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Personal Style


Gold Dinosaur Arm Guards
Gold Dinosaur Breastplate
Gold Dinosaur Leg Guards
Gold Dinosaur Tail Guard
Journeyman Satchels
Ivory Scale Wingplates
Veteran's Shoulder Scars



Scene: Roadside Tavern


3.73 m
3.98 m
233.06 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Nov 09, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 5 Tundra
EXP: 4552 / 5545



  • none





━━━━━━ ━━━━━━
Arena Fighter

Desc ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Kerubi is hearty and charming, deceiving his enemies with an illusion of trust before striking where it will hurt most. He enjoys fighting in the arena, as he grew up to know no better. Kerubi is extremely competitive, making most anything a competition or challenge. He also tends to gamble, with an uncanny luck to nearly always guess correctly. Kerubi also owns a tavern, called 'Bear's Claw Tavern'.

About ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ultricies nisl in fermentum finibus. Etiam eleifend eu ante vitae venenatis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec vestibulum accumsan elit, at faucibus neque consequat non. Integer ac enim nec velit bibendum posuere et suscipit ante. Donec vel augue nisi. Donec posuere efficitur aliquet. Ut lacinia elementum placerat. Aliquam bibendum a turpis ac mollis. Curabitur dolor felis, sodales at tempor vel, euismod nec dui. Vestibulum sollicitudin venenatis purus, id dictum elit viverra ut. Nulla malesuada ut urna nec sollicitudin. Donec bibendum porta sem et fringilla. Donec a lectus ex. Curabitur id urna id risus scelerisque accumsan.

Sed vitae ultrices lectus, quis posuere lectus. Donec et est non felis aliquet rutrum. Cras felis quam, rutrum a nunc sed, dictum congue orci. Etiam urna felis, vulputate id rutrum eu, convallis sit amet arcu. Proin turpis lacus, convallis nec metus non, pellentesque suscipit libero. Curabitur lectus erat, fringilla id varius vel, lacinia iaculis ipsum. Quisque rhoncus sodales interdum. Vivamus ac mi diam. Suspendisse tortor lacus, pharetra sit amet porta eu, euismod vel eros. Mauris sem sapien, eleifend vel porta quis, venenatis ut ex. Aenean placerat maximus velit, quis posuere turpis finibus quis. Pellentesque vestibulum ac lectus ac ultrices.

Allegiance ━━━━━━━━

IwOzjIX.png Kp8sJWk.png0YpqwzI.png
Stats ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

History ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent ultricies nisl in fermentum finibus. Etiam eleifend eu ante vitae venenatis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec vestibulum accumsan elit, at faucibus neque consequat non. Integer ac enim nec velit bibendum posuere et suscipit ante. Donec vel augue nisi. Donec posuere efficitur aliquet. Ut lacinia elementum placerat. Aliquam bibendum a turpis ac mollis. Curabitur dolor felis, sodales at tempor vel, euismod nec dui. Vestibulum sollicitudin venenatis purus, id dictum elit viverra ut. Nulla malesuada ut urna nec sollicitudin. Donec bibendum porta sem et fringilla. Donec a lectus ex. Curabitur id urna id risus scelerisque accumsan.

Sed vitae ultrices lectus, quis posuere lectus. Donec et est non felis aliquet rutrum. Cras felis quam, rutrum a nunc sed, dictum congue orci. Etiam urna felis, vulputate id rutrum eu, convallis sit amet arcu. Proin turpis lacus, convallis nec metus non, pellentesque suscipit libero. Curabitur lectus erat, fringilla id varius vel, lacinia iaculis ipsum. Quisque rhoncus sodales interdum. Vivamus ac mi diam. Suspendisse tortor lacus, pharetra sit amet porta eu, euismod vel eros. Mauris sem sapien, eleifend vel porta quis, venenatis ut ex. Aenean placerat maximus velit, quis posuere turpis finibus quis. Pellentesque vestibulum ac lectus ac ultrices.

Fusce blandit, nibh in viverra suscipit, nisi purus facilisis dui, ac gravida ligula nisl at nunc. Mauris eget ex in lectus faucibus ullamcorper vel non metus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque at elit non justo volutpat condimentum. Pellentesque leo urna, lobortis posuere leo eu, eleifend porttitor purus. Pellentesque a scelerisque lorem.

