
Level 1 Sandsurge
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Lightning.
Female Sandsurge
This dragon is an ancient breed.
This dragon is hibernating.
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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Bleached Roots


8.8 m
5.44 m
2123.55 kg


Primary Gene
Harlequin (Sandsurge)
Harlequin (Sandsurge)
Secondary Gene
Saddle (Sandsurge)
Saddle (Sandsurge)
Tertiary Gene
Fishbone (Sandsurge)
Fishbone (Sandsurge)


Dec 26, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Sandsurge
EXP: 0 / 245


Groundskeeper, provides and maintains machines that power the lighting in the clan. Finds alternate methods of power production that don't rely on burning wood by using the naturally resources of forest.
Day 0:
I've had a long journey across deserts and oceans and through jungles and perils. But I knew as long as the Nocturne kept me looked safely in the chest, I would be safe. Unfortunately, the place I would soon call home had some far more dangerous perils of its own, far too powerful for the Nocturne carrying me. I remember the chest smashing open as I rolled out onto the cold snowy ground. I thought I wouldn't mind the cold, I was born in a desert, but the shell of my egg had fractured, and I could feel too much cold hitting me all at once. My barely formed ears could hear the Nocturne that had carried the chest struggling to free itself from the creature. That's when I heard a loud pop as something magical burst into the creature's side. The creature retreated and the startled Nocturne took off, not wanting to stick around any longer. That's when I felt my egg lifted off the ground. A dragon was holding me. She realized my shell was shattered and quickly wrapped me in a blanket as she called to some other dragons with her. I remember the ride being rather smooth as I was brought to my next destination. I was set down gently and felt as a warm light began to flow in through the cracks. I could barely even see with my new eyes, so I let them stay shut, and I listened to the dragons talk instead. I heard them speak frantically until one I felt wrapped my egg in a soothe grassy energy. It felt so nice and cozy and acted to cover the cracks in the shell so I could rest peacefully.

Day 1:
I could tell the dragons were still outside my eggshell, keeping me warm and comfy. So, I finished growing up just fine. Today I felt fully grown enough today that I decided to emerge from my egg. Finally, I could properly view the world from a pair of finished eyes. I saw the light that was used to keep me warm still heating up the area pleasantly around me. It felt nice so I decided to lay under it while I stretched my wings for the first time. That's when I heard a little clatter as a small Fae dragon watched me from a distance in shock. As I made eye contact with her, she fluttered quickly away with a small squeak. Then she came back hiding behind another Fae that she directed me to. The older Fae flew over to me and wrapped me in a soft towel. She then picked me up and showed me to the skittish Fae. "It's just a hatchling, Zecora. Be polite. Say hello." I saw as the smaller Fae slowly inched herself closer to me and said hello only to retreat when I tried to say it back. "Zecora! Come back here." The older Fae demanded. Her voice was soft but stern. Upon returning that same voice softened. "Now, I need you to brave up watch this hatchling alright. Take her to the Kiosk during the day, and then Jay and I will help you watch her at night, alright?" Zecora nodded reluctantly. "Now, go ahead and introduce yourself while I go get the wagon." The older Fae left, and I was left to watch as the Fae before me was a bag of nerves. It seemed as though the Fae was hesitating to talk to me but after a while finally announced, "Hey-y little Noct-t-turne. I'm Zecora. Um. . . do you have a name?" I remembered the Nocturne who brought me to this land had said a name. "Tesla or Tessa, either one works fine for me." "Oh-h that's. . . nice." We sat in silence a little longer before she noticed my eyes. "Say, you're a lightning dragon, aren't you?" Just by far the only sentence she hasn't stuttered and one I appreciate. Now I know I'm a Lightning dragon. The older Fae returned and placed me into the covered wagon. It had a fur fleeced bottom, and they threw a few blankets over me, so I'd be warm. A little goat pulled the wagon while the Faes flew alongside. I noticed now that these Faes were nearly as big as I was so it suddenly clicked that I must be too heavy to fly aways with. We made our way to a little doctor's office where I had a checkup. Fortunately, the crack to my shell didn't leave any serious damage to me but the doctor did say I should wear shaded contacts for a few days and avoided bright lights. Unfortunately, the whole clan seems to be covered in them, so it looks as if I'll be wearing these glasses for a while.

