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Personal Style



Skin: Desert Halation



6.31 m
4.73 m
559.48 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 08, 2023
(9 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


worth: 3.730g
dragon: 50g
pharaoh: 1.500g
sarcophagus: 1.200g
capsule: 180g
skin: 800g


100 questions!
(some are left out)

1. What is the name of your clan?
Realm of the Nightmare King, more officially just the Nightmare Factory

2. Is it considered a clan? A tribe? A group? Other?
We're a group of workers living in the self established region called the Voltagon

3. How did the name originate?
From the Nightmare King, the factory founder

4. What form of leadership runs your clan? A council? A King/Queen/Other? If not, how does the clan operate?
The Nightmare King is the founder and leader, but the official decision maker would be Riptide, their sibling. These two among others form the Voltagon Board, the main rulers over the factory.

5. What is the main income of your clan? Is there anyone that manages the money?
The Subwharf, first layer of the factory, is the main money manager. Our secretaries there handle most of the affairs

6. Are certain things more valuable than currency that would be used as such?
Workers and golems are sometimes traded in, as well as expensive items (gemstones, relics ect.) for the main hoard

7. Is your clan dedicated to one craft or few, OR do they specialize in many things?
We specialise in many things! The factory churns out mechanic parts, completed pieces of machinery, tools, parts, furnishings, even golems sometimes. Anything that can be sold really.

8. Does your clan trade with other clans for wares, or do they prefer to keep to themselves?
We are very choosy with who steps foot in the Voltagon let's say.

9. Is there any enemies to your clan? If so, how?
Any of the deities, the Voltagon Board has a bad past with them

10. Does your clan squabble with these enemies or other clans often?
Quite often, pretty sure the King is mostly the instigator too.

11. Does your clan have many allies? If so, how do they usually interact with each other?
The Voltagon keeps to itself mostly, any allies the Nightmare Factory might find are within that region

13. Does your clan get along Beastclans or are they all enemies?
We get along quite well, the mith are well aquaint with the Factory

14. Does your clan accept Beastclan members? Why or why not?
We do, many of them are kept as pets or help with work

15. If yes, would they have any form of issues integrating into your clan? Would any dragons show distaste towards them?
Not really, we do not discriminate

17. Are they treated like actual Familiars?
A lot of the 'lower' familiars are liked as housepets, the King really likes Sparksylphs

19. Does your clan celebrate the Elemental Holidays? Why or why not?
Of course! Oh we love the Thundercrack Carnivale, unlike other academies we genuinely make time for festivities

21. Is any specific element more respected than others, or one more hated than others? If so, why?
We do not discriminate against any element, mostly Lightning dragons work with us, but anyone is welcome. We do not allow Deity Ambassadors to enter the Voltagon without heavy supervision

22. IS any race of dragon more respected or more hated than others? If so, why?
The King isn't fond of Sandsurges, they remind them of their father, and of themselves

23. Can all forms of elemental magic heal?
Healing isn't custom to element, it does seem that Plague and Nature dragons are way better at it though

25. Is any certain magic more powerful than others?
Surely not, it all depends on the holyness of the individual

27. Are tomes important to magic users? Why or why not?
Oftentimes they enhance magic powers, blessed tomes can even allow dragons to control different elements to an extent

28. Are certain things or places able to amplify ones magical abilities?
Battling or casting in an elemental region correlating with the dragon would press an advantage

30. Can a dragons magic become naturally more powerful over time or would they need any form of training to help them become more powerful?
Training is necessary with every kind of skill

31. In-game lore says only water can be seers, but can any dragon be able to do the same regardless of element? How do they receive future prophecies without the influence of a Deity?
We assume so, we do not have any seers that would be of a different element
Wynn says so, but he is a cold blooded liar
Perhaps the dragons of Chaos could have been seers

34. Can dragons use magic to shape or create things?
Only elemental deities can do so

36. Do your dragons use magic to attack others in combat? Can any element engage in magic combat?

37. Do your dragons worship the deities?
Most of our workers do not give too much thought into the deities, the ones sworn to King share their opinion, which is hatred

