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Personal Style


Veteran's Shoulder Scars
Veteran's Leg Scars
Veteran's Eye Scar
Bloody Wing Bandages
Bloody Tail Bandage
Bloody Neck Bandage
Journeyman Satchels
Simple Copper Bracelets


Accent: Stonebound



13.19 m
16.56 m
7431.98 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 16, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level


Patriarch of the Edge of the Wyld Clan
Head Forager

Mate: Freyir
Specialty: Ghost Light Ruins, The Mire
Confidante: Kumo
Charge: The knowledge and stories of the Marowyld Clan


Faewyld is the patriarch of the Edge of the Wyld Clan, but his primary focus was always surviving, not prospering. Did they have enough to eat? Did everyone have blankets and clothing that needed them? Were the hatchlings safe and secure? He wasn't nearly as good when asked about possible trade agreements or diplomatic affairs.

Faewyld tends to be very blunt and straight forward--no one ever has to wonder where he stands. If you want brutal honesty, Faewyld's your dragon. If you want sound advice about the best places to forage and gather, Faewyld can give you a list and simple directions that even the most directionally-challenged dragon can follow. If you need advice on how best to take out some of the denizens that roam outside of the Clan Caverns, he's got more than enough to get anyone through. However because he is so straight-forward and honest himself, Faewyld has difficulty seeing the duplicity in others and tends to take everything at face value. He has a tendency to miss subtleties simply because he doesn't think to look for them.

Faewyld has little patience for petty squabbles, political machinations, and tends to lose sight of little things as he's looking at the big picture. He also tends to have the tact of a two-ton boulder to the face.


Faewyld was born as a Fae Dragon from a scavenged Nature Egg to a small, dusty clan on the border between the Viridian Labyrinth and Dragonhome. Though he was small, he took on the responsibility of hunting and foraging for the shrinking clan, sometimes spending from just before sunrise until a few hours shy midnight bringing in what he could fit into his small bags. The clan was dying out and the Elders of the clan came to the conclusion that it was their turn to pass into the annals of history. One by one, Faewyld's clan mates left the clan until all that remained in the once lively, bustling lair was a layer of dirt, old bones, and the two remaining Elders, Marrow and Fernwynd.

One night, Marrow pulled Faewyld aside and urged him to go find a new life deeper in the twists of the Viridian Labyrinth. He told him that the time of their clan was over and Faewyld was meant to find his true purpose amongst the babbling waterfalls and rivers of the Gladeveins far to the east.

After Marrow retired to his cavern to for the night, Fernwynd found Faewyld and also urged him to find his true purpose, but she also made a request of Faewyld. She requested that Faewyld find a way to take all the knowledge in the dusty tomes and scrolls scattered throughout the ancient lair with him. She pleaded with him to never let the stories preserved within the dusty depths of the lair die and Faewyld agreed.

After his conversations with the Elders, Faewyld left the cavern to go forage for himself and the Elders because they'd long gotten too old to do the gathering themselves, but when he returned he found that both Marrow and Fernwynd passed into the Spirit Realms leaving naught but dust and bones behind.

With a heavy heart, Faewyld collected the knowledge left behind by his clan and secured it with the intention to return and reclaim it once he found the purpose that Fernwynd promised him. Some of the papers he secured in his journeyman satchels, but most were cached in ancient chests Marrow brought with him to the edge of his world from Greatwyrm's Breach. Faewyld hid the chest deep in the bowels of the lair where there was another way out than passing through the lair on the off chance another clan claimed the caverns for themselves.

Then he left.

He lost track of how long he traveled, but he explored the Viridian Labyrinth meeting other clans and becoming familiar with the green world he'd lived most of his life on the edge of. Eventually he wound his way into the Gladeveins and there his life completely changed.

