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Personal Style





4.09 m
3.32 m
98.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 29, 2024
(6 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


I want to alter the travelocke to something I can play without worrying about hatchlings, breeding dragons, or coli stats on individual dragons. A travelocke/fodderlocke hybrid. All d20 daily rolls, no Pinkerton.


Muster from Arlo.

The number of pickaxes x5 is your supplies
The number of magnifying glasses x7 is your rations
The number of notes is your trade goods (do NOT multiply)

Determine how many stops are on the route. Then, roll a d10 to determine how many distance units are needed to get to the first stop. After the end of the first turn, your progress will be 1/n distance.

Rimebone Stockade (start)
Kelvin's Cavern (stop 1)
Valley Gateway(stop 2)
Shivervale (in the cloudscrape valley, stop 3)
North Timberhills (stop 4)
Tundra town 1
Tundra town 2 (bridgetown)
Frigid Port (goal! stop 7)

Phase 1: Dailies
Decrease the ration count by however many dragons are in the group. If there isn't enough food to go around, choose a dragon who will go hungry. A dragon that doesn't eat for 2 turns in a row is too weak to keep traveling and is left behind.

Decrease the supply count by 1 -- supplies include food for the sled dogs.

Begin the post with Turn Start stats, and be sure to change the stats accordingly at the end of the turn.

Note: At the start of turn 4, a group of Gaoler Seekers will set out to find the thieves. They will be 1/4 distance units behind them, and can only close the distance if the thieves make no progress (+1) or make negative progress (+2). This progress shall be tracked along with the other turn stats.

Phase 2: Journey Event
Roll a d12. Your roll decides the event.
  1. Shortcut...? - Flip a coin.
    Heads - This shortcut worked out! +1 distance unit at the end of the turn, on top of the normal progress.
    Tails - Wasted time. Make no progress at the end of the turn.
  2. Bonded pair - 2 random dragons are now bonded; level them both up by 1. If one dies or leaves the caravan, so does the other. Ignores extra lives. Each dragon can only be bonded to 1 other dragon.
  3. Innocent Bystander - A random traveler is getting attacked by wildlife! 2 random dragons come to their aid -- level them up by 1, then roll a d6 for each. A 1 means the dragon loses a life. If at least one dragon survives, add a lv 1 adult to the party.
  4. Natural Disaster! - Roll a d4.
    1 - This is severe. Roll a d10 for every dragon. A 1 means the dragon loses a life. If a dragon dies as a result, no progress is made this turn.
    2 - The sled breaks down. Roll 1d10 to determine how many supplies it will take to get moving again. Not enough supplies? The group may only travel 0.5 distance per turn until the damage is fixed.
    3 - The road is blocked. Lose time -- make negative progress (-1 distance this turn).
    4 - Low visibility causes the group to make no progress this turn.
  5. Foraging - Instead of making progress, 2 random dragons in the group go out to stock up from nature's bounty. Level them up by 1, and count up the drops.
    Materials/trinkets: add all the items, divide by 3, and add that number to your supplies.
    Food: add all the items, divide by 3, and add that number to your rations.
    Familiars, battle stones, apparel: each one gives you 1 trade good.
    Special drops (eggs, skins, specialty items): both dragons get 3 extra lives.
  6. Productive Day! - The lowest-level dragons work extra hard so they all level up by 1. (If all dragons are the same level, re-roll.)
  7. Fork in the Road - The group arrives at a crossroads leading to new stops. Roll 1d4 to determine how many paths are ahead. Then roll 1d10 for each path to determine the distance to each new stop. The Caravan Leader can freely choose whether to go towards a new stop, or continue the current route. If a new stop is chosen, set the progress to the next stop to 1 distance unit (out of whatever you rolled).
  8. Lost Travelers - Some dragons on the trail are lost and have run out of food and supplies. Roll 1d4 to determine how many lv 4 newbies join the party.
  9. Welcoming settlement - A village greets the group with a warm welcome, feeding everyone and giving them supplies for the road ahead. Roll 1d10 for supplies, then again for rations, and add that amount to each category.
  10. Natural Wonder - Nature's beauty is breathtaking! 3 random dragons get +1 extra life.
  11. Accident - Something broke down! Roll 1d10 to determine how many supplies it will take to get moving again. Not enough supplies? The group may only travel 0.5 distance per turn until the damage is fixed.
  12. Beastclan assault - These beastclans show no mercy. Roll a d10 for every dragon including your Caravan Leader. On a 1, the dragon loses a life.

Seeker Encounters

When the band of Seekers catches up to the group, the thieves are put to the test to maintain their freedom. Roll a d12 for every thief. If the roll is higher than the dragon's level, that dragon is arrested; if the roll is equal or lower, they escape.

If there are escapees at the end of the encounter, the Seekers will be 3 distance units behind them.


Stops occur at the end of a normal turn. Mark your progress towards your overall destination.

First, muster from Arlo's again to replenish your stores.
The number of pickaxes x3 is your supplies
The number of magnifying glasses x3 is your rations
The number of notes is your trade goods

You can exchange trade goods for rations/supplies and vice versa.
1 trade good <=> 3 supplies OR 3 rations

The travelers can hire more party members for 2 trade goods each. New hires start at lv 4.

You can dismiss party members, who leave behind supplies OR rations (your choice) equal to their level at dismissal.

You can use trade goods to buy items needed to make a trap to slow down the Seekers. If the trap succeeds, they will be forced to make no progress for 2 turns.
1 trade good = bare-bones trap. Roll a d8 – this ramshackle trap succeeds on 8.
2 trade goods = better trap. Roll a d4 – this trap succeeds on 4.
4 trade goods = best trap. Flip a coin – this masterfully-built trap succeeds on heads.

Roll a d10 to determine how many distance units the group needs to cross to the next destination.
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Click or tap a food type to individually feed this dragon only. The other dragons in your lair will not have their energy replenished.

Feed this dragon Insects.
Feed this dragon Meat.
This dragon doesn't eat Seafood.
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Exalting Locke to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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