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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Siege armor


Scene: Enchanted Dungeon


10.83 m
5.89 m
9051.88 kg


Primary Gene
Jaguar (Gaoler)
Jaguar (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Rosette (Gaoler)
Rosette (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Riot (Gaoler)
Riot (Gaoler)


Sep 04, 2023
(9 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 5 Gaoler
EXP: 586 / 5545
Acuity Fragment





Freelance Shadehunter & Hezrou's Partner
"These peaceful streets reek of the Shade's influence..."


Please read this before you start reading the lore

Each section of the story will have an arrow at the bottom of it that, when clicked, will lead you to the next section of the story. I know that this isn't how stories are typically formatted, but it made sense when I was writing it. If you do not like this spread out format, you can view the full story here as well. Enjoy.

Also, if you are confused about the premise or exposition of this story, then click the "Dark Stalkers" button in the bio of this dragon.


As the late summer rain poured down, the town was silent. It seemed almost lifeless compared to the lively commerce that filled the market only hours ago. The Shade scent is even stronger here, but why? How do the residents not sense anything wrong? Natasha gazed down the empty street. Only a single lantern shone outside now, hanging from the edge of the local tavern's sign. Hezrou and I have been traveling for days... a good rest could sharpen my tracking senses for tomorrow. The heavy tavern door opened with a loud creak, startling the quaint Mirror behind the bar. Akeet hadn't seen any new faces in town since her mother had confronted the Advancement Guild, but that was then, and this is now.

"Can I help you two?" the welcoming Mirror offered.

"We don't need much," replied Natasha. "A place to stay for tonight is all." With that said, a meek "come this way" was heard and the barkeep hurried up the stairs.

While the room must have been massive to a Wildclaw or Fae, Natasha and Hezrou could barely fit inside.

"Are you sure that one room will be enough? I could discount the second one." Akeet chimed in.

Natasha glanced towards Hezrou, quietly asking if he had an opinion on the matter. He spoke, saying, "Just one room should be plenty. We tend to travel somewhere else quite frequently, so she and I will make do for now." Not wanting to dispute with her clients, Akeet simply nodded and left the way she came.

"What a strange place to build a village. This place is so densely wooded that we almost went right past it. What about this place draws people here anyways? Is it magic? Escape? Real estate?!" Natasha was going on and on about Greenbriar's odd circumstances. Wait. I need to relax and save my energy. The hunt resumes first thing tomorrow, and I have to be ready to face the Shade when I find it.

Hezrou blew out the candle lighting the room so that sleep might come on quicker. The rain had reduced itself to an occasional pitter-patter on the roof. Dim moonlight shone through a slit in the shabby curtains, illuminating some of Natasha's armor. Nights in the Gladeveins seemed peaceful, but Natasha could still feel the call of the Shade in the back of her mind. The Voidsoul deep within her yearned to seek the Shade, to best it. But her father Konstantin had warned Natasha to keep a tight reign on this power, lest it find the Shade favorable. I want to eradicate the Shade from all of Sornieth... so why do I feel like it wants to be found?
Generation 1
Apex Voidsoul

Battered Book of Fables
Depleted Sacridite
Shadowbinder's Tears


The new hatchlings played with each other within the den. Irina watched them with a loving but cautious gaze, especially Zatmenyat. She couldn't be sure of the reason, but Zatmenyat kept bumping into walls, doors, his siblings. Clumsier than hatchlings tend to be. Maybe he was just on edge because of the eclipse too. Only a few days had passed since the eclipse, the strange event that had caused surges of Shade-related activity all across Sornieth.

Outside the den, Konstantin welcomed Natasha home for her short visit. The two had much to discuss regarding the start of Zatmenyat's apprenticeship.

"Remember, Natasha," Konstantin said to his daughter. "Zatmenyat has incredible power inside of him, but... he's still just a hatchling. I want you to keep a close eye on him. That level of Voidsoul could become extremely volatile if he cannot gain full control of it."

"It'll be alright, Dad. I'll train him everything I know to keep that from coming true."

Just as the conversation ended, Zatmenyat stumbled over to Natasha. His eerie eyes stared deep into hers, not with fear or malice, but with innocent hatchling curiosity.

I will never let that become true. Not for you, little one.


The small grassy clearing behind the tavern was occupied as usual. Natasha gathered every bit of evidence about the Shade she could find nearby and spread it all out on an old stump. No matter what way she looked at it, it was all just a bunch of random rumors. Zorrakis' crops weren't as good as last year's. Amalure's chisel was still missing. A strange skydancer frequents the bar. None of these little events had any connection to The Shade.

Since when has it been this hard to find something that I can literally smell from here? Most of the villagers don't have a clue what I'm talking about, and those that do just spout weird folklore at me.

Once again, Natasha combed through the piles of useless information on the stump. A crumpled note fell into the grass. It was the note that Zatmenyat had written before his disappearance.

Natasha & Hezrou,

I know this is sudden, but I need to take a break from Shadehunting for a little bit. But don't worry about me. Once I'm feeling better, I'll be sure to catch up with you two.

