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Personal Style


Black Thumb Garden Hat
Nightshade Harvest
Cairnstone Carry
Ivory Aviator Scarf
White Linen Neck Wrap
Advisor Waist Wrap
Black Thumb Garden Apron
Black Thumb Garden Socks



Scene: Cottage Garden


23.93 m
15.38 m
7540.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 25, 2023
(10 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Grotesque-L.png K O H A R U Grotesque-R.png



" Welcome to Hotel Limbo. "
F or every society, there are its outcasts; on the outskirts they scuttle, feeding off scraps, surviving in the eyes of their betters only for what they can give. Have pity for the pariahs, for in their suffering brews the greatest darkness.

This is the tale of the Barghest, Koharu.

"B y the decree of the village mayor, I hereby sentence you to death for the crime of grave-robbing."

The memory of the trial was still fresh in her mind. She'd been pelted with refuse and rocks. Koharu had stood before the stand, morosely watching the accuser weep with rage.

"How dare you!" They had shrieked, "That was my mother's grave! You slug-sucker!"

She squeezed her eyes shut at the barrage of memories flooding her head. Yes... yes she had indeed dug up that dragon's grave, but the deceased was a wealthy one, laden with jewels even in death, and Koharu herself was a hungry soul. She just wanted something, a little bit from the rich, anything at all. A crust of bread would've sufficed, but all her life she'd fed on crumbs instead.

Koharu had begged. "Mercy! I was hungry, I needed money for food, please-"

They had shut her down and dragged her into jail instead. And now she was sitting in a grimy cell, awaiting daybreak with dread: that was when they'd execute her.

There was nothing in her cell at all, not even a bed. The condemned were not afforded any luxury. Koharu felt herself deflate with that thought. She was used to it, having lived in poverty all her life, but it still stung. It always stung, every time she went to bed hungry, every time she received little for her work of digging holes, every time she'd been chased out of each village she went to for her marred appearance. This part of the Starwood Strand was a superstitious lot, and Koharu could do nothing but endure it.

Her claws brushed the pouch at her neck. It still contained the valuables she'd stolen, among them a silver mirror and a shrike figurine. The guards didn't take those from her in the hurry to lock her up. But feeling them now, they brought her no comfort. She was going to die anyways.

So she began to weep. Quietly, her tears dripped onto the concrete floor. Her stomach growled.

Why me? Why was it so hard? Why couldn't she have anything? Why was she alone and sad and hungry and cold all the time? Why? Why why why?

"I just- I had to. I just had to." Koharu sobbed.

"Be quiet!" The guard at the door banged on the bars. Koharu yelped and fell silent. She continued quietly sobbing in the dark.

"Help me," she murmured, "Help me, Arcanist- someone- please."

"I hear you."

Her head shot up. That didn't sound like the guard.

"...Hello?" Koharu whispered.

"The mirror, Koharu. Please pull it out."

"What? I don't-" What was going on? The guard wasn't speaking to her - he had his back turned - and she was alone in the cell; who could possibly be talking? "Where are you? Who are you?"

"I cannot reveal myself to you in the real world, but I can speak to you through the mirror." The voice was soft, muffled. "I implore you to pull it out, so that I may converse with you properly."

It felt like such a silly request, but Koharu didn't know what else to do. Dumbly, she took the mirror from her pouch, holding it up to the moonlight. When the light hit the surface, she gasped.

What stared out at her wasn't her reflection, but rather a massive, slender creature. It wouldn't have been right to call it a dog: its snout was too long, too distorted, and its eyes held a shrewdness that made Koharu shiver. Her mind unhelpfully suggested it was a dragon, but that didn't feel right. How could this eerie, elongated thing be a dragon?

"It's so nice to meet you, Koharu." The visage spoke, revealing rows of glittering teeth.

"Who- what's going on?"

"You need not whisper, dear. The guard cannot hear you, I made sure of it."

"W- how? And who are you?" She asked, her voice stronger. When the guard didn't react, Koharu realized the visage wasn't lying.

Another smile. "I am Frideswide. I heard you crying. Is something wrong?"

At this, Koharu paused. Yes, something was wrong; everything was wrong. She wanted to rail and scream and tell this stranger all the hardship she'd suffered, how she'd never been accepted for her appearance, all the names she'd been called. But she was cautious and kept her mouth shut.

Instead she replied: "I... I'm fine."

"You are aching, I can tell."

"It's- it's the cold."

A pause. "You need not lie. You have suffered."

