
Level 10 Spiral
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Energy: 50
out of
Shadow icon
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Shadow.
Male Spiral
Male Spiral
Hibernal Den cooldown - Cannot hibernate again until Oct 17, 2024 15:47
This dragon has recently returned from a Hibernal Den. It cannot hibernate again until Oct 17, 2024 15:47 (21 days).
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Personal Style


Friend Gecko
Sapphire Feathered Wings
Sapphire Tail Feathers
Purple Sea Slug Cloak
Bleak Birdskull Headdress
Quartz Leg Enhancement (Back)
Quartz Leg Enhancement (Front)
Quartz Spine Enhancement
Quartz Wing Enhancements
Raider's Fur Armwraps
Raider's Fur Legwraps



Scene: Quaint Parlor


3.04 m
2.03 m
106.45 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 15, 2023
(1 year)


Spiral icon

Eye Type

Normal Eye Type
Level 10 Spiral
EXP: 661 / 27676
Mist Slash



HaL7ma0.png Gz3H1sJ.png


Archeology Enthusiast • Treasure Hunter • Traveller

Why, hello!

What a pleasure to meet you. I'm Silk. I've died in a pinkerlocke decided to travel Sornieth looking for ancient treasures, lost monuments and mystical secrets! I'll be happy to sell you the treasures I find to continue to fund my travels. If you'd like to learn about me and why I chose to travel you can do so >here<


Please, keep in mind...
  • not to purposely edit or delete lore made by other users
  • not to exalt me while I'm traveling!
  • feel free to dress me up or nest me while I'm in your lair but please add an outfit widget or item icon rather than sending those along because...
  • Ideally I'd like you to keep me traveling as long as possible, I have to go fight the shade when I go home
  • if not possible please return me to TroubleinSevens


Gilded Treasure Chest
Fancy Compass

TroubleinSevens wrote:
Please feel free to add lore or art, while Silk is required to eventually make his way to the Shadowbinder I will be archiving all additions to his bio in my pinkerlocke thread. I really didn't want to exalt him so soon and thought it would be a fun experiment to see how long he could travel without coming home and what stories he would acquire along the way away from his family.

Silk had been speeding along in a direction with enthusiasm about his surroundings. However after realising that he was going in circles he began to look more puzzled and kept holding up the map the area as if trying to identify any kind of landmark. Gem continued gathering food, pretending not to notice him dashing around the bog, whilst keeping him within eyesight

"Um, excuse me" the spiral slithered over, she looked up from her basket, acknowledging him enough that he continued

"I'm a little lost, I was looking for clan that's supposed to be around here" he pointed to area on the map. She recognised the glowing mushrooms of her clan, he must have been aiming for the central lair. The concentration on her face, must have indicated, this was definetly not where he was aiming to be, he looked a little disappointed.

"I wouldn't worry, you are close by, you've just hit the outskirts first" he tilted his head in confusion. Gem pointed on the map.

"See, you're here, at the bog. Even when dragons aren't aiming to come here, it can draw them in, the bog recognises things about dragons, sometimes things they wanna hide, or forget about" he shifted uncomfortably, and fluttered his wings.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to pry, but you won't escape here unless you work with this place, it's magical. If you're here, it's for a reason" he seemed to settle slightly.

"What's your reason? he hesitantly asked

"I'm it's caretaker, I offer my magic in return for it offering me a home"

"That sounds nice.... But I don't know what it would want from me. I left to explore, I have nothing to offer, I just felt the need to see the world"

"Well perhaps it brought you here because of how different it was from your home? As you can see it's not exactly like a regular lair...." Gem drifted off as she thought.

"Stay, do some journalling here, perhaps it'll teach you things that going to a regular lair couldn't. Plus I could do with some help making this place feel more....

"Like a lair?" Silk asked with a smile, and followed Gem back to her cottage.


