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Personal Style


Dried Flower Crown
Haunting Amber Pendants
Gilded Compass
Mage's Sapphire Bag


Skin: Lost Time



4.92 m
4.57 m
648.64 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 24, 2022
(1 year)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Nocturne
Max Level




  • none


Shattered Plain Gem Guardian

Story Keeper

Wandering Cartographer


"You’re at it — again?"

A nod follows the inquiry from a dragon that Arezou was neither close to nor distant from. Relationships have become a blur for him, as of late. …Late being however many years have passed since he last opened his heart up to another Clan, only to be outcasted once his partner disappeared alongside whatever adventurous mission she tasked herself with. It was laughable, really. He should have expected from the beginning that things would revert back to how they always were with his dull colors; an omen of omens, one could label him with.

Persistence ages the wishful, that much Arezou knew. His plumage has long faded even more in favor of time, paws equally calloused with the many elaborate research papers and maps he’s invested his being into. But it all led to a dead end when all was said and done. No amount of conclusions or hypotheses he drew got him any closer to finding his partner’s whereabouts, each one perhaps dragging him even further away.

Was it neglect? The supposed bad luck he carried finally catching up to him? Although no answer will ultimately comfort him, the regret that he had not asked sooner about where she was headed next lingers on his conscience. He can survey countless Clans or foreign lands, but his cartography skills were best for documentation, rather than creating miracles to obtain answers from thin air.

"…zou. Arez… Arezou! Are you even listening to me? You’ve been shut inside this. This poor excuse for a cave for months now, go explore different places for a change! It’ll do you some good."

The Coatl blinks blankly at the other dragon, tail curving upwards at the proposal. Right, he should catch some sunlight. Perfecting his most recent map can be put on hold for now. There were still plenty of places he has yet to venture to, maybe there he’ll find the first piece to his endless puzzle.

Indifferent Plagiarist


"Honor this, honor that."

Ectorius rolls his eyes upon hearing the same old scripture-like teachings from the Elders of his clan. Their methods — which should admittedly have long been retired, in his opinion — overlook the joys of a convenient lifestyle. Not to mention how efficient his ways of going about tasks were, especially when it came to sparing him of draining his 'artistic mind'. What bores him more than listening to their lectures, however, is having to give the same rundown to every new dragon in town.

"Woah there! Plagiarism? Don’t you think that’s too harsh to say towards my creative efforts?"

The way anger festers until it finally boils over is a satisfying… phenomenon to him. Ectorius often shrugged away accusations of plagiarism by arguing coincidental resemblance or inspiration sources, after all. One art piece will never quite be exactly like the other, and that’s something he’s willing to stand by until the end of the line for him. And it was thrilling too. Thrilling to get on other dragons’ nerves and witness the agony firsthand when he slips through the cracks scot-free.

It’s certainly not his concern that they both couldn’t think of ideas different enough to be considered unique. Ectorius would even be the first to say that he executed it better, blinded by his ego or not. In the end, it’s unlikely they’ll hear from him again in-person. It does him no good to stay in one place for too long. Rumors spread like wildfire when his victims have connections, and it’s not as though wringing out all the artistic value one Clan has to offer will last him long enough to form a stable living. If artwork auctions travel, then so will he. Ectorius will follow wherever money rings, and that’s that.

"Huh? You’re kiddin’, right?"

Eviction from the latest Clan he took refuge in came to him as a surprise, though. Everything had been working out perfectly! Even the bars he frequented all had locals asking him what masterpiece would come out next, so to hear that he was getting kicked out?

Ectorius’ gleeful smile dims. A familiar face flashes briefly within the crowd, one of many artists he took 'heavy inspiration' from. He might not remember names, but he’s at least decent enough of a dragon to recognize appearances. Drat. Looks like he has to find another inn somewhere far away where word can’t reach. He’ll try his luck with the next one.

A single failure won’t turn him away from his practices.

Forgotten Dreamer


"What’s this? You — think I look familiar? I’m sure you’re mistaken. The thought will pass soon, and when that time comes: let it be."

Learn to live in the present. If that’s something Reverie must preach, then that’s what she’ll do. As a consequence for not heeding her own words in the past, it’s only fitting that a heart full of compassion for others leads her down this path, regardless of whether they’ll manage to remember her or not.

Meaningless to say, she was not always a philanthropic dragon. In fact, many of her Clan members turned her away due to her vanity and indulgence in selfish acts. She was pampered beyond what words could possibly describe, leisure time spent daydreaming and taking life with a laidback attitude when others went to serve their Deities. As sheltered as she was, her lifestyle was not one that could last an eternity.

Swayed by the commonplace discussions of finding partners, Reverie too eventually fell for another Gaoler. Although her feelings were reciprocated, their relationship was unstable. From frequent disputes to outright hatred for one another afterwards, her significant other was the first one to break it off with an accompanying gift: a curse that would make interactions more fleeting than they already are.

It took her a few days to let the news set in of what it entailed, and it certainly didn’t require a genius for Reverie to realize that her connections slipped through her claws like sand. One day, a dragon she spent years together with would talk with her like normal, and the next, they couldn’t recall her name, let alone a connection to her.

"It’s me! Reverie! …Your daughter?"

The final thread that snapped was her parents treating her like a stranger. Despite her attempts to jog their memory, it was all for naught. No matter the amount of Arcane dragons she inquired about undoing the curse, all of them appeared to forget she requested assistance by the time she paid them another visit. Treasure poured into research was wasted without a single word, and Reverie eventually lost count of how many times she had been 'scammed'.

Perhaps what prompted Reverie to travel from clan-to-clan and reform herself was the small glimmer of hope that somehow, by a Deity’s mercy, there would be at least one dragon that can remember her for the long run. Fortune may not smile upon her now, but she was willing to try.

Landbound Artificer


"Have you ever entertained the thought of possessing mechanical wings?"

In hindsight, Suzaku should have been more cautious of the fellow Obelisk’s words. They were a warning, rather than an idea to consider for their entertainment. The horror of losing his wings in a supposedly friendly spar the next day is one that he will never be able to forget, the memory engraved in his mind as what they played off as 'mistake'. It was to be expected in a struggle of deciding who would be the next heir to the Clan among his siblings, but it remains as a bitter subject for Suzaku.

He lost his right to that position after amputating his wings, after all, now replaced by dysfunctional metal to fit in with his peers. Although they may not be able to lift him off the ground, he received fewer questions this way, and that much made Suzaku content with their existence. However, mechanics and professions in a similar vein were a rarity in his Clan. If he couldn’t find someone to repair his wings whenever the hinges weren’t greased enough, then the next best option was to learn the basics himself to be self-sufficient.

Fortunately, repairing and creating trinkets came much more easily to him than struggling for power. What started as merely a necessity to view himself in the mirror as normal became a hobby, and the hobby sparked his career path thereafter. There was one thing he couldn’t fix, though: the suffocating atmosphere in a Clan that no longer accepted him.

"Then run away. I would join you in your adventures, but I’m stuck cleaning up after the other ones here. I wish you luck."

After bringing it up with one of his few friends, their support was all it took to convince Suzaku that his decision would be for the better in the long run. What the world had planned for him in the future was still a concern as someone who scarcely traveled beyond his Clan’s borders, but in the least, there were opportunities for new inventions and relationships out there.

Maybe he’ll even find a way to soar through the skies again.

Gijinka Artwork by Orodromeus





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Written by Regxlia
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