Koharu was silent. When she didn't say anything, Frideswide continued, a kindly look in her eyes.

"I watched them accuse you, I saw how they treated you like nothing more than dirt." The creature growled, "Appalling. You don't deserve pain."

"...Maybe I do."

"Do you? Do you want more hurt?"

Koharu's claws shook. "...N- no."

"I am sorry for your pain."

"No- no I- I don't," she could feel herself cracking again. Before she knew it, it all came spilling out. "They- they chased me out of every town- threw stones at me- I needed money, I needed food. I'm- I'm so tired of this.

"They're going to kill me, Frideswide- at dawn. They're going to execute me."

Frideswide watched her gently. Then, she spoke:

"Let me help you."

"How?" You're- I don't even know where you are."

"You are alone. You have suffered. But that doesn't need to be the case." In the dark, Frideswide's eyes gleamed, shining, polished like the moon, so bright it seemed to consume the room. "Say the word and I will take care of everything.

"I only need you."

A shiver ran down Koharu's spine. Should she agree? It was tempting, the offer of safety; she felt compelled to agree. But something didn't seem quite right. She didn't know the whole picture. Her desperation and common sense warred in her mind.

I don't want to die. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be hungry and tired. I don't want to be hated.

Why don't I deserve anything?

I want something. I want it all.

Give me anything.

She knew, in an hour, the sun would begin to rise, and they would come in and seize her in chains. They would drag her off to the gallows to be hung. In an hour, she would die destitute.

The thought seized her with terror.

"...Y- yes. Yes, help me, please." Koharu begged. "I don't want to die."

Frideswide simply stared, and stared, and stared, and Koharu stared back. Those eyes of hers, they were wide, growing wider, larger and larger until they seemed to swallow her whole.

"Thank you."

When the guard went to fetch the prisoner, he found nothing but an empty cell and a mirror on the ground. Of course, the alarm had been sounded: frantic searches began all over town. When the authorities investigated the cell, they found no evidence of the criminal's escape. It was strange; how could she have possibly fled, when there were no signs of her leaving? The only clue they had was the silver mirror.

So they took that and stashed it in the town hall. As the day went on, it became more clear that indeed, the prisoner had simply vanished. It was impossible. The relative of the robbed corpse was beside themselves with rage.

But no matter how hard they searched, there was nothing. Defeated, the patrols were reduced, and as the sun set the town prepared to sleep.

The next morning, the relative of the corpse was found dead in their bed.

It was pandemonium. The town was in shock. How could they have died? And right after their poor mother's grave had been desecrated- what a tragedy, what a horror. The investigation furthered the town's anxiety: nothing had been found of the assailant. The only evidence this time was a smashed mirror in the kitchen, its frame bent outwards, distended and broken.

But it didn't end there. For the next morning yielded another corpse, this one found in a home with broken windows. Horror, fear, shock, the village began to panic.

And then there was another. And another. And another. More and more, until the town fell asleep and never woke up again.

It was dusk when Koharu came to.

Groaning, she sat up, shaking her head. Her whole body was dusty and grimy. She scratched her mane, dislodging bits of glass and twigs from it.

What happened? Her memories were disjointed, stained with the emotion of terror. but she remembered the cell, and the mirror, and Frideswide. Aside from that, the past few days were fuzzy.

It was then that Koharu noticed she was outside. No longer was she in the cell, now she was at the edge of town, sheltered beneath the forest canopy. A strange feeling settled in her stomach. How did she get out here? She didn't escape, she knew that, so what... or who...

Cold fear stabbed her chest.

I feel good.

She felt too good, in fact. It was as if she'd been fed and rested her whole life: there was no niggling hunger in her belly, no weariness in her limbs. Nothing but sweet comfort. Nothing, except a strange weight in her bones, as if iron bars had been strung through them, holding her in a loving embrace.

And she remembered the eyes.

Her eyes.

Her claws.

Her murders.

Terror gripped her heart. Her claws - no, their claws - gripped her snout. This was their body. This was their doing. The town was dead, punished, because of them.

She's INSIDE me.

A voice echoed in Koharu's mind, sweet like oleander, warm like milk.

From now on, I will always be with you, Frideswide said, and you will never have to suffer again.

As the groundskeeper of Hotel Limbo, Koharu's job is simple: keep the hedges trimmed, the lawns watered, and the lamps lit. She isn't too pleased about her current situation, but at least she's finally found the stability she'd never had.
Lore by Dragonfire546
Layout and artwork by awaicu
Banners by PoisonedPaper

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