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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




20.07 m
14.59 m
3510.05 kg


Primary Gene
Varnish (Auraboa)
Varnish (Auraboa)
Secondary Gene
Current (Auraboa)
Current (Auraboa)
Tertiary Gene
Branches (Auraboa)
Branches (Auraboa)


Nov 09, 2023
(7 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Auraboa
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Will qualify as a Blighted Wraith (Necromancer subspecies).
Necromancer Lore for Ancient Auraboa, Blighted Wraith Variant wrote:
Not all Auraboa can thrive in the ranks of the Necromatic Council. To sever their connection to the Loop is to reject their home, their kindred, their purpose.
The Necromatic Trials are the penultimate test of strength, will, and resolve. In such a situation, then, it may not come as shocking that some Auraboa attempt to reach out to the familiar for aid. Auraboa that reconnect to the Loop, however, are condemned. Begging succor in such a trial of independence is shameful by itself. Asking help from the hivemind the Auraboa claimed to reject—from kindred of the Gladekeeper herself—is unforgivable.
Auraboa who attempt such a gambit may succeeded in their Trials, but their means do not go unnoticed. Be it by mutations caused by the Wyrmwound rejecting the Gladekeeper’s kindred or an act of the Plaguebringer herself, these Auraboa are punished for their folly. Their scales melt into bark, their limbs to branches and their teeth to thorns. Slowly, they’re consumed, their weakness emblazoned on their flesh for all to see.
Auraboa afflicted with such Blight are shunted from the Web, and often lose their connection to the Loop, leaving them ultimately alone. Blighted Auraboa are stripped of any blessings they may have earned through their trials, though the scars of their attempts remain. In place of their control over disease of the flesh, Blighted Auraboa instead only have dominion over botanical plagues, bestowing infection as they would have had they truly passed their trials. While Blighted Necromancers may be able to cure the plant-based disease they choose to inflict, they are powerless to cure the namesake of their curse.
Unless stripped entirely of Mother’s blessing, Blighted Auraboa are haunted by a toxic aura that withers and kills any plant life in their immediate vicinity, inspiring the growth of disease-adled fungi in its place. This curse, so fatal in some cases it can combat even the Seed Scar, is thought to be Mother’s true punishment. Should such afflicted Auraboa attempt to flee to their birthplace, they will succeed only in spreading rot and decay through the lands of the Gladekeeper. Those found in the Viridian Labrinth are often chased out for fear of the damage they may cause to the Behemoth, and any connection they had to the Loop is often severed, lest they somehow inflict their kin with their blight.
Auraboa face ceaseless vigilance due to their origin, both from their peers and Mother herself. In desperation, some Auraboa may attempt to reach out to their kindred in the Loop, or even to the Gladekeeper, pleading for aid in their Trials. In return for their treachery their magic is warped, poisoned and turned against them. Rot follows these Blighted dragons wherever they tread, believed to be Mother’s attempt to destroy the Viridian Labyrinth should such afflicted Auraboa dare return.
Blighted Wraiths where the first to be discovered, and are some of the most beloathed of their cursed kindred. Blighted Wraiths turn to outside help after the aid of the Loop proves insufficient in hampering their infection, often being cured by overseeing Necromancers or fleeing the Trial Grounds completely. Many of the first Auraboa to attempt the trials became Blighted Ghouls after woefully misjudging the difficulty of attaining Mother’s blessing. It was these first Blighted Wraiths that alerted their kind in the Viridian Labrynth to their defection to the ranks of the Plaguebringer, not through words, but through the havoc they wreaked in the Everbloom Gardens. Many Blighted Wraiths were driven out, forced to flee across Sorbieth, but rumor has it a select few have, willingly or otherwise, taken refuge in the derelict Pox Consolate.

"Previous Appearance":
-One of the earlier trial attempters, unaware of the difficulty of the Plaguebringer's Blessing and not at all prepared for how badly being disconnected from the Loop would affect him. No wonder he underestimated the trials, and while he was rescued by a overseeing Necromancer, he will never know who it was. Having reached to the Loop in his half-mad state, he was condemned the instant it was discovered he was a traitor to both Nature and Plague, in part driven away in disgust by the very Necromancer who healed him.
-He fled back to Arcane, a trail of plant decay behind him, only to be found by Graves. Unsure of what to do now, he tries to make the best of his situation, and has tried to offer himself as a research subject. That being said, he's not willing to remove his curse, seeing it as a potential benefit even if he can't (or chooses to not) connect to the Web or the Loop. He suffers from occasional loneliness, but with a large group of new friends and allies to speak with he figures he's doing far better than others like him.
-He currently "serves" under Askelin, who was more than happy to help him the best he can. The two don't have much in common, but they have a great "business" relationship if nothing else. Thanks to Akelin and other's help, this Auraboa's aura of decay has been controlled to an extent where he is no longer at risk of decimating the surrounding landscape...although the few plants still around his quarantined housing are perpetually sickly at best, and he's been gently warned to stay very far away from Nature dragons and plant-based entities.
-He gets along best with the Necromancer Mismar, who has had a great time debating with him regularly in a friendly, if heated manner. He would "serve" under her, but both figure it would only harm their relationship in the long run.

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