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Personal Style


Swashbuckler's Seaspray Cap
Brutal Banner
Black Aviator Coat
Crimson Rogue Cape
Leather Aviator Boots
Winterwatcher's Arctic Pants
Dented Iron Boots



Scene: Castle Siege


22.7 m
23.92 m
7001.09 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 04, 2023
(5 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Haytham stood on a desolated, scorched battlefield. Some of the trees were still smoldering.
After wandering for a while around this bleak place, he came upon some blackened ruins. As he came closer, he heard a distant voice, calling his name. He nervously turned around and saw a silhouette of a hooded man with bow and quiver full of arrows, standing on a small hill, between two leafless trees.

It's all your fault, Haytham, see what you and your Templar friends have done...

These were the words of the mysterious figure before he disappeared as mysteriously as appeared. Suddenly, his cape started burning. He tried to put out the fire but nothing worked. He just lay down by the ruins.

And then, Haytham abruptly stood up. Nervously looked at the cape and it was all in one piece, without any signs of fire on it. He realized it was that one nightmare again. It appeared so many times recently that he stopped counting already. It's always the same scenario - scorched battlefield, hooded man, cape on fire... But this time there was something different. The place where he woke up, wasn't familiar at all. He never saw birch trees with blue glowing leaves. And... since when he had a pair of wings and a tail?

A Skydancer dragon passed by nearby. Looked briefly at Haytham, quietly commented "Huh, looks like The Sornieth Brotherhood has a new recruit." and continued his wandering.

It was not quietly enough though to be not heard by Haytham.

The Sornieth Brotherhood?

This intrigued him pretty much. This meant for him that whatever this weird place is, it very has at least one familiar thing to him. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a darker-colored Skydancer in brown robes. With very little hesitation, he decided to follow the dragon. He stepped as lightly as he could, hiding behind on every sign of the followed dragon being suspicious and then...


A small branch lying on the ground that haven't been noticed by Haytham, alerted the followed dragon who started to run away in trying to get rid of the pursuer. This didn't help much, Haytham was pretty easily able to keep up the pace, at least until the mysterious dragon climbed the trees and just... disappeared. Haytham could just sit down and think, he never was a great tree climber - or, even more, he could not do that - and even if he tried to, the chased dragon would be already far away.

Completely lost in an unfamiliar place, he didn't know what to do. So he just followed the path, hoping it will finally lead to somewhere.

"Hey, you there in the elegant cape, you got lost?" he heard a voice from behind.

He turned around and noticed a brown, spotted Skydancer dragon with some orange, softly glowing accents and quite small wings.

"Um... Me? Lost? Never. I was... just wandering around."

"Well, anyway you... not-lost-guy-in-the-elegant-cape... in case you'd be lost though, I could lead you to my clan's city."

"I appreciate the offer and make use of it, thank you."

"I have to ask, what's your name? So y'know I don't have to call you that guy in elegant cape? My name is Regis."

"Haytham Kenway, nice to meet you."

"Ah, I know this name! I heard about you a few times from The Sornieth Brotherhood. But, y'know, you don't seem as bad as they described you."

"You know them?" Haytham tried to hide the excitement, but his eyes sparkled anyway

"Of course! They're living in my clan's city! So since it seems you have a reason to visit us, come with me!"

Haytham wasn't sure if he should follow the dragon. These orange markings reminded him of fire a little bit too much. The fire that consumes his cape in the reocurring nightmare... But... he seems to know The Sornieth Brotherhood, he says he lives near them.

Regis was nervous too. Because what if everything they said about Haytham is actually true? They always presented him as an enemy. But, it was all in stories, all in the distant legends passed from member to member. He could not stop thinking about the consequences that may come with bringing the enemy to the Brotherhood. It was nearly sure they'll consider him a traitor forever. It was nearly sure they'll cut ties with him.

When they got to the border of The City of Starlight Crystal, the temporary home of The Clan d'Etoile Jaune, Regis suddenly stopped.

"Now you have to go alone. No one can see us together." Regis whispered "Because y'know, if anyone would see me nearby Haytham Kenway..."

"Understandable." Haytham nodded his head. "Thank you for everything and go in peace."

