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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon


7.1 m
7.75 m
458 kg


Primary Gene
Orb (Aberration)
Orb (Aberration)
Secondary Gene
Flair (Aberration)
Flair (Aberration)
Tertiary Gene


Jun 21, 2023
(12 months)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 4 Aberration
EXP: 2631 / 4027




  • none


Scavenger/Collector - They/It - Aromantic Asexual

Opal and Ivory (Depending on which head you talk too) are a aberration dragon that is both a instigator of chaos, and a unparalleled lover of anything collectible.
The two, preferring to be referred to separately, work as the settlements main scavenger. Not particularly searching for one item or another. Anything that looks shiny and valuable will do for them. Sometimes when they go out scavenging they'll come back empty clawed in a couple hours; save for a few berries or a interesting looking twig.
Other times they'll both be gone for days on end and coming back with a priceless artifact that in it's words "Looked real rad, like a type of thing you'd find in a ancient dungeon with lots of traps!" and "They weren't going to let us move on without it. I think it looks weird." Then bickering would ensue.

Anything they both find is to always be kept in their pet cauldron, who is simply named "Pot", for easy remembrance. Until they can make their way back home they put whatever item in Pots unknown goopy substance and hope it comes back out. If it doesn't, it assumes that it wasn't that good of an item.
(This process has been named "The goopening" by various hatchlings and ehem, certain matriarchs)

Like clockwork the two always seem to find something to bicker over. Be it the way Ivory arranged the rock on it's shelf that day or how Opal greeted someone on it's way to the barkeep.

(Little side note here, Ivory is the head with ram horns and Opal is the head with... not ram horns.)

Looking up at the... certainly constructed hut before you it was easy to assume the type of dragon that lived there. The uneven wooden steps you stood on were decorated with various bits and bobbles from what looked like a moth carved from a gemstone to... a banana, just a banana on the step.
Guess you're happy you didn't step on it?
Walking further the porch was similarly filled with what you assumed was an organized chaos of items. Some hanging from a section of porch fence that... was not the same type of wood that the porch was constructed out of.
The section of wood was a deep, well polished mahogany that looked to be finely carved for the inside of some lush house, compared to the tan-ish off colored wood beneath your claws that was chipped by years of excitable dragons and exposure to the elements.
Probably good to not think about it too hard, especially when your claws are wet, you'd probably be better drying yourse-

Wait. Why are you wet.

Looking down you saw a cauldron at your feet that you were positive was not there before. A slimy green.. goo sloshing around the inside of it. The same green goo that has been noticeably spilt on you. Staring hard at the cauldron there were thousand questions going through your head at once.
One, how did the thing get there? Two, what was in it? Why was it green, why was it noticeably thicker then any potion had the right to be? Who made a cauldron of green goop and dropped it ever-so rudely at your feet- IT HAS EYES.

Small black beady eyes protruded from the front of, what you now understood and its face, the cauldron as you assumed it was looking up at you. A large, dopey lopsided grin appeared on its face. The metal bending and curling like it was thin sheet metal as more... goop began to pour out. Instantly making you bounce back to avoid the pooling green sludge around the tiny golden nubs at its bottom. Doing so the little... guy(?) barked at you.
Maybe you shouldn't have been so hasty to eat anything that fae was giving you because you're either dead.... or dead. Either way there was a goop-spewing cauldron at your feet that resembled a really weird looking puppy and you were having extremely mixed emotions about it.

Both of your attentions was brought to a loud rustling going on beyond the entrance of the door. Well, rustle would imply it was a mild shuffle, you heard what sounded like multiple metallic objects getting knocked over and someone trying to hurriedly fix them... Only for more things to fall.
The small cauldron at your feet began to bark and hop in place. Small legs fully extending before landing back on the ground as it seemed... happy? Excited at the very least as it seemingly called out to whatever, or whoever, was inside the hut.

Quickly a head popped out of the crack of the door. Three wide eyes followed by a long, thin snout owlishly starred down at the small pot. A wide, toothy grin appeared on it's face before noticing you. Violet eyes inspecting all of your body that they could see as the fur on their thin neck, dotted with white speckles, puffed. Like a cat raising it's hackles>

"We weren't expecting visitors today." Their voice was tight as its eyes narrowed down at you. A long hand came up to grasp the door, "No visitors that need to be messing with Pot at the very least."

"Oh shut it you numbskull. Red said she'd be sending a newbie over today, I told Pot to go and greet them when they came over, stop gettin- Hey! Stop leaning, I'm trying to fix the mess you made." A similar, but distinct voice, squabbled back at the head that was now glaring back into the hut. You could feel your eyebrows (Or well, the equivalent) raise as you saw the dragon, or well, the head purposefully start leaning further outside of the doorway.

The fur around it's neck lowered as it playfully snickered, "Shouldn't have put them there then, Ivory." It let out a small huff, clearly amused with itself before turning back to you, "Leave it, if we have company we need to tend to it."

(This Bio is still a WIP because I cannot write Long Things)
Fun little facts about each as I think of them:
- Whenever Opal is nervous, anxious, or just generally stressed it tends to lick the front or back of it's teeth as a self soothing mechanism.
- They are both AroAce :]!

Harlequin (?)
Jester (?)
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Exalting Opal to the service of the Arcanist will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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