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Personal Style


Ghost Flame Tail Jewel
Ghost Flame Candles
Cloak of the Cosmos
Bone Antlers
Cat's Wing Fans
Mage's Nightshade Overcoat




3.24 m
6.94 m
689.99 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Mar 17, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


Original Reference Inventory/Outfits

Ghost flame candles
Tawny Antlers or Bone Antlers
Cloak of the cosmos
Cat's wing fans
Ghost flame tail jewel
White Birdskull legband
Sapphire tail feathers (opt)
Raven Queen
Enchanted raven necklace
White birdskull necklace (opt)
Wise bonecarver's mask(opt)
White birdskull headdress (opt)
White raven armor
Sapphire feathered wings
Mage's nightshade overcoat
Ghost flame tail jewel
Raven Woodtrail
Raven Woodbrace
Raven Woodtreads(opt)

z9b2ZPjBKWXKgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png Stardust Sap Lamp Celestial Horn 1137.png Golden Starswirl Starwood Embrace ] Sky Crystal
"Even in the stillness of the dark, the song of stars beats like a heart."
✤ Biography ✤
Likes: sound, song, beauty, fate and destiny
Dislikes: silence, boredom, emptiness Ideals:Following through for those she loves, loyalty, kindness
Weaknesses:the desire for more
Strengths/Abilities: interstellar travel, dreamwalking, precognition Flaws: Jaded, sadness
✤ Inventory ✤
Cloak of the Cosmos Bone Antlers Cat's Wing Fans

Feywild Lost
by by ~windymountaintop~


♛ Captions ♛
✤ Relations ✤
"I dreamed that day that as I was dying that a whirling wind of stars were falling about me, cold somehow, like I imagined death would be. But it was merely snowflakes, or falling petals of the trees, called forth by her hand, chill as it touched my cheek, but filled with something that kindled my soul like the heart of stars. What grace death has given beauty…for one who could make the dark flowers bloom, and also wither them away. I was enchantress enchanted, a stranger beguiled by a stranger to her own lands…a queen she seemed, with hair the color of raven wing, with ruby eyes glowing behind a mask of porcelain. And a queen she was, to the court Unseelie, but to me, she became so much more.."

✤ Description ✤

There is a sudden quiet, as the key hands of Duchess still and Bex backs away into the shadows, leaving behind a ghostly shape of her hand holding the echo stone still aloft.

There is a whispering hush that travels over the bar as a breath of unknown wind puts out all the flames of candles and lanterns, leaving the Bent Coin in darkness. The voices of the patrons fall into dead silence as everyone holds their breath.

The slow, deep sound of a song begins from performers still in the shadows. It sounds familiar somehow, almost as though you’ve heard it before. You hear the cadence of ancient Primordial Aetheran being spoken to you through the melody, as though from a millenia away and through the murk of the Abyss.

The undulating form of something appears behind the heavy curtain at the centerstage. The slow, reverent movements of a humanoid body appear in silhouette as a single hand emerges to part the curtain. As the figure emerges from the darkness, more hands appear to draw away the curtain, and there is the echoing sound of a single set of fingers snapping. At the sound, several small flames burst forth into light, revealing the body of a tiefling woman with long horns that look gnarled like tree boughs stretching gracefully away from her brow. The candles sit perched within the boughs of her horns, sending sparkles of quiet firelight across the dark fall of her hair, and the deep midnight blue of her skin. She flows like water onto the stage, draped in fine silks and sheer golden mesh fabrics. Small sparkling gems or droplets of sweat gleam across her exposed arms and torso giving her the distinct appearance of stars in a night sky.

She trails slowly across the stage, beginning a kind of hypnotically fluid dance, weaving the muscles of her abdomen in controlled forms and waves as the song transitions into an ethereal flute and wood-driven accompaniment. Her hands splay out toward the audience revealing palms and eyes painted with gold before reaching into her sleeves to withdraw folding fans that she incorporates into her dance. The fluttering gold ribbons on them catch the light of the candles as she turns. On them are painted shapes like eyes that she puts before her face like an illusion. As she moves, the eyes also appear to wink and shift, giving her an unearthly appearance.
She sashays slowly, gracefully toward the end of the stage, covering her eyes with the strange, eye-like fans, revealing lips painted in gold as she opens her mouth as if she is singing. You do not hear her voice, however, but you feel the heady feeling of her charm draw your hand toward your coin purse.