Faewyld stumbled upon a fire-colored Fae near death in an out-of-the-way clearing and because he could never stop himself from stepping in to assist (regardless of what kind of injuries he'd accrue) he took her under his wing (kind of literally). She named herself Akane and she would not leave him alone, forever following him no matter where he went even after he attempted to leave her with a willing clan. Akane acted the part of the spoiled rotten princess and even though she drove him absolutely nuts, Faewyld acquired a soft spot for her and he cherished her deeply. One night they took cover from a raging storm in a cavern located behind one of the three waterfalls that flowed into the channel between the Tangled Wood and the Viridian Labyrinth. Before he realized it, Akane was sitting on a nest of three eggs.

Just before the hatchlings broke shell, Akane told Faewyld she didn't want to wander anymore and that their children deserved more than just the open sky for their roof. Faewyld was reluctant to stop moving because he felt like he still hadn't found the destiny Marrow promised him so long ago, but after a raging fight, Faewyld finally gave in. He explored the cave they'd rested in and the surrounding areas and found no one else in the area and he declared that they would remain where they were for the time being.

Then the Emmer, Pumpkin, and Kinya were born.

Once again everything changed, suddenly Faewyld found himself with a reason to get up every morning and something to come home to every night. Akane proved to be far too selfish to be a proper mother to their hatchlings, but Faewyld adored his three daughters and taught them everything he knew. He saw to their feeding, made sure they had enough to make cozy nests, and worked hard to be sure they were protected.

Eventually other dragons began filtering in to the clan and Faewyld struggled to take care of them all because that's what he was used to doing with the clan he first joined. The first dragon to join him that actually did more than just flit around and flirt with every dragon in existence or take what was provided was Kumo. Kumo stumbled on the Edge of the Wyld clan in its first days just as it was first garnering notice from some of the surrounding clans. His struggle to provide for his children and the others that were slowly filtering in caught Kumo's eye and she stepped in for a time as the Edge of the Wyld matriarch. Kumo took Kinya, Emmer, and Pumpkin under her wing and while Faewyld was out hunting and teaching others to hunt with him, Kumo taught the girls many things they would need to know about the world of Sornieth that Faewyld himself just wasn't aware of.

As the clan grew, Faewyld struggled more and more to try and provide for everyone in the clan as he had both for the Marowyld Clan as well as his own. Eventually, he was caught by Kinya, his youngest daughter, and she told him that he while was doing his best and he never let the clan down, maybe it was time to delegate things a bit. Kinya took over the majority of the day-to-day matters of the clan, Pumpkin took over healing and cooking, and Emmer ventured into the woods like her father before her to help bring food to the tables. Faewyld had trouble adjusting to the sudden changes and began to slowly feel more useless as time went by and he felt an urge to travel welling up within in. He started to dream of his former home and of all the knowledge buried deep in the earth and Marrow and Fernwyld both appeared in his dreams urging him to return to his old territory.

It was deep summer on the verge of autumn when he finally felt secure enough to follow the instinct that was tearing at him. He went to Kinya and spoke at length with her about the dreams that troubled him and she urged him to follow his instincts. She assured them that they would be fine while he was away and that she would make sure everyone was taken care of. To prepare for the journey, he trained warriors to protect the clan while he was out and on the off chance he never returned.

After he was satisfied that the clan would be cared for, Faewyld packed his old journeyman bags that night and departed the caverns where his clan lived and ventured back into the maze. He found himself pulled deeper and deeper into the west towards the ground his old clan used to inhabit. Eventually he stepped into the old eroded tunnels that led deep into the mountain where his life had begun. There was another clan inhabiting the upper levels and so he did his best to avoid them, dodging their patrols and guards even as he went further. Finally he reached the small cavern he'd hidden the chest from so long ago and abruptly the memory of his promises returned.

Faewyld dug desperately through the dirt until he managed to uncover the heavy ancient chests and once again found himself lacking as his small form couldn't lift them. He collapsed under the weight of his despair curled partially around one of the chests he couldn't manage to pick up and fell into an exhausted sleep.

