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Personal Style


Green Birdskull Legband
Green Birdskull Necklace
Golden Birdskull Wingpiece
Blue Birdskull Armband
Green Birdskull Headdress


Skin: Refraction



3.87 m
8.44 m
483.91 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Sep 30, 2013
(10 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Mirror
EXP: 3175 / 11881
Magical Acuity Fragment
Magical Might Fragment





List of ownership:
1. GiftOfArtemis
2. tacocat
3. Son
4. SoulSorbet
5. Atsukarii
6. Sukio
7. Acedia
8. SuzukiAyako
9. Sheriru
10. Faoiltiama
11. HiddenMica
12. PaperKittens
13. Motherjuno
14: PhoenixGirl513
15. Sheena87
16. Cyberstrike
17. Neon
18. antivehicular
19. Tharja
20. AllatorGuard
21: Haisyn
22. Wildcat

Here is the thread regarding this dragon.

GiftOfArtemis' Clan
"Monoceros? How your first experiment going?" Aural asked her apprentice.

The pearl catcher flinched. "Well..." She stepped back.

In front of the young shaman was a... thing. Aural really had never seen something so ugly on the outside. The large guardian approached the small, swamp and pink mirror, who stared at her with wide, unintelligent purple eyes.

"You are more appalling than the gifts of the Plaguebringer. And yet..." Aural smiled at her apprentice.

"What do you mean "and yet?" You turned Anemi into a beautiful Skydancer! Nero into her dream, a Snapper! All I can do is make muck." Monoceros left the room, tears brewing in her fire eyes.

Aural grabbed the small thing in her maw by the scruff of its slimy neck. It hung limply, unopposed to being dragged around. She brought it to the clan mouth.

She set it down, and the rest of the clan started to stir and gather, wondering what was up with the matriarch and this... ugly, ugly creature.

She looked into the mirrors eyes, and the mirror looked back. Well... one eye did. The other ones sort of strayed off. Each eye blinked at four different times, as the mirrors head rolled from side to side. Was it... humming?

"Go off, and learn of the world. Stay with many clans for no more than one day. Return here, one day, and teach us what you have learned of dragon kind."

The Sombre clan all waved goodbye, as the mirror began crawling backwards out of the cave, and as it did so, its tongue rolled out to lick one of its many eyes.

Tacocat's Clan
The dragons stared in wonder at the tiny, unfortunate mirror, who was chewing on a piece of meat. All was silent, save the sound of its jaws snapping together in contentment. All eyes were on the thing. Everything was awkward.

Eventually a fae stepped forward, head tilted slightly. "So... we have to throw a party for this- this thing?!" If faes had noses, hers would be wrinkled in disgust. "But it's so ugly!"

"That's not nice." a splotchy dragon offered fiercely. "Then again, you called me a blot."

"And that became your name!" a large mirror chortled. She was not in the group, but instead elected to settle far away from the group, in a corner. The larger of the snappers made his way over to the mirror, getting awkwardly close to her. A tiny snapper (well, as tiny as snappers get) sat on his head, who wiggled happily.

"Appau and Appa think you be mean!" the stripped dragon announced. "We have party and it be good time!"

Most of the other dragons didn't seem to like that idea. The Tooth family was far too busy tending to their eggs. Everyone else seemed to be suspiciously busy as well. And so the three snappers had a party for the mushroom dragon. They placed a tiny hat on her head, and blew streamers at her. Finally when it came time for her to leave they tied a kite around her waist so she could always remember the time when three snappers were kind to her.

son's clan
many of the dragons quickly busied themselves with something as soon as they saw the hatchling, leaving to do some gathering or hunting or something. others just looked at her in disgust and whispered among themselves.

the first to actually approach the hideous hatchling was also a hatchling herself, avelti. she waddled up to the mirror, a piece of meat (probably from a small animal, maybe a mouse?) clutched in her jaws. she set it in front of Mushroom. "this is carlos' favourite meat. he's a scientist so that means it's the best meat i think but i dunno 'cause i don't eat meat."

while the mirror ate the rodent meat, uisa joined her daughter, soon followed by the aforementioned scientist and his mate.

soon all the clan (who had not left earlier) were crowded around the hatchling. they all ate, offering Mushroom different foods (although she only liked the meats and seafood), and when it was time for her to leave again, they all bid her farewell and wished her luck in her next clan, even the dragons who had left before that were now returning.

SoulSorbet's clan
It was an average day in the clan, with dragons training for their futures to serve Plaguebringer. But not even the exaltees were expecting something so... ugly, to become a temporary part of the clan. It was almost unfair: having to see such an ugly little creature not being sent off to the cause that they were fighting for.

"Hey! I hope being in the Scarred Wasteland isn't too scary for you, kid."
The snapper welcomed the hatchling with open arms, almost stepping on the poor little creature.

"You're going on an adventure, aren't you? Lucky. I wish I'd been able to go around places when I was your age."
Of course, the young'n couldn't speak yet, so she replied with a tiny nudge to the snapper's massive foot.

"Mmm. What a little cutie-pie! It'd be great if she could visit again, sometime in the future."
The other dragons gathered around, some commenting about how she was so adorable while others couldn't stare at it for more than two seconds. Small festivities were held, typical of a new introduction into the clan, even if she wasn't going to stay for very long. Several of them tried to teach her whatever they could, such as hunting, but Mushroom was far too young for that. She would only respond with tiny croaks and other sounds most dragons would find disgusting. Such features were naturally seen as endearing by plague dragons, however. It was almost tear-jerking when she had to leave, but it had to be done. Mushroom had many more places to go.

Atsukarii's Clan

As Aris returned home from a gathering trip she noticed Ryu and Buzel looking back at her utterly confused.

Aris: "What is it?"
Buzel: "I have no idea. . .*looks at the small hatchling in front of Ryu as if studying it*
Ryu: "I promise I did NOT drag this one home! . . ."

Aris puts down her things and turns to look at the hatchling and she can't help but jerk back and catch her breath it scared her somewhat. Aris quickly appears to be her usual self and brings toys and food for the hatchling treating it like any mother would.

Ryu: ". . .How can you stand to be that close to it?"
Buzel: *very close to the hatchling still studying it* "It's fascinating!"
Aris: "You two hush. . .while it's here, we're going to treat it as family. . .understand?"
Buzel & Ryu: "Yes."

As Verity returns with Anubis they're filled in on the situation and the Nature clan welcomes the new hatchling with all kinds of simple hatchling games and food and toys. Anubis actually seems to get along with the misfit while Verity seems utterly disgusted and keeps as far away as possible while still participating with the rest of the Clan. It was a long night for little Mushroom as she seemed to be spaced out or confused the whole time crossing her eyes and wobbling her head in an odd manner until Aris put her to bed.

