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Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.



Scene: Cartographer's Office


1.02 m
0.76 m
2.39 kg


Primary Gene
Clown (Veilspun)
Clown (Veilspun)
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene
Mop (Veilspun)
Mop (Veilspun)


Feb 06, 2022
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Veilspun
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


It was just another day in Equestria.
Starlight Glimmer sat by her desk. She looked at the pile of scrolls that was lying on it and sighed.

"Again a lot to do, I see..." and her horn started to glow in bright, turquoise color, moving one of the scrolls.

She started to read the scroll when someone knocked on the door. Still focused on that piece of paper she was holding with her magic, she exclaimed "Come in!". That was Twilight Sparkle, she brought the Spells of the Other Worlds book that she promised to bring to Starlight as soon as possible.

"I will take a look and let you know what I figured out, thank you!"

Twlight, seeing that Starlight is busy with the paperwork, left her office. Starlight put the scroll back on the pile, being clearly more interested in the book. Because this won't take more than 5 minutes to check this, and then she can return to what she should do, right?
There on the last page of it, was a mysterious spell in unknown to her language, under which there was a translation to old language of Equestria, indicating it may have been translated by Starswirl The Bearded, the legendary unicorn.

When she was reading the spell, her horn started to glow very brightly, then shot a cyan-colored magic beam, opening a giant portal in the middle of her office. She and her desk started to be pulled in by the portal. She in panic started throwing all the spells she was sure that can reverse this she knew (and oh gods she knows a lot of them) but none of them seemed to work at all.

Starlight Glimmer realized she has messed up and there was nothing she could do to stop this spell.


It was all she was able to say - or rather scream - before the portal sucked her and her desk in and closed right behind her. Twilight, hearing the noise in Starlight's office, ran back to the door and slammed into office.
But it was way too late.
All she saw was an empty office and a few scattered scrolls on the floor. Not even a trace of either Starlight Glimmer or her desk or even the book.

Meanwhile Starlight found herself on a seaside. There was night and she saw a comet-like star, softly glowing with a yellow, orange-ish glow, around her there were a few scattered scrolls. The only thing she knew for sure is that this place is not in Equestria.

She came closer to the sea. In the moonlight, she briefly saw her reflection in the water.
"Two horns? Nah, maybe I saw something wrong..." she thought and she went to look for the Spells of The Other Worlds book, because if there is a spell that creates this portal, maybe there is also a special spell that can make a portal back to Equestria.
Neither book - nor the desk - could be found near her. Only these few scattered scrolls of her paperwork were around.

She looked at the sea again and she now saw her reflection more clearly.
She didn't see her usual, equine-like appearance. Whatever creature she was, it was clearly not an Equestrian unicorn. She was curious and terrified at the same time.

It took a while but she realized that she must be a dragon now, as her reflection resembled these creatures the most. And, oh, she has wings now! While she is able to fly with her magic, having the actual wings is something different.

Then, she decided to test how magic works here. A small, cyan colored spark jumped between her horns and shortly after both of her horns were covered in her usual turquoise magic aura. She moved one of the scrolls that were around her.

But what is this comet-like star, the first thing she saw after getting there?

Her ponderation has been interrupted by another dragon, looking pretty similarly to her but with different, blue colors with yellow accents.

"Hi, my name is Bouquet" the blue dragon presented herself "And... who are you?"

Starlight looked at Bouquet, visibly not understanding what she told her. This must've been the same language in which the spell opening the portal was written.

"You... are mute? Don't trust strangers?" Bouquet continued "Or... maybe you are not from Sornieth?"

"Me Bouquet" she gestured at herself "You?" and then she gestured at Starlight.

Starlight understood that the blue dragon is asking about her name.

"Starlight Glimmer" she answered "Well, I don't know if you understand me at all but... you seem to be someone who knows what is this place, could you... tell me something about it?"

But the language used in Equestria was as much understandable for Bouquet as the language used in Sornieth was understandable for Starlight.

"Whoa, that's a long name!" Bouquet reacted with a surprise, thinking that all what the newcomer said was a name "Everyone in your land has these long names?"

Maybe she should actually show that she's not a Sornieth native. She covered herself in her magic aura and... a while later, in front of Bouquet there was no Veilspun dragon, but there appeared an equine-like creature, most closely resembling a Dwarf Unicorn to a Sornieth native. It was her actual, true form, but due to her using this spell for the first time, she shown herself in the old mane-style, from the times when she was leading her village.

"Oh my gods!" Bouquet gasped with excitement "I thought Equestrians existed only in legends!"

