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Personal Style


Tigerlily Flowerfall
Teardrop Citrine Necklace
Chancellor Rings
Gilded Compass
Gold Aviator Satchel
Iron Steampunk Tail Bauble
Butterfly's Arm Guards
Champion's Furs
Champion's Pelt


Skin: sundered sky



20.45 m
20.4 m
7225.13 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Feb 21, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Guardian
EXP: 1651 / 5545




Night Guard | Under the Gladekeeper

Leafy Gladeboughs Gladegift Garlands Tree Warden's Garb
Wanderweg Woods
Nature's Chosen, the Tropical Land

The Matriarchs of the Woods
Thrall's mother, Citrine, is one of the matriarchs of a small traveler's hub on the Wanderweg Woods - a gaggle of dragons nestled within the Everbloom Gardens predominantly run by a cream-colored Guardian named Evernia. Citrine and Pacifica had decided to work together to open what was partially a traveler's hub - since so many travelers came from and went through the Viridian Labyrinth - and partially a bed-and-breakfast, in the hopes that maybe they could give travelers a safe place of reprise in the harsh world that is Sornieth nowadays. From this quiet little alcove, hidden away from the brewing Nature-Plague war, Troween and Topenga found this clan on the edge of the Woods, and stayed a while.

Secondborn of Many
Traveling dragons weren't uncommon: a number of lairs throughout all the regions took on and sent out traveling dragons. Even in the Kingdom, travelers were mentioned - specifically in the Queen's notes; her notes speak of how "in the older days, our kingdom in the desert saw travelers come and go often." But the Kingdom almost never had a traveler arrive that didn't eventually stay long-term for some time. But that is getting off-topic; Troween was a Skydancer who had traveled throughout Sornieth quite a bit already, and sought refuge within the Viridian Labyrinth's lush and dense forests. Instead, the sweet scents of the Everbloom Gardens drew her to the edges of the Wanderweg Woods, where she met the Companions. She and Citrine got to talking, and what supposed to be a friendship turned into a platonic yet comforting mating. From them, three Guardians emerged: Ponyo, Thrall, and Journey.

Lingering Behind
It wasn't long before Journey- well, went off on a journey. Ponyo stayed behind with Citrine, feeling like as her firstborn he had a duty too, but Thrall had always wanted to see the world. But as travelers came and went - and other half-siblings of Thrall's hatched from their nests - Thrall couldn't help but feel lonely. He wanted to see the world like his traveling mother, but also wanted to find somewhere to settle down; he wanted to find a clan to call his own. Days passed, and Thrall spent most of his time training, aiming to become a wandering dragon. And then, a mysterious dragon appeared at the doorstep of the Companions. She introduced herself as Aurea, one of the very few people who ever left the Kingdom. She talked quietly with Citrine and Pacifica, and finally the matriarchs approached Thrall and Jubilee, one of Pacifica's daughters. This golden Spiral would be taking them to the Foxfire Bramble, to a den hidden away there. There resided the Kingdom, where Jubilee would be trained to enter the Royal Knight lineage. However, the ruler of the Kingdom - only mentioned to be "the Queen" - also took pity on Thrall, seeing his anxiety to leave the Wanderweg Woods. With a bittersweet goodbye to their mothers, Thrall and Jubilee followed Aurea to the Kingdom.



Traveling Across
From Sweet Scents to Threatening Thorns

The Journey is Long and Hard
When Thrall and Jubilee first set out across the Viridian Labyrinth, they hadn't expected the journey to be so hard. Jubilee was barely a week old, and was still learning her way around the world of Sornieth; now, separated from her mother and father and siblings, she had only Thrall and Aurea to trust. But Aurea was not cold-hearted: she taught Jubilee well, about the world and about her lineage of the Royal Knights. She and Thrall trained her physically during their journey, and Thrall enjoyed the long walks across the tropics (insisted upon by Aurea, who still technically had a job to scour the entire continent for those her partner-in-crime-but-not had documented). Slowly, day by day, they made their way to the border of the Gladekeeper and Shadowbinder's realms.

