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Personal Style

Ancient breed emblem
Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.




4.87 m
7.75 m
670.12 kg


Primary Gene
Flaunt (Aether)
Flaunt (Aether)
Secondary Gene
Blaze (Aether)
Blaze (Aether)
Tertiary Gene
Carnivore (Aether)
Carnivore (Aether)


Aug 13, 2023
(1 year)


Aether icon

Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245


<=========<@>=========Personality & Traits========<@>=========>

Roblox Doors and Backroom fan dragon... scratch that, OC!
- Extremely playful.
- Loves to explore.
- Very soft fur that strangely smells like black berry and volcanic ash.
- Hates it when humans don't want to play and will kill them to play with their corpses.
- Favorite game is tag, however it is highly suggested to do a different game since this game leads to some being bitten. One guy lost his arm and ended with a broken rib.
- If you win or lose, Play will NOT kill you, shes a good sport, be like Play.
- "W̶͌̈̈̏͗̂h̴̾̊̅̾͠͠ȧ̶̃͑͋̔͘t̸̑̐ ̵̢̬̩̘̻̔͝i̴͂̿̎́s̴̎̔̈́̃̕̚ ̶̓̔̑a̴̓ ̷̈́b̸́͋̀a̸͚̹̅ŕ̸͙̮͍͔͔̾̐̃ga̶̛̿̆͑̾͝i̸̍n̶̓̓͐?̷̾̌"


Open the Door
By WitheredFox

You ran quite a lot. This was your 6th attempt at trying to reach the 100th door- but hey, at least 6th times the charm... right? Moving along, you start once again- climbing up each level until you finally reach it. Door 99. You run down the dark and empty hallway and spotted door 100 within reach. But... something is chasing you. This happens all the time and it. Always. Wins. But not this time. You dodge all of its traps, climb over the walls that it creates seemingly out of ice. But you don't care. You have one goal in mind. And that is to-... you slip on ice. Your feet gave way from underneath you and slid across the floor, comically spinning around until you eventually stopped. Defeated, you turn around on your back and stare up at the ceiling. There, the creature drops. A furry ball drops onto your chest and stares at you with its multiple eyes. It cackles before running around in circles on you. It wants to play again. And you agree. Back to the lobby and back through door one.

Freed Beyond Reality
By Endtroid187
Takes place years after "Open the Door" In play's POV where she is an adult.

Rain pounded on the glass of some nearby windows along with occasional lightning. Play runs full sprint through the hallways of pre-opened doors. The wood creaked and scraped under her talons as she tries to catch up to the human. Boom goes another strike of thunder and a flash of lightning as she makes it pass door 45. 5 more doors until Play makes it to Figure. Hoping the human makes or made it pass Figure, she notices the lights flicker. Through pure instinct, she ducks under a nearby desk to avoid being trampled or thrown into who knows where (as if that is going to happen now that Play is four times the size since the last incident) and listens. It was not long till Rush ironically rushes pass creating a blackout in his wake.

Great. Now blind despite Play's many eyes, she now has to rely on her internal map of the single hallway which is already not very good in the dark and to make it worse, her height, length, and wingspan still makes it hard to navigate. After some toe stubbing, cursing, head bonking, more cursing, and When did this hallway get so small!, Play finally made it to door 50. Taking a second to collect herself, Play stretched out her front talons, fanned out her wings and arched her back like a giant black, orange, yellow striped cat. Some spine popping later, Play folded back her wings ready to continue on, where she found a wide open double door and an excellent view of what most would have a hard time calling a corpse. Hate it went they impress me with how many doors they can pass by in such little time only to die when I could catch them myself, Play thought. She is to chase them from the start after they pass door 10 and the chase is on, once she catches them, she has the choice to kill them or send them to the start. Most of the time she would send them to the start and start the run all over again (which the humans always prefer). When she was younger, she would be sent out in her own runs by The Guiding Light after "noobs" (as the other entitys called them) and she would usually catch them near the end and repeat the run all over again. Nowadays she would catch them near before or after door 50 because Play now shares runs with other entitys, the rules set to her makes it so Play is not allowed to catch a player during or within 5 doors after a boss fight just to make things fare for the human which Play agrees with (nice to see this place is not entirely anarchy).

Sighing she ventured into the library anyway toward her usual hangout spot in the back. She can hear Figure in the background with his siren like squeaks and rhythmic echoes. Play rolls up on a pile of pillows and grips a nearby book with her paw like talons. Flipping through the pages, she scans phrases from the passing pages to recap herself before continuing from where she left off. None of the other entities know (Other then Figure and The Guiding Light of course) that Play taught herself how to read and spends her free time doing so. Eventually she made it to her page and read for another hour or so before hearing the echo of the elevator in the lobby ding, signaling the start of the next run.