The last sentence Bouquet said, reminder her about her own story. Didn't they all say that Veilspun dragons are also legends and hatchling stories? And yet, she bacame one.

"Ah the magical time of The Star... Anyway, I know someone who studied some basics of the language from Equestria, give me a while and I'll bring him to you, wait there for a while!"

Starlight saw Bouquet flying away. She was sure that the blue dragon was running away from her, because she was scared of her. In the moment of impulse, Starlight caught Bouquet in her light turquoise-colored aura and brought back to her.

"You're not going anywhere!" Starlight growled out. There could be seen some slight insanity in her eyes. Bouquet was too shocked to react at all, not to mention she was still trapped in the Starlight's magic aura.

There passed another Veilspun dragon. It was Cherbourg. He noticed Starlight holding back Bouquet. He tried to use the usual tactics of his breed, dancing around in front of Starlight's eyes. While hypnotizing didn't work, because of her being immune to any type of mind manipulation, this for sure worked as a distraction and she in result let Bouquet go.

"What's wrong with you?" Cherbourg said, seemingly knowing some Equestrian language "Why did you do that?"

Starlight didn't answer. She only balled up nervously. Then she hung her head, said "I'm so sorry" and ran away. Before Cherbourg and Bouquet completely lost sight of her, they managed to catch a glimpse of the symbol on her flank - purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams. They both looked at fading The Star. The similarity - except for colors - made Bouquet and Cherbourg think that it was a special mark related to The Star.

A few days after this weird encounter, Cherbourg went to the Philippe's library, in hopes to find some book about these creatures from the land called Equestria. Philippe brought only one book that was about the most known Equestrian inhabitants. Cherbourg, with the help of Philippe, put the colorful book - that was nearly as big as Cherbourg himself - on the nearby table.

"It's really uncommon to see any dragon choosing this book." Philippe said "Not to be nosy or something... May I ask why do you need this book of tales for hatchings?"

Cherbourg was too focused on the book to answer the librarian, even though he heard the question. And then, on the page 42, he saw something what caught his attention. That was a picture, portraying a purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams symbol. He saw exactly the same thing on the flank of the Equestrian who he and Bouquet encountered a few days ago.

"Y'know why I was looking for this book of tales for hatchlings, as you said?" Cherbourg told Philippe "You see this symbol here? As weird as it may sound, this Equestrian called... Starlight Glimmer, from what I see in this book... is somewhere in the world of Sornieth."

Philippe tried to stop himself from bursting out laughing. Cherbourg looked at him with a deadpan face.

"No, Phil, I am being completely serious, Bouquet saw Starlight Glimmer as well. I saw what she can do with my own eyes." Cherbourg's voice tone sounded really serious "I don't even want to think what would happen if she'd join a wrong clan..."

While Philippe was still sceptical about what Cherbourg was worried, the Veilspun dragon sounded so serious that even he started to worry slightly. And then he went to look for something on the one of the numerous bookshelves.

As soon as he found the book, Philippe to the table near which Cherbourg was hovering over the book about Equestrians.
"I recalled something... you may need to see this one book as well."
It was clearly visible that the book was pretty old - maybe even not much younger than Sornieth - from the fact it had brown, shabby cover with yellowish pages. The title was Encounters Of The Other Worlds. Philippe opened on one of the last chapters, titled Was This Just An Old Dwarf Unicorn?, it was the interview with the dragon, a Sornieth native, that claimed that has seen an Equestrian. The description seemed pretty close to what he saw, looking at Starlight Glimmer - a creature that most closely resembled a Dwarf Unicorn with a symbol on their flank. In this case from the book, the Equestrian first showed himself as a Pearlcatcher male.
Bouquet told him she first saw Starlight as a Veilspun dragon.
But, at the end of this interview, the dragon said that after a few days, the said Equestrian... just disappeared, and was never seen again anywhere in Sornieth.

Maybe Starlight Glimmer has already returned to her world as well?

Cherbourg was convinced about that for over a year, he neither saw any signs nor heard anything about any Equestrian around, if not counting a few random reports of "weird light turquoise or cyan magic aura", that could be easily confused with some Lightning spells and magic.

At least not until April 2023...