The next morning Ryu dropped off a very special basket in front of The bones of Blood Clan...

Bones of Blood Clan (Sukio)

As everyone woke up they noticed the basket with something that they all seemed to enjoy! They were a pack of odd dragons very odd.

Sukio walked up to the baby mirror first. "Welcome to the Bones of Blood." He spoke in a riddle like voice. He introduced all the dragons even some dragons that were not even living in his lair that had come to travel to his land too.

"She looks like Harper!" Screamed Mirari a pc that was fairly new to this clan.
"Yeah she does!" Others all around spoke.

A massive Snapper came out of the crowd. Her swamp color and orange's wings and bright yellow gems seems so weird it throw anyone for a loop. The baby mirror took a likeing to her and seemed to follow her everywhere she went! Harper later told everyone teh story about how she used to be ugly and a scroll saved her life nd changed her into her colors today.

Each dragon that had been saved by a scroll spoke up which was Zosime and Mirari.

When night fall came Reaper took Icevenom , Predaking and the baby mirror on a hunting trip. Watching as Predaking would attack violently but always with grace amazed the mirror. Ice Venom scared her a bit as he killed with ice powers and the power to freeze anything in one bite! Reaper was also different as he could control shadows and kill prey that way. All three males let the mirror pick what she wanted to eat and to there surprise she picked a white hare.

Once they all got back the mirror notices Sukio's bone pile and studied it with awe! Marrow Sukio's son told her his father was always collecting them and studying them. Also told her about bone medicine and how it can heal sickness sometimes.

Before she left she meet with the shamen of the clan, Voss! He gave her some tips on herbs and medicines and made her go see kiven the fortune teller.

"Hello Child!" Kiven spoke as she meet with him. "I see a great future for you! You will meet someone like your self that will see you for whom you are in the insides...Your wisdom will grow forever strong and never leave you. Wisdom is your only true friend in life."

With that the mirror ran off with so much to tell but stumbled across another clan lair...

Acedia's Clan

"That is by far the most repulsive dragon I have ever laid eyes upon" Benihime spat her face contorting into one of which could be consider a look of disgust. though it was hard to tell with the fae's lack of expression. "Don't be so mean, Beni-san! I think it's kinda cute...well maybe at least from this angle" Ekho said picking the hatchling up by the tail.

"Nope still hideous. Actually I think it's worse than before." Benihime said watching the thing swinging back and forth in Ekhos grasp, making some wierd noise that sounded like a dying cat, but it was smiling so it must have been laughing. Benihime shived at the little creatures's smile, it was creepy. Ekho laughed along with it, swingign it around ignoring the fae.

"What ever just keep that thing away from me." and with that Benihime opened her obsidian wings and flew off, far, far way from the detestable mushroom dragon.

Ekho continued playing with the little mirror, even taking it off into the sky and flying around singing songs. The little hatchling made some what Ekho guessed were happy sounds of excitement and even attempt to sing along in her own way. They later met up with Araceli, who was attempting to charm some of the males into giving her some treasure so she could buy more apparel. After her successful attempt she took Ekho and Mushroom out to try on some stuff. After trying on everything in the shop, Araceli decided trying to make the mirror look at least halfway fashionable was near impossible. "Everything clashes!!! Uhggg were is a shatter scroll when you need one?" Ekho glared at her when the hatching began to cry at Araceli's outburst so in attempt to cheer her up she bought a a cute mini tiara and place it on top of the baby mirrors head. Immediately the tears faded away and the dragon let out a squeal of delight, flailing its arms about as she saw herself in the mirror. "See even something as pitiful as you can be a princess" Araceli said with a dazzling smile.

After that the dragons flew back to their home, the mirror riding on Araceli's back, snuggled in her soft feathers and fur, fast asleep.

Later on that day they ate with the other dragons and sung some karaoke. Mushroom played with some of the other hatchlings in a game of tag, having the time of her life. She was introduced to all the dragons, who accepted her like one of their own. Eventually even Benihime became attached to the "little abomination", as she called her. She even attempted to teach the dragon some combat moves and how to use her magic. Aoisenshii read her and the other hatchlings some stories about the ancient times, trying to educate them on the history of their kind. While the other hatchling fell alseep, Mushroom listened intently with her tongue hanging out drooling. As the day came to an end they all went to their respective home, Mushroom joining Ekho to hers.

The next day, the dragon each gave Mushroom something to take on her journey. Some were mostly just the necessities like food and water. Ekho gave her a ocarina she had carved from some dragon bones the night before.

"This way you can make some music too!" She then proceeded in shower her some of the basic notes. The mirror cooed happily and nuzzled Ekho in thanks.

Benihime gave her a small dagger. "This is for protection. Don't hurt yourself with it, please." and Aoisenshii gave her the book he had been reading to her yesterday.

Araceli helped her pack her bags then placed her on the back of Kreios who let out a roar "I am a god!" before lifting off into the air to bring the mirror on her next adventure.

SuzukiAyako's clan
Sozu looked at the mirror, surprising that she was being passed to this clan so soon. Looking at her, Sozu thought about the past few swamp dragons that came to her clan. They never really close to her heart, and soon was sent to arcanist and plaguebringer.

"Who's this kid?" A big bulky guardian nosed his way to take a look at Mushroom.

"From a game." Replied Sozu, looking at her ex-mate.

Despite them getting along so well, their hatchlings never seemed happy with their pinkish body. Sozu found a mate for Javeric, and she found someone else to spend the days with.

"Ugly. Worse than our hatchlings." Javeric commented, causing the mirror to shrink away.

"At least protect her while she's here." Sozu protested slightly.

Javeric grumbled, but nodded and agreed.

"WHERE'S THE MUSHROOM?! LEMME SEE!" A sky female mirror crashed into Javeric, causing Sozu to wince.

Javeric glared slightly at the excited mirror, and left.

The mirror, Ida, bounced over.

"Hey, there, Mushroom." Ida grinned.

Mushroom faintly smiled back.

"That's the spirit! I'm going to show you around the wholeeeeeeeee clan, inculding grumpy Vesparian, proud Windsor...." Ida tugged the swamp mirror with her as she talked on.

Sozu sighed.


After the day was over, everyone had met the little girl and when she was about to leave, everyone offered her gifts, including Javeric.

"Here." Javeric tossed a piece of meat at her.

Smiling gratefully, she accepted it.

Sozu and Javeric then escorted her to the Crystalspine Reaches...

Sheriru's Clan

"Guys guys guys guys!" a girl excitedly shouted as she ran into her lair within the Crystalspine Reaches. "Look what I've got here....."