Silk enjoyed helping out in the bog, his and Gem's current project of trying to revive the garden was a mission, something kept attacking the plants, as such he searching the old cottage for any books that had information on the wildlife, it was limited, but nethertheless he enjoyed the reading and learning more about this place.

The two spent many an evening together over, talking about the bog and its mysteries, Silk spoke a little of his family, his home lair, wondering what it was like at the moment and what everyone was doing, he sometimes seemed like he wanted to return, yet he always made an excuse why he wasn't able to even visit. He had learnt that gem did not feel the same way for her home lair, so he prefer to ask her questions about her current home and herself, which she seemed much more inclined to answer, yet always seemed a little hesitant to fully open up.

It was one evening where she had fallen asleep early and he had gone out for a walk that he found out the problem with the garden, he had always been a fan of learning various languages of Sorneith, and it was about to pay off, a swamp wolf was sniffing around and digging up the plants, he approached slowly, and hoped his learning had paid off.

Gem awoke to a crashing, she made her way to the main living area to see Silk chasing a Swamp wolf around, trying to settled and frantically asking it to be quiet as she was sleeping

"Who's this?" the two froze. Both staring at her.

"This, is our garden problem" Silk said smugly, until he was knocked over by the wolf dashing to the food he'd just placed down.

"We worked out a deal so that he would leave the garden alone". Gem raised an eyebrow

"He can live in the cottage, share our food, keep us.... you, company" Gem saw the pause at the change of words, she'd almost forgotten that Silk was always just a traveller, she'd grown used to his company.

"Thank you Silk. I knew the bog had a reason for bringing you here"


Had he planned to have a nest on his travels... not really, but he still felt a nervous excitement watching the clutch of eggs hatch. All spirals like himself, yet all had green hued wings that were like hers, they were a perfect mix of the two of them, and he cooed over each one as they emerged from their eggs.

He spent the days with the hatchlings, enjoying the time with them and Gem, yet there was this aching feeling.... like the one he felt when leaving his clan, perhaps this was the bog's sign that he should continue his travels.


Silk had stayed around for a fair while, and Gem was grateful for the long time the bog was allowing them to spend together, perhaps it was a kindness, allowed for an easy way into what this deal with the bog would be. But recently she had felt an unsettled nature within the magic, and accompanied by Silk just having moments of staring outward, she knew their time together was coming to an end, and the bog would allow them to be free to choose their path forward, or consume them and their magic. But she knew she had a couple more days, so made a plan, and thought of way to say goodbye to her companion before he had to leave.


“What’ve you got there?” Silk asked, he had been intrigued by the gift wrapped box since it made its appearance this morning. Gem had been secretive the past few days, he had assumed she’d notice him being a little distance, but he was feeling that pull to travel out again. However spending time with their hatchlings had kept him here, enjoying raising them, and telling stories of his previous clan, his middle child seemed particular interested, although he could never tell whether it was the adventure or treasure he was most interested in.

“A parting gift” Silk pointed to himself, unsure if they were both on the same page as to what was happening.

“I know you’ve felt that pull to journey out, and I’ve felt the magic within this place shift. It has taken what it can from you, and you have given it kindness by helping out the place, so it gives you the freedom to leave” Gem shifted and picked up the box and passed it Silk.

“What about the hatchlings?” Silk asked as he turned the box gently in his claws, it was a decent weight, and he was afraid it was something precious so dared not shake it.

“The bog has also spared all of them, perhaps it is being kind for these are the first hatchlings to be born here, and they can either remain here….. or travel with you” Silk had begun to gently tug at the ribbon, but paused upon those words.

“You can’t leave, can you?” he asked, hopeful that perhaps they could travel together for a little while.

“No, my duty is here, as much as I would love to accompany your travels” She smiled back at him, then motioned towards the box within his hands.

“A gift to remember us, I know you like treasures, so hopefully it is to your liking” with that cue Silk opened up the box. Inside was a small statue of him, he sat with his front feet set upon a heart, he ran his talon along the heart, noting is was carved out of gems, and smiled.

