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Marble Lightweaver
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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Obelisk
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Scene: Enchanted Library


16.02 m
18.53 m
6222.37 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jun 03, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Obelisk
Max Level




  • none


Memnoch holds the lore that is too long to go in bios and old retconned lore. If it's uncredited it was written by me
Cold Night Air
Written 2023/05/03, 885 words
Featuring Arzi and Steel, mentions Orion

Arzi sat on the roof of his caravan, staring up at the sky above his head. He let out a sigh as he watched the bright pink of sunset fade into a deep, dark blue.

It had been a difficult day. Illness was tearing it's way through the clan and several hatchlings had needed medical attention. Healing was always draining, but seeing kids sick and suffering hit harder than most. It left him feeling as if he needed a week of sleep just to feel alive again.

As he listened to the sound of night start up around him his mind wandered to his son. It had been days since he'd last seen Orion. He was avoiding home, not wanting to risk spreading whatever illness this was to his family. The loneliness was beginning to wear on him.

He wondered what Orion was up to, if he was having fun, if he was getting along with the other hatchling. He recalled when they had first joined the clan, how hard it was to integrate with other dragons after so long on their own. It had gotten better as time went on, but he still sometimes found it difficult living in a clan so large.

Even before he'd gone on the run he tended to keep to himself, and after the incident it had only become easier to isolate himself. He had told himself it was to protect his son, that if anyone found them they'd be torn away from each other, but now he wondered if some small part of himself wanted an excuse to leave.

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. No, that couldn't be it. He loved the life he had before. He loved his studies, he loved his home, he loved what few friends he had. He loved his husband.

His thoughts turned to Steel, the bright, brilliant Spiral who had stolen his heart. He thought of the nights they shared, curled up under the stars. He thought of the time they had spent exploring, mapping every peak and valley of the Crystalspines together. He thought of all the effort Steel had put into finding a place for him and Orion to return to, everything he'd done to make sure they'd be safe. The joy on his face as he finally got to meet their son. The feeling of holding him again after so long apart, of being held in return.

Yes, he loved his husband. He loved his son. He loved the life he had now.

Still, as he stared up at the swirling galaxies above, a small part of his soul couldn't help but long for something more. The adrenaline of the run had awoken something in him, something he hadn't felt since he was a young dragon, chased from his home by a family that never cared for him.

It was foolish, thinking like this. He was barely beyond a hatchling at the time, and surviving on his own had been hell. He was lucky to be alive, to be here where he could help others, where he was needed and loved, instead of buried beneath the Ice of his flight.

The quiet flutter of wing on the cold night air caught his attention. He turned his head to see who it was, ready to collect his equipment if someone needed him. To his surprise he saw Steel, twisting through the air towards him

"Hey." Steel said as he landed next to him.

"Hey," Arzi replied, straightening up. "Is everything okay? Where's Orion?"

"Everything's fine. Orion is with Sunshine, he's okay."

"What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you."

"It's not safe for you to be here, I could get you sick. You should leave."

"I don't care if I get sick. It's been days, I miss you.' Steel took a step towards him

"I miss you too,' he sighed, shifting in place. "Alright, come here." Arzi lifted his wing, opening a spot for Steel to curl up against his side.

Steel did exactly that, curling himself into tight coils at his side. Arzi turned his head back toward the stars. They sat in silence for a moment, appreciating the night around them.

"What are you thinking about?" Steel whispered, not wanting to disrupt the peace that had surrounded them.

"Nothing." Arzi replied. "I'm musing. "

Steel hummed in response, leaning deeper into him.

They slipped into silence again. The stars twinkled around them. Crickets chirped nearby.

"I was thinking..." Arzi started before trailing off.

"Yes?" Steel prodded.

"Maybe in a few years, once Orion is older, we could leave."

"What do you mean?"

"We could travel. Show him the world, see it ourselves."

Steel smiled up at him. "Maybe. I do miss exploring. I haven't made a new map in ages"

"We could show him the Sunbeam Ruins. He's already seen the Southern Isles, it's only right he see's where you come from too."

"I'd like that."

Arzi shifted, lying down and resting his head on the ground next to Steel. Steel unfurled himself and stretched out along his side, leaning his head against him.

"Someday, my dear. We have time, the world isn't going anywhere." Steel whispered.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

The world stilled around them as they drifted off to sleep.

