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Energy: 50/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Plague.
Female Nocturne
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Personal Style


Brown Birdskull Armband
Simple Copper Wing Bangles
Brown Birdskull Necklace
Brilliant Healer's Reference
Celebration Sage Sash
Burnished Filigree Breastplate
Brown Birdskull Wingpiece
Gold Dinosaur Tail Guard
Gold Dinosaur Wing Guard




4.87 m
6.17 m
670.05 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 31, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 25 Nocturne
Max Level




  • none



Fairly quiet and watchful, never revealing much but observing a great deal. Decipher is Independent's right wing, interpreter, and frequent lover—a partner in more ways than one. One could say Independent plays as the face of the operation, with Decipher as the brains behind it all. Independent knows how to fight, to kill, to get what she wants. Decipher knows where to point all that eager, obsessive hunger. When the two disagree on a possible contract, no one wants to be around for the yelling match, and then the cold, silent aftermath during which the two pretend the other doesn't exist but gives contradictory orders to the band, much to the distress of the Contractors.

Decipher doesn't talk much about themself, their history or clan of birth, family. It's known that prior to joining the Contractors, they worked as part of a criminal intel network spanning Sornieth, a combination of spy, informant, and rumormonger. Put simply, their job was to know everything about everyone everywhere—and sell those secrets to the highest bidder. They were smart enough to stay mid-level; competent, but not ambitious. They kept their head down, did their work quietly, avoiding the attention of dragons with too much power and currency. But it was hardly enough, barely scratched the itch for their hunger for more.

They eat up secrets, mysteries, puzzles, like cuts of fresh meat tossed in a pig pen. Their memorization is sharp, memory infallible, but more than that, they have the ability to make all that information click together. To figure it all out. To see the whole of the picture, rather than just the dismembered pieces. Beyond mere fun facts and statistics, Decipher seeks comprehension. To understand something takes a lot more work than to know it.

Their current project is trying to learn what the hell Independent is about.

Decipher was part of the same team Independent was on, hired to track down and kill a particularly murderous monster marauding in a region of the Scarred Wasteland. Their heart wasn't really in it; the job was busy work, assigned to them by a work superior to keep them out of the way during an arduous clean-up following a security disaster regarding information several classification levels above Decipher's own. They were supposed to be following the leader of the hired team around and determine his threat/importance level to the intel organization, even though both Decipher and their higher-ups already knew he was hardly worth any notice. Still, Decipher resolved themself to the task, though they knew they'd be bored out of their mind for the entirety of the job. And indeed, they were, even after Independent, some fresh-faced newcomer to mercenary circles but with a rep as a good scrapper, was hired on.

The trek was long and vexing, with obstacles within and without due to bad weather, difficult terrain, unlucky encounters with local flora and fauna, and frequent scraps and arguments between mercenaries. The leader struggled to do his job in keeping them focused on their shared goal, his only trick reminding everyone of the promised treasure reward at the end if they killed the beast. That did not suffice, and the band began to fracture, most demanding they give up and turn back. The leader finally relented, saying the reward wasn't worth it. Decipher figured that would be that, they could return and write their final report that no, no the leader was no one the organization should be concerned about.

Then Independent stepped forward. She'd rarely spoken up before, not to suggest any course of action, but not to complain, either. Just been along with the ride, it seemed. Not anymore. It was a surprise to them all as she, Bold as brass, called the leader out on his cowardice and lack of will to see the job through. "How dare you abandon the jobposter?" she demanded, which was confusing, as mercenary work is hardly about honor or duty—the jobposter didn't care if the monster was killed, just those small clans in the area who were being driven out of their territories.

But that hardly deterred the mirror. Her indignation had a flavor of self-righteousness to it, her sheer disbelief over what she saw as failed obligation grating on the leader's pride, and her mockery of his character didn't help, either. He snarled that this was his hired team and job, and he had the final say. Independent laughed in his face, scorning, "You've already given up! I will lead this band to the monster and kill it f-cking dead, so we will get our coin—and you will eat sh!t." Hardly the most eloquent of speeches, but direct, and confident. Self-assurance radiated off the mirror, the sure, comfortable knowledge that no matter what was thrown Independent's way, she would deal with it. Probably by killing it. Hopefully before it killed her.

