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Personal Style


Spring Antlers
Beekeeper's Swarm
Enchanted Book Collection
Spring's Breath
Spring Staff
Lilypad Legion
Mosswood Trim
Starlight Guise



Scene: Bleached Roots


18.77 m
17.89 m
11472.23 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 14, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Guardian
Max Level



  • none


  • none




Strength ●●●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌
Dexterity ●●●◌◌◌◌◌◌◌
Constitution ●●●●◌◌◌◌◌◌
Intelligence ●●●●●●●●●●
Wisdom ●●●●●●●●◌◌
Charisma ●●●●●●●●◌◌


Historical Text
Sharpened Serthis Lance
Arcane Runestone
Stardust Sap Lamp
Lost Crown

She / Her | True Neutral | Ace | Gemini
Formidable | Stoic | Devout

Isceroth's personality is a complex interplay of strength, discipline, and unexpected tenderness. As the leader of her clan, she projects an air of formidable authority, driven by a ruthless determination to safeguard her kin.

Isceroth is not one to play games with. Her leadership is uncompromising and ruthless in keeping her clan safe. Her anger is no longer seen, something left to her prior days before her “resurrection” to Dragonkind. She keeps conversations short and blunt, dealing with facts and truths. Meetings with other clans involving her are short and are a last resort to find a resolution. Her intention is only to serve the Gods.

And Gods help any who stand in the way of her clan’s mission.

Despite her stern exterior, there exists a paradoxical aspect to Isceroth's character. She has such a soft spot for the vulnerable. She is often seen with the hatchlings or those sick, hurt, or elderly. This unexpected tenderness manifests in her willingness to allow young dragons to crawl all over her, and rumors suggest that the rare instances of her smiling occur during these moments. Her dedication to assisting those in need extends beyond mere duty, revealing a side of her character that contradicts the harshness associated with her leadership. She dedicates any time she can spare to helping those who need it. Spending time with the elders, gathering with those sent out to find resources, and even working with the scribes.

Despite a large number of entire nests being sent to serve the Gods, she still could name every single dragon that had ever been in her clan. She visits every dragon in an infirmary den and is at the side of any dragon in her clan, taking their last breaths.

The dichotomy in Isceroth's personality becomes more apparent when considering her history for those who know it. She evolved into a skilled and deadly operative from a mysterious and challenging upbringing under Beastclan's influence. However, her journey also took a transformative turn when her pursuit of power shifted towards an insatiable thirst for knowledge. However, it is said that now, after her possible encounter with the arcanist, she is one of the most, if not the most knowledgeable dragons in all of Sornieth.

Isceroth's stoicism becomes a defining trait in her dedication to her birth flight's deities and her service to Dragonkind. Her devout nature is evident in her travels, seeking out the brightest minds to understand and utilize their knowledge for the betterment of dragon society. Through her unwavering commitment, Isceroth emerges as a multi-faceted character, embodying strength, complexity, and a surprising capacity for compassion within the intricate tapestry of her personality.
lore_arcane9933737.png History

This clan started with her. Born to Arcanen nest, little is known about her hatchling years. Even to her. What is known is that she was hatched by Beastclan members and raised to be a servant to their despicable tasks. What she does remember is being told in her first memory by Serthis that dragons had tried to kill her because of her power. And they would help Isceroth become the most powerful dragon of them all. She could not tell you if it was the moment she clawed out of her egg, if it was later in her adolescent days, or if it was a fake memory she created to protect herself, but it was her only truth until the day the clan was created.

Once she was of age, many years were spent in dark caves throughout the Arcanist's land. Isceroth would be planted in clans to gather knowledge for Beastclan. A traveling scholar, a young aspiring scribe, a simple devotee of her flight who was simply curious. She then, after careful deliberation with the Serthis, who used her like a weapon, would tweak and plant these half-truths half lies to clans to get herself closer and closer to the great Tourmaline Archives. From there to the Oculus of the Eleven and the Astrodome, then finally the great observatory of the Arcanist himself.

Or she would remove those who threatened her position.

For years, she traveled nomadically, being seen by Dragonkind as a wandering mind. A dangerous mind. While very few know how deadly she was saving for the Serthis, who closely watched and trained her as she grew, she was one of the best-trained killers of any flight. She was never once caught, regardless of who she killed, where she killed, or when she killed. Her quiet facade and deep vault of knowledge kept most from suspecting anything. Any who did, had few breaths left to even tell another soul. Any who heard the rumors had fewer.

After the ancient events that had unfolded at the hands of the arcanist, beastclan had long believed that they could cause another summoning that would remove dragonkind, allowing for the rule of beastclan once and for all. And Isceroth, being of Arcane decent, had the power in her blood to do so. Or she had the blood to allow her an audience to make the Arcanist do it.

Once she had made it to the Tourmaline Archives, she spent days with the knowledge kept for the most devout. She grew thin and frail, pouring over the knowledge kept in the halls of so many minds. Her life goal, her destiny as so described by the Serthis, dissipated, as did her appetite, her sleep, and soon her sanity. It was as if the moment she walked through the doors, the ancient desire for knowledge that her flight held so dear consumed her. The existence of the Astrodome, the Oculus of the Eleven, and the Observatory all become letters on scrolls, no longer real places. No longer goals, targets, or dreams. The desire for knowledge ravenously consumed her desire for power. Nothing other than the scrolls and tomes and words and letters and ink on paper mattered. Her body became a shell. It was nothing more than a case to her mind that consumed and consumed and consumed.

One late night, after what could have been days, weeks, maybe even years after she arrived, she was startled by a figure behind a bookcase she had been working through. It was some of the earliest records that she could find. Every scale on her body felt too close, too itchy, too confined.


She could not tell if her ears heard the word or if it was just in her head. She could not tell who the figure was or where it had gone, but somehow, she knew where to go. She walked the rows upon rows of bookshelves, up staircases, through hallways, to a set of golden doors. There were no windows around her, so she had no idea where she was. Well, that's not true, she knew, not from her surroundings but from her soul. From the tips of her horns to the end of her tail, she knew she stood at the door of her Flight's deity.

No soul knows what happened in that observatory. Some say it is a myth or a lie until they meet the dragon whose eye glows, whose mind has all answers, and whose age is unknown.

Now, as a devout servant to her birth flight and all deities who protect dragons, she travels, finding the brightest minds to understand their home and how to use that information to create a better, safer home for Dragonkind.
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