From Stars

Midnight speaks rapturously,

“I lived among stars once, as my people have done for such a long time. The Tieflings of the Cosmos were hunters, skilled and powerful. There were no creatures of the Abyss that that would not fall to our golden spears. Perhaps we were too arrogant, thinking ourselves immortal, or beyond the reach of ill fate. But it was a simple life, wandering among planets, slipping into the eternal darkness, revolving through realms of which creatures of the dark cannot dream…and yet despite the perfect harmony of it I desired to leave that place behind. But doom awaited me, awaited us, perhaps for the folly of my self-interest. A creature known as the Mazzyraphane became too strong for us to wield against, grew too much in power through means we did not know. Her Draccu began to best us, winged demons bent on conquest.

I only wished to know what lie beyond the empty quiet of Zyr’s realms…Eons spent in the darkness of the Abyss, I drew too close to Zyr’s silence, felt its cold embracing quiet like death. On the day I planned to forsake my home among the stars, I was cut down by Mazzyraphane and her Draccu. I fell for what seemed an eternity, crashing through the branches of the Great Tree until the solid earth welcomed my broken bones.

I never thought I would know the beauty of song again, for even the quiet, distant hearts that shine in the night sky sing their own tune. I thought Zyr would finally consume me and bring me into silence forever…until I met her. She spared me, and in her I felt as though I saw and understood life for the first time.

I dreamed that day that as I was dying that a whirling wind of stars were falling about me, cold somehow, like I imagined death would be. But it was merely snowflakes, or falling petals of the trees, called forth by her hand, chill as it touched my cheek, but filled with something that kindled my soul like the heart of stars. What grace death has given beauty…for one who could make the dark flowers bloom, and also wither them away. I was enchantress enchanted, a stranger beguiled by a stranger to her own lands…a queen she seemed, with hair the color of raven wing, with ruby eyes glowing behind a mask of porcelain. And a queen she was, to the court Unseelie, but to me, she became so much more.."

The Queen of Air and Darkness

Midnight is interrupted as a sudden change comes over her. Her shoulders slump forward and the candles of the room flicker as her eyes shift to a luminous red, and her expression spreads with a sardonic smile.

The tone of Midnight’s voice shifts to sardonic, taking on the accent of an unknown dialect of a lost language, “Come now, Midnight, not even you are allowed to speak my name aloud. My dear heart…”

The eyes of the Raven Queen peer out from within Midnight’s lovely face, ruby red, mirroring the red glowing behind the eyes of the porcelain mask that hangs beside the mirror.

“She speaks truly, for who you believe me to be, I am. My kingdom of Letherna wastes away into dust and shadow without me there to keep it intact. For all I know Orcus has enslaved all my Shadar Kai, or perhaps they murdered him. Yes, that’s a comforting thought…Regardless, should you indebt yourself to me, I shall bring you wonders beyond your wildest dreams if you promise to help me open the door again into the Shadowfell and bring all its souls from the Veil back into my lands to rest, for they are trapped in what lies between here and death since the World Tree has fallen. Their aimless shifting unsettles my sleep.

I was once a mortal woman, once protégé, once betrothed to the famed Nerull, cruel as he was. But I struck down Nerull, a woman scorned as they might say of me, but what do I care. I exhumed his domain, bringing all those wretched lost into my own heart, constructing myself of their memories and fragments, until I was as much a part of them as they were me. And, after I was given my rightful place in the Unseelie court with the book of Winter, and given this curse of god-hood by their Elementals. Then one day, what should I see while I was wandering the eternal forests. Something broken in need of fixing yet again, death smelling like strong perfume eeking out of her. The broken body of this thing, but like nothing I had ever before seen. Like a body made from pure shadow and starlight, cast down in blood and gold silk like a fallen angel, who willingly laid into my hand her soul. I have grown soft…for I could not do away with her, though to do so would make her mine eternally, I could not banish the breath from her lungs. Instead I brought her back into the Feywild with me, my dear Midnight. There we lived as queens of the Unseelie court.

