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Personal Style


Respectable Alabaster Knickers
Spiffy Dress Shirt
Respectable Alabaster Spats




6.06 m
4.42 m
636.53 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 01, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Wildclaw
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Purifier - Not a Cultist - Superb
Cult Camp - RoosterTeeth

Book of Eldritch Horror
Night Flame

__ There's a place he knows that's tucked away, a place where he will go to play, a place that he helps purify, to look better in Xemüg's eye. I know it sounds hard to believe, but with his power it's true, his camp was made to help both me and you. He'll feed you plain food, dress in white, and soothe the terrors that come at night, he knows Latin and speaks it, too, he really just wants to help you, his motto's, 'You are safe', and he will help you to ascend;

__ He's got latin books and pentagrams, confidence, he is the man, purification training that'll save you from a life of pain, emotional acceptance, except of course the bad bits, security from dark toxins, not brainwashing dunno whatcha mean, grapes and cheese and kool-aid too, he will remind you he loves you, and when you've detoxed to ascend, that dagger will be your best friend, it's Daniel!

Ghosthost Viola
Haunted Stone Orb
Ancient Knife

__ My Thesis on Xemüg:
Written pre-season 4 before the reveal of Xemug as shown on the book.

Canonical Information: All negative emotions come from space. The atmosphere is under constant bombardment from negative emotions tied to dark toxins. The toxins cling to the matter left over from the big bang, meaning that despite being pure of heart at birth, all humans are bathing in the negative rich environment every second. The big bang was a side effect of the millenia wars started by Xemüg and the Galactic Confederacy. Questioning things leads to no good because it causes people to think negatively too much. It makes them unhappy, not at peace, and filled with anxiety and doubt. Being purified in the name Xemüg offers a way to stop feeling like the world is scary, cleanses you of your hateful ways. Purification leads to love, safety, and happiness, and leads to ascension (death) to the ‘next level/final form’. At ascension parties they serve grapes, cheese, and crackers as a primary food source. Grape kool-aid mixed with rat poison provides the means to ascend. A purification ‘sauna’ is used to help control/brainwash/purify new members. The sauna has the message ‘you are safe’ on repeat. They use high pressure steam and subliminal messaging to deconstruct the psyche and rebuild the people in a form that will please the ancient ones. Tools of the trade involve an old book, latin, a detoxification diet, a dagger, and a pentagram.

Cultists under Xemüg appeal to people’s emotions and show people the ‘light’ because people don’t want to think, they just want to feel safe. They wholeheartedly believe that feelings beat facts any day. The cultists are charismatic, manipulative, and perceptive/observant. They believe each soul they help to ascend to the next level is a sacrifice.

Theories: Xemüg (Name phonetically similar to Xenu from the cult of Scientology.) is a part of a pre-creation order known as the ‘ancient ones’. (Likely a reference to Cthulhu and the old ones.) and the Galactic Federation (Likely a reference to the Galactic Federation of Light, a cult supposedly founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent inter-dimensional dark forces from dominating and exploiting this galaxy.) is the enemy of Xemüg. If the galactic federation is anything like the real-life counterpart cult whose name it shares (and for this I am going off of the assumption that it is), then their primary reasoning behind being enemies with Xemüg would be to prevent him, a dark force, from dominating and exploiting this galaxy. This immediately marks Xemüg as a villain/anti-hero/overlord type. I aesthetically enjoy eldritch horror features in tandem with this, so I've used them for his physical representation.

Xemüg requires sacrifices for some reason. Following the logic of inspiration from the H.P. Lovecraft books (the only place I could find of the 3 referenced ideologies that said anything about sacrifices) detailing Cthulhu and the cults surrounding the mythos, this belief falls most in line with the Church of Starry Wisdom, a fictional cult within the books who use an age-old sacred relic (Daniel’s knife?) to summon the eldritch horror known as the Haunter of the Dark. The Haunter demands outrageous sacrifices in return for limitless knowledge of the universe. Additional correlation can be seen with the Church of Starry Wisdom and the Cult of Xemüg’s space-related beliefs.

