
Needs Savannah & Stripes & Unusual
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Male Mirror
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Personal Style





5.15 m
4.98 m
660.55 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jan 16, 2023
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 15 Mirror
EXP: 10721 / 60881




  • none


Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold


"I'm mother's favorite. I should know."

Prodigy is the self-given name to this here dragon. He proudly puffs out his chest and prances around his peers exclaiming how much better he is than those around him. This behavior was looked down upon from him. He was cast out in order to think about his actions in order for himself to become a better individual. He was told to learn some humility, but would he?
NecroticroseQT #617537

Hatchlings in the Shadow lair he encountered weren't pleased with Prodigy and how lofty he was. While the little ones avoided him for a while, the adult dragons simply ignored any and all attempts the newcomer made to befriend them. Only one of them - Zorya, couldn't stand by and watch. She took him in and promised to train him for the dangers he might encounter on his journeys. The Mirror isn't known for her kind character so they clashed many times, but ultimately both came out of this with new experiences.
Schiraz #598205

In Lanternlea Port, he felt a bit lost in the crowd. There were busy dragons everywhere, with little time to notice him at all; no one was annoyed or offended by him, but they also weren't impressed. When he found a clan compound with an inn at the edges of the city, he thought he might be able to meet someone, really impress them with his newfound battle prowess, but he soon learned this clan hosted an entire order of knights and multiple experienced warriors. And unlike his last stop, none of them were taking an interest in him; everyone was busy training young dragons to be exalted to the Lightweaver, and while he could probably have slipped into an adventuring party that way, he didn't want to get mixed up with the exalt crew. Lightweaver was not his kind of deity, he was pretty sure. He soon checked out of the inn and moved on, hoping he wouldn't be such a small fish in a big pond at his next stop.
Lirillith #149136

Prodigy swaggered his way to the Arcane flight with little success. At the library the other dragons were far too wrapped up in their studies to pay attention to his boasts and claims. In fact, the librarian shushed him! The audacity! The nerve! It wasn't his fault they were too busy being nerds to listen to a traveler! Prodigy grabbed a random book from a shelf and pretended to study to get the librarian off his back, but huffed out of the building as soon as he was clear. They won't miss one stupid book and clearly don't deserve to get it back.

It wasn't until he reached the edge of the Arcane flight that Prodigy looked at the book he stole. Uncovering Your Inner Self by Twinscale the Thoughtful. It sounded dumb. But the cover wasn't ugly. Maybe he could trade it in the next clan for something more useful...
Festivoog #568525

Wandering, he found himself somewhere between Arcane, Earth, and Plague territory. He thought himself lost. Earlier, he was certain he had followed the path to the Colonnades of Antiquity correctly. Now, he was not so sure. Yet, his pride would not allow him to acknowledge this. He is always right.

Day after day, he continued wandering this wasteland. The first days, he just walked. On the third day, he found a small pool of water to refill his flask. On the sixth day, he decided to eat a suspicious fruit off a withering tree. Not a great idea... On the twelfth day, he screamed his frustration into the empty air. Nobody answered.

That night, he built himself a small fire and huffed as he dropped to the dusty ground aside it. The boredom was killing him. Maybe he could take a peek at that book?


It looked so boring. Why would he waste his time? And what kind of a name is Twinscale the Thoughtful anyway? His name is much better. And picked by the only dragon who matters. Himself, of course.

But, his mother...

Okay, maybe two dragons matter.

Closing his eyes, he waits for sleep to overtake him. But, it doesn't. Instead, he lays there for what must be hours before sitting up again. Obviously, this is not working.

Glancing at his traveling bag, he sees the ornate, golden spine of the book. Maybe he could read a page? One page wouldn't hurt anybody. And, it looked so boring that he'd probably fall asleep halfway through. Perfect. He could satisfy his curiosity and fall asleep at the same time.

Snatching up the book, he opens the cover.

Twinscale the Thoughtful

Uncovering Your Inner Self

For my mother.
You inspire my
inner self everyday.


Only a small section of the first page had words on it. How could somebody's mom inspire their inner self? That's so dumb.

Well, since that was dumb, he could read just one more. Anyway, it doesn't really count when there's only like... 10 words on the page. Yea, just one more page. But one more turned into two. And two into ten. And ten into a hundred. And, by the time he realized he was still reading, he had finished the book.

Closing the book with a snap, he realized he had been reading by meager embers in the small pit. The sun's rays were just beginning to peak above the horizon. He couldn't believe himself, how had he read that stupid book all the way through? A small voice in the back of his head reminded him of the pages within the book. That negativity is not an appropriate response to something new because, at one point, everything was new.

Growling, he shoves the book into the bag and swipes his tail in the dirt, covering the embers. Snatching up his bag he stalks out, frustrated, tired, and feeling off. Maybe the book was cursed? Before he can begin his monotonous trek through the flatlands, he smells something. Was that roasted newt? And, as he focused his ears, he realized he could hear the clanging of metal workers and chatter of a crowd.

Running now, he passes scattered evidence of dragon life. Finally, he reaches an orange and yellow curtain and bursts through, right into the middle of a shop in the Colonnades of Antiquity. He laughs excitedly. How had he not noticed he was so close to the shops? The owner of this one, a small nocturne, hits him over the head with a wooden spoon and shouts at him to get out. He doesn't even bother to shout at her for insulting him; rather runs into the brilliant walkways of the shops. He must look like a crazy dragon, but he doesn't care. This has to be the best day of his life!

dyhayc #210856

When Prodigy came to Crow Callers, he was shown to the lodge where he would be staying. Somewhat underwhelmed, he soon decided to explore just outside the territory.

He found himself lost. He wondered how to get back home, and met another Mirror who was willing to help him...

...or so he thought. When the Mirror led him back to her home clan, he soon found himself being attacked by two Gaolers, and Prodigy quickly fled.
KingVulture #437722

At first, staying in Zanaria seemed like the worst mistake Prodigy could've ever made. The majority of dragons there were cold and callous, and those that weren't, were the complete opposite. Prodigy couldn't tell if he hated being snubbed and ignored, or falsely complimented and nagged with "friendship" more.

That all changed after a visit with the "doctor" - and not just his opinion of Zanaria, either, but after a full makeover, Prodigy finds himself feeling like a whole new dragon.

Rosellangel #578130

Write about Prodigy's journeys here!

Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold
Fool's Gold
Uh-oh, looks like this stuck-up little snoot wandered a little too far from their home lair XCOM, 617537, and now they're off to see the world! If ever you feel the need to exalt, they'd really appreciate it if you could just return them to the home lair, or to the 'Dragons Off To See The World' thread, here. This is not necessary, but they would be very grateful!

Owners I've Had:

XCOM, 617537
Schiraz, 598205
Lirillith, 149136
Festivoog, 568525
dyhayc, 210856
KingVulture, 437722 /
Violetglare, 597032
Rosellangel, 578130[/i]
This dragon is part of a 100 hatchling journey! Learn more about it here!
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Exalting Prodigy to the service of the Plaguebringer will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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