Her voice falthered when she only saw her platinum colored Ridgeback, Jin, sitting at a corner of the lair.

"Not another dragon," he spat.

"Well yes, but not a permanent addition; it's just a - where's everyone?"

"Caretaker!" a coral colored fae chirped, flying into the arms of the caretaker. "You're back! Everyone is hunting and looking for food."

"Amethyst! Where's Calpp?" she inquired about Amethyst's royal colored mate.

"Finding more insects for the little one," Amethyst replied, beaming.

"Whatever the case," Jin muttered. "That dragon you bought here better not be annoying. Or a Mirror."

"Why no Mirrors?" the caretaker pouted.

"'Cause the Pearlcatcher's afraid of them."

"We have five Pearlcatchers! Which one?"

Jin gave her a flat look. He was obviously talking about his 'permanent plaything'. He could honestly care less about the other Pearlcatchers.

"Besides, the little Mirror is right here beside - " she glanced at the empty spot beside her. "... me?"

A shriek caused the caretaker and her two dragons to jump. On reflex, Jin's claws extended as they bounded towards the source of the shriek. A swamp Mirror was sitting dumbly in front of a maize Pearlcatcher, who was shrieking away for her life.

"What's wrong, Pearlcatcher?" Jin asked, looking at the Mirror then at the Pearlcatcher.

"Peri, did she eat you?!" the caretaker asked, scooping the swamp Mirror in her arms.

"Obviously not!" Peri cried. "I hate Mirrors! Caretaker who can you do this me - I hate bloody Mirrors!"

"Foodgiver says she's only here for a while, shut up you Pearlcatcher," Jin snarled.

"I have a name you stupid Ridgeback!"

A white Guardian, who had been awaken by her slumber, peeked out. "Lovers' spat," she muttered, rolling her eyes before ambling back to her sleeping spot.

"Anyways," the caretaker said, smiling at her dragons. "This is Mushroom! She's from a game. We look after her and teach her stuff and play with her and eat with her and-"

An Imperial, who nuzzled at her feet, lifted her head and gave her a look.

The caretaker sheepishly giggled. "So, who'd want to look after her?"

Amethyst fluttered her wings, excited. "I'll get Calpp and the others to bring her food! Mirrors eat a lot, right?"

Peri shrugged, after getting over a shock of the Mirror, said, "She's got interesting colors. Bright. Different from what we usually see in our lair, too."

"Ugly colors, you mean," Jin retorted.

Peri glared.

The Imperial shook her head at them before she flapped her wings, flying off to the direction of the river without saying a word.

The caretaker pouted. "Does no one want to care for Mushroom?"

"Mushroom?" a voice called from above. "Did caretaker buy me mushrooms?"

A Skydancer flew down, snout buried in a scroll, reading away. The caretaker shook her head, explaning Mushroom's visit again.

The Skydancer, Star, nodded excitedly, swinging both the caretaker and Mushroom upon her back. "I'll teach this little inedible Mushroom things I've learnt from the Arcanist himself! Jin can teach her how to fish! (Jin mildly protested but stopped when Peri gave him a look) Peri can teach her how to track herbs! Caretaker can cook! Yay!"

Later, when the sun went down and night started creeping towards them, they settled down and finished eating. The caretaker packed some food for Mushroom while Peri and Jin threw in some food they gathered. Star gave Mushroom a scroll with what she said was "valuable knowledge" and petted her head.

The Imperial, Ye, from before came flying back, nestling by the caretaker's feet again. She offered Mushroom a clam; and upon opening the clam was a pearl.

Mushroom cooed.

The caretaker's progenitors, Amethyst and Calpp, two faes, sent Mushroom off.

"Bye bye, little Mirror!" Amethyst waved at the clan's entrance. Calpp grunted.

The swamp Mirror started crawling off; towards to the direction of Driftwood Drag.

Faoiltiama's Clan

"Papa! Papa!" Excited cries rang out through the chill dawn air, carrying across the spacious Lair. "Papa Perdix! Papa!" the group of hatchlings called, scampering over and around the other dragons towards the blue tundra. Perdix raised his head just as the jumbled crowd of youngsters skidded to a halt in front of him.

For a moment there was silence, then, as hatchlings are liable to do, they all began chattering at once. The unintelligible noise echoed about, waking even more dragons than their previous cries. Perdix sat up, letting out a soft, soothing hum. After only a few moments the hatchlings began to settle down, joining him one by one until all were gathered close to Perdix, humming quietly along with him.

"Now then, would one of you please explain what got you all so worked up?" Perdix asked, glancing from one wide pair of eyes to the next. Finally, a pale spiral with blood wings steps forward, clearing her throat.

"Well, Papa, we got up early today and went out to play. But we didn't get far when we saw a stranger," she hesitates, then says in a rush "and we know you say to never talk to strangers because they could be bad but this one looked lost and confused so we wanted to be nice and help her out so we did and now she's here but we don't know what to do because she doesn't talk much so we don't know how to help her."

Perdix blinks, taking a moment to make sense of the jumbled onslaught of information. Then he stands, scratching the little spiral between the horns with a smile. "Let's not keep our guest waiting. Lead me to her, please," he says with a smile, much to the delight of the hatchlings.

A short walk brings the group to the entrance of the Lair. With a chorus of excited chirps, the small flock leaves Perdix behind to swarm towards a shape huddled in the shadows near the entrance. As the older tundra follows them, the shape begins to grow clearer. Eventually Perdix stops, surpirsed by the unusual colors of the young mirror. Mushroom cowers against the wall uncertainly, seemingly unsure how to react to being swarmed by hatchlings.

With a few quick words, Perdix gathers the young ones back around him, before approaching the newcomer. Though frightened and shy at first, Mushroom quickly warms to the tundra, who treats her gently, welcoming her to the clan. After a bit of questioning she even tells him her name: Mushroom.

"Come along, little one," Perdix rumbles, nudging Mushroom to her claws. "Let me introduce you to Larae."

He leads her back through the Lair, mingling with all of the curious members of the clan and introducing their guest. Eventually they reach the clan Matriarch, Larae.

"Perdix, who is this?" the dark spiral querries, her tone neutral.

With a brief bow, Perdix nudges the mirror forward. "This is Mushroom. The fledglings found her not far from here this morning. I believe she may be lost."

Larae inspects the mirror silently, then nods. "Very well, I would not turn away a hungry mouth. She may stay," She decides. "Keep her with you, Perdix. Today you're going with the battle party. From the looks of her, a little training wouldn't hurt." Mushroom blinks each eye separately, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. With a grateful nod, Perdix ushers her away, shooing the hatchlings back to their parents.

