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Personal Style





8.37 m
5.63 m
578.86 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Eye Spots
Eye Spots
Tertiary Gene


Aug 18, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 7 Bogsneak
EXP: 1076 / 11881




  • none


22 Points to spend on character creation
The max you can put in any one category is 8




In a situation that causes for it, you will roll a d20 and add your corresponding point bonus. Thus if you put 3 in a category during character creation you would add +3 to the roll. If you didn't put any points in the category then you add nothing.

Cats six months and under have -10 to any roll.
Thus if their point bonus was 4 (the number they put in during character creation) for the category in which they were rolling, then they would instead take a loss of -6 when they roll the d20. If they put no points in the category they are rolling for then it is the full -10 to the roll. And so on. This math works the same for every penalty listed below. Penalties do not stack, but you must take the higher of the two should there be a difference.

Cats ten years and older have -5 to Strength, Agility, and Perception
Blind cats have -2 to Perception and Agility; -5 to Stealth
Cats with no sense of smell have -4 to Perception
Cats with disfigured or lost limbs have -3 to Agility and Stealth
Cats with no tail have -5 to Agility
Cats suffering from starvation have -4 to Strength; -3 to Agility

In combat, Strength is your chance to land an attack and how much damage you do. Agility is your chance to dodge an attack and cuts the damage done to you. It is also your ability to run away from combat or chase down an opponent who attempts to run.

Conversation involves Charisma and Intelligence. Charisma is the chance another character believes what your saying. Intelligence is the chance of being able to perceive another character's lie.

Stealth is used when sneaking. The more Stealth you have the less likely you are to be seen by another. Perception, alternatively, is the chance of being able to sense things that are hidden. Both are used when hunting and sometimes during combat.

Agility counters Strength
Intelligence counters Charisma
Perception counters Stealth

DC = Difficulty Class. The number you have to be equal to or greater than to succeed at something.
Free Attack = An attack that the target can't roll Agility for; an automatic hit.

Two players must agree on combat for it to start. They must decide among themselves based on the way the RP is currently going on who attacks first. If there isn't agreement on who should go first then an Admin will decide. After that the attacker (the person who is going first) rolls a d20 and adds their point bonus for Strength; let's assume they have 5 points in their Strength. The d20 lands on 8 so that's a total of 13. The target of this attack (the person who didn't go first) then rolls a d20 and adds their point bonus for Agility; let's assume they have 4 points in their Agility. The d20 lands on 10 for a total of 14. Since the target's Agility total (14) is higher than the attacker's Strength total (13) the attack misses. This can be RPed out in any number of ways.

It is then the target's turn to attack. They roll and have a total of 16 after adding their Strength bonus. The current target rolls and only has a total of 7 after adding their Agility bonus, thus the attack lands. But how much damage is done? Well we calculate this by subtracting the Agility of the target from the Strength of the attacker. So that would be 16 - 7 equaling 9. What does this number mean? The power of the attack is outlined below:

0 = The attack barely grazes a target. Imagine losing a few hairs.
1-5 = The attack leaves a scratch or nick. Barely enough to draw blood. Probably stings a little.
6-10 = The attack is pretty moderate. A few drops of blood well up but that's all. Hurts, but won't leave a scar.
11-15 = The attack is a bit nasty. Blood will be dripping from this one for a bit. Definitely painful, certainly leaves a scar.
16-20 = The attack is deep. You need to actively try to stop the bleeding. Pain is constant and sharp.
21+ = The attack leaves the target with a permanent disability. Can inflict blindness, loss of smell, disfigure a limb beyond normal use, or completely tear off a target's tail.

Based on this we see that the attack would be average in strength; nothing bad enough to leave a scar. This is RPed out and the roles then switch again (ie the previous target can now attack). Alternatively, an "attacker" can choose to run for their turn instead of attacking. If the current target decides to chase then it is a battle of Agility whether the runner gets away or not. If they do not decide to chase then the combat ends.
Note that any character that has suffered a previous attack that was 16+ in power in their current combat session will have a penalty of -5 to their roll be it runner or chaser.

For example, let's say the runner had been the target of an attack that had a power total of 18 a couple of rounds earlier in this same combat scenario. The runner would roll and add their Agility point bonus (5 in this example). They roll a 19 on the d20 for an initial total of 24. Now they would subtract 5 and bring the total back down to a final score of 19. The chaser then rolls with their Agility point bonus of 3. The d20 lands on 12 for a final total of 15. Since the runner's final total (19) is higher than the chaser's final total (15) the runner gets away and combat ends.

