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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Spring


1.15 m
0.42 m
37.82 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene
Stinger (Aether)
Stinger (Aether)


Jul 24, 2023
(11 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Aether
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none



7.24.20 - 3.18.23
ZBpsf28.png bzEU9i1.pngTCqj3qG.png


“Today I carved another river in my heart and sent my love downsteam. May it be a balm to your mother, and a final tribute to you. Rest quietly, softly, and peacefully at last.”

- Unknown

My Dearest Ember,

You were love at first sight. You were a tiny little thing, barely three pounds of sleek black wiggly worm. A pure, loving, goofy soul. I couldn't believe how tiny you were when I drove out to pick you up. Even from the first night, you didn't want to be separated from us. You loved the three things all puppies loved: snuggles, playtime, and a good long nap on your back. I loved when you'd fall asleep on me and give that happy sigh and contented groan. You knew where you belonged. You were home.

I adored watching you grow from that itty bitty rat pup into a long-legged spindly, wiry, funny-haired dog. You went from a smooth, sleek otter coat to an explosion of fluffy grey on your head, an old man beard, a fluffy mane that made you look like a Lion when it was washed, this peculiar line of extra long hair that fell down over the sides of your back, and, of course, your fantastic eyebrows. Once you got the hang of your adult legs, boy did you run. Faster than me, but not quite faster than those tricky lil rabbits. I loved it when you'd do the puppy sploot, or tap my shoulder expectantly when sitting next to me when I had food, and that weird thing you did on the stairs where you'd sit your butt down on one step and then stretch your front legs down on the step below. You were so odd. I mean, you liked ginger, oranges, apples, dried mealworms (and it sounded like a MineCraft sound effect when you'd eat them), and so many other strange foods most dogs would turn their noses up at. You did love eggs though, especially cheesy duck eggs. Chicken, turkey, pork, beef... We even made you your own mini patties and plates, lol. Even mini puppy pancakes. And every time you'd get your specially made food in your white bowls you'd do a silly puppy dance out of excitement. You used to do that when you were just 9 weeks old, and for yogurt exclusively, for some reason.

You loved laps; you'd leap up with your boingy legs in whatever chair we sat on. You liked climbing up on the reclining chair to drape yourself over our necks like a little python. I guess you liked the view; you'd even jump up on the back of the couch to look around and sleep there. You'd sit on my feet or stand in between my legs when you "wanted pick up" for a better vantage point of what was going on in the kitchen, or just to be held so you could tuck your cold paws in to my robe. Gosh, you loved that robe. You'd even lean back and turn away if someone tried to take you from my arms for a chance at holding you. I loved when I'd be sitting or laying on the couch and you'd hop up and paw at my robe so I'd fold a part of it out for you to sleep on. I'm always grateful for that. Even when I couldn't walk you, couldn't play as much with you like you deserved, you were still content to just sit with me or be on my lap. When my POTS got worse and I was home alone a lot, you'd still wait downstairs for me to wake up late, and you'd be laying on your little bed in the sun, wagging your tail delightedly, always happy to see me no matter what. I loved it so much (even when you'd get a bit too enthusiastic and have a little “happy tinkle” and then roll over in it for tummy time lol).

You did bark a lot, especially when the door rang or someone knocked. It startled me some, but I miss it so much. I especially miss those hilarious yawning noises you'd make, and your happy bark/howl when you were excited, and the joyful anticipatory whines that you'd let out when you saw the car turn into the hiking trail park. The yips of elation when you'd spot a rabbit were the best. “Do you see a bunny?” you’d get super excited and tilt your head, then run to the window to look for them and whine. My favorite sound, though, was the happy bark you’d make from inside just from hearing the garage door open because that meant we were home. Sometimes you’d be so cozy you’d just still be curled up in the sun on your bed or on the back of the couch, so you wouldn’t say anything, but your tail would make an incessant thumping against whatever was near as we got closer and closer to giving you pets.

I loved bringing home new toys for you to either ignore completely or shred into a billion pieces within just a few days. One of your favorite things was when we'd give you paper bags stuffed with treats to tear up and empty water bottles to run around with because of course those items were infinitely better than any toy money could buy. You'd pick them up and do a happy trot with them into the music room to place them on the carpet and dismantle them. I even miss chasing you around to get a gross tissue you stole back. Your "treasures" as we put it. You liked earwax a bit too much, ha. But they were a great way to get us to chase you around, which was another of your favorite games. You'd zoom around and tuck your tail in for maximum speed. Sometimes you'd even run right into a chair. And we'd as you "aw, you ok?" and even though you were fine, you'd think about it for a moment, then droop your ears as if to say "hey wait a minute, yeah I am sad about that actually, please come love on me." Of course, the moment we asked if you wanted to play again, you'd go right back to being rambunctious.