Day 2:
I got to have a pretty nice breakfast with the Faes today. Lucky for me the Spiral, Jay, and the Faes have similar diets to myself. I ate up and then took a nap in the wagon on the way to Zecora;s work. I reawaken inside a backroom where I could see Zecora fluttering around sorting books. She was surprised to see me awake but took a deep breath before asking, "Would you like to help me sort books Tes-ssa." I nodded. It sounded fun. Zecora looked relieved and explained that I just needed to read the book name to her and hand her the books when she put them away. I don't know much about writing or reading yet, so book names were hard. I could tell it upset Zecora too. "Okay, how a-about we say the names t-together". So, I'd repeat the name back to her. I must have got the hang of words as soon Zecora only had to say the name once. Then it was lunchtime. I was rather bored after lunch. I mean as much as learning to read was fun I soon found I wanted to explore more of the cool place I found myself in. So, I tried to get Zecora to show me what was behind the door into this room, but she froze. She peered her head out the door mere seconds before slamming it shut and curling up in fear. Boy, she was nervous. I tried to coax her gently, but she was shivering. Then I heard a soft tap on the door before a tall imperial walked through. "Zecora, are you alright? Look I'll get those dragons to leave so you can go hang out around the upper level. Oh, and who is our new co-worker." With her head still in behind her wings, I heard her muffled voice, "Thank you Hawthorn. This is the hatchling my mom found in the woods where that. . . stuff was roosting. Her name is Tesla or Tessa." "Well nice to meet you Telsa and or Tessa. I'm Zecora's friend. Hey, do you want to take Tesla and show her the new display?" Zecora just made a noise signaling yes. "Alright I'll take Tesla and you take the long way 'round, 'k?" Zecora lifted her head and nodded. As Hawthorn carried me away, he mentioned something to me. "Hey Tessa, don't think Zecora is scared of you. She actually likes dragons but gets too scared to talk to them. Some extreme case of shyness. I'm sure after she spends a little time with you, she'll warm up to you. That's what it was like for me and Galileo. Now I'm a take you up to the top levels where we have a ton of cool gadgets and toys that you can play with. Just don't be too rough with them. Oh, and ask Zecora to read you one of the books on the shelf with the bells. I'm sure both of you will love those books." With that, the imperial set me down on one of the beanbag chairs as I waited for Zecora to arrive. Hawthorn had already gone to scare off the dragons which finally allowed for Zecora to come by. I had her pull out one of the books Hawthorn recommended as Zecora opened it and softly whispered the story to me. I liked the story, but I couldn't help but notice the display they had set up looked much like the story being read. After spending some time on the upper levels, it was time to head home. But I noticed Zecora has stopped jumping every time I speak to her.

Day 3:
I spent most of the day with today not with Zecora but her parents. The Spiral and Fae spent the day watching me since I had appointments to be taken to as a checkup to my health. There was also the matter of school. While I knew what words meant when dragons spoke, I didn't quite know how to read them nor write them. Bobcat was helpful in showing me how to read words and write them and Jay on showing me cards to explain what words I didn't know were. It was quite eventful. I remember the day flying by quickly that soon it was nighttime before I even knew it. Zecora was back though she looked visibly upset, her crests drooping. Bobcat quickly picked up on her distress going to comfort her but then another Fae followed behind that made Jay put me out of sight of the doorway and behind him. I could her Bobcat was furious at the Fae's presence and demanded that he leave at once. He made a sly remark about it being holidays before I heard him try to enter the house. Zecora flew into the room where I was and replaced Jay in watching me, tears in her eyes and shivering. Another scramble before I heard the door slam shut as the new Fae was yelling something at us and saying he would back, or we would regret this. I was very confused, and I remembered the yelling made me nervous and before I knew it, I was hugging Zecora in her lap. She was holding me too but shaking less. Bobcat came back inside furious yelling about how that Fae had the audacity to be busting into their home unannounced and causing problems for Zecora at work. Zecora hugged me rubbing me on my back before Bobcat came back and apologized to both of us about the scene she caused and if she frightened us with her yelling. Zecora mentioned she would stay with Hawthorn tomorrow so her parents wouldn't have to worry. Though I was worried. Who was that Fae at the door? What did he want? And what would he do?