Following this line of logic, it is safe to assume that Xemüg, too, demands outrageous sacrifices in return for knowledge of the universe. This knowledge of what he wants would most likely be ‘bestowed’ only upon designated ‘seers’ who would then pass along the messages to other devoted cultists, as it is far easier to control the masses of the lower levels of a cult when they aren’t supposed to be getting direct messages from the god(s) but are instead listening to the elders of the cult.

Xemüg and the Galactic Federation were in a war on another plane of existence whose actions ignited the big bang in our own universe. The most likely scenario is that their fighting ignited something that pierced beyond their veil, and into our universe. That expounding energy burst forth causing the big bang, but due to the war going on and the blood, death, hatred, and all around general negativity of other concepts we couldn’t comprehend surrounding it, dark toxins from the millenia war were expelled into the universe, although they can’t be seen. (Potentially a reference to Dark Matter which cannot be seen but is known to exist literally everywhere in the universe). This creates a supremely negative-rich environment.

Despite Xemüg’s (100% assumed on my part) alien and horrific appearance, the cult paints him as a loving and protective leader figure. He wants his offerings to be pure of heart, soul, body, and mind before they ascend to his level, which suggests that unless they are, he can’t use them otherwise. Such pure beings are usually references to angels or the like throughout other religions, so following this, perhaps this purification/cleansing ritual has the ‘effect’ of aiding in the peoples’ ascension to a ‘final form’ that is angelic. Given the old testament’s depiction of wars in heaven (Xemüg’s millenia wars with the Galactic Confederacy), and angels being pure beings of light (white is the brightest/lightest ‘color’, the cultists and offerings wear all white) as well as vengeful and war/death partial nature of them, and the subsequent combo of the two, I believe it is safe to assume that the offerings to Xemüg would ascend to a warmongering angelic form, forming an army or a calvary for Xemüg.

One cannot ascend to a higher plane of safety, security, love, and happiness that is (likely eternity) with Xemüg unless they have been cleansed of their negative thoughts and purified. To reach this purification state, first the prospective offering must undergo basic fundamental questioning of their previously established beliefs. “Where has asking questions about the world around you really gotten you? Are you happy with your life with how it’s turned out so far? Do you feel safe and loved? Do you feel at peace with yourself and the world around you? Do you know for sure that you’re going to go on to do great things?…. Do you want to? I can show you how.”

Step two of ascension is to enter into the purification sauna to be cleansed of all of your negative emotions, and to deconstruct and rebuild you until you are molded in the image of who the cultists want you to be. They use steam, likely very hot and used to ‘wash away’ all of the dark toxins from your body, as well as subliminal messaging during the steam bath to reset your mind. I think the steam is laced with some sort of gaseous form of mind altering drug to get those quick ‘I love you Daniel’ statements and dilated pupils. ‘You are safe.’ plays on repeat within the sauna, and I believe there could be more underlying messages in the detached ambient background music of the tapes. Potentially such phrases as, ‘You are loved.’ ‘You are happy.’ ‘You are pure.’ ‘Xemüg loves you.’ ‘Xemüg will protect you.’ ‘Praise Xemüg.’ ‘Humanity is vile.’ ‘Humanity is toxic.’ ‘Ascend to a higher form.’ ‘Ascension is necessary.’ ‘Be pure, free from worry.’ ‘Humanity is infected with dark toxins.’ just to name a few. This part of the purification ritual could last anywhere from a few hours for the easily swayed, to weeks or potentially even months with the right resources with few breaks for food and water and using the bathroom and sleep for the harder to convince.

Step three is to do the actual ascension itself. This may be done in any way the sacrificer sees fit, as once purified, the body is of no import, only the mind and soul.

My rendetion of Xemüg is below:

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