---Lore made by other people below this line---
*Lore made by others is not explicitly canon
Lore by @Noonchi
Featuring Arzi, Steel, and Orion

Love makes us all do crazy things. Some have gone to war, vainly taken daggers or drank poison. Though to steal away a parents love is something very few have done. Azri can remember parts vividly, yet so many details remain a haze in his mind. Perhaps it’s the underlying guilt he hides away behind repressed memories, to have stolen away such a gift for himself. Despite it all, he regrets nothing. Seeing the wonder his child has become fills his heart with such warmth. To have a family with his partner, Steel, is more than any amount of wishes on shooting stars or coins tossed in a well could bring him. Though he keeps the knowledge of Orion's beginnings to himself, a secret buried so deep into the core of his being not even he can recall what had happened. They’re happy, and no amount of guilt could make Azri take that away from his son.

Not even Steel truly knows the extent of what happened on the day Azri found Orion. He can only remember the look of fear on his partner’s face. He was an egg thief, and Steel was his accomplice. He never asked questions, never hesitated when they ran from the Arcanists’ reach without him. Even when they found safety in the Southern Icefield, any questions that arose Steel kept to himself. He remained silent and worked diligently to find his family a safe home from afar. He never wanted to see Azri as something other than the love of his life and the father to their adopted son. Perhaps it was his own love making him do crazy things.

Orion can remember the way the earth changed when he was born. Star kissed lands hued in the pinks of the arcanist faded into the biting white of the Icewarden. He can remember his father Azri stooped over him, wrapping his feet in warm furs to stop the frostbite of the snow. He disliked the South, mainly how no matter the amount of layers he bundled himself in, the chill found its way into his bones. Staring into the desolate expanse of snow drifts, Orion dreamt of the places his father Steel would tell him about in his letters. It was awkward at first, reading the letters from the father he had not yet met. He was a cartographer, needing to scour every inch of undocumented land then transmitting it to parchment. Orion did his best to understand why he was so far, but he held onto the hope of meeting Steel in the Starfall Isle someday.

When the cold was tolerable during the thaw of spring, Orion leapt at the chance to explore his otherwise temporary frozen wasteland of a home. The window of spring and summer allowed the slightest glimpse of greenery to grow in the warmth of the sunshine. It was that time of year where he could feel the faintest tickle of magic in the air. His father Azri explained his abilities when it first started. His younger self was convinced he would be struck by lightning after trying to do his own research on why he could feel the prickle of static in the air.

It was just turning to Autumn when Steel finally wrote about the possibility of a new home for all three of them. It only took a matter of days before the two were packed and ready to leave the frozen expanse behind them. They had few belongings, making their journey to the Starfall Isles all the easier. When they arrived, Steel practically leapt into them, a warm and jovial reunion of a family kept apart for far too long. At first, their new home was too much for the young Orion to bear. To have traveled from a land nearly devoid of magic to one overflowing in it was painful. The arcane tendrils latched on to the young wildclaw, enveloping every sense in the pulse of magic. It took time for him to learn how to limit his input, but gradually Orion has learned to better control when he wishes to feel the leylines that call out to him.

Despite the rough entry into his new home. Orion wouldn’t trade it for anything. The magic of the Starfall Strand never ceases to amaze him in what it offers his curiosity. From time to time the clan will move, packing up their homes and shuffling to the next place to settle. Though this only provides Orion a new chance to explore the boundary of his clan. Per his fathers wishes, he remains within the limits of the parameters set by Azri for how far he’s allowed to venture. Though Steel will often encourage him to delve deeper into the unknown of the world, perhaps it’s because a part of him hopes Orion could be a cartographer too one day. However, Orion is set on becoming a Leywalker once he’s old enough, excited to discover what magic from all over the world will feel like. His parents keep themselves busy, Azri as a healer and the unofficial leader, and Steel with his maps and duty as a watchman some nights. Though they still find time for each other. A happy little family, content with the home they found and the love they share.
Lore by @Noonchi
Featuring Ivory and Crimson

The warmth of the fire is comforting, and watching the tendrils of flame reaching up into the darkness is enough to keep her mind from wandering. Embers spiral into the black sky, hiding amongst the stars before they simmer into nothingness. The quiet of the world is soothing, just the idle nighttime sounds without anyone needing to fill the silence with useless chatter. It was something Ivory found so incredibly infuriating. Letting out a long sigh, she withdrew her tail around herself, her eyelids feeling heavy as the promise of some semblance of sleep whispered sweet nothings to her. Though her journey insisted on being a sleepless one.