Day 4:
Zecora seemed down for most of the day, cataloging books without my help and fixing bindings on others. I spent most of the day with Hawthorn helping him put books away and dust shelves, although we did take some time to talk about Zecora. The conversation started after Hawthorn pulled down some red streamers covering a whole closed-off bookshelf. "It's atrocious, what those dragons were preaching in here the other day, especially the Fae. Just 'cuz Zecora's Bobcat's daughter and all. Most dragons around here are against that . . . thing in the woods that's killing up everything even when it doesn't need it to survive. It's like a plaque or virus and it keeps spreading. And then that Fae has the audacity to come in here to and preach otherwise, saying we should help the darn thing. The nerve!" He ripped through a strand of streamers as his voice raised in anger. "Sorry. I get angry when dragons encroach of Zecora just because she is kinda clan famous. It's just that Fae made a mockery of Zecora calling her weak after preaching that thing is a decider for only the strong to survive like some Plague domains believe. Zecora's not weak, she's . . . (his voice hushing and softening) she is actually quite amazing. She's the reason we even have this beautiful library. Sure, she can't run it, but she can certainly find the dragon who can (he pointed to Galileo). I just wish dragons would realize who she really is rather than her nervous and shy exterior. She has such a wonderful way of viewing others, unlike her ghastly brother. She can see a dragon's best qualities outright, and she's just so creative, kinda like her aunt Asteria." I noticed Hawthorn quiet whenever speaking of her so less heated then how our conversation started. It wasn't long until work was over, but we weren't going back to Bobcat and Jay's place. Instead, Hawthorn flew us to a tall tree in the middle of the forest so tall I could barely make out the dragons on the ground. It was covered in many pulleys and ropes all which Zecora knew the ins and outs of. Hawthorn took us to the front door that unlocked with a pop to a hidden lever she had tucked out of sight. She took me and she hugged Hawthorn goodbye (though due to the size difference it was more like a face hug for her and a tiny pat from him). It was then I discovered the amazing life of Zecora.

Day 5:
Zecora's house is a mechanical wonder. Everyplace I look around her house has some sort of moving component that I fall in love with. From the automated train-tea set that delivers tea to the table and even brews it to the lovely flower watering and herb trimming wonder by the windows. I even thought it marvelous how Zecora could close curtains and turn on or off lights without being in the room. Then came time for us to make one or at least repair one. Zecora noticed the wheels on her pulley she used to let her familiar up the tree needed some repairs. I was obviously curious and insisted she show me her plan. She had me fasten a rope to myself since I still couldn't fly at this time and swing out while she flew. I gripped onto a hook she was unlooping a rope from and watched as she checked the rope explaining to me how to check for frays and showed me how to knot the new rope, so it didn't slip or slack. Then the wheels. There were so many all which I was impressed could work perfectly in synch with one another to pull up and down the cart. She showed me the counterbalances she used and how she had to be careful with the weight or the platform would rise too quickly or slowly. It was quite impressive to witness. She saw I wanted to try something like this of my own and so she showed me a book she thought was perfect for me. A little Basics of Engineering book as well as Physics. I thought it quite marvelous and began trying some basic crafts myself. Little did I know that my own bottle rocket was just the start of a long and lovely career. . . that and it was already the next morning.