38. Do dragons worship only their deity of their element, or would they worship another deity, if at all?
We acknowledge all deities as individuals, they are the most powerful form of an element
The entire Voltagon very strongly believes in the Ghoul of the Nightmare King

39. Are there dragons that don't believe in the deities or hate them? If so, why?
We do not appreciate them at the very least, they have tried to dismantle the Voltagon numerous times, as well as attack the Voltagon Board often

42. How does one go about exalting another? Is it a ritual? A process? Does one decide for themself and leave? Does another help?
Workers who break our rite or serve no use are exalted to the outer realms, they leave with a small bit of their possessions and are to never return to the Voltagon again

45. Do the worship of the deities play a big role in your clan?
Hatred of them does

47. Do dragons that come back from exalting seen as higher or lesser for leaving/being kicked out?
They are not allowed to, no matter the circumstances. Who knows if they could try and gather intel for the Expanse

49. Are any breed stronger than another in any way? Or are all breeds equal?
Some breeds have an advantage purely because of size

51. Are your dragon sizes more to that of in-game canon (Fae is the smallest, Imperial the biggest, etc.) or are they closer together?
Bit more closer, but still far apart

52. Are all dragons similarly expressive or do they all uniquely show their emotions?
Closely lore oriented. Fae are more expressive but mainly use their fans to communicate

53. Are your dragons able to fly? Or is wholly determined by their wing sizes?
Wing size matters

54. Do Ancients and Moderns get along with each other?
Very, we do not discriminate, except for Sandsurges it seems
The King has a meltdown when one of their tunnels hits the factory on accident

55. Can your Ancient and Modern dragons breed with each other despite in-game lore?
We assume it wouldn't spawn offspring

61. Do dragons mate for life or no?

63. Do you have any disabled dragons? IF so how do they receive assistance for such? Are they considered less?
If a workplace accident happens, no need to fret. We have the capabilities and resources to replace anything that has been lost to machinery.

64. Are your dragons in your lore, anthro, human, or just simply dragon?
More anthro, hands and standing on hind legs stuff

65. Are your dragons more human like in terms of intelligence or are they more feral/animal like?
Human intelligence, perhaps even more

66. How technologically advanced is your clan? Do they use magic to fuel technology? or just simply magic for all necessary things?
A mix of both, we are quite revolutionary when it comes to technology, not even the Goldensparc can match us

68. What does your clan do with abandoned eggs?

69. Does your clan have ambassadors/representatives? What do they do?
Many Miths pose as ambassadors

71. Is architecture important in your clan? Do they live where infrastructure is important or no?
Very much so, while the Voltagon is grand, it is rather small, we build up over buildings and down underground often
Besides, King is a fan of stunning architecture

73. Besides forms of leader is there any jobs considered to be more valuable/ important than others?

Engineering and skilled with machinery are highly valued positions

74. Does your clan have a library?


76. Do you have a prison? How is it run? What would someone have to do to be imprisoned?
We do, down in the underground sectors, mostly rule-breakers and infiltrators are imprisoned there, and exalted out of the Voltagon afterwards

77. Would your dragons have a trial for the offending person? How strict are the laws if your clan has any?
King and the Voltagon Board judge the culprits

83. Is the Shade feared in your clan? Anyone "Shade-Touched"?
There are shadeborn, and the Shade can't be feared when we have a fragment of it in our lair

84. IS there anyone that worships the Shade? Are they open about it?
Belphegor at the very least commends their creator

86. IS there a certain dress code or expectation of style in your clan? Any developed styles over time?
Cog accessories are quite popular lately

91. Do dragons have certain things we do? Like desks for writing, full beds, shelves, etc. Or would they be very different to compensate for their style of living/being dragons? (Like instead of beds, they'd have nests)
Every dragon in the region has a hoard of their own

97. What about songs that would be commonly sung among your dragons?
We do often circle around work songs, they go well with the assembly line rythm

98. Are hatchlings assigned a job when they're young or can be anything they please once they're of a certain age?
They can be anything, though it is rare that an egg hatches in the hatchery
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