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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Industrial organism


Scene: Golem Workshop


1.27 m
1.25 m
1 kg


Primary Gene
Wasp (Veilspun)
Wasp (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Loop (Veilspun)
Loop (Veilspun)
Tertiary Gene
Capsule (Veilspun)
Capsule (Veilspun)


Mar 27, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 3 Veilspun
EXP: 419 / 1401




  • none


perfect kilogram

» apathetic ; crass ; reckless
» disconnected ; growing

9 to 5 - Dolly Parton


STATS wrote:






Zoro was a former employee of a Lightning powerplant, using his speed and high resistance to electric shock to diagnose, maintain, and repair generators from the inside out. His career was cut short by an incident that killed numerous employees, destroyed several heavy machines, and left Zoro with a permanent stutter. As the only one left alive within the radius of the blast, the corporation quickly placed the blame on his head, marking him as the party responsible for the lives - and, most importantly, the profits - lost in the explosion. When he had recovered enough, he fled, solidifying his guilt.

Seeking out the deepest, darkest hole to curl up and be forgotten in, Zoro found his way into a sort of game, one which promised riches upon success, but which never gave up its losers. Though meant to be played with a party, Zoro faced the trials alone and with the same disregard for life that his former company had ingrained with him, relying on constant respawns to progress. That is, until a full group of adventurers overwrote his own run by becoming trapped in the system themselves. He was eventually able to join up with the party and together destroy the warped AI that was responsible for the simulation. Zoro returned home, where he now sees a therapist to help him regain an appreciation for life.

» god's most beautiful little kilogram
» so so fast and small he uses his whole body as a living bullet
» died like 30 times but he got better
» speaks with a stutter due to years of brain damage
Handful of Sprockets Multi-Lens Magnifier Mesa Mechanojets Cyan Delver's Lamp

code by wanderlustfaun

edit by zerrace

Below is a conversation from Into the Unknown: Beneath a Black Rock Sky, the game (run by Falcomreynolds) where Zoro appeared. This segment expounds more on Zoro's accident and why he is the way he is.

ITU:BBRS wrote:
"My, you're argumentative," Valanri laughs, to Zoro. "Might I ask why?"

"I'm not all argumentative," Zoro argues, huffing himself up to continue before realizing what he's doing. He backs down, and shrugs, if Valanri can see it. Well, he shrugs even if she can't, and it carries in to his tone of voice. "I'm just a bit disappointed by this whole place. Or by the ddragons in it. One of the two. I wwas kind of looking to get away from certain things when I came down here."

Valanri laughs again. "I'm sure," she snickers. "I'm sure you are just the most mild-tempered little creature about. What are you running from?"

"I never said I was running from anything," Zoro defends. "Just nnot much out there for me anywhere else. No one left who evver really cared, and the Eleven know I'm never finding a jo-jjob in my field ever again. So, didn't lleave me much else but to crawl in a cave with some weird touchy dragons. Nnot that I expected any of this, of course, but just my luck I'd be ggrouped in with this sort."

"Oh, darling," Valanri murmurs, "no one comes down to Shandreil unless they're running from something. What did you do? Why wouldn't the surface have you any longer?" There's a smile in her tone, though perhaps less vicious than normal. "Your secret will be safe with me, sweetheart."

"I'm not running from anything," Zoro repeats, more insistently. "I've ggot nothing to hide. It wasn't my fault." He sighs, knowing she will not be giving in, especially after that weak response. "I wwasn't even supposed to be working that generator that day, but it was down and they nneeded someone who could go in and get it back online. There was some new hire helping, and she di-didn't listen to me. She-" He pauses, collecting his tone before he continues. "She didn't wwant to turn it on while I was inside, thought I would get hurt or ssomething, but I needed it on to see what was wrong. I was hholding the wires where they needed to be, and took my hands off for one moment to go over to her, and that's when she flipped the system on. Wh-whole system blew. Took out two generators and anyone wwho was working in the sector ungrounded, or who couldn't get out of the way of the shrapnel fast enough." Zoro does a little huff, shrugging. His solemn tone lightens up, as he shifts away from the pensive past. "I was the closest one still standing when the sshhh-t storm cleared, so it was pretty easy to guess where the blame wwas gonna fall. That poor intern certainly hadn't made it out alive, sso it didn't take me long to tturn tail first chance I was back on my feet."