The sound of rustling leaves and snapping branches banished any tiredness from her, and quickly she was on her feet with her body tensed for action. Stepping into the light of her fire, a heap of fur looked to her sheepishly. His coat was matted, strewn with twigs and leaves as he kept to the outskirts of the little clearing. The only way Ivory could think of describing him, (it was a term she uses fondly when recounting their first meeting) was raggedy. They looked at each other hesitantly, each trying to gauge how to react to the other. It was Ivory who spoke up first, the adrenaline fading to remind her of her restless nights.

“Can I help you?” Her tone belligerent at the interruption of her relaxation.

“I’m sorry, the bushes are so thick,” The stranger's voice was soft and sincere, and he tried to shrink farther away from this aggressive woman. “I didn’t see the camp here.”

Ivory looked to him skeptically, though his explanation was a reasonable one. When she had found the clearing, she had basically stumbled face first into it herself.

“If it isn’t too much trouble…”

“I promise you it is.” She cut him off, already having an idea on what he was going to ask of her.

“Please I haven’t slept for days, I only ask for the warmth of your fire tonight,” He looked to her pleadingly, eyes shining from the glow of her camp. Ivory pursed her lips, peering him up and down, He was small, and quite the sight with how dirty he was. Another silence fell between them as she contemplated her answer, and after a moment she answered with a huff.

“Fine, but if you act dodgy I’ll maim you.”

The next morning spread across the sky with colorful streaks and bird song, and to her surprise, Ivory blinked alive and well to see the new day. She yawned wide, showing a row of sharp pearly teeth. It was an unlady-like display, but she didn’t seem to care. She awoke alone, left behind with the dying embers of her fire and the cool early morning dew dampening her overcoat. It was for the better that the stranger departed before she awoke, she didn't have the energy to tell him to get lost.

Though as the idea of him came to her mind, so did the familiar sound of rummaging in the treeline. Looking in the direction of the ruckus, she was met with the same scungly sight as the night before. However now, she could see it was not mud that matted his coat.

“Ah you’re awake,” Setting down a bundle, it unraveled to show varying berries and plants. “I wasn’t sure what you eat so…” His voice trailed off as he motioned to food he had found, however looking to Ivory, he was met by a scrutinizing gaze.

“Are you hurt?” Her tone was as steady as she could make it, though the way his eyes widened at her question told her everything she needed to know. Her throat felt dry as she looked at the stranger she had shared her camp with, perhaps she had been far luckier than she originally thought.

“It isn't what it looks like,”It was clear he was putting a wall between himself and Ivory. “It wasn’t my fault I don’t know what happened…” He drew in a sharp breath, and she watched as his legs began to tremble.

Whatever it was, to someone a complete outsider to this Tundra’s life, it was traumatic. In a way, she was also on the run from a life she was leaving as far behind as she could. It was possible the two weren’t so different. There were times her own rage turned her vision red, where her claws twitched to lash out against those who pushed her to the breaking point. If she hadn’t left her home, she could have easily found herself running away with blood stained hands.

“I don’t need to know, I don’t want to know,” He turned to swipe dirt on the remaining coals of the fire, snuffing them out as she gathered her things. “Your business is your own.”

She continued to pack her belongings, trying to pay no mind to the stranger still standing at her camp. Though once she was finished, she couldn’t ignore him any longer. She shot him an unamused look, letting out an exasperated sigh.

“Spit it out,”

“I was just thinking…”

“Well don’t,” She retorted as she slipped a bag onto her back.

“It’s safer to travel together,” Ivory rolled her eyes as she turned to walk away, but the Tundra was persistent. “We could each sleep and have someone standing watch, we’d be less likely to get attacked and if either of us got hurt we wouldn’t be alone-”

Quickly, she spun around to face him, her brow furrowed with her anger beginning to simmer. She wanted to tell him off, to tell him to kick rocks and leave her alone. Yet, he wasn’t wrong, traveling together would be safer. If he was a cold and ruthless killer, he could have done so while she slept, but instead he gathered food for them to share.

“Fine,” Her tone defeated as she watched relief spread across his face. “But if you get hurt, I’ll leave you behind, if you act sketchy I’ll kill you. Are we clear?”

He nodded quickly, swallowing in an attempt to wet his dry mouth from her brutal honesty. “Crystal clear.”