Be back soon,

I'm doing this for you, Zatmenyat. Hezrou told me the troubles you were dealing with. You didn't have to keep it from me... I could have helped! ...Somehow. I swear, I will hunt down whatever Shade-touched creature I can if it means your condition might improve. Managing the Voidsoul isn't easy, but maybe this is how I can help you through it.

"Natasha, you might want to hear this."

Natasha spun around to see what Hezrou could be mentioning. He was standing next to a small Mirror dragon. The same one that runs the tavern they were staying in and gathering evidence behind.

"What seems to be the matter?" Natasha asked them both.

"Well," replied Hezrou, "I believe we may have just found a break in the case. Seems our host has information possibly relevant to the hunt."

Akeet quickly piped up. "Yeah, about a week before you two arrived, I saw a big shadowy monster behind my tavern. It was really scary and creepy and unnatural. And the way it looked at me sent shivers down my spine. I tracked it a good distance from the village until it entered some kind of cave. I've tried retracing how I got there, but the beast's tracks had completely disappeared by morning."

Unnaturally shadow-like. Frightening appearance. Difficult to track. The tell-tale signs of a Shade-touched creature. I've got a lead now. If I start searching in that general area, then I should be able to pinpoint its location in no time.

Natasha turned to the woods. "I'll begin searching the area right away." she said.

"Wait a second," Akeet blurted out. " Whatever that thing was... I don't think it wants to be found."

Natasha bluntly replied, "You don't need to worry. Hunting down monsters that don't want to be caught is my specialty.

With that, she bounded away into the forest. I can do this. I will do this.

For you, Zatmenyat.


The two Shadehunters had been scouring the woods for signs of The Shade for hours. Its scent was all around, yet there was no other evidence to be found. You'd think we would have discovered something by now. All we have to go on is a single eyewitness account.

But as more time passed, something began to feel off. Natasha's Voidsoul became more active, having sensed The Shade nearby. The Shade's smell was becoming harder to sense.

Likely noticing her reaction, Hezrou asked her, "Do you sense anything different, Natasha?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." She said in response. " I can't be sure, but something seems off. My hairs are standing on end. Whatever is coming can't be good.

Suddenly The Shade's scent grew in potency.

The two Gaolers locked eyes in agreement. They dashed towards the source of the smell, being led to a large patch of trees that had been torn down. A huge Shade-touched creature at the center of the clearing was responsible. It radiated malice and resentment towards all life. At last, you've finally shown yourself. Time to end this.

The fight had begun. Natasha ducked behind it and slashed with her claws. The Voidsoul inside guided her strikes, allowing her to hit with the force of ten Gaolers. The Shade beast quickly retreated to the thick forest, hoping to outrun its hunters.

Hezrou and Natasha gave chase, but they lost sight of it between the dense undergrowth. Its presence got a sizeable distance away before suddenly stopping. They ran as fast as they could to its location, but upon arrival there was nothing to be found. There were signs of a struggle, but The Shade was nowhere to be seen. Where are you, coward? You can't run forever! You will atone for the suffering you have caused!

She caught a hint of its presence only a few paces away, behind the underbrush. She prepared herself to attack as it emerged from the bushes. The beast was a great shadow, its murk defiling every plant it touched. Natasha fully channeled The Voidsoul's power into her claws, getting ready to put an end to another Shade-touched abomination.

She lunged at the creature, only for her claws to make contact with something else instead.

Hezrou had jumped into the path of her strike, taking the blow to the shoulder. Natasha pulled back her bloodied talons with dismay and disbelief. WHY DID HE DO THAT?! WE WERE SO CLOSE!

He was struck with incredible force, yet managed to barely stay standing. His shoulder received a severe gash. Hezrou struggled with what he said next, genuine guilt in his voice.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you sooner, Zatmenyat."

As he spoke his sincere message, Hezrou fell to the ground. Behind him, the beast stood. It was horrific, dripping, unnatural, and... a dragon. Natasha couldn't process what was happening. The creature looked nothing like Zatmenyat. It rushed towards Hezrou, but Natasha blocked its path. She had the perfect chance to attack, and yet... she didn't. The shadowy beast stopped only a few steps away from her, giving her a chance to look it in the eyes. Those teary, dusky eyes reflected what the monster saw: Natasha's own fearful expression.

They reflected all of the emotions that she had been running away from. Natasha felt tears run down her face as she finally accepted who she had really been hunting for. Zatmenyat had come back to help in more ways than one.

The siblings used some of Hezrou's healing salves and bandages on his shoulder wound. That would stop the bleeding, but only time would tell if it would ever fully heal.

Natasha had trouble finding the words to say to her brother. She thought and thought, but no words could describe her emotions in that moment.

Zatmenyat gazed into her eyes (the ones on her face) and said the unthinkable. "It had been so long- I had almost forgotten what you looked like."

...Maybe I don't need to put this moment into words.

Natasha hugged her brother. He had grown up so much in the past few months. "If only I had been their for you when you really needed me..." she said through her tears.

"You did everything you could. I couldn't have asked for a better sister."


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