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Personal Style


Candle Cascade
Herald's Wrap
Herald's Scroll
Golden Roundhorn
Runebead Necklace
Psion Overcoat
Lucky Sage Lantern
Lovebirds Spare Tea




28.05 m
14.56 m
9139.79 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 17, 2023
(10 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245


2nd Generation Temporal Rifter

Allison -> Iadoa -> Auriel

Auriel was one of the brightest of her kind, a pure gold dragon with eyes that burned like the sun. She was a time lord, one of the rare and powerful beings who could manipulate the fabric of time itself. She could travel to any era, witness any event, and alter any outcome. She was revered by her fellow dragons, who saw her as a leader and a protector.
Horacio was the opposite of Auriel, a black dragon with scales of midnight and eyes that glowed like the moon a softer flame color. He was a time keeper, one of the diligent and responsible beings who could manage the flow of time and ensure its stability. He could monitor any timeline, detect any anomaly, and correct any mistake. He was feared by his fellow dragons, who saw him as a judge and a punisher.

Auriel and Horacio were enemies, locked in an eternal conflict over the fate of time itself. Auriel believed that time was a gift, a playground for her to explore and enjoy. She loved to visit different periods, meet different people, and influence different events. She saw herself as a benevolent force, a guardian of history and a shaper of destiny.

Horacio believed that time was a duty, a burden for him to bear and protect. He hated to see different timelines, witness different paradoxes, and fix different errors. He saw himself as a necessary force, a keeper of order and a defender of reality.
They clashed many times, across many ages and places. Auriel would create a change, Horacio would undo it. Horacio would enforce a rule, Auriel would break it. They fought with words and claws, with magic and fire, with passion and fury. They were opposites in every way, and they hated each other with every fiber of their being.
But hate is not so far from love, and opposites attract.

One day, Auriel decided to visit the ancient past, when dragons ruled the world and humans were mere slaves. She wanted to see the glory of her ancestors, the majesty of their kingdoms, and the splendor of their culture. She flew to the largest and most magnificent city of all, the golden capital of Draconia.
There she saw Horacio, who had followed her trail and arrived before her. He was standing on top of the highest tower, looking over the city with a grim expression. He had sensed a disturbance in the timeline, a ripple that threatened to unravel everything. He had traced it to this place and this moment.
He turned around and saw Auriel landing on the opposite tower. He snarled at her, ready to confront her.
“Auriel! What have you done? What madness have you wrought?”
Auriel smiled at him, unfazed by his anger.
“Horacio! How nice to see you! What brings you here? What boredom have you endured?”
Horacio growled at her, losing his patience.
“Don’t play games with me! You know why I’m here! You’ve altered something in this timeline! Something important! Something dangerous!”
Auriel shrugged at him, feigning ignorance.
“Have I? I don’t know what you’re talking about! I’m just here to admire the view! Isn’t it beautiful?”
Horacio pointed at the city below them, his voice rising.
“Beautiful? It’s an abomination! It’s not supposed to be like this! This city should be in ruins! It should have been destroyed by a meteor strike centuries ago! But you’ve prevented that from happening! You’ve saved this city from its doom!”
Auriel nodded at him, her voice lowering.
“Yes, I did. And I’m proud of it. This city is a masterpiece of dragonkind. It’s a testament to our greatness. It’s a legacy for our future. Why should it be wiped out by some random rock from space? Why should we let fate decide our destiny? Why shouldn’t we make our own history?”
Horacio shook his head at her, his voice trembling.
“You don’t understand! You can’t do this! You can’t change the past! You can’t defy fate! You can’t make your own history! You’re breaking the rules! You’re creating chaos! You’re endangering reality!”
Auriel laughed at him, her voice mocking.
“I don’t care about your rules! I don’t fear your chaos! I don’t respect your reality! I make my own rules! I embrace my own chaos! I create my own reality! I’m a time lord! I’m free!”
Horacio stared at her, his eyes widening.
“You’re insane! You’re reckless! You’re dangerous!”
Auriel looked at him, her eyes softening.
“You’re boring! You’re rigid! You’re lonely!”
They paused, their words hanging in the air. They felt something stir in their hearts, something they had never felt before. Something that was stronger than hate, stronger than fear, stronger than pride.
Something that was love.

Their love changed them in many ways. It made them more compassionate, more understanding, more balanced. It made them question their beliefs, their values, their goals. It made them appreciate their differences, their similarities, their uniqueness. It made them happier, stronger, wiser.
Horatio still balances time to keep it from unraveling from many rifters entering their reality, but he’s a lot less hostile to them and seems to be content with his life sometimes forgetting about his prophecy. Auriel is one of the only rifters he truely respects.

