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Personal Style


Light Aura
Brightshine Raiments
Nebula Starsilk Sleeves
Sunsetspeaker's Arctic Pants
Glowing Gold Clawtips
Opulent Nightshade Spats
Golden Silk Scarf
Haunting Amber Taildecor
Dusky Rose Thorn Crown


Accent: light counting


Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon


4.61 m
6.63 m
744.07 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Dec 04, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Skydancer
EXP: 0 / 245


Shadowbinder Onyx Idol

Under a broken Sky, all that glimmers is laid bare...
Adondis, Emperor of The Subterrainians, Master Midas

tumblr_ns5subPqpO1uwq352o9_250.png The Tale
Adondis was born a drake of many strengths and few words.

His family, a proudly secretive lineage that holed itself up in a small collection of square tunnels made of stone bricks, never had need for the fear that gripped most of the underground dwellers. First off, because of their buried and fortified entrances, the past two generations of their family (and married in kin) had never seen a monster. Second, the majority of their living space was gardens enough to support all of them, and infested with enough insects to maintain a healthy diet. They were set to do anything except have more hatchlings.

Third, they carried incredibly powerful magic, which their elder had dubbed "Midas' meddling". Given their comfortable position, they didn't question this gift- taking it at face value. The method of casting primarily used gold as a consumable conduit, but would also work with silver, gemstones, and old tapestries and canvases that the clan didn't quite understand and simply saved in case of emergencies. The materials used with the traced sigils in the dirt were used up by the spell, dissolving into a golden glitter that then moved and became whatever spell effect the sigil called for. Adondis' hatchlinghood was spent studying and learning these sigils, just has his parents had before him, and their parents before them, as one of the only interesting things to do in their tiny home. Safety was the price for sacrificing all freedom.

He was the only hatchling from the 2 youngest dragons of the family, who had no plans of more. Thus- he would be their last spawn unless they broke themselves out of their self-imposed prison.

With all the relatives above him, Adondis always grew up with a pressure to compete with their achievements. They wanted this for him; they starting teaching him their magic and ways as soon as he opened his eyes, different grandparents and great grandparents whisking him away to dark corners to show him their way of doing things while his parents searched for where he'd run off to. As a baby, this was scary, and he gained nothing but a slight fear for the other dragons around him. He fought to temper that fear all through his adolescence as he realized very young that they were all he had, and would ever have. They had to be patient; he would get frustrated with the impossible challenges they tried to force on him, and refuse to speak to anyone for days at a time. Even with all this magic, withholding himself was the only power he held in their family.

Once he stopped growing, what he could gain from their teachings was finished as well. He had all of their different methods memorized, and could use each one efficiently. He'd read the few texts they had on their magic dozens of times, and the stone tablets those secrets were kept on had his claw marks bored into their edges from his grip. Now he only had one goal in mind: become more than the sum of the parts. His family eagerly awaited him to work on his spellcraft and find new applications for the Midas in him, but Adondis had a different plan.

With the gifts under their claws and the education he had the privilege of getting from the dozens of studious elders, he suddenly didn't know what do do with himself. He wanted to get better at magic, because that was all he'd ever known, but... He learned all the things, and picking moss isn't living. He wanted to find other dragons besides the ones he'd known his entire life. At this point, his parents were just more elders to him - or were all the elders his parents? The line was blurry. But every young adult wants to get out from under their parents' roof.

Despite all of their protests and outright "I forbid you" attempts, he gathered up the gold he was allotted for spellcrafting, drew a powerful explosive sigil, and broke their silence with a shock wave so strong it shook the dust out from the walls. He was done in their castle, and the only way to keep growing his magical skill was to find a way to practice. Fleeing as they scurried to recreate the wall and protect themselves, he flew out into the wider tunnels of the cavernous world and immediately was deeply, deeply confused.

The stone was smooth here, not blocked out like his home. There was no gold in the walls, no easily accessible wealth to cast with, and no plants to eat. The outer world was... barren. How did these other dragons he'd heard about fare in a world like this?

He wondered for weeks as he wandered through the tunnels, scavenging enough to feed himself and picking up a few chunks of raw gemstone from crevices for his protection as he walked. How could these dragons live in such an empty, meaningless place?

He learned the answer when he found a corpse. They didn't.

Dragons died a lot in the caves - they weren't anywhere near the top of the food chain and he'd been damn lucky to not have encountered anything before that moment. The imperial's body filled the tunnel he'd walked and the cave he now stood in with a disgusting smell, and he could see the flesh moving a bit in a couple places. Scavenging monsters protected themselves with the bones and hide of the very thing they were eating.

But worse, the thing that had killed it - the manticore who looked up at him with a red-stained mouth - needed no protection at all. And even with this much food, a threat was a threat. If Adondis had to pick the most terrifying moment of his life, the second that he saw the monster's front paw pick up from the ground to move towards him would be his choice. It charged as he scratched marking lines into the stone, a spell so practiced he didn't have to think. Not that he could in that moment - he was too busy screaming.

The gemstones disintegrated and swirled around him, the dust turning gold, before turning into a shining lance and stabbing the monster though the roof of the mouth. As it reeled, he clawed another shape into the ground and looked up above the manticore, aiming for the stalactite that hung above the beast. Boring a hole through the base of the stone worked, and it skewered the monster and rendered it lifeless instantly.

Huh... that was surprisingly easy.

