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Personal Style


Ornate Pearly Necklace
Arcane Aura



Scene: Enchanted Library


16.62 m
14.57 m
8366.84 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Aug 03, 2023
(10 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Obelisk
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none





A true dragon of Arcane, Numbers is obsessed with...well...numbers. Numbers, statistics, graphs, experimentation, hypotheses, and the never ending pursuit of knowledge. That was what drew him to Saqqara's teachings when she first came to his homeland. It wasn't her religious fervor with which she spoke of Plaguebringer, or the power she promised, it was the scholarly potential of the trials, of what he could bring to the world of the Necromancers. He could study himself and other trial-goers, make notes.

His breed, it was said, was created by Earthshaker to combat something terrible that was to come. Well, what better way to prepare than to study this phenomenon? This...process of becoming something new after surviving a crucible of challenges.

Day 0

Experimenting on sentient others was unethical, surely. However, Numbers was not subjecting anyone to this series of tests, not really. Only himself. It wasn't his fault if others were undergoing these trials for him to observe. But he would not let their own tests go to waste. He would record everything.

Large paws left large prints behind him as he climbed the edge of the Wyrmwound. Perhaps he should have worn some sort of protection, some goggles or a full hazmat suit. But that would defeat the purpose would it not? He couldn't learn about Plaguebringer's magic if he shielded himself from it. Numbers chose a place halfway up the great crater at the center of the Wasteland, a good place where he could observe both those at the bottom and at the top.

"I should have brought an assistant," he thought out loud to himself as he reached into his satchel and withdrew a notebook and stylus to begin to record his journey so far.

Difficulty: Normal

Day 1 - The Trial of Infection

It's like being in a field hospital, only without nurses and healers trying to make sure everyone makes it out alive. Amid the groaning, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, I am able to discern a fair few trial participants. Some are perfectly healthy yet, albeit suffering from the miasma of the Wyrmwound so close to them, but some have been brushed by the claws of Plaguebringer. So far, I have not felt that telltale sign--which is good I suppose.

From my perch, I can see a very interesting specimen, an aberration. Supposedly they are a breed that can undergo these trials more than once, whether they succeed or fail. This one appears to be on its second trial or so, as she already displays the bright crimson marks of Mother.

No Infection

Day 2 - The Trial of Infection

In my first day, I saw no more than two deaths of Mother's illness. Whether that is due to their personal fortitude or the virulence of the sickness that gripped them, I am unsure. I have tried to speak to a few others, but none are in a talking mood. They are too busy with their prayers, meditations, or in some cases, lamentations. I wonder if I were to reach out to Plaguebringer if She would turn Her attention upon me? I'm not sure if I specifically want to ask, after what I have seen so far.

No Infection

Day 3 - The Trial of Infection

I can always walk away from this. Nothing binds me here except my own curiosity and experimentation. I can't seem to look away. It isn't as though I can help any of these others. I am not a dragon of plague and I have no innate magic that can save them. But that is what these trials are supposed to change, to teach us. We cannot know more unless we suffer the crucible of Mother's wrath. Perhaps I will one day see that crucible myself, though I cannot tell whether or not I will see the other side.

No Infection

Day 4 - The Trial of Infection

I had to move from my spot today. A rather large guardian taking their trials farther up the rim succumbed to their infection and slid down the slope. Damn near almost crushed me, and I am not a small dragon! Poor sod, I've never seen such a manifestation of symptoms. His outward appearance suggested not only a blistering burn, but a weeping sore. Scales are scattered everywhere, fallen from his flesh. The buzzards are already gathering...and not just them. Other trial goers farther into their trials, driven nearly mad with hunger are swarming the corpse.

I--I thought my stomach was a bit stronger.

No Infection

Day 5 - The Trial of Infection

Perhaps it was my proximity to that unfortunate soul, but I seem to be coming down with something. Whether it is truly Plaguebringer's touch as the Necromancers say, or instead something else--like my poor choice to be so close to the very stewpot of disease and bacterium--I am uncertain. Either way, I am now infected with some strain of illness that I must survive if I am to conclude my research here and live to tell about it.