Day 6:
We were back at Glimmer's today with some rather unfortunate news for me. I'm old enough to start learning how to fly but I'm afraid I won't be able to fly properly until I wear a brace for some time. Apparently when the damage to my shell also damaged my wings so I won't be flying anytime soon. It was unfortunate since I was excited to start flying lessons with the other young dragons. But Zecora wasn't about to let me feel upset. Today we were at Hawthorn's. I was pretty upset to be stuck grounded in a wing brace for a while so Zecora and Hawthorn thought they would talk to a few dragons to cheer me up. Zecora hung out with me showing me some of the trinkets she was putting up in the library. There was one with a dragon in a witch outfit, probably for some book series, though another with birds chirping some song in a little music box. I liked them though the thought of flying hadn't yet left my mind. Zecora decided to try something else. She took me on a trip to see Diana, the seamstress to help me get something new to wear, I was getting bigger and hatchling cloaks don't last forever. So, I got some armor and pelts since well I don't much like the cold and the armor was good for helping against any loose flying parts as well I couldn't fly well. Also, I was still worried about the Fae from before. He told us he was coming back but I didn't know when. Upon leaving, Hawthorn and a few other dragons, a Fae, a Nocturne, a Tundra, and a Mirror all looked to be carrying something for me. I glanced at the commotion and saw something mechanical they were delicately tweaking. Zecora smiled and pushed me forward as she stayed behind. The dragons came up to me and showed me what they were up to. I saw a marvelous set of mechanical wings that were sized to my wing-size. I was shocked. The dragons showed me how to try them on sliding it over my casted arm. They then let me try a practice run. It was great! I could, well not fly the best, but could still practice. They were still a tad heavy for me, but I would grow into them. Besides these things, I loved it! I was flying, my first time off the ground. The dragons cheered as I was zipping from branch to branch. Zecora was smiling too.

Day 7:
It had been several days since the Fae had announced revenge on us but while the thought loomed in my mind, I focused on what I could do at the time. And that so happened to be resume flight lessons and work with Zecora. I started reading many books on gears, pulleys, and new equipment from the Lightning Domain. Zecora could tell I was into the textbooks, so she showed me a quiet spot in the library that I could use to read as well as gave me a journal to write notes or sketch things in the book. Later that night, Zecora asked Jay if he could show me several things he collects while on the job. They had this energy about them that tingled my fingertips as I touched them. He told me Lightning dragons usually feel that effect on materials (usually metallics) from their own domain. He also gave a list of materials and books I would find useful. Bobcat looked surprised as Zecora's familiar let me adjust the wagon it had. But I had some research to conduct, and a little angry goat wasn't going to stop me.

Day 8:
I think I overworked myself all day. I remember working on blueprints Zecora had around and reading through volume after volume. I think even Zecora thought I was losing it literally in research so Zecora gave me a little experiment kit, you know, like the things mages give to hatchlings to show them science experiments. It was quite fun, but I breezed through them quickly. That's when Zecora decided to upgrade me. She had Hawthorn bring plenty of old and worn-down trinkets in need of fixing and had me try and repair them and repair them I did. I learned plenty about how the trinkets worked, about wind-ups, and most interesting, the electrical wirings inside some light up models. I think I went through about 50 trinkets and models to the point I found that Zecora had gone home, and Galileo was sleeping in the back room since work had ended hours ago. Zecora had left me a note and some dinner which I ate as I began putting away the box of fixed things and packed up. I was ready to fly home when I saw it. A fire, smoke raging far off in the distance barely within view. I decided it was far away and that I wouldn't be flying near it on the way home, so I began to fly home. I knew the Glade Guard would be on top of the fire. I was nearly home when I suddenly felt myself grow weak. It was strange, sudden my body felt tired. My wings began to droop and soon I was only flying by the pure strength of my mechanical wings. Then it was as if I couldn't breathe. I could barely inhale as if my oxygen was being cut off. My vision slowly started to dissipate as my eyelids drooped over my eyes. I awoke again as my abdomen crashed into a branch. I was still dazed barely able to hold on to stop myself from falling. I gripped the branch tight but felt my grip slip. I was falling, rolling off the branches beneath the one I ran into to, each hitting my sides and back roughly. Then pure freefall. I was barely awake when I felt someone grab me and slow my fall. Who could breathe in all this was my first thought? I saw a shimmer of white and red eyes. She lowered me to the ground. "Scarlett, I found one, Velma any more around?" I saw more red eyed dragons and ones in clad red gear, one carrying a few dragons. "Shuyi, Hestia! How are you holding up?" Apparently well since I saw them move around fine, unbothered by the air. I soon felt a rush of air to my lungs as the dragon who caught me sprayed my face with some mist. "Breathe slowly, you should start feeling better soon but I need you to relax. I'm going to get you away from this poison in the air alright?" I think I nodded, as my pain from my fall was still sore and stinging. "Sonya, go take her to Glimmer for those, we will be find." Velma announced. Sonya flew off, me strapped to her back. I dozed off.
-jan 3-

