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Personal Style


Lightning Aura
Powered Implants
Silver Steampunk Gloves
Silver Steampunk Spats
Silver Steampunk Tail Bauble
Silver Steampunk Wing Armor
Silver Steampunk Vest



Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


3.73 m
6.92 m
369.59 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 27, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


Azyr is a young empathic dragon who hates conflict and pain and is always looking to help others. Anyone who knows him knows that he has a heart of gold and although he is somewhat insecure, he is always open to dialogue and ready to help anyone who needs him.

While he was a hatchling he growth mainly under his mother cares,his mother is a strong and intelligent leader who taught her son how to follow in her footsteps about leadership and how to lead a clan rightly and justly.On the other hand, his father being of the completely opposite affiliation was not such a constant figure in his early life.
In his adolescence Azyr left behind the innocence of childhood, and saw the true cruelty that there is in the mutual intolerance and misunderstanding of two opposing factions.Despite the fact that their parents loved each other, their differences separated them, they made them be on opposite sides of a war that in Azyr's eyes was absurd, he tried by all means to stop those skirmishes without any success.Azyr's adolescence was marked by blood, pain, and helplessness.
Being a young adult PyraMagna, seeing her son suffer, told him to leave.That war wasn´t his war and she didn´t want him there.He must left the clan. Hard words that hurt Azyr like a blow to the heart.Devastated, Azyr abandoned his native clan, leaving a mate and three cubs behind, and set out on a journey, though he was unclear where his new course would take him.

He had been traveling for months, and had already traversed the territory of the fire flight and the territory of the wind flight. And although the territory of the wind had seemed welcoming to him, in the end he had decided to continue on his way.The young skydanccer was currently in the territory of the plague.Azyr was crossing the territory of the plague flight, thinking on his mother's words and despite the damage she caused him, he could not hold a grudge against her.he knew that his mother, despite her harshness, had done it for him.He knew that she loved him and he also knew that if he had continued in his old clan in the end ,sooner or later, he would have ended up getting into a mess too big to get out by himself and it would have been worse for his mother and his father.
Suddenly out of the shadows appeared a spirit dragon head that pierced him and headed for the forest.
Azyr had the urge to follow him and before he knew it he followed the spirit to a clearing where a white A Male wilclaw with blue wings and a blue belly was talking to a female white Coatl with golden wings.
"I don't know why the hell Yuna has asked us to come here, we are supposed to be looking for someone who can be the embassy of the clan in the lighting flight territory and I can leave that stupid work since it distracts me from my studies, being here is a lost of time." The Wilclaw was pacing the clearing in obvious anger. The white coatl female , answered him in the characteristic way of communication of her specie.Azyr was extremly curious about the white coatl,in the old clan of Azyr there was coatl and that specie isn´t a completly mistery for him but the young male never had really bothered to learn their language correctly since they usually formed a group apart from the rest of the species.So for his regret Azyr was only able to figure out that the Coatl was trying to calm the Wildclaw, the male simply snorted at the female.
At that moment the spirit that had guided Azyr there went through him and went straight to Wilclaw's male. The white male looked at the spirit and as if it had said something to him, he turned to look directly at Azyr's eyes."Has no one told you it's rude to eavesdrop?" The white male, despite not being as big as an Imperial, almost doubled Azyr's height, who was slightly intimidated.
Luckily for him, the female stepped between them, admonished her partner and looked at Azyr.
"Don't worry about this grump, he actually has a good heart and he's just mad with an old friend ."
Azyr's eyes widened and anyone passing by would see that her jaw was close to touching the ground "you just..."The female made a sound that could only be interpreted as laughter just before Azyr heard again a harmonious female voice in his head "Speak to you mentally, yes I have. Not all dragons try to understand my kind and some never do. There are dragons that never will be able to understand us in our coatl way of speaking so speak directly to someone mind it's just easier." Azyr was really surprised "but" "I've been studying magic with a great wizard for a long time now. By the way, I'm Nivianne and this grump here is called Merlin[/url]".As if Merlin was listening to everything, he made a small growl as he saluted with his right claw. "Don't pay attention to him,we are delighted to have finally found you."
Azyr, making use of his mother's teachings, recomposed himself and introduced himself. "I am Azyr, son of PyraMagna and Dreadwing, a proud member of the flight of lightning... or at least I was."Azyr look down in pain. Suddenly Azyr felt a blow to the head, when he looked up to see what the hell had happened, he saw Merlin waving his staff and turning towards the depths of the forest to the north-west.
Azyr was motionless not knowing what to do, he was about to turn around and leave when Merlin yelled "What are you waiting for, come on, I don't have all day, I want to go home at once". Nivianne just laughed at Azyr shock and pushed him towards her partner "We've been looking for you, Yuna will be happy to see you".Although poor Skydancer wasn't sure what was going on, he knew that this strange couple had no bad intentions and decided to follow them, it's not like he had a place to return to.
During his trip Merlin had cast amazing and useful spells , but over all he emanated an intense and powerfull aura, something that Azyr was able to perceive thanks to the special sensitivity of his species.
And although Niviane had a modest aura, Azyr discovered really quickthat it was better not to mess with her too much, or you would end up turned into stone or jewels for a few hours.