When The Clan d'Etoile Jaune was taking the longer vacation by the Sea of Thousand Currents, one night, Thymen saw a distant silhouette of a sitting Veilspun dragon, who was most likely looking at the reflection in the water. When he came a bit closer, he saw something unusual, a symbol on her flank. Its shape looked pretty much like The Star, but it was too dark, and he was too far to tell what color the symbol is. He first thought that maybe it's some special symbol related to The Star. He recalled though, that a few months ago Cherbourg told him about an Equestrian, whose "cutie mark" - because that's what the symbol on the flank called, as Cherbourg found out in the book - looked pretty much like the one he just saw.

"I really should tell Cherbourg about what I just saw" Thymen thought. He flew to Cherbourg's lair as fast as possible.

With excitement, Thymen told Cherbourg he saw a Veilspun with a symbol similarly looking to the star. Cherbourg's eyes shone when he heard the words said by Thymen.

"Starlight Glimmer! She... she never left Sornieth!" he exclaimed, and left surprised Thymen.

Cherbourg went to the place where Thymen told he last saw this mysterious Veilspun. She was still sitting there. She noticed his presence. And she was ready to attack if she needed to!

"No, wait!" Cherbourg screamed "There's no need for the fight! I... I know everything."

"What do you mean by saying... everything?" Starlight said, tilting her head.

"There was someone like you before... at least according to one dragon"

"Starswirl The Bearded... was here..." Starlight quietly mumbled to herself and then turned to Cherbourg "Do you know that dragon?"

"Not personally... they didn't even reveal the name. Come with me, I'll show you something."

Starlight unwillingly stood up. She was mostly walking, indicating that she still wasn't really used to having wings. She followed Cherbourg to the Philippe's library.

Philippe was having a nap and at the beginning he did not notice the presence of two Veilspun dragons. Cherbourg had to nudge him with his claw.
"Ah, you again..." Philippe yawned "And who is this? I haven't seen this dragon before..."

"Because... she's not really a dragon."

Starlight's horns started to glow with the light turquoise aura. Then there in place of the purple Veilspun dragon, there was the equine creature. She had a bit different mane than the time Cherbourg has seen her.
"You looked... different, didn't you? I mean, I have absolutely nothing against your new look, it's amazing too, but..." Cherbourg tilted his head.

The horn started glowing again, Starlight moved her mane a bit and now looked like in the old times.

"Um... Like... that?"

Philippe was in shock. He realized why Cherbourg was so interested in books about Equestria. Cherbourg really saw an Equestrian... and - what is more - he even brought the said Equestrian to his library.

"Now Phil... could you show us the book with that interview? You know, that old book..."

"Yeah, I know... You mean... Encounters Of The Other Worlds, right? Should I bring the other book too?"

"I don't think there's no need-"

Starlight interrupted Cherbourg. "Yeah, I'd love to see what you know about us, Equestrians, here!"

Cherbourg looked at her, slightly nervously. He didn't really want her to find out that they - Sornieth natives - know... a bit too much about her.

Philippe returned with both books and put them on the table. There was so quiet that only breathing, turning the pages and buzz of lamps sounds could be heard.

Cherbourg was the first one to speak after a few good minutes. "Look here, Starlight, this is what I wanted to show you."
Light turquoise magic aura appeared around the book which levitated. Starlight moved it to her side of the table and started to read.

"Oh my Celestia... This confirms my speculations that Starswirl The Bearded was actually here!"

"Um... who if... I may ask?" Cherbourg asked unsurely "Is... he good or bad?"

"He's... neither I'd say. He did good things like founding Equestria but his views are... old-fashioned to say at least."

Starlight Glimmer came of as she wasn't really happy to talk about Starswirl's views. Because while she, as most Equestrians, admired his powerful spells and the fact he founded Equestria, she absolutely despised his "once a villain, always a villain" attitude she found out when she met him personally, because this meant he still sees her as a villain.

When Starlight put down the book, she heard a distant thunder. At first, she thought he put the book down loudly, but then she heard another one. She came to the window and she saw the sky covered in nearly black clouds.

"This... this is not supposed to a normal storm... is it?" She stuttered nervously "This... doesn't look good, y'all..."

Cherbourg and Philippe flew to the window as quickly as they could. They were in shock after what they saw. Philippe whispered "Oh my Windsinger".

The black clouds covered the entire area. In the flash of the lightning, Starlight Glimmer saw a sinister silhouette of a Pearlcatcher dressed in wizard robes. She looked like she saw what she would like unsee now.

"Hey, everything is OK, Starlight? What did you see there, besides the black clouds and lightning bolts?" Cherbourg was clearly worried.

"Starswirl The Bearded! But... but that's not possible!"

Starlight ran out of the library into the raging swirl of black, storm clouds. Furious wind was tossing her mane and tail, she barely could stand still on the ground.