Day 9:
I could barely stay awake. My mind was drifting in and out and as my whole body was enveloped in agony. It hurt to breathe and the glaring lights and blaring voices swirling around my head didn't help. I vaguely remember someone calling my name before I saw a mask over my face. I remember feeling jolts throughout my body, then tingling in my hands. Someone tied my wrists to the bed as I felt the electricity surge once more. I was given a shot as the sensation ceased and all my senses began to fail me. I woke up later the next morning, unable to move my body. I was strapped tight to the bed as light morning air breezed across my face from an open window. I tried to shift my head but on felt a jolt of pain rush through me. Panic filled my body as I breathed heavily. I tried to move but my body was locked in place. I tried to wriggle free, but more pain shot through me, and I realized I was stuck. I looked around at my restraints and found my tail still could move. I hit the lock until it clicked open and I continued to unlock the rest of my body. Everything hurt but I need to get out, I had to get home. As I hopped off my bed, I used the furniture around me to move. My wings, still useless dragged along the floor. I managed to the window and began my way out when I was grabbed by someone strong. I kicked the dragon's arms hoping they would let go but I overestimated my strength. I was pulled inside. "Where am I? Where's my gear? I want to go home!" I shrieked. The white Coatl with the red eyes let go and closed the window before dragging my stubborn body back into the bed. "You need to calm down. You've been injured severely okay! You shouldn't be moving, I believe you to have several broken ribs and your wings are . . ." "My wings were already like this! Why aren't I at Glimmer's?" "Many dragons were poisoned that night, Glimmer gave me what I needed to treat you but there was no room for you." I still wasn't listening to her, my head was pounding too much. As I tried to crawl back out of bed the Coatl grabbed me and had me lay back down. "Are you always this stubborn, I told you, you have broken bones! If you try to move you'll only hurt yourself!" I didn't care I had to go home, I had to make sure everyone was okay. That's when she let go as I felt the same surge as before. She rubbed her arm and went to grab something as I realized that I had lightning coming from my fingertips. I got up, and made a break for the window before feeling a new kind of pain in my leg. The Coatl had stabbed my leg with a shot as I soon started to feel dizzy. She caught me and locked me back into the bed. "Sorry, but you need to rest."