The faithful would bring her gifts of berries and ask for songs from her, for her voice is nothing if not soothing. She would charm them with her beauty, grant them secrets in dreams, aid them with their troubles, and all I received were broken things who pulled on my pity to save them. Yet, we were happy, for a time. Before I was abandoned again by beauty and by a cruel love. Midnight left me, left the eternal forests, left behind all her adoring followers, and for this…some wretched mortal realm. She asked me to follow, but why should I return to such a low life when here we were finally happy?

Instead I was left with the bickering of the courts, and when Araushnee rose up against Corellon, who would save him? It could only be me. Of course, and when that damned spider was cast into the Abyss, and I was left alone to wander the ever living wood, I could not bear it. I withdrew with my Shadar Kai to a realm of my own making, built a castle of Fate, enshrouded myself with memories, and waited. Letherna at least was a dream of my own creation."

Midnight’s eyes reappear as she continues the story with the softer, musical voice of the tiefling. Her eyes are filled with a kind of sadness and pity as she looks to the mirror, stroking the side of her reflection’s brow. “I never meant to leave you all alone, my love…the oracle foretold that I would one day be needed by a traveller of this plane, one with whom my people would have become enmeshed. One to whom we were indebted. A young race, she said, who deserved to survive…”

The Raven Queen’s eyes reappear, glittering red with anger. “And what of me? Did I not deserve this devotion, this love as well? For all the centuries you spent with me wandering the wood?”

The Raven Queen sighs, relenting again. “What does it matter now? We are even, you and I. For the time I have reigned over Letherna, it seems I could never know a moments peace or content. Oh to be in the sleep of quiet death. I was constantly beset by usurpers. Vecna, who desired to be a god, but whose dried, shriveled hand sits inside a trophy case in my castle. And Orcus, the Demon Lord of Undeath, the Blood Lord, the Shadow That Was, and a giant pain in my arse. Poor of temperament and ugly, the ******* child of the Abyssal lords who laid siege to the gates of the Fate for century upon century, pig headed fool. I never relented to him, always remained ahead of his tricks, never fell folly to his games. Until I did…

When the Great Tree was felled by Asmodeus during the War of the Deep, I was determined to wait in Letherna in my sepulcher with the Shadar Kai, for all the souls that would be reaped and spilled into my Shadowfell. Orcus has desired my throne for time immemorial, and he threatened to steal away my dear Midnight if I did not come to her aid. I do not know what possessed me to believe such a blatant lie. In my foolishness, I obeyed, travelling to the edge of the Material Realm and as the tree was struck, Orcus threw me between the worlds, ripping away my soul from my body. While my body remained in the Shadowfell, my soul began to drift toward the Veil. I reached inside whatever realms I could find, as everything was being torn asunder. I cried out her name into the ether, into the Realm of Dreams, wherever she could hear me…but I thought I was lost…until she came. Like a damned fool, she reached into the dream realm to catch my hand as it drifted away, pulling me again into the stinking mortal realm…giving me a home. And thus, I am in the form you see before you…for now.”


Star Crossed

"Should you choose to serve me, only your soul shall be forfeit after your time has been had here in this realm. There shall be none that cheat death, so long as I remain…even if it is only here, in this prison…”

Midnight’s eyes appear again for a moment, dark and dreamy, fraught with worry. “Surely, you don’t mean me to be a prison only?”

Her body shivers and the red eyes appear again. “And what if you are!? A thousand years stuck inside another body while mine rots does not sound like freedom!”

Midnight pouts, and the Raven Queen relents. She looks to a beauty mirror on her washstand and brushes the cheek of her reflection as if to comfort it.

“But perhaps I speak too crudely, my pet. For you did pay your debt in kind by helping me to cheat my own death…”

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