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Personal Style


Tutor Rings
Chancellor Rings


Accent: dream



4.63 m
3.1 m
361.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 18, 2024
(5 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Tundra
EXP: 0 / 245



Bubbly Bisque Gloves Mage's Midnight Gloves


6th Generation

Allison ->Kali ->Mordecai ->Ramori -> Roxas -> Nia -> Dream

Dream Sans is the guardian of positive emotions and dreams, while Nightmare Sans is the guardian of negative emotions and nightmares. They are brothers, but they have been enemies for a long time, as they have opposite views on how to balance the multiverse.

Nightmare and Dream were born from an experiment using apples from The Tree of Feelings and DNA from two different Rifters hence why Dream and Nightmare although technically twin brothers look so different and have different abilities.

Dream’s original universe was destroyed by his brother when he was corrupted and he strives to stop his brother from destroying the universes and maybe recover Nightmares true self in the process.
Dream, Nightmare, and The Amulet of Hope

Dream Sans was worried about his brother, Nightmare. He had been corrupted by the negative emotions of the multiverse, and had become a ruthless tyrant who sought to destroy all happiness. Dream wanted to save him, but he knew that Nightmare was too powerful for him to face alone.

He had heard of a legend, a powerful artifact that could purify any soul from evil. It was called the Amulet of Hope, and it was hidden in a secret temple guarded by ancient traps and puzzles. Dream decided to embark on a quest to find the amulet, hoping that it could restore his brother to his former self.

He traveled across many worlds, facing dangers and challenges along the way. He met many friends and foes, some who helped him and some who hindered him. He finally reached the temple, and entered its dark halls. He solved the riddles and avoided the traps, until he reached the inner sanctum. There, he saw a pedestal with a glowing necklace on it. It was the Amulet of Hope, shining with a warm light.

He reached out to grab it, but before he could, he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Hello, brother."

He turned around, and saw Nightmare standing there, with a wicked grin on his face. He was wearing black clothes and his eyes were Indigo with malice.

"Nightmare... How did you find me?" Dream asked, shocked.

"I've been following you, of course. You didn't think I would let you get away with this, did you?" Nightmare said, sneering.

"What are you talking about? I'm trying to help you, Nightmare. I want to free you from your corruption. This amulet can do that. It can make you happy again." Dream said, pleading.

"Happy? HA! Happiness is a lie, Dream. A weak and foolish illusion. There is only pain and suffering in this world, and I will make sure everyone feels it. Especially you." Nightmare said, laughing.

He lunged at Dream, aiming to kill him. Dream dodged, and grabbed the amulet. He put it around his neck, and felt a surge of power. He felt hope, courage, and love fill his soul. He looked at Nightmare, and saw a faint glimmer of light in his dark eyes.

"Nightmare, please, listen to me. You don't have to do this. You can change. You can be good. You can be my brother again. Just let go of your hatred, and embrace the hope in your heart." Dream said, holding out his hand.

Nightmare hesitated, and for a moment, he felt a tug of emotion. He felt a flash of memory, of a time when he and Dream were happy, when they played and laughed together, when they loved each other. He felt a pang of regret, of guilt, of sorrow.

But then, he shook his head, and snarled.

"NO! I will never change. I will never be good. I will never be your brother. I am Nightmare, the lord of fear and despair. And you are my enemy, Dream. You and your pathetic hope. You are nothing but a nuisance, a thorn in my side. And I will destroy you, once and for all." Nightmare said, charging at Dream.

Dream sighed, and prepared to fight. He hoped that he could still save his brother, but he knew that he had to stop him, no matter what. He summoned his powers, and clashed with Nightmare. The battle was fierce, and the temple shook with their blows. The amulet glowed brighter and brighter, as if trying to reach out to Nightmare. But Nightmare resisted, and fought back harder and harder.

The fight lasted for hours, until both of them were exhausted and wounded. They stood in front of each other, panting and bleeding. Dream looked at Nightmare with sadness and compassion. Nightmare looked at Dream with hatred and contempt.

"Give up, Dream. You can't win. You can't save me. You can't save anyone. You are doomed to fail, just like your hope." Nightmare said, weakly.

"No, Nightmare. I won't give up. I won't stop trying. I won't stop hoping. I won't stop loving you. You are my brother, Nightmare. And I will always love you, no matter what." Dream said, softly.

He reached out to touch Nightmare's face, and the amulet shone brighter than ever. Nightmare felt a shock of pain, and then a wave of warmth. He felt something he hadn't felt in a long time. He felt hope.

He gasped, and his eyes widened. He saw Dream's face, and he saw the love in his eyes. He felt a tear roll down his cheek, and he realized that he was crying. He felt a surge of emotion, and he realized that he was sorry.

He looked at Dream, and he whispered.

"Dream... I'm sorry."

He collapsed, and fell into Dream's arms. Dream hugged him, and smiled.

"It's okay, Nightmare. It's okay. I forgive you. I love you, brother. I love you." Dream said, softly.

He kissed Nightmare's forehead, and the amulet glowed brighter than ever. It enveloped them in a warm light, and they felt a peace in their souls. They felt a bond in their hearts. They felt a hope in their minds.

They felt a dream in their eyes.
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