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Personal Style


Grey Spear
Black Candle Cascade
Conjurer's Cobwebs
Boneyard Drape
Woeful Gloves




6.41 m
6.66 m
537.95 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 27, 2023
(11 months)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


The embodiment of a nightmare, constantly fighting with his brother to harm sleeping dragons

Enchanted Jewelry Dusky Dreadwolf Smoldering Sconce Fancy Terror Bird Greybeak Reaper Peacock Scorpion Sorcerous Arms Enchanted Armaments Sabrespine Hunter Roundhorn Rager Wraith Hound Axe Mimic Dreadwolf Rimestalker Treacherous Irons



Shadows all around, the darkness of night consumes everything you can see as a torrential downpour is nearly just as blinding. Thunder booms, and you fear the sounds of the storm, looking wildly around for shelter, but not nearly as much as you fear the things on your heals, driving you to some form of safety. You've been running for so long and just want a place to rest, but what you're running from won't let you as you still hear sounds of advancement on your heels of terrifying things. Ahead, you see dots of light and wonder if your reprieve has finally come. Breathing a sigh of relief, you lumber towards the pinpricks, hoping they're not part of this tortuous nightmare you find yourself in, hoping the light in the darkness is a positive sign. That is, until they blink. Blink? You wonder, as you blink and rub your eyes to make sure you saw that right. Yes, blink, and they blink again as you watch them begin to move, the points of yellow followed close behind by blue-lit dots of sickly illumination. Suddenly, a bright flash across the sky illuminates the figure and you can see the dots belong to a dragon that's as dark as the night .. and grinning evilly.. "Ho-ho-ho, who do we have here?" a sickening voice whispers, and at another flash across the sky you see the glint of blades in the light. Swallowing hard, you muster what strength you can to keep moving and get away from those blades.. and the dragon who wields them.. "Where are you going?" the sinister voice whispers again as the sound of bones clacking together along with the chiming of chains follow behind the being as they move to watch you turn away. "Don't you want to plaaaaaayyy? I have a fun game in mind. It's called catch-the-mace. Wanna tryyyyyyy?~" The voice still calls behind you in a gut-wrenching sing-songy tone, and at that you hear the sounds of swinging chains, and at another illuminating blast of lightning, you see the dragon swinging the links with a nasty-looking pointed ball at the end. "No, thanks, I'll pass," You find yourself muttering as you trudge onwards, away from the being as fast as you can go. "Are you sure? No one ever plays with me," The voice says this time, as if in a mockery of a child that's been left out, but you can hear the sounds of the metals increasing, and another flash reveals the dragon, that you can now identify as a Nocturne, has begun swinging the chains even faster. "I'll think you'll love it. Just one turrrn," they say next, in an enticing whisper, but it's not a suggestion as they throw the chain in your direction, and you gasp and brace yourself as it comes flying forward, the last thing you see the ball flying through the air as you squeeze your eyes shut.

But it never lands as another voice enters the fray with a vehement shout of "NO!!" and another being leaps out of nowhere, taking the blow in your stead. The mace found its mark, but it was in the mane of a curly blue-haired Obelisk, and you think Lucky shot, as you can see their mane protected themselves from the pointy ball. "By the gods, Terror! How many times do I have to stop you?!" The blue dragon says, as they pluck the weapon from their mane and glare at the Nocturne with vibrant blue eyes.
The Nocturne still wears the evil grin but pulls the chain of the mace back to itself. "Aw, Fantasy, you're no fuuunn~," The Nocturne whines, yet their contorted smile remains. "We were just going to play a little gaaame~," they add in a little sing-songy tone again.

The Obelisk takes a defensive stance, placing themselves between you and the Nocturne, and stretches a wing out to cover you from the rain. The blue dragon nods to you, as if answering the questions in your mind as to whether or not you could trust this dragon, and as they seemed to be focused back on the black dragon instead of battling you as well, you figure this one is probably the better bet of the two. "Your kinds of games are not permitted in this realm, or any other, for that matter," The Obelisk growls out, their focus returned to the Nocturne, yet with a tired tone as if they've said this several times before.

The Nocturne snorts and seems to roll their eyes. "Your name is literally Fantasy, my brother. So why can't you let me live out mine as you so freely encourage others to do in this realm?" The Nocturne says then, all pretenses dropped now.

"You know why," The Obelisk growls back, still defiant and standing gaurd over you, and a thought stirkes you that this being would make a good Gaurdian dragon.

The Nocturne rolls their eyes again and is about so say something, but nearby howls stops the words in their throat, and all turn to see the reason why you were running in the first place as a giant wolf with plating comes running up, followed by a rag-tag band of other horrors. "Ah, my pet, there you are," The Nocturne says, reaching down to rub the wolf's head, which they accept greatfully. "Good job on bringing my treasure to me. But they're still trying to escape. So I have one simple request of you," they said and the evil smile returns as they lift and point a nastily-clawed hand to point it at you. "Fetch," they say and the sinister grin on their face grows even more. At that, the wolf growls again and lowers their shoulders as they step forward slowly and calculated, snarling and revealing fatal fangs. As the wolf advances, so do the rag-tag entourage of the other beasts it's rounded up as part of its pack, others lowering their shoulders menacingly as they creep forward, while others without legs float forward in a hunkered position as well. Among them being what looks like a disembodied otherworldly draconic-like hand festooned with jewelry and bracelets, and a pair of armaments that hover intimidatingly behind the beasts as their enchanted weapons swing through the air in a show of domination and a pair of birds that approach as well, each with a nasty glint in their eye while one wields a cloak and a deadly scythe. Behind them, the Nocturne's smile glints in the night like that of a Cheshire, the shine of their teeth almost as white as the flashes that cross the sky every now and again, as they beam their broad-faced smirk wildly, looking on as though a blood-lusted spectator to a massacre.