Day 10:
I woke back up, still strapped into the bed as the Coatl brought me some food and water. I took it, probably saying a few words in hindsight that I would regret. She rolled her eyes and covered me in a soft blanket telling me she would come back later to see how I was doing. I was irritated, locked to a bed with nothing but a boring room to keep me occupied. I worried about Zecora but I resisted the urge to escape. By now, whatever the Coatl had given me so my pain was rather weak had worn off and I began to feel just how much my body suffered from the fall. I groaned as ever shift and breathe I took was aching. I must have made too much noise that the Coatl came back inside my room with a bottle. "Here, open up." She placed a spoon with some liquid in my mouth as I swallowed. I soon felt tired but with my pain slowly subsiding. "Thanks", I murmured my eyes barely open. She placed her arm on my head, stroking in lightly. "You should feel much better now, by tomorrow you should be able to get back up and try walking again. Here", she raised my head up with pillows as she placed something in my lap. "If promise not to try to run off again I'll give you something to read alright?" I nodded as she undid my arm restraints. As she left, I flipped through the pages happy to finally be able to put my jittery mind at ease. I saw her one more time as she changed the bandages while I ate the sweet rolls she brought me. I realized then that I was lucky she hadn't let me move anymore. I saw my stomach had stitches that I had nearly burst when moving around in my escape. She poured something that stung over them but helped the wound close significantly. She dressed it and asked if I needed anything before she headed off but all I really wanted was to apologize for my behavior. "It's alright, it must have been pretty scary for you to wake up in a new place after the incident." We talked a while longer before I inquired about her book. She was about to speak when her demeanor changed. She undid my bindings before caring me out of bed. She had gotten to the railings to head to the first floor when I heard a crash come from the room we were just in. Then the Coatl quickly jumped down as spines burst through the wood banister. Sonya quickly made it to the doorway and flew with me into the forest. Suddenly more spines were thrust into the trees beside us as I tried my best not to move around too much as the Coatl dodged them. "Your white feathers can't hide in these woods, Sonya! Come out before things get too ugly." Sonya didn't seem to hear what Hyde said, yes it was him, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Sonya hid but I motioned to her that he knew where she was. Thoughts of Zecora telling me about Fae and Coatl speech being misinterpreted rushed through my mind. But before Sonya could react, a spine shot into her shoulder. She let out a cry but toughed it out to refuse to drop me. She set me down and handed me her heavy tome before telling me to run when I could. She took off as Hyde followed her in pursuit. I panicked, running with the book on my back as far as I could away from the scene. My heart was racing but I didn't stop. I was glad she had dressed me up so well that my wounds wouldn't worsen as I weaved careful through the trees. I caught my breath as I heard distant cries though I wasn't sure from who. Then I heard Him shriek, yelling with rage about Sonya so loud I froze. I looked through the bush I was hiding in. I just wanted to go home. I wanted to be safe. I saw a house, not too far and made a beeline for it. I jumped through the open window before closing it frantically behind me. I then limped still sore to a nearby chest before hunkering down inside shaking from the cold, fear, and pure panic passing in waves over my body. Though as what seem like hours passed with no noise, I guess my body finally decided I had endured enough.

Day 11:
I had strange dreams that night that left me restless when I woke up. I didn't dare leave my wooden box, something about Hyde being on the loose still frightened me. But just as my day couldn't start off any worst I heard someone opening the chest I was hiding in. As the lid opened I took the book and swung it into the opening as hard as I could. The boo's momentum was stopped immediately by the Nocturne standing in front of me as she pinned me up by neck to the wall. A younger Nocturne then me and this one both pleaded for her to stop. She put me down as I reached for the tome only to have my hand slapped. She demanded to know who I was but I lunged again for the book. She tried to block me again but this time I zapped her. She was startled but flung me upside down on my back with her arm across my throat. "I asked you for your name and purpose for being in my house!" I didn't bother struggling, this Nocturne obviously older and strangely stronger than me had me pinned and with myself still injured I still didn't put up a chance at a fight. "Telsa and I needed somewhere to hide from Hyde." "Wait, is that that crazy Fae with the spikes?" She let me go now realizing what was going on. "Sorry if I was a tad rough, didn't realize you were already so beat up." The only part of myself still injured was a now light cut on my stomach and my useless wings so I knew she was mentioning the latter. "They were born that way but I still did get pretty roughed up a while ago. Look I'll be out of your way, I need to go home." I stood to leave but the Nocturne grabbed me. "Wait, stay here. It is going to be a far walk by yourself while a made dragon is on the loose. My mother told me to stay put until she catches the guy." "Yeah stay with us!" The younger Nocturne chimed in. She was hugging my leg as the realization hit me that they were right. I agreed. "Yeah, we can have a totally awesome Nocturne slumber party. You, me, and Noble, and we can decorate, make cookies, and . . . " " Shelley, relax, let's first get Telsa settled in first before we go about making party plans." I let out a sigh of relief, though still hoped that Zecora would be alright.