I miss giving you baths, seeing you go crazy with the zoomies, tucking your tail for maximum zoom, and puffing up like a porcupine after. Trying to get you to stay still after bath time for your nail trim.

I miss how you’d jump up on the back of the couch so you’d be at chest level with whoever was there so you’d be at optimum petting and pick up height. Sometimes I’d try to set you down back on the couch top when my arms would get a bit tired from holding you (not that I could ever be tired of you) and instead of hopping down you’d worm yourself deeper into my hold or tilt your legs so I couldn’t set you down. Then I’d just put you on my lap at the table until you were ready to leave.

I miss playing pillow fight with you.

I miss how, when you were done with your walk, you’d sit between my feet and give me that “look” so we’d turn around. Once you could see the house in sight you’d charge down that hill with me, ready for your nice bed and cool wood floor.

I miss how you’d quite literally tremble with excitement when you figured out the car was turning into the state park. You LOVED going there. So many smells, so many little critters to see. You didn’t like the stream though, despite being half poodle. Go figure.

I miss the little white tufts of fur on the tips of your back toes. Also the fact that you had rear dewclaws. Turns out most dogs don't even have those.

I miss how you'd sleep with your long back legs tucked all the way up under your chin somehow.

I miss how your whiskers and beard would get flattened on one side when you slept on them, and you’d look a bit bedraggled when you awoke.

I miss when you'd go outside for the sole purpose of sitting on your puppy rock and watching people walk by. You'd lay down out there in a good sunny spot and rest for awhile.

I miss how nuts you'd go for the hose end of the vacuum. You'd lunge at it, trying to bite the tip where all the suction was coming from, and your silly little beard would get sucked in a bit and would end up styled like a handlebar mustache.

I miss your cute little pineapple collar I picked out for you.

I miss how you'd sit up on the windowsill overlooking the garden and bird area, so you could watch me while I got the ducks and chickens in or out and watered the plants.

I miss when your inner kitty would come out and you'd literally go around finding the best sunny spots on the floor to rest in.

I miss how soft and glossy you were, your silky head and wispy tuft of hair, smelling like clean shampoo and sometimes yogurt when you'd get to have a freshly emptied container all to yourself. I miss your scruffy beard, too.

I miss playing hide and seek with you. You even learned the count down from 15, and my hand counting. You'd go nuts barking and then take off to find wherever your person was hiding and then you'd charge back up those stairs and back to me for me to count again and the next round to begin.

I miss your hilarious snarling noises you'd make when you were really intensely into a game of ball chase or chasing that big old sleigh bell around.

I miss how you left a puppy tornado of stolen garbage treasures and toys all over the floor, even when I accidentally tripped on them.

I miss the way you'd use the underneath of the couch kick out as a house, with your own blanket fort. You'd sleep there when the thunder would startle you, and I'd sit on top of the couch to keep you safe from those big scary booms.

I miss picking you up and holding you, carrying you around until my arms went numb. Watching you sleep on my lap, in my arms, on my chest, at my feet. The way you’d shuffle back in my arms and lean into me when I would try to put you down, or how you’d just go heavy to try to keep me from standing up when you were on my lap.

I miss that cute little head tilt you'd do when hearing a new sound or when we were talking about your favorite words like bunnies.

I miss when you'd sit on my feet, in your safe space beneath my robe, like I was some kind of penguin parent.

I miss hearing you paw at my door to be let in when you'd get impatient of waiting for me in the morning. The way you'd wait nicely outside the threshold once I opened it, and once I'd give you the ok, you'd run in and claim my bed as your own and we'd laze around a little longer.

I miss putting you in your cute little winter jackets when the snow began to fall, throwing snowballs for you, toweling you off after a good snow tunneling. The pink and yellow one made you look a bit like Winnie the Pooh.

I miss when you'd come in from running out in the summer heat, and you'd flop on the nice cool wood floor to chill out.

I miss your slow blinks and half lidded, sleepy puppy eyes. Your big, chocolate baby eyes.

I miss your kitty cat nature, how you'd permit petting and affection on your own terms.