Before long Perdix, Mushroom, Tempest, and Aristotle head out towards the coliseum. They quickly discover that Mushroom cannot fly, and instead walk to the grounds. The mirror learns the basics surprisingly quickly, and is soon fighting alongside the others confidently.

When they return in the evening, Elysium has already prepared dinner for the clan. The hatchlings all cheer as their new friend returns, bombarding her with questions and stories of their own, along with a multitude of hugs. The meal is a cheerful one, with great quantities of laughter and even a few spontaneous dances.

When it is finally time to sleep, Mushroom curls up near Perdix, surrounded by happily humming hatchlings.

In the morning Mushroom gives her friends quick nuzzles, and even hums softly to Perdix before clumsily stumbling out into the dawn, cheerful and excited to continue her journey.

Mushroom, was lost. Completely, and totally, lost. She had been sent off and allowed to go into her own direction and had somehow stummbled into a bramble patch the likes of which she had never seen before. Being a mirror, and prefering to travel on foot, had certainly had it's downfall this time. The dim lights of the shadow lands had pointed her in the wrong direction and she had somehow managed to get off the main paths and into the side paths that only a fae could navigate safely. At least that was what she thought until she quite litterally got jumped on by a wildclaw.

"Oh! Oh my! I'm sorry! I didn't see you around that large branch! I didn't mean to step on you! are you lost? Are you ok? You aren't from around here are you? I mean you aren't even on the right paths! You have to know these places they are so easy to get lost in. Really if you were trying I don't think you coudl get through here. You look exhausted! How long have you been trying to get through here? You really shouldn't try, this place is hard for dragons that can see in hte dark never mind ones that can't! Oh me oh my, where are my manners! I'm Pant!"

Mushrooms head was completely spinning at this point. The wildclaw not once stopped moving around her, a blur of feathers and bones amid the heavy noises of animals navigating more by sound than sight among the brambles. To top that off he spoke so fast that she could barely understand him!

"Wait here, I'll send someone to come grab you! I don't think you would be able to follow me! Roar will get out out and bring you to the lair! Promise!" Before she could even say anything he was gone.

It wasn't too long lair that a roar reverberated through the area. It made her pause, those bright pink wings pulled close and clutched to her body, she decided it would probably be best to turn around and go back the way he came... but she wasn't entirely sure which way that was. While she was deciding, Roar decended on her from above. Being an imperial, and of impressive size because of it, he didn't much like navigating the brambles and instead flew over them, and dove into them when he found his object of intrest. It was more hearing and smell than sight, and much like a fox did, he dove in, and plucked a howling, squirming, terrified Mushroom out from the brambles.

"BE STILL!" He bellowed as a few powerful wing flaps got him airborn again, and he was picking brambles out of his scales and tossing them down as he tossed an absolutely petrified in fear, mirror between his paws on his way home.

As soon as he landed, she was released and given an annoyed chuff as he wandered off to go see to his mate and she was greeted again by Pant, this time leading a grizzled, whiskered, snapper with him. "Oy! 'Ow ye doin? Ee dinna 'urt ye did ee? Bit o' a ruffian that un. Good hart on 'im but rough round de edges. Come on naw. Et's get ye a bed. Ye ain't a night dweller loike us. Ye needs some rest. Oi'll 'ave ye sleep in Click's room. She's a good ol' gurlie. Treet ye roight." Motioning her off to follow him with his whiskers wiggling and his fedora over one eye. The vest and spats had seen better years but were well taken care of.

She was interupted though, by a mass of hatchlings being chased by a rather exhasperated imperial who was scolding them and dragging them off to lessons they didn't want to go to. There were many imperials here, all so much larger than she, and she was soon introduced to a quiet one with a bat between her horns by the funny talking snapper. It was with her, settling down for the night, that she learned most. The quiet dragon you see, was blind. A relative new comer to the lair she explained everything and every one as she dirifted off to sleep in the big comfortble bed, resting in the warm fur of the white imperial who couldn't judge her by her looks and didn't judge her by her wandering eye. She had never felt more welcomed than by that one dragon who just cuddled and chatted until she was sleeping. Many hour later, just before dawn, she was quietly roused by the same dragon. Click smiled warmly and nudged her up.

"They want your help in the kitchens Miss Mushroom. You should probably go. Laugh and Giggle will make it worth it I promise." Motioning to the all hoard of little skydancers, snappers, and spirals all nosed around the doorway peering in before they said started to all talk at once.

"You look funny! Why are you green?"
"Meila doesn't like green...."
"Yea but that means she doesn't let them stay! They can visit!"
"Oh will you all stop! We are supposed to be helping with dinner!"
"Yea I want my fried bug legs! Lets get her and hurry up!"
"Why is one of your eyes looking the other way?"
"We always get a special feast for the new comers!"

It was a young one that was soon landing on her head, a little purple skydancer. "Let's go! Laugh makes cooking super fun," pointing her in the right direction as all the excited little hatchlings were leading her to the kitchens to walk into a veritble fest being prepared.

This was the largest lair she had been to yet, and because of that, there was a lot of food. Everyones favorite tonight, and she would be sure to have to try all the meat ones out! The hatchlings were soon swarming a white and pink pearl catcher who was laughing her head off at the matter and getting them to work. Mushroom was soon greeted by a pink spiral that was snickering as he cleaned up after them all. It was so happy in there! She learned more, mostly jokes and about the others in the lair with handicaps. Like Quiet who had a terrible limp, which is why the spiral prefered to fly, and Pant who had horrible allergies and suffered from breathing problems because of it. It made her feel closer to them all. It wasn't until she was bringing out the dinner though that she realized just how unlike most of them she was. There was only one other plentiful dragon in the lair, a large pink gaurdian. There were also no other greens, anywhere. She was welcome to visit, but from the eyeing she got, up and down from Meila, she was not going to stay long.

After dinner, a huge event in itself to get all 60 or so dragons fed and introduced, she was quietly brought to the front of the lair by Meila, Purr and Quiet, two of the lair's leaders and one of their husbands.

"While you are welcome to visit, I would recomend you send word next time. It's not wise to navigate the FoxFire Bramble alone. There are many dangerous creatures that hide in it's depths." Meila was even toned, firm, motherly even. Certainly prideful and in control if nothing else could be said of her.

"I would recommend you head to the lair of one of our closest friends. They live in the souther ice field. Quiet, my husband, knows the way well. I'll have him escort you." The warm sweeter tone of Purr spoke up as she leaned in and wrapped the dragon in a warm winged hug.

