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Personal Style


Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Choker
Seashell Mantle




13.75 m
17.11 m
9137.93 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 16, 2014
(9 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Guardian
EXP: 0 / 245


Ambassador, Member of the First Five

"Who are you? Have you been given permission to enter our clan? Yes? Then welcome!"

She is a bit nervous about being in a foreign clan - her old clan couldn't afford to keep her - but gets on well with the Ridgeback child. He seems only to want to please her. She has left the clan to Search. It is unpredicted when she'll return.

Esrare has arrived, and she has been greeted by all the major personalities in Mirrzam's clan (and then some). She has been talking to the other Guardians particularly about how they Searched, and how they found their Charge. All of them except Garneszar have opened up and warmed to Esrare over the course of their conversations about Searching. Garneszar in fact avoids her; he is infamous as a dragon who failed in his Search--though no one knows the details--and he believes he has nothing to teach an aspiring Guardian who is currently engaged in her own Search and looking for guidance. It is as though he fears he will curse her journey if he so much as looks at her.

Esrare has made many friends and received much advice and encouragement from them. Hopefully she has found a clue to her Charge here--but if not, the second-best thing would be for her to have gained renewed spirit to find what she's looking for.

Note from Fresa: "Hi there, Esrare! I'm hardly a Guardian, but you're from my brother's new clan, so I want to give you a warm welcome. I heard you talking about your breed's tradition, the Search. I'm not sure I understand, but it all sounds really interesting. I think it's so lovely to be looking for something to protect and cherish your whole life. How's our brother doing? Father's fine. We just got back from a trip to Shurima. I think he gets a little sad that Arco isn't part of our adventures, but he understands--it isn't the life for everyone."

Note from Chocolate: "So you're telling me Arco has taken a while to settle in and make friends? That's natural, I suppose. I've always had my sister, but I know how Arco feels--we're almost the only Coatls in Mirrzam's clan. Esrare, is it helping to talk to other Guardians here? If you need an outside--like, say, my--perspective, don't hesitate to branch out a little and ask. It's a big world out there, and creatures that we have the least in common with on the surface can often teach us the strangest things."

Note from Jekyll: "If you find out that your Charge has aught to do with science, I'm always happy to share what I know with aspiring students. But my daughter Riku keeps reminding me you're a Water dragon. Yet you've lived with Lightning! I hope it's clear to you by now that you can be a sage, an inventor, or anything else you want to be. Don't disregard the treasures of the mind! Sometimes knowledge--and even secret tidbits, yes--are that which is most worth protecting."

Note from Riku: "I was thinking about the flight we took around the Isles yesterday while I was polishing my pearl. The Charge is a little like our pearls, isn't it? So when you're Searching, you're looking for your soul. I hope you find it soon. I'm sure it's beautiful."

Note from Rubelline: "Sorry about my father. He's only trying to stay out of your way. I'm on Search, too, you know, which made me have a little crisis when I met my mate and we had our first clutch. What happens if you have to choose between two things that are important to you, you know? But everything is working out. It actually helps, having a family to support me. And friends! I want to hear all about it when you find what you're looking for."

(same to Jemdragons--delete things if you so desire =) )

Note from Esrare: "Thank you all so much, you've been so supportive in my Search and it helped alot. Yes, Jekyll, living with Lightning dragons has been a bit..uh..'challenging' at times but my clan has all sorts of dragons, you'd be surprised. There are lots of fellow knowledge-seekers who're really angry with me right now for turning you down! Oops! To Fresa and Chocolate, sweet Arco has missed you, I think, and I shall try and get him to contact you. For some reason it seems he's been avoiding Spezz here. Hmmm. Riku, that is a good point, I'll have to think carefully about that. And Rubelline, thank you for the advice. I'm sure my dear Zoron and all my friends here will support me. It looks like Golden is set up to go on her Search soon and it is a shame we've had so little contact recently. There have been so many new characters here, it'll be hard to remember them all. I don't think I've been gone THAT long. And all my friends have grown up! T_T I'll just have to get to know them again. We should keep in contact with each other. I'd like to stay friends and I hope you feel the same. Thank you guys again. Bye!"

The new Guardian, Shade, has had an interesting effect on Esrare. As soon as she saw her she ran over to her and has stayed by her side ever since. They have become good friends and Esrare has protected her through all. Has she found her Charge?

Esrare's front legs keep getting tangled in her net, and she's embarrassed about it, but she's even more embarrassed about having to explain to everyone who asked why she stopped wearing it if she took it off, so she just deals with it.

This whole situation regarding the clan makes Esrare feel sick. She worked so incredibly hard over almost the entirety of her life making the clan a healthy happy community and their new dictators erased all of it in a heartbeat. Not only that but her Charge - her daughter (for all intents and purposes) - has disappeared. Esrare has never felt resentment before but now it flavours her reaction to all things.
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