Day 12:
Shelley and Noble are super nice dragons. After helping me settle in I spent time with Shelley showing her how all the toys she had worked as well as talking, baking, and playing games. Noble seemed more preoccupied with letting us entertain ourselves as long as we didn't go outside. She seemed to be distant almost worried about her mother so I decided to talk to her. She was looking through the book I tried to hit her with as I came up to her, "Noble, is everything alright?" She looked at me, "I'm fine, just rather curious about where you got this book. It is Keeper property. "Sonya, the dragon who patched me up, she gave it to me once Hyde came after her. I hope she managed to get away." "I have a feeling she did. Is she your adoptive mother?" "No, I don't have anyone like that, just a really close friend I would like to get back to when it is safe. But I'm guessing Garnet is your adoptive parent. You two must be really close, I hope she is doing well too." "I know she's fine, she is tough, but thank you. Um . . . I was wondering, if you don't mind, but what happened to your uh . . ." "Oh, my shell was damaged when I was born and the resulting blow shattered my wings. I can't really fly with them, well especially not without my gear." "Gear?" "Yeah, I have no idea where it ended up but it is the only way for me to fly." "Sorry." "I don't really mind, I know that there are other ways, things I can build for myself to get around without them." "You're an inventor?" "Well, I suppose, I guess I kinda do have a knack for it." "Well, if you want, Garnet keeps spare lost things if you want to go through it." I was thrilled at the proposal and got to making myself some new supports right away. As we worked, Noble and Shelley both assisted as I measured the materials while Noble sewed them up and Shelley helped hold parts in place. I worked quickly to complete the design. Although it wouldn't allow me to fly, I could still glide if given a boost. I made several other gear pieces like grappling device to assist my gliding piece as well as a cart with wheels that I could speed around in. To be honest, it was quite fun working with the others to make these items. Not to mention it was great to finally be able to have fun even through my worries.
-jan 7-

Day 13:
I thought about the dragon that visited Noble yesterday, he said he was off to get supplies for us though Noble was worried about his return. I had no recollection of the dragon, mostly since I was off making my gadgets to notice that we even had a visitor. Though, I did notice today's visitor. She brought us some sweet cinnamon rolls that I happily scarfed down though Noble told me to ration them since we still had to wait for Desmond. I began messing around with the orbs our new visitor brought and Noble let me do as I pleased with them. I was thrilled to experiment with the new light orbs as I started conducting tests on it right away. I say the other two apparently sleeping in the other room so I let them be. I took note of what the dragon had said about light dragons being unaffected by the poison outside so I got to work on my plan. I raided the chest of random things Noble showed me as I began crafting up a collar holder for my device. These things needed to be wearable if we were to go out. I found a few lightweight plastics that I fashioned into a mask. I tweaked the light orbs into place as I finished the buttoned switch to open and close the container housing the light orbs. I tried it on, it seemed pretty good for what I had to work with and as long as it would allow us to breathe outside, I would say a job well done. It was much later in the evening, when I still saw the two sleeping. I was worried that they might have been passed out so I rushed to shake them up. Suddenly Shelley was awake bawling about Desmond while Noble was filled with a fighting rage. I asked her what was wrong as she stormed toward the door saying she was going out there to help him. I grabbed her arm telling her to calm down when she nearly threw me out of the way. I told her to wait as she began putting her gear on. I saw her about to open the door when I screamed that there was a way we could all breathe outside. She stopped and stared at me, hand resting on the door. I wheeled my way over to her showing her the devices I made for all of us. I wanted to come with her but Noble refused saying I needed to watch Shelley. I was angry but she didn't leave me a choice to decide. She took the cart and flew off leaving me grounded and with only two orbs left, barely enough to go anywhere. I comforted Shelley who was still crying as she asked me if there was anyway I had something to move heavy rocks. I asked her what she meant and she told me about the dragons trapped in a cave. I decided to try and channel my frustration with Noble into something constructive.
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