With that, Quiet smiled warmly, the limping spiral taking flight and losing all sign of a limp, and flying up out of the rather well hidden bramble exit point into the open sky where it would be easier to navigate, off to point her into the right direction. He didn't leave her side until they got to the ocean, leaving her to cross that on her own after careful directions to get her to a friend!

(feel free to fix spelling errors!)
Motherjuno's Lair
Choco and Andes returned from a day of hunting and they were running with an unusual gait. The sound was thunderous. Two large snappers running was a ground shaking event.
Mother Juno met them at the entrance of the Lair. Snow dusted her aged face, but it did not dull her always welcoming smile.
"What is it Choco? Why the rush?" she said with a smile. She knew the excitement could only come from one thing. Choco had found another lost dragon.
"Mother, look, it a baby Mirror. She lost. We keep her?" Choco was out of breath but exuded happiness. He loved babies.
"Choco that Mirror is not a baby. She does however look a little lost. Bring her in from the cold lets get a good look at her." Mother Juno turned and the two chocolate snappers followed her into the warm lair. Once inside Mother Juno noticed the mirror was a little different. And it was not just her unnatural color combination. She seemed a bit, well a bit slow. She was happy though, almost as happy as Choco.
"What is her name?" Mother said softly looking sideways at the Swamp and Pink Mirror.
"She no talk, but she had sign around neck say Mushroom." Choco says while he is holding the small paper sign in one large clubby foot.
"Is this your name? Mushroom?" Mother questioned. The Mirror blinked three of her four eyes and made a noise similar to a frog croak.
"I will take that as a yes. All new dragons are met with a special party in their honor. We will have one this evening, but unfortunately we can only keep you one night. Our lair is very crowded and we will be expecting hatchlings soon so tomorrow we will set you off to a friendly clan not too far from here. You will be in good hands with Choco as your guide." Mother stated.
Choco and Andes, like always planned a huge party. It was their family specialty being long lost brother and sister. And the party was a grand event. Mother Juno had all the dragons in her lair in attendance. And this was no small event with four large snappers and almost a dozen Gaurdians. The hatchlings loved the noises that Mushroom made. They just kept asking her questions all night. No one understood a word but they all acted like she was the most entertaining dragon they had ever met.
Mushroom slept in the room with the three other Mirrors who were very excited to have the extra body heat in this the worst of all snow storms. In the morning she awoke to a big huge Snapper face right in hers. Choco was all packed for the long cold flight. He held a large leather sack on his back between his wings.
"You ready lil' mushroom? Want ride on Choco back? It warm, and Andes packed blankie for you. Will be ok. Choco and Andes miss you huge. And if you ever need Choco, Choco come save baby Mushroom anytime. OK?" Choco had a small tear crystal in his huge eye. He really like the ugly little Mirror.
"Gulp, Grunt...." Mushroom said but Choco new it ment ok. You keep blankie with you to remember Choco and Andes and Mother Juno and the rest of your family here in the Frigid Floes. And with that the Mirror climbed up on Choco's back and they took off to find more adventure for Mushroom.
The Liekki Clan (PhoenixGirl513

"Tyrian, come take a look at this!" A large, swamp-and-charcoal Ridgeback called.

"What is it Khanon?" The Ridgebacks near-identical twin, differing only in the coal colour of his wings, cam to see what his twin brother was fussing over.

Khanon held up a tiny bundle of swamp-and-pink mirror in his gentle claws. The dragon looked barely out of hatchling-hood, and rather...confused at that.

"What's this?" Tyrian asked, carefully inspecting the mirror.

"Looks to be a young traveler, Tyrian." Khanon placed her gently on his shoulder. "Let's take her back to the lair. I'm sure the others would be thrilled to house a little nomad!"

Once back at the lair, deep in the Ashfall Waste, the two Water dragons respectfully presented the baby to the alpha female, a blue and grey Skydancer by the name of Arizia, who was holding the position until Eli came into power. She bent to look over the newcomer with a gentle smile.

"Where did you find this little darling?" She asked sweetly, giving the youngling something to eat.

"On a digging trip. She was just wandering around." Khanon said, smiling at the little female.

Arizia bent to the mirror again, noticing a small note on the dragon's foot. It simply read 'Mushroom'. "Is this your name, child?" She asked. The mirror gave no reply save for some grunts, but Arizia took it as a confirmation.

That evening, Arizia called a feast to welcome Mushroom, even for a short time. There was fie breathers and dancing, so much dancing! Some dancers even lit themselves on fire to the apparent amazement of Mushroom. Everyone was happy to have an excuse to celebrate!

When at last it was time for Mushroom to leave, Eli (The clan's head metalworker and heir to the throne) draped a lovely iron necklace around her neck, studded with little pink stones to match her eyes. Mushroom seemed vaguely pleased by this, and without another word, wandered away from the Liekki lair on to more new experiences.
Sheena87's lair

"look what I found." the pearlcatcher April came into the lair, smiling. Mikado greeted her and asked gently what she had found.
"Found?, did someone find something?" April asked. Mikado smiled gently, and went outside to see what April had dragged home this time. April was a strange girl and dragged the most peculiar things bag to the lair.
But when Mikado saw the mirror, he thought that for once April brought back something good.
"Hello, my name is Mikado, and who might you be?"
The mirror stared at him with three eyes, the fourth kind of had its own life.
An odd sound escaped the mirror, as it showed Mikado a nametag "Mushroom" was written on it.

Before Mikado had a chance to do more a mirror came out. It was the clanleader Sakura who came to see what had caught the respected pearlcatchers attention.

"Who's this?" Sakuras voice was firm, as she eyed the newcommer.
"I think her name is Mushroom, April brought her here."
Sakura sighed, but her voice turned sweet as she adressed Mushroom.
"You are very welcome to stay a night, but i have clanmembers returning home soon and no free space, so you would have to leave tomorrow." Sakura called out and two guardians Ratomball and his daugther Gargoil appeared.
"This girl Mushroom is staying with us till tomorrow, we'll throw her a feast, but she could use some training, take her and train to at least level 5 as always." Sakura left.

Mushroom was tired after being in the coliseum, when she came back with the two guardians, the first to meet her was an all tomato mirror boy.

"Hey, i'm Firerain, son of Sakura, i'm sorry she had you train so hard, she's really strict, but she just want everybody to be able to defend themselves."
Mushroom made a highpitched sound, and then something like a purr. Firerain smiled back at her. She seemed happy. He showed her into the lair where everyone had come together to celebrate the new friend. Firerain had taken a liking to her and didn't leave her side.

The next morning Firerain said goodbye, with the rest of the clan, he wanted to hug her or something, but he was too shy. just as Mushroom was about to go, April came and hugged her.
"You're soooo pretty." April kissed her and left. When she passed Firerain she looked at him and said "You think so too right?"
Firerain hurried to give Mushroom a quick hug, she made a surprised sound and ran of to new adventure.