I miss how you’d “play fight” with us when we’d pretend to tackle or box each other. We’d say “Ahh! Ember, help!” and sometimes you’d bark and try to play fight the “bad guy” but sometimes you’d get a bit confused and play fight the person saying “help” lol. Not exactly the best guard dog.

I miss how you'd play with the hose, trying to eat the stream of water, the noises you'd make. The way you'd sneeze out water when you accidentally got too big of a mouthful, and then you’d dive right back in. You hated streams, though.

I miss when you'd karate kick the slightly cracked front door open and hop back inside after you were done being outside on your line, and then you'd walk all the way in with it still on and plop down on your bed.

I miss calling you by all your silly names. Bingus, creature, gremlin, fairy, poopers, puppers, peepeehead, ninja, scrumbly, scrunkly, scringus. There are probably so many more nonsense words.

I miss how you'd try to roll in the grossest smelling stuff. You rolled in something absolutely vile that one day after it rained, and it was so bad I could smell it all the way upstairs, ha. Had to add baking soda to your soap that day.

I miss how you'd sit on your blanket that was on the music room chair, and listen to the piano music.

I miss the way all the tags on your harness would jingle, and you would jingle everywhere around the house.

I miss when you'd follow me into the garage, just so you could pick up a duck or chicken feather to bring inside to play with.

I miss that frustrated yap you’d do when you lost a toy under the desk or the couch, the the way you’d “help” me get it out by digging at the floor right where I was trying to look and shoving your nose into my ear.

I miss the way you'd get excited over your favorite puppy pebble, and how you'd jump around it in a play stance and then roll all over it.

I miss the happy way you’d trot around with your tail curled up on to your back. You looked like a little squirrel.

I miss laughing over your antics. You made me laugh every day without fail.

I miss your constant companionship. I was home most of the time, and home by myself a lot, but with you I never felt lonely.

I miss the nights when I'd head down for a late snack and you'd ninja down the stairs ever so quietly and jumpscare me by suddenly appearing at my feet, looking for a handout.

I miss how you were a little shadow, how you would follow me around, even if I was just doing mundane things like the laundry or baking cookies. You always wanted to be a part of whatever was going on.

I miss how warm your paws would get when you'd sleep, so you'd stretch out those long legs to cool them down. And the opposite, when your paws were a bit too chilly, and you'd press them into my leg instead.

I miss that grey-white shock of hair on your head that we could style like a mohawk.

I miss the excited zooming around you'd do when we'd say "should I get my... shoes on?" because you knew that meant we were going on a walk.

I miss how you had you favorite "sucky pillow" that you'd put in your mouth and vigorously knead when you were comfortable. You'd fall asleep with it in your mouth sometimes.

I miss seeing you sitting on the windowsill, looking for bunnies, leaving little puppy nose prints all over the glass. It's been months, and yet, I still haven't cleaned that window.

I miss how you'd chase spiders for no reason, pick them up in your mouth, set them down and watch them run only to pick them up again and repeat the process a few paces away. Somehow, you never got bit.

I miss how hilariously jealous you would get when your people would hug each other and exaggeratedly go “Awww ____!” instead of saying your name, and you’d run to try and wiggle in between the hug session and start barking to get the spotlight back on you.

I miss the funny “auwp?” noise you’d make when you had a good stretching yawn.

I miss the sigh of warm contentment you’d make when you’d throw yourself down into a good spot on the couch next to me and the happy groan you’d let out.

I miss your cheery nature, your boundless energy, your zest for life, your goofy attitude, your stubbornness, your playfulness, and most importantly, your unconditional love. I loved every moment here with you.

I am so sorry I couldn't protect you. I failed you. I'm sorry I couldn't bring you back. I'm sorry I didn't try harder. I'm sorry your last day was so painful. I’m sorry we didn’t have more time. I’m sorry I won't get to throw you your first real birthday party and get you rabbit treats that you never got to try. I’m sorry it was too cold to go to your favorite park one last time. I’m sorry for every time I was upset with you for something trivial, for every time I had any frustrated thoughts directed at you, for every time I wasn't there for you when I should've been, even though you were always there for me. I didn’t deserve you.

Wherever you are, I hope it’s somewhere nice and warm and open. Where bellies are always full and the weather is always fair. Where there are plenty of places to roll around, to run carefree, to sleep in the warm sun. Where there is no fear, no pain, simply bliss and contentment.

Please forgive me. All I ask is that one day, you'll let me hold you again in my arms. That's all I want. May time bring us together again.











































By reilybug
Thank you so very much <3
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