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Personal Style




Scene: Garden Arches


3.87 m
7.41 m
477.08 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 25, 2023
(11 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Nocturne
EXP: 0 / 245



  • none


  • none


Sandsurge (gem marketplace), Pastel eyes (treasure marketplace), Boa (treasure marketplace)/Spire (treasure marketplace)/Branches (Swip - 50 bonewood branches, 50 preserved petals)


9th dragon with his colors ever on site, and only one not exalted (at the time of this writing.)

Rose's thorned belief/ambition.

Physical Quirks

His eyes are kind of droopy, always being partially lidded unless he's truly surprised by something or just had a good idea or whatever, but this never lasts very long before his upper eyelids slide down a bit again.

He has branchlike horns sprouting from his head, and the roses growing on there are perpetually in full bloom. Though his fins have a thornlike pattern on them, he does not actually have thorns.

The black/dark brown marks on his face from his Boa gene look very much like the facial hair pattern on Rose from Pokemon Sword/Shield (eyebrows, moustache, beard, even as short as the hair actually is.)

Macro Ecos

Rose is the president of a company based in the Viridian Labyrinth called "Macro Ecos." It was originally comprised entirely of Sandsurges from a pod which had been separated from their kin in the Shifting Expanse. A few generations in, the subterranean dragons (at the time) had completely bred out their Lightning elemental magic and had become a pod of Nature Sandsurges. Though Rose and his secretary, Oleana, were originally from this pod, they branched off from it in order to expand the company. Though the common story is that Macro Ecos lost contact with the pod from which they emerged, the truth is that just what happened to it is unknown.

It could very well be that the pod of Nature Sandsurges simply migrated in a different direction than Macro Ecos did, and this is the common assumption. However, neither the president nor his secretary ever talk about their original pod. As such, any number of things could have happened between the two groups. A clash in ideology is one likely theory, given Rose's open-mindedness to new methods of pursuing his ideals, and the otherwise regimented mindsets groups of Sandsurges have been known to display. As such, a falling out could have occurred between them, leading to a somewhat unfriendly parting. Whatever the case, it is obvious that once Macro Ecos left the pod, correspondence immediately ended between the Sandsurges who followed Rose, and those who did not.

Even so, Macro Ecos had a period in which it was still comprised solely of Sandsurges. Insulated as groups of the species tended to be, even under the president's guidance, this is hardly a surprising fact of the company's history. However, as soon as other breeds of dragon expressed an interest in joining Macro Ecos after the company went "topside," President Rose readily welcomed them in. He expressed that regardless of breed, origin, or anything else, he was happy to admit anyone into Macro Ecos who wanted to benefit the group and advance their cause.

To what end, though? Just what is the aim of Macro Ecos? Well, the primary field of research seems to heavily involve mycelia networking, and is known throughout Macro Ecos as "Project Powerplant." However, information on the company's specific goals remain unclear, as Rose himself tends to answer any questions aimed at him in rather friendly and easygoing, but nebulous and vague ways, as though he assumes there's some unspoken context that the ones inquiring already understand, but really only exists in his own mind. Generally speaking, the curious eventually learn that it is useless to try to get any information on the subject from him, and almost even more impossible from his tight-lipped and strict secretary.

The Pod

So, what exactly did happen to the pod Rose and Oleana came from? That particular story may not be told...but it can still be found here.

Character Summary

Chill, quirky, and kind of hard to understand, Rose seems pretty harmless for the most part on a casual encounter. However, get to understand his true ideals and one finds the real him: a visionary willing to sacrifice everything in the present for a better future...and he can't understand why everyone isn't completely on board with him.

Rose's internal confusion is childlike in its innocence and sincerity. "It will save the world from a crisis that we're projected to encounter a millennium from now! Why is everyone hesitating?" The measures are drastic, but it's for a better future. And, based on everyone else's disappointing reactions, he feels rather alone in his views. Rose believes, solitary as he is in his reasoning, that he may be the only one who can save the world, as he is the only one who acknowledges the looming threat. And so, with a sorry smile, he presses onward, ignoring all their ignorant objections. They'll all thank him eventually, when this crisis is brought to heel. After all, it's for the good of the future.

Belief in Deities

Rose reveres the wisdom, foresight, and work ethic of the Stormcatcher, but being a Nature dragon living and working in the Viridian Labyrinth, he gives the Gladekeeper his reverence as well.

After all, she has proven herself quite capable herself, supplying enough energy for all the plants and creatures living within her territory to flourish. It truly is an amazing thing to him. And then there was that explosive surge of life from the First Seed! Indeed, it is quite the amazing thing, what the Gladekeeper's power is capable of...and Rose has found his imagination captured at how all that energy could potentially be harnessed. Such is the focus of his company, at its heart. Truly a religious pursuit, if he does suppose so himself.

Special Abilities

Unlike many Nature dragons, Rose does not secrete a toxin of any sort. However, he has the ability to magically tap into plant life. With this ability, he can gauge a plant's health, its stores of nutrients, and even contribute to or take from a plant's energy directly. This is easiest if he's physically touching a plant's roots, but being a breed naturally adept at tunneling, gaining access to roots is basically never a problem. Plants connected to each other are treated as a whole for the sake of giving and taking energy. This works just like -- and uses the same connections as -- mycelia networking between plants. However, Rose is still a foreign agent, and is "traded with" as such. The "mother tree" of a given area is especially difficult for him to bargain with, but thus far, he's proven reasonable and charming enough to get into the good graces (though still monitored warily) of even the Behemoth of the Viridian Labyrinth.


This is a fandragon of Chariman Rose from Pokemon Sword/Shield and Pokemon Masters EX. I really wanted to accentuate the "thorn" aspect here in his Sandsurge design, while also referencing Rose's tower. I DID want to reference his grey suit and steel-type preference too, but I couldn't find any with a grey-range tert, and this dragon was just too perfectly matchy at only 10g, so I dove in with the "rose" and "thorn" themes instead. Also, I thought that Sandsurge was the perfect breed for him. His (FR Rose's) personal quote is "Don't leave for the next millennium what you can do today!" His greattusk is in reference to his lovely right-hand lady, Oleana Copperajah. The FR version's "Macro Ecos" is based off of Chairman Rose's energy and R&D company, "Macro Cosmos."

An impatient visionary with a hero complex and unable to see the damages he does to the immediate in favor of the far-off until it is too late.

Theme: Vs Chairman Rose from Pokemon Sword/Shield, and Vs Chairman Rose from Pokemon Masters EX. (Goes to YouTube.)

Quinfinite wrote on 2023-07-22 10:03:39:
He's gonna be a great Sandy! Love the fandragon idea!
Yos wrote on 2023-07-22 20:27:21:
that's a steal for the G1 project, I really love the branches tert that will be contrasting with the green
Opossun wrote on 2023-07-25 14:45:32:
omg he's so pretty! the branches match perfectly with the wings like a rose, amazing!!
KursedCurtain wrote on 2023-07-31 06:27:21:
Ooh! So much wonderful writing! You put a lot of effort into this. I gave them likes!
TheGodOfStories wrote on 2023-08-08 13:34:01:
Oh nice I like the references! I haven't played Sword/Shield yet but I'm very tempted!
Lychen wrote on 2023-08-29 09:27:32:
Slow progress is definitely better than no progress. That's quite a number, but it'll be worth it in the end. Those two Sandsurges are lovely. The Branches on Rose make for such a nice contrast, and Oleana looks perfect with that Marlin.
(The "number" mentioned above is number of in-progress projects.)
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