"How exciting," Valanri hums. "Murder, maiming, terrific explosions. Give it a few years and someone may well base a theater performance off your endeavors."

Zoro considers this. "Unlikely," he concludes. "The hero doesn't usually disappear into a random cave at the end, and I would never stand to be some sside character with a weak script."

Valanri bursts into laughter at that. "Well, then, darling, I suspect you ought to make a better name for yourself," she says. "Be that one of fame or infamy." Her voice lowers, grows colder. "But do pick one. Either seek recompense for your sins, or revel in your glories; but don't pick neither and pretend nothing happened. That's a coward's course of action."

"As I said, I'm not sseeking recompense. It wasn't my fault. If she had listened to me and done what I said when I said it, nothing would have gone wrong." His words are snappy and quick, like a well-repeated mantra, with very little stammers or vocal stalling. "What I ddo with my life afterwards is my own business. And caves-" he points out, "-are generally more private, and far more accessible, than whhhatever your whole deal is. And I'm Not. Running." His insistent words carry through one more time.

"And yet," Valanri murmurs, "I can taste the guilt you hide. Feel it, or reject it entirely. Don't hide like a scallop in the sand. You've not got the thick shell for it. You're fragile enough I could tear you apart without lifting a claw. You don't have the strength to claim your own actions." She sounds dismissive. "Choose to exist in resplendence or choose obscurity. But choose. Otherwise you're nothing but a pathetic little bore." She doesn't sound mean. Just uninterested.
Koryn winces. He maintains his spot on Graham; he's a spiral. They're good at clinging.
"Just, whatever you do, don't go to the Icefields," Koryn mutters in Zoro's direction. "For your own good. They'll catch you." He makes a bit of a face. He's giving advice on avoiding consequences to what seems to be a wanted dragon. What's his life come to??

"That sounds like... an extremely unfortunate and devastating accident," Sunpoint says, to Zoro, and then, a little awkwardly, "I'm very sorry for your loss. Losses. Do you have reason to believe they would blame you?"

Koryn frowns. Yeah, hold on a second; has he forgotten his entire moral code?! "Actually, yeah, you should go back to wherever this happened," he says. "You need to go back and participate in the accident investigation. If not for you, then for literally everybody else you worked with. Unless you just hate them all or don't care about any of them, in which case you'd be an awful person and you probably won't listen to me."

Zoro wrinkles his nose at Valanri's comment, but finds little to say. As Koryn and Sunpoint start up their own pieces, though, Zoro finds his words quite easily. "Uh, yeah, I'm pretty sure I know where they ppointed their talons. Their little investigation was real thorough in discovering that it couldn't have been the fault of our overseers who staffed me with someone who I'd never wworked with, who didn't know mmy workstyle or capabilities, and who'd never maintained machines on the scale of what we had. They really got to the bottom of why sshe was hired for a position that, like my own, was never allowed to specialize or train in specific areas bbecause that would require hiring more specialized positions and ppaying for training hours that they didn't want to pay for, and by the Gods did they discern tthat it wasn't the companies responsibility that I was lef-left in a condition that they deemed too unfit to continue work. Because no, after all that, it wasn't the deaths that they minded, it was the ddestruction of their equipment, and the 'inefficiencies' caused by a damn st-stammer, that ddeemed me unfit to work." Zoro bristles towards Koryn. "I gguess I wasn't clear enough when I said I left as soon I was back on my feet. They were plenty able to keep me around assslong as they needed when they got to me at the epicenter of that incident."

"I see," Sunpoint says, after a moment, thoughtfully. The Shifting Expanse is a terrible place to live, and no one should live there. "You're a scapegoat, then. Your disregard for your own life in this game makes... more sense than it did." He's quiet for a minute, then says, with feeling, "Gods, that's so messed up."

Zoro scowls at Sunpoint. "I'm not after your pity," he says. "And I don't give a damn if I 'make sense' to you. You asked, I answered. Thhhat's all. And yeah," he addresses Halwen. "Something like that. Brains tend not to like yyyears of electrocution, regardless of what ssorts of resistances the body might have. And in the medbay after that big zap especially? I was-wasn't getting anyone to sit around and listen to me try to ask for a drink of water, much less to hear mmy whole defense."
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