Clan Galena (antivehicular)

"Mushroom, I... I'm sorry. I hope I haven't kept you too long from your travels..."

Granite -- journeyman insect-catcher of the Galena, fae dragon, apprentice mage, and expectant father -- murmured to himself as he hovered above his nest, watching the mother of his eggs as she slept. When the strange, near-mute Mirror had arrived in their clan lands, bearing a satchel full of souvenirs and a letter of introduction, Granite hadn't had the slightest inkling what to think of her; despite her Arcane eyes, she seemed to lack the quick wit of that clever Flight, and her "quest" seemed like a cover story for being some sort of outcast defective. Could such an odd dragon possibly be trustworthy? His suspicions were overruled by the Matriarch and Patriarch, of course -- after all, how much harm could she do in a single night with the clan? -- but when Mushroom had expressed an interest in joining a hunting party, Patriarch Dymurz had personally suggested that Granite accompany her. "If you're so worried, you watch her yourself, child. Besides, the trip'll do you good."

As usual, the Patriarch was right, and the hunting journey had cured Granite of his fears. Mushroom wasn't a talker, and there was a dull and distant look in her eyes, but she was surprisingly good in a fight -- alert, fearless, and even protective of her companions. On the way home, carrying the spoils of the journey, Granite stuck with her as she lagged behind, and he found himself talking to her. He spoke as he often tended to, quickly and without pause for acknowledgment, but unlike his clanmates, Mushroom seemed not to mind. She was a patient audience as words spilled from Granite: his own departure from home as a hatchling, sent out onto the Shattered Plain with only a map to his "new home" and no explanation, and his suspicions that he'd been exiled for being broken somehow. The Galena had taken him in, but they'd never explained anything, and he still wondered if it was just charity that kept him there. Stammering, he admitted that perhaps he'd be better-suited to be a wanderer like Mushroom, always welcomed without any expectation of permanent habitation. Would he stay with the Galena? Sometimes he didn't know. He was only a junior insect-catcher, and not much of a mage, and he hadn't even found a mate...

They were nearly to the border of the Galena clans, and Granite was nearly out of breath, when Mushroom stopped in her tracks and nuzzled his neck with her snout. After listening so long to his insecurities, she said more with that nuzzle than she might have with a full monologue of her own, and he spent the entirety of her welcoming feast by her side. When at last the fires burnt low, Mushroom led Granite towards the nesting grounds, and he followed; he still didn't understand her, but he trusted her to know what she wanted, and if she wanted his company for the night, he'd be honored to oblige.

Once he'd fallen asleep that night, he'd had nightmares of waking to find her gone -- but when he awoke, Mushroom was there, curled around their new eggs. She'd spent days barely moving from the nest, accepting the meals (and treats, and bright flowers) Granite brought her, but Granite knew now that her work was nearly at an end. The eggs would hatch soon, probably that day... and when they did, she would return to her journey, as she always meant to. Would she resent him for his part in keeping her here so long? Would she resent the hatchlings?

Perhaps it didn't matter, Granite thought, watching the night sky as the moon began to set. Mushroom would continue on her travels whether she loved or hated him, and he'd always known she would, so what could he expect? He'd wish her well, find a few souvenirs for her satchel, and do his best by the hatchlings when she was gone. It was the least he could do for his strange, lovely Mushroom.

Tharja's Clan

With a heavy heart, Mushroom journeyed onwards to her next temporary home. She would miss Granite and the hatchlings, but she couldn't stay; for it was not the way she lived her life. Luckily before she had left she had managed to get a picture of them all together as a means of rememberance.

She took out this picture and stared at it while walking aimlessly, when suddenly she hit a large hard mass and it flew out of her hand. She squealed in fear and went to chase after it, when a large, green foot stepped on it before it could fly away. She looked up to see a huge dragon, a ridgeback, the same colour as her accompanied by an equally as green snapper female, who stared in wonder at her. The ridgeback proceeded to pick up the picture and look at it, before showing it to his companion and then handing it back to Mushroom.
"Interesting," He said, watching her carefully, "What's your name?" Mushroom grunted and pointed at the small wooden sign she kept around her neck.
"Ah, mushroom. It suits, doesn't it, Egula?" He looked at the snapper and she nodded before chiming in gently,
"Would you like to come with us? The abiding boneyard is no place for a young, lone dragon," Mushroom nodded and put the picture away in her satchel, following them quietly as they led her to their lair, not flying as they were mindful of a mirror's preference to walking.

Not too long after walking, they reached the clan. Mushroom looked around and was surprised to see such a vast collection of different dragons, and quite a few of them green.

As the trio got closer the bustle of the clan stopped as the dragons sensed a newcomer. A small, seafoam fae flew towards her, fluttering his wings excitedly as he examined her,
"She's beautiful!" He exclaimed, and Mushroom blinked, confused. That was the first time she had ever heard those words directed towards her.
"We found her wandering aimlessly through the boneyard, it appears her name is Mushroom," the ridgeback said, and Mushroom grunted and nodded. He stared down at her and then said to the fae,
"It appears she has some family too, Huctor,"
"Oh, how do you know? She doesn't seem too much like the talkative type," Mushroom sat clumsily and blinked again, smiling dozily at the fae. Her heart felt lifted with the kindness of this pick-and-mix clan.
"She was carrying a picture of her with a fae and three hatchlings," The ridgeback said, Huctor nodded and held out a long fingered paw to Mushroom,
"May I see?" He asked kindly, Mushroom nodded and produced the photo which he proceeded to nod at before handing back to her and fluttering off to another fae, a pretty female. They appeared to be having a heated expressive conversation over something. The ridgeback looked down at her,
"Sorry, I must have forgotten my manners, I'm Ttagr, and this is my mate, Egula. You're more than welcome to stay the night. Let me introduce you to our gathers, Serketry and Frazel," He led her towards a bright Mirror, the only in the clan, who looked at her with quiet interest, but did not say a word, she was introduced as Serketry. Then she met Frazel, a dark Pearlcatcher who exuded physical power that was uncommon for the species.

She was invited out to the hunt with these two, as Huctor, the head of the clan and who they usually went with was still busy in discussion with the female fae.

As they gathered, Serketry showed much pleasure in showing off her power and teaching the already proficient hunter, Mushroom some new tricks. Serketry still had not said a word, but it was clear she had taken a liking to the unusual mirror. On their travel back to the lair, Mushroom followed close by Serketry grunting happily, she felt she had made a new friend.