Marking her page, Play set the book down and trotted to the balcony where she unfolded her wings and glided across the large room with an elegant landing. She spots one of Seek's ink puddles he leaves around to help everyone get to their positions no matter where they are in the miles long hallway of a hotel. She crawls in the onyx colored liquid and steps out on the other side with ease to find she is of course in the lobby. Looking back, she made sure the puddle is had closed behind her, it has, Play reached up to one of the ceiling boards, popped it up, and slid it to the side. She did the same with its neighbors before climbing in and returned them to their original place. She waited there until the elevator dings for the second and last time to announce the human's arrival.

Play peaks through a gap through the planks and watches as two humans, no, three humans sneak behind the counter, grab a key (the only key) and use it to open door 1. Once they did, it makes an extremely loud creak which did not stray the humans as they started sprinting through it. The game was on. Play listens, she hears the creak of the second door, then the third, the fourth, the fifth. By how fast the trio were moving indicated they are trying to speed run this round. This means Play doesn't need to wait long in her hidy hole in the ceiling to start her pursuit. The sixth creak sounded, the distinctive sound of wardrobes opening and closing, Rushes obnoxious roar, then the creak of the seventh door continued the rhythm. Meanwhile, Play listened to the activity and groomed her fur, getting herself ready to set loose. Once the ninth creak was sounded, Play slid the planks in front of her out of the way and... creak.

Finally the final creak sounded and Play is on the move. In no time she sprinted through doors 1 and 2 in an instant. She sprinted through the hall passing a wall of windows showing the ever lasting storm outside. She pivoted around a corner before passing through door 3, then 4. As she sprints, she can hear the creaks of the doors being opened by the humans. Play stopped counting the creaks once the tenth door opened because there is no point in keeping track of their progress, she must stay focused. Behind door 5 was a crossroad room. Instantly she spotted door 6 left open and continued her pursuit. She ran through it to find a room filled with wardrobes, in which she spotted no dead bodies so all three are still alive. Door 7 pasted, door 8, door 9, door 10, door 15. At this point Play noticed the creaks of the doors are louder now that she is closing in distance. By the time Play passed door 20, there were eyes on the walls. Then in door 25, the long high roof hallway covered in eyes and Seek's signature liquid dotted the ground from where he stepped. She continued forth. At door 28 Play almost toppled over the mangled corpse of one of the unfortunate humans. Finally there was door 30, slammed shut and everything, with Seek slamming on it. Upon the sight of Play, Seek dissolved into a puddle on the ground. Seek slamming on the door is a part of his job as a fellow chaser to make runs more "immersive". Having the door closed in the first place is still unhelpful anyway, Play thought. She gripped her claws around the door knob and turned it, wrenching the door open with a streaking creak only to continue sprinting once more on her four powerful limbs. At this point, her lungs were burning and her throat is dry but Play's adrenaline is still on over drive.

She is getting close, really close, she is so close to the humans she can smell them! Turning around corner after corner, door after door, and finally at door 42 she has caught sight of them. One of them was reaching for the door handle to door 44. However, when they tried opening it, Dupe reached out his elongated talons and scratched one of them along their chest. The human staggered while still being supported by its surviving partner, however the moment was short lived when Play jumped through door 42. Her head was low, her tail swaying side to side, wings spread, and all eyes - including the ones along her sides and tail - are locked on the two of them. "Awww, did the little apes get a little boo boo" She said as she gets ready to pounce, she knows they cannot understand her, but as long as what ever they are hearing from her unsettles them, she does not care at all.

The two of them starts running after door 43 with one of them still supporting the other. Play made no effort, no move in stopping them. So predictable, she thought as a wall of pure ice rises and grows out of nowhere. Both of them jumped from the unexpected change and tried to find a way around, the already injured human slipped on the frozen ground where it looks up to see a developing icicle above it. I tried to move but it's foot is stuck in the ever growing ice. Play watched as the injured human's friend tries to pull its friend out and occasionally glances up at the icicle as it is almost ready to fall. Play summons another ice wall covering the other two doors and chants, "Tick tock tick tock, the icicle of ice will fall." And finally, the icicle did fall right when the human glanced up. It managed to hide the bull's eye through its mouth and out the base of its neck with a squelching snap sound creating a red mess among the blue ice. Play flinched at the image, Oof, that did it. The other human scrambled back from the body. On its knees, it covers its mouth as if it would throw up, with tears and snot dripping off its face. Play gave it a moment to gather itself before asking "You good mate?" The human jumps from the reminder that Play, a nonhuman creature, was sitting in the same room. Play had changed into an upright position over time and is now crouch on her hind legs with her tail ***** around and wings draped by her sides. At this point the walls and ceiling are all covered in ice (minus the icicles).