Regis floated on his small wings, slowly disappearing into glow of colorful crystal buildings and these blue-leaved birch trees. Then Haytham carefully came out, making sure no one has seen him. He decided to take a nap near the crystal bush.

He found himself on the scorched battlefield once again. He saw that mysterious hooded man once again. The cape started burning once again. And then he heard a voice calling him, but it was different from the one he always heard in the nightmare.

He opened his eyes.

And saw a rapier pointed at him. It was held by some Imperial dragon in white robes. Next to him there was... Regis.

"Well, well, well, and who we have here? A cursed Templar Grand Master." the mysterious dragon said.

"I'm sorry..." Regis looked at Haytham with eyes full of regret "I'm really sorry, Haytham. I had to."

Haytham was pretty much used to treachery but it still was a painful hit for him. Now he was convinced that Regis brought him here to help the Brotherhood in finding him, not to help him.
He agilely dodged the sword attack, took out his sword and spread the impressive wings over him.

"I really didn't want to. But if we have to fight, shall we do that on equal terms, maybe?"

The dragon in the white robes was surprised. He was sure that Haytham will be willing to fight him.

"To the first scratch, then. If you win, I'll let you stay, at least for now. If I win, get out of my sight."

On a signal, the duel has begun. Loud clashing of swords attracted quite a few bystanders, many of which wondered, who's the black dragon in the elegant coat and cape. None of the sides could gain any advantage.

After about half an hour of very even duel, Haytham felt a cold metal on his shoulder. He got scratched, unfortunately for him. He slowly disappeared into the blue-leaved birch forest, with his head hung down.

"You should be glad that I decided to fight only until first scratch!" he heard from the duel winner.

Later, when the night came, he tried to sleep. He couldn't, and he didn't know if it was because of the glowing leaves and blossoms or he didn't want the nightmare to return or maybe because he felt bad because of passing day events. And then, an idea came to his mind...

And idea to finalize what he had planned since he came here.


It was early next morning. Aguilar was first to come to The Sornieth Brotherhood Headquarters. To his surprise, the door was open. He was sure that last night left them tightly closed. He checked them at least a few times, as he knew about Templar Grand Master being around. This seemed pretty suspicious to him so he carefully opened the door and even more carefully he came into the building.

There he saw his worst presumptions being absolutely real - Haytham Kenway sitting by the table and... sipping the tea from a teacup? Weird, intriguing and... pretty suspicious view to see. Even though he was convinced he was so focused on the tea that he wasn't really able to notice anything else, he hid behind a bookshelf just in case.

But Haytham knew and saw everything.

"You can come out from behind that bookshelf. I know you're here..." he said quite loudly

Aguilar didn't make even a slight move.

An awkward silence descended. Both of them were still for a few good minutes, indirectly stared at each other.

This weird situation was distrupted by somedragon else coming into the Headquarters. The elegant blue tailcoat and a fancy feather decoration on the hood indicating that it could be only Arno Dorian.

"Well you look like someone who could talk some sense into these two behind the bookshelf" Haytham said almost immendiately when he saw the newcomer "Could you tell them that they can come out?"

"Master Dorian, absolutely do not listen to him, he's a Templar Grand Master." Aguilar whispered to Arno.

And he did answer neither of the sides. He just slowly came closer to the table and watched the black dragon in elegant coat and cape carefully.

It was widely known that Arno has softer attitude to Templars than the average member of the Sornieth Brotherhood - some are admiring his diplomatic skills, the others... aren't fans of being so tolerant towards the enemy, to say at least.

Haytham obviously did not know about that, though, so he just expected the worst. He just closed his eyes and... after a while he just heard a question.

"What's your name?"

The tone was serious, but it didn't have even a tiny sign of hostility.

"Um... Haytham Kenway."

"That's great!" Arno shouted out, to everydragon else's confusion "Uh... I mean... it's not that great we have a Templar Grand Master in our Headquarters but... y'know..."

Aguilar started to become a bit impatient, seeing how the situation is going. "Do I have to remind you who was giving Shay orders, including that one important to you?"

Haytham looked at the bookshelf and then at Arno. And then again at bookshelf.

"Yes, of course, it's MY fault that one of my subordinates did - in your opinion - something wrong at the opposite ends of the world somewhere in the 1760s or 1770s or whenever it was, just because I sent them on a mission."