“It’s beautiful thank you”

“It’s a deserved gift, plus the magic here seemed to will me to create, each of the hatchlings have one… in case they chose to take it as a parting gift”. Gem said, sounding somewhat solemn at the thought of all them leaving.

“Have they been asked?” Silk asked. Gem nodded.

“I gathered them this morning, and explained the situation. They are free to travel out of the bog, either with you, or on their own journey, or remain here, and help take care of the bog alongside me.” Silk nodded.

“When does the decision have to be made?” Silk asked, hoping for a little time before needing to leave.

“Nightfall, the bog will allow a safe passage out then” Silk breathed a heavy sigh.

“Then we’ll give them time to think, and we can spend time together before I leave” Silk said with a smile, he received one in return, and the two enjoyed spent the afternoon enjoying the home that they’d called theirs.


“Are you both set?” Gem asked, Silk and the elder of her two sons nodded, whilst the eldest and youngest child had decided to stay, the middle child had decided to leave, while not planning to follow his father, he planned to seek out where he had come from, and understand the lair behind all the stories he’d heard as a child.

“Enjoy your travels, and feel free to write letters to us. Now you best go, night has begun to fall” Gem could feel emotions welling up inside her, but she knew she needed to say goodbye. The both hugged her tight, said a last goodbye, and then flew off out of the bog. After seeing them cross the threshold, mists set around the bogs border again.

“Now you two, I think we deserve a nice relaxing evening before doing anything more” her two children nodded, then hugged their mother before heading back into the cottage with her, where they had decided to place their statues on the shelf, and the seeming gap on the shelf leaving room for where their brothers statue would have sat.

Weary from his travels from the Wispwillow Grove deep in the Tangled Wood to the Aer Gate in the middle of the Windswept Plateau, Silk offered his skills as a scholar to the first clan he came across in exchange for food and shelter. An odd bogsneak who called themself Calamity, eagerly took him in, telling Silk to make himself at home within the clan. Once he was well rested, Calamity would need use of his skills.
Once he was well rested, Silk returned to Calamity to ask what he could do in return for the clan's hospitality. Calamity informed him that the clan would need help with the mimics that swarm the land during Night of the Nocturne. Silk was worried he would need to join the warriors of the clan to fight, he was no warrior, but Calamity reassured him that there was no need, his job would be to keep track of the strange chests brought in, and to categorize the items that came from those chests. That, Silk could help with, and so got started immediately excited to have the chance to work and perhaps learn more about nocturnes and their mimics.
With Night of the Nocturne over with, and all the chests counted, opened, and their contents recorded and categorized, Silk felt as though he had sufficiently paid back Calamity and their clan. It was time to move on, to other parts of Sornieth. With farewells and goodbyes exchanged, Silk sprung into the air and let the winds guide him to his next destination.

Silk took a deep breath of the humid air that surrounded him, it held the promise of rain. Silk was sitting in a meadow of tall grass that swayed in the quiet breeze. His mind had strayed from his journey and back to Gem, he missed her so. The clouds rumbled angrily, Silk looked up startled, he would have to find a place to shelter. He lifted off, unaware of the bullet he had just dodged.

Duckie / 76114 - Mental Sunshine

Silk was greeted by a Fathom, Fokle, the caretaker of the clan's guest house, and everything around it. Silk was welcomed to stay as long as they needed, and offered a tour when they were settled in and ready.

Inside the guest house, everything seemed to shimmer for a brief moment, then all the aesthetics matched what Silk liked. It was rather amazing, including the basket of the Spiral's favorite snacks beside the door. It was refreshing, and Silk immediately felt a sense of utter relaxation wash over him. He would take a little while before seeking Fokle out for that tour.

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Bio template by Mibella, find it here. slight format editing by TroubleinSevens
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Exalting Silk to the service of the Icewarden will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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