The human raised and crafted a furious look at Play which immediately did not look furious due to the puffy eyes and lines from where the tears ran. Play noticed it is trying to intimidate her which for starters, definitely would not work on a 8 feet tall, 13 feet long draconic creature that is built to kill such leaser beings. But just for fun, Play changed up position to intimidate back. She balanced on her hind legs with ease - squaring her shoulders and straightening her back -, spread her wings out as far as the walls would allow her since her wingspan is basically double her length as well as arch her neck from the ceiling, and pealed open her limps to expose and show off her razor sharp carnivorous teeth. Once done, Play is now 14 feet tall, however her wings made the illusion that she is bigger. The human now has the look of despair and slowly paces back.

The intimidation was fun for the first few minutes, though after those few minutes, it became boring and Play feels it's time to end this run. She was originally thinking of sending this human back to the start but instead thought it may not survive without its team members so... squelchy snap goes the last human as another icicle pierced through its back and out under its rib cage. Mind as well take it out of its misery.

A giant bell sounded and signaled the end of the run. As it rung three times as usually, Play commanded the ice in the room to melt accordingly. Obviously once done, there was no water damage or anything that indicated anything happened in this room. The bodies were already decomposing when the bell rang and the blood drained under the floor boards with the water.

After Play is satisfied with her clean up, she moved on to go to the library to take a nape or continue reading while she waits for the next run and after that, maybe do either one again and repeat. That is if she did not spot the white glow from under the door that was the original duped door 44. She trotted to it with curiosity, sniffed under it, and wrinkled her snout from the smell of old, moist carpet. There was also a strange hum buzz sound from behind it. That is weird, did the Guiding Light change something? Play could not help herself, she gripped the handle with her claws and opened the door and gasped. Before her there are more hallways, but they are connected to more hallways and more, and more. She searched around from her door, the walls were not wood but covered in some yellow wallpaper, the floor was not wood and rugs but a pale yellow carpet that is the source of the smell, and everything was illuminated with lights in the paneled ceiling.

Play could not help herself from gaping at the site. She looked at the floor ahead of her and placed her left for-talon on it and felt the carpet as it was soft and moist. Play chirped in excitement. She releases the door behind her and wanders through. Her tail swung side to side like a wipe and her wings stretched into their full length with no walls to limit them. She scanned the room, looking down the hallways of hallways.

Play wants to just start running and running, explore every corner and dead end (if there is any), and find what this new world has to offer. Looking back at the door she just came through, she realized that if she is to pursue this, she has to also leave behind her home, her hatchling-hood, and all she had known. But then she remembered the same single hallway with two directions and only two. The small claustrophobic hall of doors with only a few rooms that provided the space she needed but only the library was enough to glide through but not fly! Then something clicked, all her life she has just been doing the same thing over and over. Do whatever, set up, chase, kill or spare, repeat. Why are we trapped there anyway! Play outrages in her head.

With a swift move, her tail cuts through the air. It made an impact on the door slamming it shut and event dented it so it will open no more. Play chooses a direction and sprints to it making short breaths as she follows the very much familiar rhythm of her foot falls and leaves the door behind her as in front of her is an adventure she knows is the first of many. Zig-zagging corners, leaping puddles, she never felt alive. Eventually she made it to a drop off that opens to the biggest room she ever saw. Play's four wings snaps open as she takes off into the open space. Oh my, YES, I CAN FLY! She swings her tail and tilts her wings to the left aiming for another opening. "FREEDOM!"


Art by DeathDragon101

<=========<@>=========Forum Participation========<@>=========>

Play: "Thank you soooo MUCH for playing!" *Cackling laughter
Open the Door~ wrote:
Hosting post:
One if my durgs asked to volunteer, so let me introduce Play.

"Alright, lets get this road on the show!

You walked through door @& and walked into a cross road with three other doors.

- On your right is door 24

- On your left is door 25

- And in front of you is an unlabeled door that is glowing underneath.

Good luck!"

Prize Post:

Door 24: @whirlwinnr
(You chose the right door, you also found a drawer and got...
Gilded Decorative Chest 50x)

Door 25: @finalhunt
(You got DUOP, but you didn't die. That's ok, I guess. You did get...
Tertiary Banescale Gene: Carnivore Tertiary Aberration Gene: Mucous

Door Redacted: @harmonybot
(You opened the door and lay your eyes on an expanse of hallways of hallways and no doors in sight with moist carpet, yellow walls, and the amazing reassuring buzzing of the glowing squares on the ceiling! OH, and you also found this littel guy stranded there... 94838775_350.png)
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Exalting Play to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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