"Ah, Starlight Glimmer, I suppose? That curse of Equestria..."
The mysterious gray-ish Pearlcatcher came out of the black clouds. His blue hat and cape, with some golden star and crescent moon patterns, as well as the thick, quite long beard assured Starlight that this has to be the legendary Equestria founder. But there was something wrong about him. She knew he never really liked her (and vice-versa) due to the difference in their worldviews but not to this point. Also that weird black smoke coming from his paws...

"This is your end, you villainous being! You will never ruin what I have created!" Starswirl shot a light grey magic beam from his horns at Starlight. She managed to dodge the attack and also sent a magic beam in response. But she also missed.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Starswirl screamed. "This only proves that I was right about you!"

He shot a continuous magic beam but it got reflected by Starlight's magic shield. And then he stopped shooting his magic at the shield, his eyes started to emit the same black smoke as his paws. He emitted a cloud of the black smoke from his horns and the smoke destroyed the Starlight's magic shield. She has never seen this type of magic before but it pretty much reminded her about King Sombra's corrupted magic.

"You mean no more than any other villain! You aren't worth more than any other villain!"

Starlight covered herself in the magic aura and started to levitate. Another magic beam came out of her horn, starting the wave of seemingly endless magic beams exchange.
Shot for a shot. Beam for a beam. Bolt for a bolt.
Cherbourg and Philippe, watching the fight from the library's window, could only see light turquoise and blue-ish light grey flashes in big, black cloud.

Suddenly, the flashes stopped. Cherbourg and Philippe gasped.

Is it the end?

Starlight and Starswirl were pretty exhausted, both panting heavily. Though Starswirl wasn't exhausted enough to stop mocking Starlight for her past.

She used the fact that he was too focused on taunting her to her advantage. She found some leftovers of the energy and shot one more magic beam. This time she didn't miss. Starswirl transformed to his Equestrian form. He was slightly bigger than her and had a longer horn.

"You think this will help you? You think that reverting me to my usual form will make the fight equal?"

Equal? That's the idea! The "cutie un-marking"! There's no Staff of Sameness though... who needs this piece of wood anyway. But it required to use the magic that Starlight wasn't really willing to use, the magic from her dark past... But if it's supposed to help in some way, it is worth trying.

She focused all her powers on trying to "cutie unmark" her enemy. This wasn't as easy as it used to be with The Staff. Her magic aura seemed to be much brighter than usual. "You're doing this to save this world, Starlight" she kept telling herself in her mind. But before she managed to finish performing the spell, Starswirl interrupted her.

"And this is what I am talking about! You say you're different now and yet you tried to cutie unmark me!"

Two plumes of black smoke left Starswirl's eyes. The grey unicorn's long horn started to glow with blue-ish grey aura. Starlight Glimmer was sure he's about to shot another magic beam but then she saw a levitating huge stone over her, about three times bigger than her. The magic aura around the stone disappeared and it started to fall down. She reacted quickly enough to teleport herself away from the falling stone.

Finally, they fired simultaneously and their magic auras got linked. And the Starswirl's aura was coming closer and closer to Starlight's horn. Starlight was tired, she did not know how long she can hold on.

"No villain can win with me! You're not the exception!"

Starswirl's aura was only a few centimeters away from Starlight's horn. Starlight Glimmer felt she can't hold longer. But then, she was sure she heard Philippe and Cherbourg cheering from the window.

Come on Starlight! You can do this!

Feeling new motivation, she also found some more energy.

"But I am NOT a villain!" She screamed, pushing away her enemy's magic aura.

When the Starlight's magic aura reached Starswirl, the latter got trapped in a huge crystal and the black clouds scattered. Despite being very exhausted, she was happy. She won that battle.

At least she thought so...

Until she saw a crack in the crystal from which plumes of black smoke were coming out. And another, and another, and another... and then the crystal prison shattered entirely.

Starswirl was nearly entirely covered in this black smoke, to the point he looked like a cloud of black smoke with a pair of white, glowing and soulless eyes.

"I told you! YOU WILL NOT WIN WITH ME, YOU CURSED VILLAIN!" He said with a voice so distorted, he even didn't sound like himself.

From the black smoke there extended equally black tendrils, reaching for Starlight. But again Starlight managed to teleport herself in time. She cut a few of these tendrils with her magic, and they turned to plumes of the black smoke and disappeared. Then, she lifted herself up and fired a continuous magic beam but the shadowy tendrils made a shield around Starswirl.