On reaching the lair, Mushroom stopped and stared. There sat one of her hatchlings. Small and speckled, with bright pink wings like hers. She ran clumsily and happily towards it, stumbling and sliding along the floor toward him. The little fae fell backward and blinked dumbly.

Huctor fluttered over and said,
"We went to the previous clan you had been with and found the father of your hatchlings, and told him you'd ended up with us! We told him we'd love to take in one of your babies, as honour and reminder of your stay with us," Mushroom squealed happily, hugging her baby.

As the day came to a close, Mushroom sat with her child and joined in with the festivities of the clan; they had organised a party in the time she had been out with the gatherers. And these activities went on well into the night, with a huge feast and many games for the dragons to play together before it went quiet and they all fell asleep. Mushroom had had a wonderful time with this clan.

Calamari's Clan

Mushroom stumbled through the bushes, often tripping over protruding roots sticking out of the ground. Deciding to keep her head down as she plodded through the underbrush, she eventually ran smack into a tree. With a loud thud she fell on her rump, shaking her now aching head and whimpering.

Anderson was flying overhead when he spotted the young Mirror and seeing her predicament, landed near her and smiled, offering a furred paw. "Hello there young one. Would you like some help?" Mushroom nodded sullenly, three of her four eyes looking pleadingly at him. Anderson gently pulled her up, beckoning for her to follow. "Come with me, you can stay at our lair for the night. And watch out for the roots, they can be tricky.

When the two reached a rather large cluster of trees, Anderson walked through, and a clearing appeared. Smiling, he took in Mushroom's look of disjointed awe as she trotted through the trees. "Come, let me introduce you to the Patriarch of the clan."

Calamari peered at the Mirror as she let out a chirp, pointing to the wooden sign hanging around her neck. "Mushroom, hmm? Well, I suppose you could spend the night here, but no longer. We are expecting hatchlings soon, and will need all the space we can get." Mushroom nodded in understanding, before following Anderson as he introduced her to all.

That night, they sat down to a simple dinner, keeping things quiet as Froth had threatened to slay them all if they made too much noise. Everyone told stories for Mushroom, some more far-fetched than others.

When morning came, they sent their new friend off with food, and a lovely flower Anderson had found to give her, wishing her well and requesting that if she ever came this way again to join them once more for a proper celebration.

Clan Per Ardua Liberi

"What is that ridiculous looking creature?" the rose and black tundra female asked of her nearly-matching male pearlcatcher companion. Her expression was not exactly one of revulsion, but rather confusion. She couldn't remember seeing another creature like the Mirror they'd stumbled upon before, and it wasn't just a tundra's bad memory. There hadn't been one around the clan lands since before she'd arrived.

The pearlcatcher unabashedly pranced closer and circled Mushroom, looking over her rather critically. He moved back to the tundra's side and tilted his head at their unexpected guest, pointing to the sign around her neck. "It appears to be a Mushroom, my dear black rose."

Somber Roseate huffed and sighed at the male. "I can see that, Arroni." She flicked his face with her tail at the cocky grin he gave her in response and looked Mushroom over herself, pondering for a moment before coming to a decision. "I suppose it would be irresponsible of us to leave it-"


She flicked his face again and continued, "-her out here alone after dark." She turned, glancing over her shoulder at the Mirror. "Come."

Mushroom did as she was bade, partly because visiting new clans was what she did, but also partly because she was rather curious about this... odd matching set. As they walked it became much more obvious that the tundra was unusually surly, and the pearlcatcher absolutely immune to it. She found out their names, that they were mates, that she referred to him and pretty much everyone else from their clan as her "pets"... curiouser and curiouser! There were some though that she always referred to by name, the clan's matriarch, Sypher, and the matriarch's mate, Gambol. And apparently, a rather disturbing snapper that greeted them at the entrance to the clan's den.

The green snapper with the bone crown and rather severe expression stepped directly in front of the group and glowered rather directly at Mushroom. He was silent for a moment before he finally uttered anything resembling a word. "DOINK?"

Somber Roseate actually shuffled nervously. "No, King Tonberry. This is a traveler, I've decided to keep her for the night. She seems... intriguing."

He glowered again for a moment before relaxing a bit and slowly lumbering out of the way, but not before he gave a disappointed sigh. Arroni gave him a sideways look as they quickly herded Mushroom past him. "I wish Sypher wasn't so intent on keeping those Tonberries around... especially that one. They make good guards, I suppose, but they're rather too keen on harming strangers..."

Mushroom hadn't realized she was in any danger before Arroni said that. She'd heard that Wind-clan dragons were supposed to be friendly and playful! A surly tundra and a bloodthirsty snapper did not fit that description! She wasn't sure whether to be curious or afraid now.

Suddenly there was a flash of dancing light in deep blues and bright pinkish-purples, as well as reflections off of metal as the shimmering form of a skydancer unfurled before her. The green-winged and lighter-bodied male wildclaw she was curled up with also lifted his head, and both peered at Mushroom. Nervous now after her odd encounter with King Tonberry, she danced in place awkwardly, an urge to run away starting to build inside of her. Her fears started ebbing as the skydancer and tundra conversed, however, revealing the sleek midnight and mulberry form to be that of Sypher, and the wildclaw her mate. While she seemed quick to snipe at Somber Roseate and Arroni both with sarcastic humor, she was pleasant enough to mushroom, offering her a place to stay for the night and an opportunity to eat. She even got to play with some of the clan's familiars!

The Wildclaw, Gambol, turned out to be one of the most jovial and quick to jest she had yet met, and it was interesting to see how he and Sypher balanced eachother. His light-heartedness kept her from being too brooding, and her level-headedness kept him from doing (too many) stupid things on the spur of the moment.

There proved to be many others around too; more Wildclaws, some Imperials, several Pearlcatchers and Fae and more Skydancers, even a couple of spirals and a Ridgeback! Sypher and Gambol even had some of their elder children around still, who happened to be guardians - Mushroom really wasn't sure how that worked, but couldn't figure out how to ask. It seemed the only species that wasn't represented was her own... though by the time the evening meal was done with, and all those curious about the visitor had all but worn her out, she didn't think it was because of any dislike of Mirrors on their part. There seemed to be all sorts in this clan...

She had meant to leave the next morning, but they invited her out to go scavenging with them the next day after the morning meal. She was having too much fun watching how unusual they all were and how their differences complimented each other to want to turn it down, so joined them, then helped some of the expectant mothers in the nesting area. Somewhat to her shock she found that Somber Roseate and Arroni had recently had a clutch of eggs that hatched, three in a matching set that boggled her simple mind. That tundra just... just really hadn't seemed the motherly sort, after all!