Whether actually impressed by her arrogance or simply desperate for the reward, nearly half the team split, joining Independent's claim to continue hunting the monster. The leader marched off in a huff, his half slinking away after him . . . and Decipher stayed. They had no need of their cut of the reward. Indeed, the source of their pay was rapidly disappearing into the distance. But Decipher was curious—later, they'd admit to fascination—about this scrawny, rudely blunt, seemingly utterly (up until now) ordinary mirror. How had she convinced this band to stick with her, when every odd was against them? Was it sheer stupidity that made her think she could kill the beast? Independent was not what Decipher expected then, which made her worth investigation, no matter the docking of their paycheck.

Decipher stuck with the team as they toiled on, led now by an Independent that apparently never lost energy nor enthusiasm for their task, who laughed when endangered, and stared unflinching with teeth bared when mercenaries muttered and glared reproachfully at what she demanded on them. Must've been luck, or grit, but the team found the monster's den, and caught their first glimpse of the much-speculated beast. At that, almost everyone nearly quit then and there, claiming it was too hard, near impossible to win, not worth their lives. They looked to Independent, expecting the same pleading and cajoling and threatening they'd received from the former leader. Decipher watched too, waiting. She instead shrugged, showing her teeth, "Guess all the treasure goes to me," and launched herself at the den with a roar of a battle cry that echoed across the valley, ruining any advantage of surprising the monster.

The mercenaries stared at another. Then one groaned, snarling that that gold would not go to her and her alone, and threw themself after the mirror. And the others followed, Decipher at their tail, tagging along because they were impressed by Independent's peculiar brand of persuasion, an abrasive kind of charisma they couldn't believe actually worked—worked on them, for here Decipher was, following Independent into the monster's own lair not because of orders, because they had to, because they told themself they were just curious. No, they went because, damn it, they wanted to! Peer pressure is one hell on a drug, they thought dryly as they winged after the rest. They'd come this far; they deserved their cut of the reward.

And they just kept following Independent. After the monster was slain. After they fought off the other half of the team's attempt to steal the head from them and turn it in for the reward themself. After they got the reward! Independent hired on to another job and the old team hired on with her, Decipher included. Job after job, reward after reward. Independent didn't always wrestle control away from the intended leader. But when she did, the hire always went better. Everyone got their fair, equal cut. The task was always completed—Independent never let it quit. A few dragons came and went, but eventually, the core unit of mercenaries fiercely loyal to Independent formed, and one day, Decipher took Independent aside and told her, "No more joining up under someone else. You're our leader now. We do our own jobs or no one's."

Independent insisted the mercenaries were all their own bosses, leading to the name the Contractors, but without a shred of humility or self-consciousness stepped up and agreed to decide which contracts they made. With Decipher at her side, to whisper in her ear, "That one is paid for by a cheat and runaway; we'll bring hell if we take it." Each time Independent nodded, accepting Decipher's advice without a hint of suspicion or jealousy, sent a thrill darting through Decipher's chest, until they realized, Ah, that's what I was missing at the organization. Trust, friendship. The rib-cracking force of helpless laughter exploding from their chest as Independent rolls on the ground in her own throes of hysterics. The smug glee of looking in the eyes of their old supervisor and informing them that no, they wouldn't be sharing that information with the organization any more, no not for that price either, see, Decipher was their own Contractor now. The calm and quiet joy of waking up in the morning in their tetrahedron with Independent curled against their side, snoring, and knowing this adventure would never become a bore.

In becoming one of her Contractors, Decipher quickly realized an even more pressing task than running Independent's intel. Adjusting the demigod, who originated from a dimension without even the concept of organic flesh, much less the structure and application of it, to the confounding and complicated mess of clashing cultures, politics, mannerisms, and personalities of the millions of dragons and other sapient creatures crowding the continent. That's a lot to navigate, when one is new to their meat sack and doesn't know the rules of the place! So Decipher sticks near to tell Independent no, gnawing on one's tail to greet them is not customary practice, or yes, yes you really really do need to wash blood three-days-old off your scales before interacting with others, it reeks and no that shouldn't smell good.

And on the flip side, Decipher helps other dragons interact safely with Independent as well, assuring them she won't actually eat your children's tongues, she thinks that was a funny joke, or taking over negotiations with a potential client if Independent gets too impatient and annoyed that the client doesn't understand what she means by, "Sign the contract paper or I'll rip your head off." Most of the time Decipher can just let Independent do her thing; at the very least, it's very funny to watch. But in situations requiring more delicacy, Decipher's well-practiced in smoothing over raised hackles and applying subtle pressures here and there in the form of thinly-veiled threats.

Rell's Relic Requisitions [ day one ] [ day two ] [ day three ] [ day four ]
[ day five ] [ day six ]

Feast of Falling Embers - Lights, Camera, Arson! NotN 2022 [ DAY 5 ] [ DAY 7 ]

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