When he awakened there was something hovering in front of him. The being resembled a Fae, but there was no way on Sornieth the coloration it wore was natural and it was swathed in layers of clothing. The being called itself 'Myriai' and asked him why he was so sad. Unable to help himself, Faewyld began to ramble about how useless he felt and how he couldn't even keep the promises he made to his dying guardians. The being cocked its head and its claws delved into the voluminous cloak it wore and withdrew a wrapped scroll. It promised that if he utilized the scroll he would no longer have to worry about what troubled him.

Faewyld hesitated, he had no idea what this being was and it could very well wind up killing him, but he came to the grim realization that if he couldn't follow through with his promises he didn't deserve to live--his daughters would care for his clan well enough without him.

He took the scroll and read it and after he read off the last words, pain screamed through him. He felt as if every bone in his body was broken and his scales were torn apart to expose the soft tissue beneath. He watched his life flash before his eyes and his last thought before he closed his eyes was So this is how it ends...I'm so sorry...

When he awakened again it was to the sight of the mysterious little dragon and a much larger fire-colored guardian who was carefully bathing him with icy cold water soothing the burning of his scales. He shifted and bellowed in pain and was soothed down by the other guardian who identified herself as Freyir. A pail of water was set in front of him and when he looked down into it, there was no longer a Fae face staring back at him. The Guardian told him that while he was in the fever dreams he spoke often and fondly of his 'clan at the edge of the wild' and asked if they'd be willing to take her in as well if she helped carry the treasures back to them.

Faewyld said he would speak with Kinya on her behalf but made no promises. They made their way back to the edge of the Gladeveins in much quicker time than he'd originally taken. As they hit the edge of the clan territory they were confronted by dragons Faewyld didn't recognize and he feared for a moment that he'd failed his clan and it had fallen without him there, but that fear was put to rest when Kinya herself came at a summons.

The tiny fae immediately recognized her father and welcomed him back with wide open wings and Freyir as well. As they made their way back, Kinya settled on her father's head and said fondly. "Papa, you're the right size now..."

When Kinya led him to the caverns, Faewyld felt like he was entering a completely different world than the one he'd left to take his journey and fulfill his Search (for all he was a Fae at the time he was called to it). He found that the formerly rudimentary caves that his clan resided broader and decorated with goods created by those within the Edge of the Wyld and goods exported from abroad. What had once been a clan struggling on the edge of survival had boomed into a clan of warriors, storytellers, and teachers whose names were slowly spreading to the rest of Sornieth.

His first task after the whirlwind tour of the caverns, after introducing Kinya to Freyir, was to deposit the chests of knowledge in an unused cavern just off of Kinya's study so he knew it would be well protected as he eased back into his duties to his clan. When he was finished, he found Kinya and Freyir in deep discussion about something and he was shooed off by his daughter to check in with the hunters and foragers. Upon his return to the cavern where the hunters and gatherers did most of the dirtier work of their trades, he was bombarded with warm welcomes and shouts of excitement. He was immediately urged to step back into his role as the Head Forager and teach all the new dragons who'd taken up the gathering tasks where all the best things could be found.

It didn't take him long to settle back into his home clan and while he wasn't exactly sure where he would ultimately end up, he was grateful to be home.

After the attack of the Shadow Hunters on his clan, Faewyld took on a very different role. After watching his clan decimated and all that they stood for threatened, Faewyld stepped back from Foraging and started leading patrols in an effort to keep his clan and the knowledge he'd come to realize was his Charge safe.

It wasn't too long after the attack that two new dragons were brought in. Faewyld only had passing acquaintance with the dragons called River and McNair up until the day his daughter named them her Defense Force Captain and Majordomo. Faewyld spent several days with McNair briefing him on the resources they had at hand and the various idiosyncrasies of the lands the Edge of the Wyld clan calls home.

Once things mostly settled into a routine of sorts, Faewyld returned to his position as the Head Forager, but his patrols also served the secondary purpose of providing backup for the formal patrols that were established in the wake of the attack.
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