She joined them again for the mid-day meal and decided to relax for a bit longer before getting ready to set back out on her journey. Sypher found her rummaging around in her satchel and figured out her intent fairly quickly. "Time to get back on the road, hm? Well, at least let me help you get your supplies in order. I've done a lot more travelling than most of these numbskulls." She said numbskulls in an oddly affectionate way, Mushroom thought, but she didn't object to the help in the slightest and gave an appreciative croak. Sypher tilted her head with a raised eyebrow, but shook off her mild confusion at the Mirror's odd way of responding and went about her business. Mushroom was ready to leave by that evening with a mended satchel and an extra set of pouches on a carefully arranged set of belts that wouldn't impede her movements. They contained various things, mostly some medicines and dried meats, and her satchel had been re-packed with her keepsakes carefully wrapped, a fresher pack of wrapped meat for her to go ahead and enjoy over the next couple of days, and a nice extra-fluffy blanket if she caught caught outdoors when it was cold. They even gave her a thick cured hide that was waterproof to sleep under if it rained!

Despite her misgivings when she first arrived Mushroom had decided she liked this clan very much, and added it to her list of places to re-visit some day. For now, though, she had a journey to continue!

Euriona slipped silently through the trees, making her normal rounds of the clan's territory when she spotted something.... odd. It was the ugliest dragons she had ever seen stumbling through the thick undergrowth below, with some sort of sign around her neck. Landing to examine the strange dragon more closely, Euriona noted that the sign named it "Mushroom," and it, no she, looked rather hungry.

"Well," She murmured to herself, her soft voice attracting the creature's attention, "I'm I just going to leave her out her?" She laughed softly as the wary dragon examined the bushes in confusion, and flew out to land on her shoulder.

"Come on little one," She told the much larger mirror, "it's not far to my clan's lair, you can rest there for the night."


"Oh, she's adorable! Bring her in, bring her in, it's getting cold out there!" The chubby, bangle strung fae fluttered around in excitement, "We simply must feed you up, you skinny little thing!"

"Adorable may be a bit optimistic madam Firefox," A great red and yellow guardian rumbled, causing the mirror to start, "This is certainly the most interesting thing you have brought back from one of your silly patrols Euriona."

"Oh Shush Lightning, look now, you've scared her! I simply must introduce you to the entire clan, and then we will have a feast, and my mate can show you the gardens, ooohh, there's so much to do!" Landing on a low branch above the ugly mirror, Firefox raised her voice to echo around the clearing, "Come now my dragons, we have a guest for you to meet!"

Roused by their leader's excitement and the guardian's voice, the rest of the clan began to make their way into the sheltered clearing as Firefox usured her in through the main entrance. They crowed around as Firefox rushed to introduce them all to the ugly mirror.

"This is our guest, umm.."

"Mushroom," Euriona supplied, amused by her mother's carelessness.

"Ah, yes Mushroom. She's been on a long journey, and cannot stay long. So we shall show her the hospitality of this clan while she is here! Now, we have a lot of introductions to make before we eat, so why don't we get started?" The fae looked over her clan with pride, then turned to mushroom with a slight bow that caused her countless bangles to tinkle, "I am Firefox, leader of this clan and great lover of all things that sparkle. You have already met my daughter, Euriona," She gestured to the blue, hooded fae that had bought her in, "And lLighningbolt," She turned to the huge, yellow and red guardian that stood next to them, who nodded to the ugly Mushroom. "They, along with the Mirror Gale," She waved over a grumpy looking brown and grey mirror with handsome tiger stripes, "Are our clan's first line of defense if we are to be attacked. I dare say not much gets past their teamwork."

"Pleased to meet you," Lightning greeted, covering up Gale's annoyed growl.

"Ah, Here comes my mate Frostfire, with some of those lovely flowers he's been growing," Foxfire brightened as a beautiful blue, clown marked tundra with red wings approached, a basket of flowers in his teeth, "And I dare say he's brought Vixen with him!" Upon reaching them, a lovely pastel spotted fae lifted off of Frostfire's back and flew slowly around Mushroom's head, greeting her and seeming to take measurements, before flying back to the basket and sorting out rich pink and red flowers to weave into a wreath for the dragon's horns and neck.

"I daresay we will make you pretty yet little one!" She trilled.

"Come, while they are working we still have many introductions to make," Firefox smiled, pleased with her clan's reaction to their guest. "Here is Meridith, my daughter's only child, and her mate Jhudoran." The two fae flitted around in greeting, the spots on their wings confusing Mushroom, then flew off to help prepare the feast. "And Tempest and Snow, strong warriors in their own right." The white furred tundras' nodded

"Next is Seaglass, and her mate Nightsky, oftentimes they will craft decorations for our clan's celebrations, and are the swiftest and most agile in the sky," Mushroom admired the beauty and elegance of the skydancer pair until the next clan members were bought before her.

"This is Reiri, our clan's swiftest hunter and friend to Gale," The green and grey wildclaw nodded. "And Tholannan, almost as much of a showoff as my mate, don't tell them I said that yes" Firefox chuckled.

"In that tree there are Sunset and Mai, and next to them are Miyako and Misaki, looking for trouble as always" Firefox pointed out three fae and a spiral, all adorned with circuit markings. "Below them are Chance and Runewing, an interesting pair to say the least. Chance would not take no for an answer when she dragged him in out of the wet."

"Telari and Sefrin are new to our clan, still finding their nich so to speak, and him," Fire fox stopped at a dark bodied, pail winged fae graced with bright blue circuit markings, "He has refusen to take a name I'm afraid." The fae watched quietly, amused by the matriarch's disapproval.

That knot of dragon there, must be Dawn, Sunrise, Evening and Dusk, hard to tell where one ends and the next begins when they're all excited to be honest. And that is Xanice behind them, looking about ready to pounce." Her voice smiled at their antics. "My son Mist must be around here somewhere, he's a bit shy though, and his mate, Molnija, tends to join him in the shadows."

"Next is Rocher and Cacao, our earthiest dragons, if you know what I mean," The brown toned tundras listened with amusement, "Oh, never mind, they'll forget soon enough anyway. And that just leaves... Wraith and Zesiro, bickering as usual. I swear, one of these times one of them will just take off and never come back!" The fae shook her head "There's a few more, but most of the young ones are intent on serving the Lady Gladekeeper, and rarely come by when I call. But I smell food! Let us not keep you waiting any longer."


Mushroom chewed thoughtfully on the meat that had been provided to her, thinking about all the names she had just learned. She had rested by eat dragon in turn, listening to what they had to say, and watching them interact with the others around them. This way she learned many secrets, and many tricks to help her on her way, the only one who had not been welcoming was that one mirror, Gale. Though s
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