Auriel Horacio and their son
Auriel has not seen her father since his fall to Chaos and his “death” she wishes he had taught her how to enter the time stream, but perhaps it’s a good thing that she can’t less more fall to chaos,

In the shadows of a world where power beckons the ambitious, The Organization sought to harness the abilities of those descended from Allison, a matriarch whose lineage was steeped in extraordinary gifts. Auriel and Horacio, aware of the looming threat, made a heart-wrenching decision to protect their son, Aeonis, from the clutches of those who would exploit his powers.

Under the cloak of night, Auriel and Horacio stood in the sanctum of their home, the air thick with the weight of destiny. Before them lay the swirling vortex of the timestream, a gateway to infinite possibilities and untold dangers.

“Aeonis, my child,” Auriel whispered, her voice trembling with a mother’s love and fear, “we do this to shield you, to give you a chance at a life unburdened by the greed of others.”
Horacio, his resolve fortified by the love for his son and the need to protect the future, nodded in silent agreement. He held Aeonis close, a silent promise that they would one day be reunited.
With tears that shimmered like stars, they placed Aeonis into the timestream. The currents of time enveloped him, and he vanished from their sight, his fate now a thread in the vast tapestry of the cosmos.

The Organization, relentless in their pursuit, arrived too late. They found only the echoes of the power that had been, the remnants of a family’s last stand against the darkness that sought to claim their legacy.
Allison, though not present, felt the ripple through the bonds of blood and time. Her heart ached for her descendants, for the sacrifice they had made in the name of freedom and safety.
The destruction of their home is what caused their clan to move from fire to nature.

Many years later they finally reunited with their son
The Moment of Reunion
As the tides of time ebbed and flowed, a singular event emerged on the horizon of destiny—a reunion that would mend the fragmented hearts of a family long separated. Iadoa, having been restored to clarity by the wish of his grandson Aeonis, yearned for the presence of his daughter, Auriel.
The cosmos, ever watchful, orchestrated the convergence of their paths. Auriel, with Horacio by her side, stepped through the veil of time, guided by the unerring compass of love that pulsed through the blood they shared with Iadoa.

In a secluded grove, where the whispers of time carried the secrets of countless eras, Iadoa awaited. The air shimmered with anticipation, the very leaves holding their breath for the impending embrace.
Auriel, her eyes mirroring the stars above, saw her father. The years of separation melted away as she ran to him, her steps a dance of joy and longing.

“Iadoa, Father,” she cried, her voice a harmony of sorrow and elation.
Iadoa, his arms open wide, welcomed his daughter. “Auriel, my child,” he responded, his tone a symphony of emotions.
Their embrace was a fusion of past regrets and future promises, a healing balm to the wounds inflicted by the relentless march of time.

Auriel, her eyes still glistening with tears of joy from her father’s embrace, turned her gaze upon the young man who had been the architect of this reunion. Her eyes met his, and in that instant, a mother’s intuition pierced through the veils of time and uncertainty.
“Horacio,” she whispered, her voice a mixture of wonder and disbelief, “look.”
Horacio, whose attention had been wholly devoted to his father-in-law, followed Auriel’s gaze. As his eyes found Aeonis, a torrent of memories and hopes flooded his senses. The boy who had vanished into the timestream, the son they had yearned for every day since, stood before them, a guardian of time.

Aeonis, feeling the intensity of their stares, looked from Iadoa to the couple who seemed so familiar, yet unknown. It was a puzzle, a missing piece of his soul that he had never known was lost.
“Mother? Father?” he ventured, the words foreign yet fitting perfectly on his tongue.

With no words needed, Auriel rushed to Aeonis, enveloping him in an embrace that bridged the years of separation. Horacio joined them, and the three became a tableau of reunion, a family that time itself could not tear asunder.
Iadoa, witnessing the scene, felt a profound sense of completion. His daughter and grandson, united with the young man he had come to love as his own, brought a sense of peace and purpose to his ancient heart.

From that moment on, Auriel, Horacio, and Aeonis embarked on a new chapter of their lives. With Iadoa’s wisdom and the shared legacy of Allison’s line, they stood ready to face whatever the future might hold, their bonds unbreakable, their love timeless.
In this tale of cosmic fate and familial love, the reunion of Auriel and Horacio with their son Aeonis is a testament to the enduring power of hope and the unyielding strength of the heart.
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