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Personal Style


Lightning's Charm
Glowing Blue Clawtips
Brass Scale Tassets
Voidfollow Hindcallouses
Aquamarine Flourish Eye Piece
Shabby Ring


Accent: Friend On Board!


Scene: Stormcatcher's Domain


4.02 m
3.86 m
468.92 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 26, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 25 Mirror
Max Level
Thunder Slash



  • none



Ikaro's Log

Day 1: I've started my base in the Shifting expanse, atop a place known as the Highland Scrub. The wildlife nearby isn't too difficult to deal with. My partner Achelous and I have begun making journeys to find loot and resources. Achelous is rather protective of me, so I've little to worry about out here. I have also recruited a water dragon named Arodar. He will serve our cause well.

I was attacked by a rather large bird- I haven't identified it, but when I defeated it, it seemed to remain loyal to me, as it began following me around and protecting me. I've taken to calling him "Orb."

Another large bird attack! This time- a Basilisk, I'm told. Once again, knocking it aside seemed to gain its loyalty. I ordered it to follow Arodar, and he's begun calling it "Bolt."

I've made a shocking discovery! -Mind the pun, but- these local monsters have been stealing charged sprockets from our people! This is unacceptable- and they will pay dearly for this. I've already turned in a large number of them, and I've been rewarded with a charm that enhances my electrical abilities- cheers, headquarters!

During a battle, we captured a Primrose moth. We 'persuaded' her to join our clan and do some work around the base. She reluctantly seemed to agree- Archelous has named her "Lily."

My team and I have procured a great deal of charged sprockets, and I've turned them in for even greater lightning magic. I now command a storm cloud that emits a constant aura of electricity! I'll have to ensure the others are well rewarded for their efforts as well- but as team leader...- my needs come first.

Day 2:

My team and I have gotten considerably stronger- and we're moving on to facing bigger and more lucrative foes. I've used our spoils from battle to purchase stones to augment my own abilities- allowing me to strike quickly. I've done the same for Arodar- and the results have been quite noticeable.

I've befriended a small green fox! It's quite joyful- and Arodar replaced his Basilisk with it as his traveling companion. These captured creatures are beginning to take up quite a bit of space, I'll need to find a solution to this problem soon...- perhaps there are traders that will take possession of these beasts.

We captured a centaur bowman today, called himself Maki...-and he referred to himself as a "Wintermane." I ordered him to follow us and assist us on our raids. He refused, and has proven resilient to my usual persuasion methods. I am keeping him close from now on to ensure he doesn't escape, and bring back more of his beastclan.

Day 3:

While gathering for supplies near our base, I discovered a small egg, crackling with Lightning. Had it been lost? Stolen? Abandoned? It didn't' matter- the unborn hatchling was in danger, and I needed to do something to help it. My clan is in no condition to take care of children, so I called for a courier to return the egg safely to headquarters- that another, more capable parent may take care of it. To my surprise, I was informed that eggs such as these are highly valued commodities- and I was rewarded with a
hefty sum for my efforts. Things are looking up, these funds will do wonders for our clan!

I've used my newfound wealth to purchase a highly valuable battle stone- that has made me a fearsome force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. With each fallen foe, I felt my strength return to me. Today, our clan's power has grown considerably... along with my own.

I sought to test my newfound power against more dangerous foes- I located a small clan of light dragons near the Hewn City, and attacked the lair with my companions. They stood little chance, and quickly retreated, leaving behind riches- and one of their members- Ceirce. She begrudgingly described herself as an alchemist, and a scientist, seeking to bring forth new innovations using the materials in the world around her. We brought her back to the clan- and I explained to her that she could live a fulfilling life serving us- using the technologies of the Lightning flight to fuel her inventive nature. With some convincing, she agreed- and now serves us as the head of our new research and development team.

I've ordered Ceirce to begin experimentation with the various pieces of loot and materials we've brought back to the lair. With this, she'll hopefully be able to construct new, useful items for our clan...