The pair mostly travelled in silence, any conversations that were attempted usually fizzled between them. Though Ivory would never admit it, she was enjoying having company. They had no real set destination, just the need to get as far away from their old lives as possible.

“We can stop here for the night,” Setting her pack down beside a quiet bubbling stream, Ivory turned to look at her compatriot. “You need a bath, you’re beginning to smell.”

She spoke matter of factly, but it didn't stop the Tundra from looking down at his matted coat dejectedly. Letting out a sigh, he strode to the water and began the gruelling work of washing their travel and the remnants of his past from his fur. Ivory turned away from him, giving him privacy while she snacked on some of her rations. Though the sound of straining and huffing pulled her away from her moment of enjoyment. Her immediate reaction was to lash out, but seeing him struggling to reach the debris tangled on his back only made her laugh.

“Need a hand?” He looked back to her, clearly embarrassed that she had seen him dancing around like an itchy Iguanador. He nodded reluctantly, to which Ivory joined him in the river. With steady hands, she gently worked the twigs and leaves from his fur, another lull of silence falling between them. However it was comfortable, she was focused on her task and he seemed to be enjoying the attention.

“My name is Crimson,” His voice pulled her attention away from her hands, her finger catching on a particularly stubborn knot. “Ow!”

“Don’t wiggle!” She scolded, though her tone was more playful than angry for once. “I’ve finished, you’re more man than tree again.” She stepped away, washing her hands before returning to the pale grass at the water edge. The tundra, now known as Crimson, continued on scrubbing the dirt from himself, a bit disappointed his introduction had been brushed off.

“By the way, you can call me Ivory,”

---Retconned lore below this line---

An old bit of retconned biography style lore written in 2019/2020 that I'm keeping around for the sake of archiving and future referencing

Arzi was abandoned by his clan when he was less than a full year old. His old clan, a clan made up of four other Wildclaws, cared little of anyone aside from themselves. When two of the members had a single accidental egg they initially tried to raise it, but quickly decided that caring for a hatchling was to much effort. Not long after, they put him to sleep under a ledge of ice, and by the time he woke up in the morning his clan was long gone

Arzi survived for months on his own, hunting as best as he could manage in the frozen lands of the Snowsquall tundra, and, once he was old enough, getting the occasional odd job from passing clans. Eventually, when he gained the strength to fly, he started explore the world he was born into, living a nomadic lifestyle wandering Snowsquall and the Couldscrape Crags. At age 4 he made his way to the Frigid Flows, spending days crossing the vast expanse of icebergs, until finally he made it to the outskirts of Arcane territory. Taking refuge in the southernmost reaches of the Crystalspine Reaches, he made himself a small home among the rocks, where he would go on to live for the next several months. It was there he began to hone his magic, researching healing spells and ways to set traps to defend his small one-dragon territory

Eventually, after several months living in the Crystalspine Reaches, his old instinct to wander began to return, and he decided it was time to leave his little home within the sky. He set off further into Arcane territory, searching for a new place to call his home. He spent nearly a full year wandering the Focal Point, and he even at some point made a trip to The Observatory, where he spent several weeks learning from the many scholars present, talking to any of whom were willing to share their knowledge with him.
Lore by @BlueTheRaptor based on retconned lore

Arzi was less than a year old when his first clan abandoned him. He was always told he was an accident, and he could barely make it through his time alone as he was never taught any skills. He jumped from clan to clan, and this is called clan jumping. He found jobs in every clan to get him a place to stay and food. As he learned to fly, he wandered alone towards Arcane territory. He decided to settle down for some time. While he had a home, he learned healing and magic spells. He grew his magic and healing, gathering spells day by day. Years later, he decided to leave his quaint little home and set off. He entered Arcane territory, leaving his old life behind. Eventually, he went to Focal Point to learn some education in healing. He made many friends with dragons there and decided to join them himself. Others considered him an oddity, as he was extremely different than other Wildclaws. He's more docile and relaxed than others and prefers healing and magic over flighting and weapons. He decided he wanted to learn healing magic and was accepted into the school. He met a dragon named Steel at school. They got along instantly and Arzi finally found his first real friend. As they grew closer and closer, they decided to be a couple. They adopted two dragons, Orion and Spirit. Soon after, Arzi finally found a clan to live in. He brought his new family with him and became a well-respected clan member. When he talks, everyone stops to listen. He finally found a life that he can enjoy.
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