of an ancient book with infinite knowledge she simply couldn't contain her curiosity! Setting out to find it and promising her clan to return one day with something great, Mara traveled and searched for years until eventually, finally! On a remote island hidden away in an old temple it stood infront of her, the book she had spent so long hunting down was now within arms reach!

Gently she reached out her claws to pick it up, and just like that, the good days never came back again...
The moment the tip of her claw touched the cover of the book it sprung open! Chains gushed out from the pages and clung tightly to her body drawing her closer into its glowing embrace. Mara struggled digging her claws into the stone flooring as best she could but it was to no avail, the chains kept pulling her in closer. closer. closer! In a final act of desperation she roared a cry for help as she shot a Dark bolt at the book hoping to destroy it, but that too had no affect. With her strength waning the more she struggled Mara lost her grip completely and was pulled directly into the book, terrified and confused she only had a brief moment of peace before what looked to be like runes and letters came hurtling towards her all at once.


Pain gripped at Mara's very soul as these letters and runes pierced through her scales and into her mind. Knowledge from times long forgotten, secrets that dragons had taken to their graves, the universe itself! All of it flooded into her body and mind, she now knew everything past and present and when the book had finished feeding her it's knowledge it spat her back out. much pain...she couldn't move, she could barely even breathe...Mara layed on the cold stone floor in agony for what seemed like ages, closing her eyes as the sun and moon switched places and the seasons took their turns. Eventually after many years Mara's consciousness came back to her, she slowly lifted her head as it ached like a thousand migraines...looking around the dark room she found herself still inside the temple although it looked a bit more worn down than last she remembered...vines grew through cracks in the wall and faint glimmers of light shimmered through the now cracked ceiling, as her eyes adjusted to the darkness a strange cold feeling around her left wrist started to grab her attention, looking down she found a shackle that appeared to be silver at one point but was now starting to show signs of erosion with chains that shared the same worn down look connected to it.

Her head was too fuzzy to be alarmed by the shackles and chains, instead what cleared her mind and shot fear into her heart was...the was chained to her now, Mara "lept" back but her body was still recovering and couldn't keep up causing her to tumble with a loud thud and clang of the chains, she tried again to escape the book's presence by crawling to a different corner but it only followed her being pulled along by the chains...

Mara closed her eyes hoping this was all a bad dream and that it'd all be better when she woke up again, but no matter how many times she tried the book, chains, stone, it all remained the same, the only thing that had truly changed was herself although she hadn't realized it just yet. Mara spent many more days recovering in silence before finally mustering the strength to stand and hobble her way back the the entrance of the temple. Immediately she had to shut her eyes from the blinding sunlight, closing them tightly and taking a few moments to prepare herself, this time she opened them slowly allowing the light to not blind her but instead show her the vast and beautiful land before her.


Mara took in a few deep breathes of fresh air savoring this blissful moment, she gingerly took a few more steps outside of the temple and onto the grass and the moment she did everything just soft...her body relaxed once more as she sunk into the soft meadows feeling like the nightmare may have finally ended. What stupid wishful thinking that was, she rolled on her back lifting a palm into the air to block the sunlight once more and was greeted by a truly terrifying sight.


Her scales and flesh were a mere vision, completely see-through! Mara looked down at the rest of her body and it was all the same, she jumped up running in search of a pond or lake which she quickly found and stood at its edge gazing at her ghastly skeletal reflection in shock and horror before breaking down into tears soon after. How could this have happened? W-what am i? What happened to me!? She sobbed miserably covering her face with her hands wishing she had never touched that vile book...the book! She hadnt been paying attention before but now that she remembered its chained presence she could hear the rapid flapping of pages. Turning her head she saw the book floating behind her still, eerie and glowing as its pages turned quickly before stopping suddenly and revealing its contents to her.


Upon the lightly tanned parchment were strange yet familiar symbols and letters, a painful memory flashed in her mind, she recognized these....and now she could clearly understand what dreadful news the book was trying to tell her...

Mara, second owner of The Infinite Tome of Knowledge, Age: 6000, Species: Spiral dragon, Element: Shadow, Status: Healthy/Immortal

She gasped in both shock and confusion, 6000? Immortal!? How is any of that possible! Last Mara had checked she was only a couple hundred years old! She grabbed the book shaking it in frustration as now she only had more questions than answers and as if the book could hear her it flipped its pages once more.

After absorbing this Tome's knowledge your body needed rest, sleeping for thousands of years you exceeded your species natural lifespan and as a result your physical body decayed and withered away, however this Tome not only blesses its owner's with infinite knowledge but also infinite life. Using the bones that remain of your original body this Tome has constructed a new one for you made of your shadow element,
this new body will not decay or feel hunger.

Mara released the book and sat staring at the floor, all that she had just read left an empty feeling in her chest, she now knew why she was like this but now what? What should she do now? Where can she go? Certainly not home....home....everyone she knew was gone...she had no home to return to anymore....


Mara spent many more days wandering aimlessly around the island, lost, alone, defeated, and while doing so she learned something else...she couldn't leave the island. She'd watch as birds flew off into the distant horizon however once Mara reached a certain distance off the islands shores she'd be stopped by some kind of invisible barrier that only affected herself. Was this really going to be her new life? She spent many many years asking that same question as she settled onto the island slowly but surely accepting her fate...Then one day something happened.

A huge dragon came crashing into one of the forests on her island, he was clearly injured from a recent battle, a strange green substance crawled all over their scales but that didn't seem to be what was causing them pain, no, it was a large gash on their chest...seems fatal if not treated soon she thought. Deciding to help this stranger she used her knowledge of medicinal herbs to cure him, once awake he quickly thanked Mara and introduced themselves.

Obsidian, a Gaurdian who had left his clan a few years ago and was in search of his Charge, he had gotten into a fight while on his journey and crashed here since it was the only land for miles, after explaining himself Obsidian apologized to Mara for disturbing her island and promised to leave once he could fly again. Mara accepted his apologies and continued to care for this Gaurdian because it was "the right thing to do" but in reality she was just happy to have company, it had been many moons since she had last spoken to anyone...


Obsidian stayed on the island helping Mara with anything he could, never once questioning her ghostly skeletal appearance or book and in return Mara kept treating him, never questioning him about the "green" on his scales, although she technically knew the answer already thanks to the knowledge she had received, still she remained silent. When the time came and Obsidian could fly once again Mara fully prepared herself for his departure and her return to quiet solitude, but to her surprise....he wanted to stay?

Claiming that he had finally found his Charge here on the island Obsidian insisted on living here with her, Mara kept a cool face allowing him to reside on her island but on the inside she was jumping for joy, he wanted to stay!

Now since the two had agreed to live with one another they finally revealed their truths and lives out to the other, hoping to hide no secrets. Obsidian was shocked to say the least, Mara...well she knew everything anyway but what she was worried about was him leaving in fear of her knowing too much...but once again Obsidian simply accepted her as she was, with not one question to be had.


Time continued on for the two, eventually joining together as one on there peaceful island, and to Maras delight more wandering dragons began to stumble upon and take up residency on the island aswell! Obsidian wasn't to fond of having so many dragons to keep an eye on which made Mara laugh and have to reassure him that everyone who resided here was good and kind in their own way, and seeing as he couldnt really argue with his wise Treasure's judgment Obsidian simply accepted with a huff.

Life was good, Mara couldn't believe it but the good days had finally returned, she began to feel happy after so long of living in misery, the island didn't feel like a prison felt like

• i n v e n t o r y •

Diamond Ring Weathered Grimoire Tarnished Chain

• r e l a t i o n s •


code & assets by archaic #19153
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