And then, Starlight channeled all of her absolute last reserves of magic and fired the most powerful magic blast she could.

Blinding, cyan light covered the entire area.

When the light went out, Philippe and Cherbourg flew away from the library. when they came closer to the place where the battle happened, they saw purple Veilspun lying unconscious on the ground. Starswirl The Bearded was not around anymore.

"STARLIGHT, NO!" Cherbourg cried out "Oh gods, please say something, say something!"

"I'm so sorry Cherbourg..." Philippe lowered his head and gently patted his friend on the back

But after a while... they heard a quiet "I'm... not a villain... I... told you so"

Cherbourg's tears of sadness became tears of joy. "Oh my gods, Starlight! You did it!"

Starlight slowly stood up, still feeling the effects of the powerful spell. "What was this... shadowy thing?"

"The Shade" Philippe answered "And... you're probably the first non-Sornieth native who managed to win!"

"I guess... you'll probably return to Equestria now so... before you do, I, in the name of all Sornieth natives would like to thank you in helping in the fight with Shade." Cherbourg took off one of the flowers on his impressive (as of Veilspun dragon) antlers. "Take this as a token of gratitude. It will never wither."

"Thank you! But... you know... I think I will actually stay here. Not to mention that I actually still don't know how to return... no matter how weird it would sound from someone who just fought The Shade... or whatever you call it... and won. Also I'm probably more needed here, in Sornieth, now."

"I'll happily let you live in my library, then! Unless you have any other plans for your indefinite stay in Sornieth?"

"Nah, that would be great, especially if you'd let me work here too!"

"Sure, no problem!" Philippe nodded "If that's your decision."

All three returned to the library as if nothing happened here.

If you ever will be visiting the Philippe's library, do not ignore that one purple Veilspun - with purple and white star with two blue glimmering streams symbol on the flank - sitting by the desk, cataloguing the books or doing some other paperwork. That's not your usual Veilspun dragon, that's an Equestrian named Starlight Glimmer - the first ever non-Sornieth native who is able to fight The Shade and win*. And is also the first non-Sornieth native who is able to fully transform her to her original form.

She sure will be happy to talk with you anytime and about anything. Especially if you'd bring a cup of cocoa, she absolutely loves that.

*Note: While it is true that even non-Sornieth natives are able to fight and win with the Coli look-alikes (The Sornieth Brotherhood, for example), these actually have only a negligible trace of The Shade. Starlight Glimmer was the first non-Sornieth native to fight a very high level The Shade contamination and win, additionally Starswirl The Bearded was not a look-alike.

100x100 icon by Limanya

Lore idea: With her powerful magic, she accidentally created a portal to Sornieth and got sucked in by it. (I mean, she is canonically able to create portals to alternative timelines/universes so...)
Also, oh my gods, her hatchday is the last day of The Star phenomenon appearance, what a great lore opportunity!
For the finale, the greatest fandragon lore idea: She fighting Shade-touched Starswirl The Bearded! Two powerful Equestrian beings against each other!

Well uh, so... I tried to tell myself I *really* do not need a fandragon of Starlight Glimmer and as you may see here, it really worked /j
Also I have absolutely 0 idea why I needed this fandragon so much. Most likely it has something to do with this character displaying my favourite color combo (purple x light blue)

Also yeah, I know her eye color is much closer to Shadow Unusual (or Uncommon) but Arcane element fits this character overall way better, considering how much magic-based is this character and Veilspun eyes are small anyway.

Basic info about the fandragoned character

Name: Starlight Glimmer
Origin: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Season 5 and later)
Birthday: Unknown
Additional info: She first can be seen in the first two episodes of Season 5 as the leader of a village without name. She returns later in the Season 5 finale which shows a lot of her magic abilities. Since the Season 6 she's a recurring protagonist. From S05E26 to end of Season 6 she's Twilight Sparkle's student, from the beginning of Season 8 to S09E20 she's a guidance counselor in the School of Friendship and from S09E20 onward she's the principal of the said school.
Picture reference(s):
Season 5 appearance (referred in lore as "old mane-style". Bonus: magic aura reference)

Season 6 and later seasons appearance:

Clown Primary, Basic Secondary Unusual Eye Type and Mop Tertiary on April 6th, 2023

Started as Starmap/Constellation/Branches Veilspun with Common eye type

Note: Bought for 8 500T
Note 2: When levelled to 25, throw all points in INT/use INT-based build because of the character being very heavily magic-based as well as intelligent

Spotted in the "I know the reference" 2 time(s)

In the clan since: April 6th, 2023
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