On Our Own
From there, Aurea could venture no further. The Queen had called her away, saying that there was a new species ready to enter the Kingdom - on the other side of Sornieth... And so, with that, Thrall and Jubilee were alone; left to the dangers of the Tangled Woods. Even their own training could not stop them from needing to flee from most foes they went up against. The denizens of the Shadow Flight did not take very kindly to most other Flights; they didn't want to get tangled up in Nature and Plague's war, Fire's rebellion, and they especially despised the Light Flight. Sisters or not, the Shadowbinder and Lightweaver were dead opposites. And so, Thrall and Jubilee were left to fend for themselves, barely healing from their old wounds when another set of dragons would descend upon them for intruding on their clan space.

The Border of Life and Death
Battered and bruised, Thrall dragged Jubilee into the Foxfire Bramble, where it was so dark that no dragon could see them, and therefore, mercilessly attack them. In a small corner, some ways into the Bramble, Thrall treated to his wounds, as well of those of his less-experienced and half-unconscious companion. Then, the Guardian laid down, but did not dare fall asleep. It took maybe a day or so, but Jubilee eventually woke up. Moments passed between the two, staring at each other with hopelessness in their eyes, as they wondered silently where they would go from there. And then, before they realized, a fog has set in. Jubilee stumbled to her feet, and the two of them moved to deeper within the Foxfire Bramble; after all, Aurea told them they would find the Kingdom at the heart of it. When the fog faded away some time later, the two of them found themselves standing underground, a huge cave stretching before them, illuminated by 11 brilliant spires. An Obelisk greeted them warmly: "Hello! My name is Venti, and welcome to the Kingdom!"



Denizens of the Kingdom
It Only Gets Better From Here

Fitting In
Venti quickly explained the gist of the Kingdom: since both of them were - in his words, which were Seafoam's words, which were the Queen's words - "under the Gladekeeper" they would be integrated into the community of the Jungle Slice. He then explained about how the Kingdom was split up among Flights, how the Council of Seven ruled over, and that if they had any questions to speak to their Elemental Priest or ask a Council member they see about. ''After all,'' Venti smiled, his body glowing brightly with the effects of the Lightweaver, ''they let me be the first thing people see when they enter the Kingdom!"

Finding Our Path in the World
Despite coming to the Kingdom, hidden away from the world and a new place to learn about, Thrall still felt like he was missing something in his life. For a while, he wandered the Jungle Slice, and then further out into the rest of the Kingdom while Jubilee was trained by Ailiseu, a Council member adept in fighting (although Thrall had his reservations; seriously, the Wildclaw looks like an assassin, not a warrior... but okay?). One day, the Guardian found himself within the murky depths of the Dusk Slice, where fog obscured the cavern top. Lost in both mind and purpose, he ran into a shadow-eyed Guardian, dressed in black armor. He quickly stammered out an apology, but the Guardian stepped on his tail, jerking Thrall back. The nature-eyed Guardian turned back around, and felt like the darker Guardian was staring into his soul. But after a moment, the other spoke: "Would you like to become a guard for the Kingdom?"

The Guardian Guard
For the next week or so, Thrall trained under Akumo, the head guard of the Kingdom and one of the five original founders of the Kingdom. He learned about how the fog surrounding the Kingdom worked (operated by Starfire) and about the duties that came with being a guard. He also became close friends with Kagami - the stoic Pearlcatcher - and Magma - the energetic Nocturne - who were also fellow guards. However, not even a week into his training, Thrall became more ansty and impatient. Magma became worried for the Guardian, while Kagami seemed like he could care less. However, Akumo knew full well what the urge Thrall was getting was. One day, the shadow-eyed Guardian demanded that Thrall have a conversation with Jubilee. Confused, Thrall agreed, and spent most of the afternoon catching up with the Royal Knight-to-be. Slowly, as they discussed for the first time in a while, Thrall felt the urge disappear. The next day, Akumo had explained that the urge he felt was, in fact, the Search. Akumo had a inkling that Jubliee might be his charge. And he was correct. From then on, Thrall had a deeper respect for his trainer.