Relationships ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
▸ Past opponent
▸ Betrayed Friend



Journeyman Satchels Ivory Scale Wingplates Gold Dinosaur Arm Guards Gold Dinosaur Wing Guard Gold Dinosaur Tail Guard Gold Dinosaur Leg Guards Gold Dinosaur Breastplate Plague's Charm Veteran's Shoulder Scars Bloodstone Roundhorn


"Looks like I win again boys! Better luck nice time, hm?" Kerubi declared with a sly smirk, secretly tucking the card he had switched into his satchel. The dragons he was playing with erupted in outrage and disbelief.

The Tundra wasn't fazed by this and instead gathered the treasure and gems from the table into a velvet bag, turning his back on them and slipping away through the crowd of dragons.

"Ahh, what idiots." he sighed under his breath, chuckling softly as he reached the bar.

Kerubi tapped the counter impatiently with a claw, signaling one of the bartenders over. He handed them the bag. "Take this to my office will you?" the dragon nodded. "Yes, sir."

Yes, you heard that correctly. The dragon addressed him as sir. Kerubi is the owner of this grand place, and yes, he goes around scamming people in his own bar. Why not?

Kerubi slid a drink into his talon, sipping it as he leaned against the bar and observed his surroundings. Dragons drinking, gambling and chatting with each other, because of his place. It was quite amusing, when just outside the door in the arena, dragons were fighting for their lives for the sake of others entertainment.

Kerubi's eyes slid over to the door when it swung open, he watched the dragon enter with interest. A grey and ruby Nocturne dressed in combat wear strode in, her fiery orange eyes quickly scanning the area. He knew that look, the one of a trained assassin surveying her surroundings for threats and checking for escape routes if necessary.

He tilted his head curiously. She was familiar in a way.

The Tundra observed her as she padded silently to the far end of the bar. It seemed as if the Nocturne was waiting for someone.

He spotted an old scar that slashed across her left eye and it clicked. It was Hela, an old friend of his, well was an old friend. Oh what a lovley suprise!

Kerubi set down his drink and made his way over to her, coming up from behind.

"Stop where you are." she hissed out without even turning to look at him. The Tundra complied pausing his movments, an amused smile on his face. "Still as sharp as ever I see, dear Hela. Why am I not suprised."

He could see her shoulders tense at his voice and she slowly turned to look at him. Her eyes were murderous as they locked on his ruby red ones, but her expression was cold and emotionless.

"Kerubi." she addressed him coldly. "Lovely seeing you here you rat."

Kerubi laughed at her words. "I do own the place after all, where else would I be? Oh, which reminds me, why might you be here?"

"I am waiting for a client." was her short reply.

Kerubi cocked his head slightly. "Still murdering poor dragons in cold blood I see? I thought you would have stopped since you joined that Fae's clan."

The Nocturne narrowed her eyes. "It's no worse than what you do, hiring idiots to get your dirty work done for you and killing dragons for fun."

"Actually there is, I'm not the one killing them, so technically I'm not a murderer." he pointed out.

Hela scoffed. "You're still making the killing order, just like you always do."

"Maybe, but that's the circle of life my dear, especially in a place such as the Arena. You of all people should know." the Tundra grinned.

"Oh, yes, I know that very well Kerubi. And who's fault is that?" she hissed.

Kerubi tapped his chin mockingly a horrible glint in his red eyes. "Hmm, yours."

"You left me for the wolves you rat, I trusted you! How dare you say that." she snarled, her temper was flaring at how casual he was.

"You shouldn't have trusted me, my friend. That's the number one rule of this place, even when we were hatchlings. Depend on no one." he answered carelessly with a wave of his talon.

His words made Hela snap, her anger broke loose. She let out a strained growl, suddenly lunged forward with skill and precision and pressed a dagger against his throat. Kerubi wasn't at all fazed by this sudden attack, instead he just raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"Of course you still have that fiery temper." he sighed, touching the tip of his claw to the silver blade. "I'd appreciate it dearly if you'd remove your weapon from my throat." he gave her a charming smile. "You're causing a scene, my friend."

Her pupils turned to slits and the word 'friend'. "We are not friends, we never were." she hissed venomously, smoke rising from her nostrils. She released him with a shove, a look of disgust on her face before whirling around and storming out of the bar.

Kerubi watched her leave silently. She was the exact same as when they were hatchlings.

He shook his head and turned to the staring dragons, clapping his talons dismissively. "Nothing to see here, go on with your day!"

Written by Lilyfrost
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