That's when he saw the eyes of a hidden dragon, watching from underneath a pile of rocks behind where the manticore was. he bowed his head as he approached, showing he meant no harm, and two fae dragons dug themselves out with frantic desperation to flap their wings, get up higher, and dive into Adondis to hug him with tears streaming from their eyes. He saved their lives, it was only a matter of time before they were found by that monster or something coming along afterwards to eat from the carcass, and the imperial used to be their protector! They insisted they knew somewhere safe, so he followed them and asked his fill of questions to understand this terrifying, terrifying situation better.

Are there monsters like that all the time in this area? Yes, this was usually the level of tunnels that carnivores called home because it had the most monster activity. Meat-hungry dragons usually lived as scavengers, eating the leftovers from beasts like that.
And you don't eat meat? No, they lived on the imperial's back, actually - that's why they were down this far. Riding him around was how they lasted more than a week in these parts, and they kept an eye out for danger while he slept and as he moved, sleeping in shifts. He had chosen to fight the manticore and they weren't stupid enough to follow him into the battle, promising to stitch up his wounds if he won.
did they know anyone else around here? Yes, they were taking him to a small collection of drakes that lived in a crystalline cavern, his magic needed to be known! That was incredible! If we could all do that, by all that was good in this world, they might have a fighting chance against the caves-

It's genetic.

What's genetic mean?

It means only my parents and kids can do that magic.


The fae still brought him and introduced him to the other dragons: a blue spiral talking to some giant grubs, an elderly male ridgeback sleeping around a rock, and a sandsurge speaking with an obelisk that caught his eye instantly. Her fur was thick and hid metal shards held together on strips of leather and cloth, the closest thing to a suit of armor the underground had swallowed by her mane. She was massive, almost quadruple the size of him, and was laying down in order to be near eye level with the blue and brown dragon in front of her. As the fae dove towards their allies and started recounting everything that had happened, she glanced over at him and ignored his presence completely.

Then she did a double take- what was a skydancer doing this deep? Shouldn't they be closer to the Sky? It was in their name.

The fae's story explained his presence to her, and that's when her gaze softened and Adondis felt something... New inside. Like a warmth and fondness, similar to eating after studying for a long time or preening his feathers. She was something satisfying, something desired, something... special. The group invited him under their wings, listing off their names, but he only remembered hers; Toham.

She was a visiting party and leaving soon, just coming back to check on the group. He stopped her to ask some questions about where she was going, and she sighed before telling the fae to explain everything to him and bounded off down a deeper shaft.

Toham, the wandering guardian, had a mission to keep the tunnels safe. She walked between groups and brought dragons together based on their skills so they'd last longer than they would have alone. In this world, it was the only option, and the fae started giggling as they added that she wanted to eventually bring all dragons together. How crazy was that! Some of the really deep dwellers would even eat their own kind, and she wanted them to all get along??

Adondis just nodded along. Her idea... sounded perfect. But he wasn't about to say it out loud. For the next couple months, this odd group was his new family. The fae siblings were valuable lookouts, keeping everyone aware of their surroundings and having great vision in the dark. The ridgeback was strong but blind, so the group took care of him; mostly from the kindness of their own hearts, and definitely not because Toham told them to. The sandsurge was an expert with the tunnels and navigated, as well as kept a mental map of dangerous areas and possible food sources. The spiral claimed he could talk to monsters... Adondis was more willing to believe it than everyone else. They lived together, got to know each other a bit, moved around their location to stay hidden and fought off more monsters than Adondis had ever imagined to exist. The fae knew how to cultivate mushrooms off of some of the monster bodies, so they farmed some of their food; on hard times, they all fell back on meat, and it left half of the party unsatisfied.

Adondis would become a carnivore if it meant he could see Toham again. Her ideas had been stuck in his head since he met her, and he desperately wanted to go along with her. What a great way of honing his skills, his knowledge! He could be a wonderful asset!

The Subterrainian
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum scelerisque libero quis enim lobortis malesuada. Cras sit amet suscipit diam. Mauris vulputate velit mollis interdum scelerisque. Vestibulum vitae mollis ex. Nunc et consectetur metus. Fusce auctor euismod elit, non lobortis eros vehicula ut.
The Fractallians
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum scelerisque libero quis enim lobortis malesuada. Cras sit amet suscipit diam. Mauris vulputate velit mollis interdum scelerisque. Vestibulum vitae mollis ex. Nunc et consectetur metus. Fusce auctor euismod elit, non lobortis eros vehicula ut.


Pherion, Mate and Queen
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur varius augue quis semper blandit. Donec et turpis at odio euismod posuere. Sed lacinia nisi sit amet cursus rhoncus. Quisque malesuada risus eget justo ornare, id aliquet velit accumsan. Donec faucibus dui sed nulla pharetra iaculis. Ut a fermentum tellus, quis rhoncus ligula.

Vercada and Tarmeux, Leaders of the Enemy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur varius augue quis semper blandit. Donec et turpis at odio euismod posuere. Sed lacinia nisi sit amet cursus rhoncus. Quisque malesuada risus eget justo ornare, id aliquet velit accumsan. Donec faucibus dui sed nulla pharetra iaculis. Ut a fermentum tellus, quis rhoncus ligula.

The Intermixed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur varius augue quis semper blandit. Donec et turpis at odio euismod posuere. Sed lacinia nisi sit amet cursus rhoncus. Quisque malesuada risus eget justo ornare, id aliquet velit accumsan. Donec faucibus dui sed nulla pharetra iaculis. Ut a fermentum tellus, quis rhoncus ligula.


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