A week later Azyr and his trip partners arrive on a floating island in the middle of the arcane's territory. Since he had entered the clan's territory, everything had been strange. There were guards everywhere, dragons that were clearly prepared to face any stranger and threat, but none of them gave him a second glance. Azyr had a strange feeling that they allready awaited him.
Azyr had caught a glimpse of a few dragons while they cross the clan's territory but not too many, just a group the size of the subgroups of his old clan. How was it possible for such a small clan to have the help of a wizard as powerful as Merlin? Azyr was certain it was because of the female currently in front of him.Azyr and his fellow travelers were in front of an Aberration female , a species that fascinated Azyr, he was not aware that there were any aberration in his old clan. When the young skydancer realized that had already passed several minutes in absolute silence staring at the female, Azyr cleared her throat and was ashamed of hisbehavior.But before the poor Skydancer could even say an apologize the female spoke "Don't worry Azyr, I understand your fascination with me, from the fact that I'm a species hardly seen by you as the fact that I have two heads, I know that's rare for someone like you, you have not offended me". Behind him there was only laughters. He turned to see Niviane and Merlin giggling softly and smiling.
He had grown close to both of them during their journey and had gotten to know them better.He had come to feel close enough to call them friends. Azyr knew from their conversations that Yuna the, for now, matriarch was a peculiar creature but he never imagined how much.It was Merlin who snapped him out of his daze. "Don't worry too much, boy. Yuna already knows everything she needs to know about you, that's how she is. She knows everything,she intuits everything, she predicts everything, but she almost never intervenes."
Azyr had already been traveling with Merlin for some time and although he knew that on specific occasions he could make some jokes, he was knew that this time Merlin was completely serious.
"And as always merlin you have a big mouth" said Yuna looking to the white male just before she looks the young skydancer. "But Merlin is right, I knew that you would be in that clearing at the time you were, and I told Niviane and Merlin to go there to find you" Azyr, dazed and anxious, only managed to look at yuna and try to answer, tell her something, anything but he was speechless with shock. He could only think one thing "Where had he been?"

Yuna decided not to overwhelm Azyr that day and told him that he could go whetever he wants, he was welcome to freely explore the entire clan territory, he would be welcome in every field without exception.
Azyr at first took it calmly and cautiously, due to his experience in the previous clan he knew that a spark between two different dragons could ignite a true thunder storm. So asking Niviane for company and very cautiously he took Yuna´s words and decided to explore.
It didn't take long for him to be surprised, the first thing he noticed is that although Yuna's clan was not close to the number of members of his previous clan, it wasn't exactly small, surely there would be close to a hundred members and despite that, there werent a single dispute.
Sometimes there were fights and the odd bite but it never got bigger. If two members of the clan fought, two things could happen, they both bit and scratched (they never used weapons against another clan mate) until there was blood in which case both ended the fight and reconciled; or a trained warrior of the clan appeared ,usually was Gardian or Shadowguard, and separated both contenders with blows.In any case there wasn´t bad blood after the fight between the two fighters.

Few days since Azyr were introduce in the clan, the young skydancer was in conflict after a life of battles for different ideologies. Azyr asked Niviane how it was possible for that to happen, as being almost a hundred members, the clan remained so calm without internal wars.Niviane who consider the young male as a close friend, replied, "Because despite the fact that each one of us is different, we are united by mutual respect, each and every one of us has a story and we are heard here. We help each other.It is impossible for there to be bad blood because in case there is the slightest hint that something is going to get worse, Yuna intervenes and nobody contradicts Yuna...ever".
Azyr looked to the south-east, towards his old home, and with some resentment said. "If Yuna has that ability why she doesn't go to other places? Why she stays here? I've barely seen her do anything more than drink alone and go for a walk, she hardly even hunts. If she is capable of seeing the things go worse, and she could help because she decides not to."
Azyr angrily swiped at a stone that ricocheted off the wall and landed at the feet of a certain adult aberration female .
"Because tell me young skydancer who I should help, the pack of ice that rejects the pups that are weak? the pack of plague that sacrifices dragons of other flights? the pack of earth that seeks for water? the pack of fire that waits that the volcano erupts because if not its eggs will never hatch? Who should I help?"Azyr flinched at the gentle, calm voice that had answered her angry admonitions.
"I am quite an old cub and although I do see many things and know many things, I am not immune to making mistakes. I make mistakes because in the end I am a dragon like you, with emotions and affections, I also fall in love, I am happy, I feel compassion and that makes my judgment not perfect" .
Yuna sighed and continued speaking "Do you want to know why I established this clan? Because I know that from this clan a leader will be born who will be able to unify dragons of all flights in a single purpose and help our species to prosper. But for that I would need help, because alone we are never nobody. I am establishing embassies that were to serve as a bridge between the clans. A bridge that shows that differences do not separate us, but rather unite us. These embassies are planned to establish allies between the different flights to try not only for our clan to grow and be known, but also for everyone's voices to be heard" yuna was staring at Azyr "That's what I'm working for o and that is because I ordered Merlin and Niviane to go to that clearing that day. Because you have grown up in the territory of lightning flight, you know your people, you know how to be a good leader thanks to your mother and above all you want the dragons stop fighting each other just for having different ideas and not being able to reach a simple agreement"

"So tell me cub, will you help me?" The dark female said looking directly into the young dragon's eyes.

Azyr is learning everything he could from Merlin about diplomacy and trade and peace treaties, he is still far from being able to do it without the help of his teacher but no one disputes that Azyr strives every day to achieve it.

Since then, whenever someone admires the proud ambassador of lightning belonging to Yuna's clan, Yuna always answers "Because to make a dream to come true, sometimes we just need a little push in the right direction".

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