At that moment, one could cut the atmosphere with a knife. Aguilar was ready to take out the sword and fight any time now, so was Haytham.

"We... do not have to do this, do we?" Arno asked, clearly trying to de-escalate the tension

It did not help though. Pretty soon after he said that, there could be heard clanking of swords being taken out. Arno, desperately trying to stop the fight before it begins, stood exactly in between Aguilar and Haytham.

"I understand, two extremely extreme opposites and things like that. But there's no need for fight. Please. Stop."

Blinded by the rage, Aguilar rushed straight with a sword. Haytham instinctively pushed Arno away from the sword's range and managed to dodge at the very last moment, in the meantime covering him with the wing for even more protection.

In the final result, Aguilar stuck the sword in the wall. The blind rage disappeared as soon as it appeared. After a while, Aguilar realized what happened. And what could happen if Haytham would not react so quickly. But there was that one thing beyond his understading - why this cursed Templar Grand Master saved a life of his supposed enemy?

After another while, Arno came out of the shock. Haytham looked pretty worried at the Skydancer in brown robes trying to take the sword out of the wall.

"Does this happen often to him?" he asked.

"Never. This happened for the first time..." Arno answered, visibly worried as well.


Do you really think that the fact you saved his life makes you better?

It was the same voice, the same mysterious hooded man, the same scorched battlefield... but something was different... that sentence...

You will always be nothing but a cursed Templar.

Haytham tried to ignore the insults. And then he saw the silhouette in the white robes again.

"Maybe you're right, maybe I am nothing but a cursed Templar as you say." he said "But I am still better than you."

(to be continued)

100x100 icon by Limanya

As you may see, convincing myself I do not need *yet another* AC fandragon really worked again /j
This time it's a very first and more than likely very last fandragon of a Templar character. And I will always refuse to call him villain, because he's not one.
Also hey, I'd really like to thank this (fictional, but whatever) guy for getting me interested into 50s/60s of 18th century history. Basically wanted to learn more about the background of these missions playable with him.

Lore idea: Working as a spy for The Sornieth Brotherhood, with which he surprisingly made an alliance. Taking the earlier portrayal of this character: Generally good-natured and tolerant, but also a bit arrogant.

On a sidenote - he's apparently one of these rare cases of Imperial with wingspan longer than length.

Giraffe Primary, Eel Secondary, Basic Tertiary and Pastel Eye Type on December 24th, 2023
Started as Starmap/Constellation/Firefly Imperial with Common Eye Type.

Basic info about the fandragoned character
Name: Haytham Kenway
Origin: Assassin's Creed 3/Rogue
Birthday: December 4th, 1725
Additional info: Son of Edward Kenway (who's a main character in Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag) and father of Ratonhnhaké:ton (probably more known as Connor). Templar Order's Grand Master in years 1754 - 1781.
Picture reference(s):

The Sornieth's Brotherhood
49279896.png Ezio Auditore
Italian Renaissance
54746963.png Arno Dorian
French Revolution
46735925.png Evie Frye
Victorian England
46735927.png Jacob Frye
Victorian England
46081581.png Aguilar de Nerha
Spanish Renaissance
71539030.png Ysabel Lomelin
Spanish Renaissance
42054062.png Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad
Medieval Syria
39706301.png Kassandra
Ancient Greece
41200001.png Claudia Auditore
Italian Renaissance
52194390.png Bayek of Siwa
Ancient Egypt
1222371.png Basim Ibn Ishaq
Viking Age
69105218.png Giovanni Auditore
Italian Renaissance
42032447.png Yusuf Tazim
Turkish Renaissance
73559612.png Shao Jun
Ming Dynasty Age
36662089.png Hytham
Viking Age
73728538.png Shaun Hastings
Modern Times
73691124.png La Volpe
Italian Renaissance
42034424.png Petruccio Auditore
Italian Renaissance
49279898.png Federico Auditore
Italian Renaissance
57042956.png Maria Auditore
Italian Renaissance
73926377.png Mario Auditore
Italian Renaissance
61658489.png Alexios
Ancient Greece
91087131.png Haytham Kenway
American Revolution
84673120.png Edward Kenway
Golden Age of Piracy
12009454.png Connor Kenway
American Revolution

In the clan since: December 24th, 2023
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