If the chaser's final total ends up being equal to or greater than the runner's final total, however, then the chaser gets a free attack and the runner fails to escape. After this free attack and subsequent RP post the roles switch again (ie the chaser is now an attacker and the runner is a target) and the round starts anew. Targets cannot attempt to run on their turn.

A character can be greatly injured or even permanently disfigured in combat - it is a risk you take anytime you agree to combat with another player so be prepared should it occur. Another player does NOT need permission to injure your character in combat. It is up to the roll of the dice. Character death, however, DOES need to be agreed upon.
Players can also agree OOC to end combat without the need for running. This is expected to take place when a character has dire wounds but doesn't want to be killed off. Or in the case where running wouldn't make sense in the narrative but players still want the combat to end. This can also be RPed out in any number of ways at the discretion of the players.

If a character is attempting to lie, manipulate, or influence another then they would use a Charisma roll contested by the target/s' Intelligence roll. If the Charisma roll beats their target/s' Intelligence roll then their words or intentions are believed. The extent of this belief is based off how much the Charisma total is above the Intelligence total. So if someone trying to lie ended up with a final total of 18 and the target ended up with only 8 as their final total, then the target would believe the words to the extent of 10.

0 = Believes only slightly. Still suspicious.
1-10 = Believes but has a small tinge of doubt.
11-20 = Believes with no doubt.
21+ = Fully trusts the words of this individual. Subsequent Charisma rolls on this target are at +5 bonus. Bonus remains until target's trust is lost via RP or combat.

Alternatively players can agree beforehand that something is believed or not without rolling for it.

Charisma can be a very powerful ability, but it still has limits. A cat will never believe something that goes completely against what they already believe. Examples of this would be saying the sky is green to a cat who can clearly see. Or saying that a cat should try and kill another even though said individual is their friend. That being said, there are many things Charisma can do. A loner can still be talked into becoming an ally and even the most selfish cat can be charmed into giving up their meal. How a player does this is up to them to RP out after the rolls.

Sometimes a situation may call for multiple successes at different points in time. This is to be discussed between involved players. If consensus cannot be met on when a Charisma check is and isn't needed then an Admin will judge.

Both of these skills are used for hunting. In an attempt to hunt a character must succeed a Perception DC of 5 to find prey (the DC is 10 in Leafbare). They must then succeed a Stealth DC of 8 to catch this prey. If they are unable to do this then the prey is lost and hunting is considered failed. If a player's character fails at hunting three times in a row then they enter into the starved state where they receive penalties to Strength and Agility. A mother with kits less than 2 months only has to fail twice in a row to enter the starved state. The kits will also enter this state at the same time as their mother.

Characters have multiple ways to get out of this state. They can succeed in a hunt themselves. Another character can share a successful hunt with them. Or they can attempt to steal from another character who has recently had a successful hunt. The last option requires Stealth contested by the target's Perception. Alternatively members can simply agree on an outcome OOC and thus don't need to roll. Upon completion of any of these the character is no longer suffering from starvation.

Hunting can be RPed or simply noted by each member for their characters after a roll. Players must roll to hunt for each of their characters at least once a real world week; doing more than one hunt a week is up to each player, but hunting is limited to no more than once a real life day.

Stealth and Perception also have a bonus use in combat.
Before combat begins, if a character is successfully hidden from another, then they automatically start off with a free attack. It is only AFTER this free attack that players decide who goes first in the official start of combat. On subsequent rounds, any time it is a character's turn to attack, they can instead attempt to hide. This attempt has a -5 penalty and automatically fails if the terrain doesn't allow for practical hiding. If successful, however, they can either get another free attack or run away without the chance of being caught.

For example, it's Character A's turn to attack this round. Since they are built more for Stealth than Strength, they shoot for an attempt at hiding instead of outright attacking. Their 8 point bonus in Stealth plus a 14 on the d20 equals 22, but since this is in combat they take the -5 penalty for 17. Character B rolls Perception and after adding their bonus they end up with a total of only 14; Character A is successful in hiding. Now they get to decide if they want a free attack or to run. Depending on which they choose, they either roll for the power of their free attack or get straight to RPing out their escape. If they run then combat ends. If they take the free attack then it is now Character B's turn to be the attacker after noting any damage.

All of these abilities have bonuses for RPing purposes. Any cat with a point bonus of 5 or more in a category is considered specialized in that category. Thus if your character had a 5 in Intelligence they would be considered a pretty smart cat. Or if your character had a 5 in Strength they would be considered stronger than average. And so on. Characters can also lean into their strengths and weaknesses via appearance; such as a cat with high Agility being lithe or a cat with low/no Charisma having a mangy pelt. This is optional of course.
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