"NO!!" The Obelisk's voice booms again and it's with such a volume and pitch that it seems to affect all of the encroaching beasts that they stop their approach, and scuttle back to hide under the Nocturne, the wolf whimpering along the way as they ran. "No more of this, Terror! This is your last night! Stop your ways or I will have no more to do with you!" He shouts at the dragon with a pleading voice.

This only sends the Nocturne into raucous laughter, that bubbles up from inside them until they throw their head back as the night fills with the sound of their maniacal cackling, that threatens to take over the sound of the booming thunder. "Oh, that's a good one, brother," they say a minute later after containing themselves, for the most part. "You can't leave me any more than I can leave you. We need each other. We are yin and yang, pure and evil, good and bad, light and dark. To separate would mean to upset that balance. This realm needs us, even if we clash all the time. As much as I wish you would leave, that truly, physically cannot be done. So here we are, constantly stuck in this dance of positivity versus negativity, you stopping me and me trying to undermine you eternally. This is how we remain in balance.." The Nocturne said in their sinister whisper once again and their face fills with the terrible grin again, and a chuckle starts within them that turns into the raucous laughter from before until it's all you can hear.

"Then I will fight you forever and protect those you seek to harm until this very plane of existence crumbles around us," Fantasy says with such resolve and determination, as he takes a step and places his broad legs in a frim stance. "If there is no other way to maintain that balance, then that is what I will do."

Terror, having finished another round of laughter, focuses back on Fantasy. "And we can start now!" they said as they lifted up the other end of the chain and swung a battleheaded staff once again in your direction, aiming just under the Obelisk's wing. Once again bracing for the blow, you curl up and retreat as close as you can to Fantasy's side. When the blade once more fails to touch your side, you see Fantasy had moved fast enough and caught the blade mid-air with his bare teeth, and then swings his head around and throws it to the side, away from harming anything. "Run," he says next, turning his head slightly to you as his blue eyes look at you from over his shoulder, "and I will deal with my brother so you can escape."

As the Nocturne cackles while he launches another weapon, that of a staff with a chiseled arrowhead at the end like a javelin, you look on in concern for the blue dragon. "I'll be alright," he says, assuring you as he turns to swipe the staff out of the air. "I've done this too many times to count, and have gotten used to it by now. You, however, have not." He says, as the Nocturne relentlessly throws the weapons at him while he dodges and evades each blow. "Thankfully, whatever happens, this is only a dream," Fantasy continues with, and winks in your direction.

But it feels so real, you think to yourself as you look around for any tell-tale signs that this was indeed, nothing of reality. The Obelisk grins again, as if he once again heard your mind, and a soft, comforting voice rings out through the night that says They always say that, as he shakes his head, sending his curls swirling around in an almost ethereal way. You watch on in awe as the the Obelisk turns to face his brother and duels with him head on, barreling forward with barred teeth and unsheathed claws, tackling the black dragon to the ground.

Now, wake, the same gentle voice says next, and the last thing you see is a shimmering purple crow come hover over to you, cawing softly while the dragons battle on in the distance and the images and sensations around you fade as you can feel yourself beginning to surface....

As your eyes flutter open, and you wake, taking in the familiar surroundings of your living space, you process the images that still linger in your mind. Whoa, crazy, you think, rubbing your eyes as you rise, and set about to begin your routine for the time. Going about the day, you shake your head in awe as the images still replay in your mind of that suspenseful dream you had, and as the fear of the intensity from the dream lingers in the back of your mind, you shake your head, thinking to yourself how there's no need for that fear since it was only a dream.

Or so you thought.....
Off in the distance, maniacal laughter can be heard as two yellow pinpricks appear, ready to search the realm of the waking for those they seek that will join in their game, followed by a sinuous body and glinting metal.....


Give a grin to this haunting fellow who joined the clan on this terrific Tuesday morning of 2-13-24 at 12:18 pm MDT, along with his brother, who is the clan's (something to do with Role)! :D


(past clan/s, family, siblings & growing up, lore-brother (the Obelisk/Gaurdian), etc --link included for reference to clan he was bought from--> )
(dragons he meets & makes friends/bonds/connections with in the clan mentioned here)
(one who he finds & becomes a mate with here, meeting, relationship, love & their journey here--add in how finding a lover helped calm him down a bit and after harming her one time since he was so used to living up to his name and being a terror, he realized how much it affected him and that he never wanted to harm again, let alone her.. and after that figured out other ways to let out his innate desires for harming, such as becoming a demolisher for the clan and breaking items that needed it rather than dragons that didn't..........)
(meeting Familiar & how that happened here---date met/given/recieved: 2-15-24 ; name given/recived: date Awakened: )



Fun Fact!
It actually was raining outside the night that I, Cascade, wrote the intro above! That night was 2-15-24 and the story was finished close to 3 am MDT of the next morning, when it was still raining ^^) (although the weather was a lot less dramatic, there wasn't any thunder or lightning, just water XD but a funny coincidence all the same)
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