Pinkerton Pull: Ornate Pearly Necklace

Day 6 - The Trial of Survival

It's gotten worse. Steadily overnight I was increasingly unable to sleep. I had to continuously roll over to the opposite side as one nasal passage clogged and the other drained. This restlessness is sure to make it harder for me to fight off the disease now festering inside me. I'd give anything for even the mildest herbal remedy. Plaguebringer must be SO proud.


Day 7 - The Trial of Survival

I really don't have the energy to write this entry today. Fatigue has made focus all but impossible as the veins in my skull pound like drums in my ears. It is difficult to even fixate my eyes on anything because they consistently seem to vibrate with each deep pulse of my blood. But I persevere because I must. There have been more deaths around me, and the filth accumulating from the rot is not making conditions any better for anyone here that is ill. But I suppose that is part of the point.

Survived (Lvl 2)

Day 8 - The Trial of Survival

Ah yes, survival is the entire purpose of this. Of course it is. That is one of Mother's tenants, is it not? Somehow I have made it over a week sitting, standing, laying, trying to sleep, just staying alive. Whatever I have contracted is burrowing deeper now, causing bone-deep aches and chills that even the heat of Blacksand would likely not warm. This is utterly miserable. But not as miserable as some, yet. Last night I saw a fae disappear over the rim of the cauldron. He never came back.


Day 9 - The Trial of Survival

Some new trials arrived today. I can see some of them perching below me, finding the smallest cracks and hovels for their meditations. Others--a scant few really--have climbed to the spires and cliffs above me, intent to show their determination by taking a closer perch. I am not sure that is necessary, as I have been in this same middle point since I arrived and had no trouble contracting this stupid sickness that now ravages me.


Day 10 - The Trial of Survival

The's so terrible today. I believe my mind is playing tricks on me. I saw something moving amid the rocks nearby. They seemed to come together somehow, like a tiny golem of stone. It danced to a tune I could not hear before collapsing back into rock and dirt. Perhaps some of my many eyes are on the fritz--I do feel like my brain is cooking in my skull. Perhaps I should give up this folly and seek the attention of a skilled healer before it is too late.


Day 11 - The Trial of Survival

Yes, I am definitely starting to lose it. The fever dreams are so real. Last night I dreamt of Plaguebringer stopping her fight with Gladekeeper just long enough to punch Arcanist in the face. He flew so high into the air that he disappeared amongst the stars. Plaguebringer looked at me, seemed to grin, then went back to her eternal conflict with her sister.


Day 12 - The Trial of Survival

It's getting harder to sit up just to write these entries. I am leaking from every facial orifice without end. Tears from my eyes, snot from my nose, drool from my mouth. I soon expect that blood might weep from my ears--if it isn't already and I just can't see it, even with more eyes on my body than the typical dragon. Some of my eyes are swollen and crusted shut. I must find a way to master this illness or I will surely die here.


Day 13 - The Trial of Survival

I am not a Plague dragon by birth, but I am a dragon of science. Of statistics. Of raw magic. This sickness is not just a simple illness, it is as magical as it is physical, and I can fight it. Perhaps there is something to this. I am only one dragon of many attempting these trials even if I meant to simply be an observer. It seems preposterous to me that Plaguebringer would look upon me--one in hundreds--and brush me with Her divine touch.

But there must be something to it. I will find a way to purge the sickness from my body, even if I have to send it into someone else to do so.

Passed second trial by force (multigaze eye type advantage)

Day 14 - The Trial of Contagion

Success! I can't believe that worked! It took a lot of energy and focus and the designation of a perfect target, but I was able to somehow ball up the energy of the plague magic within my body and send it outward, purging it from my system. I have mastered the illness within myself...but I am...not exactly happy with myself for it. The poor soul I infected is suffering greatly--

I return to complete this entry to say that I took into my care the dragon I infected. I couldn't just watch her die when she didn't ask for my intervention. Besides, there was one final task asked of me, one final trial. I infected, now I had to cure. I procured a ritual that allowed me to draw the plague from this poor soul and cast it back into the Wyrmwound from whence it came.

My scales darken, my wings leeching crimson. Evisra says I have passed the trials. I have been marked by Plaguebringer's claws, Her slashes evident over my hide in the color of blood. Each of my myriad eyes sees the marks and hardly believes...but I am, and I have won.

Survived 4 rounds
Faith and Determination survived

Lore belongs to the Necromancer Subspecies
Divider images from Drytil and Osiem
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