Allies | Enemies | Friends | Family | Other

Standard of the Gladekeeper Gladegift Halo Druidic Emblem
The Wanderweg Woods
The Companions & Children



Citrine is Thrall's mother, and one of the Companions that resides on the outskirts of the Wanderweg Woods. She often takes in weary and travel-worn travelers, alongside her close friend and fellow Companion Pacifica.

Citrine's first traveler that she took in was a Skydancer named Troween. Troween was an experienced traveler by then, but even she couldn't deny the niceness of a bed-and-breakfast's hospitality. One thing led to another, and the two had a nest of eggs, which included Thrall.

Thrall and his mother have a pretty good relationship. She took care of him in his early stages, even after Troween had to leave. She supported Thrall in his decision to leave with Jubilee and Aurea, and promised to stay in touch with her son.



Ponyo is one of Thrall's siblings, the eldest of the clutch, and Citrine's first child. He decided to stay back in the Wanderweg Woods alongside his mother, Pacifica, and Aida. He spends a great amount of his time physically training, but also helping around at the house.

When Citrine and Troween's nest of three hatched, three Guardians peeked their heads out: Ponyo, Thrall, and Journey. Before long, Journey had been taken in by some other clan, leaving Ponyo and Thrall. The two got along fairly well, and helped their mother out when more clutches appeared when Citrine offered comfort to their guests.

Ponyo is Thrall's older brother, and so therefore seemed overbearing on the latter. But truthfully, like all older siblings, he meant well; he just wanted to care and protect his brother. Later in life, Thrall has taken this with a smile.





Jubilee is Pacifica's daughter, and one of the three girls that popped out of the nest that Pacifica and Basalt had laid. She is a Royal Knight-in-training, and personal protegee of Ailiesu, the Wildclaw assassin/member of the Council of Seven.

She is the second-born of the all-female clutch; the eldest is Aida, who has stayed with her mother through thick and thin, and the youngest is Crest, who found her way out in the world at a very young age. Jubilee stayed with Pacifica and Citrine until Aurea came.

Thrall sees Jubilee as a younger sister of sorts, just as their mothers may be seen as sisters. He is quite protective of her - both because of her being younger and that she is his Charge. Despite his protectiveness, though, he understands when the Guardian needs her space.

The Guards of Fog
Those Who Strive to Protect the Kingdom

Akumo is the Head Guard of the Kingdom, and the Kingdom's first-ever Guard altogether. He is one of the five Founders, and directly talks and guides the Night, Egg, and Council Guards in their duties throughout the Kingdom.

He is Starlight's (one of the Council of Seven members) son, and is one of the few people who has met the Queen in person. He helped create the Kingdom, and was in charge of guarding its construction zone during the building phase - a job that has made him the Head Guard.

Akumo is Thrall's mentor, and has trained Thrall to be the Kingdom's Night Guard, and to keep a sharp eye out for potential threats inside the Kingdom. He comes off as stern and cold at first, but has a good heart underneath.





Kagami is the Council Guard of the Kingdom, and is in charge of protecting the Council of Seven during their meetings. He was one of the Kingdom's first residents, but did not become a guard until later in life.

He hails from the Fortress of the Ends, where he half-escaped, half-ran away from at a young age. He joined the Kingdom soon thereafter, and became the sole Guard of the Council of Seven whenever the seven dragons gathered together to discuss various issues.

He is a very quiet and impassive Pearlcatcher, but is one of Thrall companions and fellow Guard. He and Thrall have a relationship of brothers almost, with Kagami being the older one of the two. Kagami is also close with Borealis.



Magma is the Egg Guard of the Kingdom, and is in charge of protecting the collective collection of Eggs kept at the Collective Egg Hoard, a vault-like location at the edge of the Mana Slice, run by Fuyu.

Magma has been a resident of the Kingdom for quite some time now, coming here at the same time as his adoptive older brother, Yuurei. Magma has always had a fascination for eggs of all elements; when Yuurei went under Kaen's tutelage, Magma came under Akumo's.

Magma is a very excitable dragon, and almost combusts any time he sees a 5-egg nest. Despite the fact that all eggs in the Kingdom are Shadow eggs - due to still being in the Foxfire Bramble - Magma greatly enjoys his job. He and Thrall are alike in many ways.


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