Day 4:

The R&D team- well, Ceirce- has discovered a way to create charged sprockets in her cauldron! While the morality of fabricating these valuable items is... questionable- the rewards HQ will give us for them are undoubtedly well deserved, anyway...- taking her in has already proven to be a great idea!

Day 6:

We've discovered another egg- and transferred it to headquarters for further funds to fuel our expansion. We're beginning to amass a great number of centaur around the base- as well as other valuables... I think it would be wise to expand our base soon. A few new facilities would serve us well- especially one that would let us keep our captives in check.

Day 7:

We've encountered a great number of Raptorik in recent days- and their ferocity in battle is incredible. If their many numbers could be added to our ranks- it would seriously bolster the strength of our forces... I need to come up with a few plans in order to bring my ambitions to reality...- I'll need a dragon capable of construction- as well as someone skilled in the art of surgery. I'll begin preparations to add a new member as soon as possible...

Day 8:

I've recruited a new member to the R&D team- Valhaart. He's a bit... active- but he does good work- and gets along well with Ceirce. I've tasked him with building up our facilities- and keeping them in repair. His creations all have quite a bit of... excess to them, but it matters not- so long as they are sturdy. Soon, we'll have a prison capable of housing the various beastclan members that survive our raids.

Day 10:

Things are going quite well for us. Myself, and my two companions have become quite experienced in battle- and despite the rising hordes of hostiles in the area as of late, we've held them off without issue. We've had an influx of Harpy and Raptorik warriors joining our side... I believe soon it will be time I put them to further use. Most of my time is spent in the field- so I'll need to find someone adequate to train these warriors...- I'll still need to find that surgeon, but I plan to expand my search soon...

Day 13:

Work has begun on a new facility- I've sent some funds to Valhaart to begin construction of a medical facility. Here, we can tend to the seriously wounded, and perform... experiments of a bodily variety.

My team and I have located a suitable dragon for the medical team- Dihseira. We found her carving up corpses in the scarred wasteland. It was... a bit weird, to say the least- but we'll need someone who isn't squeemish. I'm happy to add her to our team- and I'll set her to working immediately. How did I convince her to join? I told her she'd get access to plenty of... fresher corpses to cut open.

Day 15:

I've made an incredible discovery. While raiding the Golem Workshop for valuable materials and followers- we came across a large combat robot. My team and I managed to bring it down without utterly destroying it. Quickly- I called for Ceirce to come and reprogram the golem- and it now serves our clan. This construct is quite the formidable foe- shrugging off blows and dealing serious damage to whoever it targets. I think I'll keep it at my side during raids from now on.

Day 17:

Quite a lot has happened since my last report. We captured another Stone Borer- and Ceirce reprogrammed it successfully once again. Truly, she is a talented engineer. We sold off the extra borer to a rather wealthy buyer. Our clan will be well taken care of for a while. I've also recruited two... rather energetic engineers from the Windswept Plateau- Ari and Leja. They were intrigued by our base's craftsmanship- and they seem eager to assist in building our base further. They say that with the best strengths of wind and lightning combined, we could create a lair unlike any other...- one that could fly. I'm baffled, yet interested in their proposal...- I'll do all I can to assist them in making this ambition a reality.

Day 21:

I've added some new recruits to our team. I've established a 'Support Team-' whose duties are more various than the other teams. So far, a Veilspun named Fyrsa- and an Obelisk called Defiance make up this team. Fyrsa arrived to our lair rather disheveled- shouting that she'd been betrayed- and cast out from her old clan for using forbidden magics- and employing tactics which caused her former allies to shun her. While she didn't get into specifics- I'm still deciding to trust her word and allow her to stay. She explained to me that she's quite good at bending the wills of others- and that she'd be a great weapon to use against the hostile beastclans. I've no argument there. Defiance came from the Ashfall waste- I found her engaged in combat with other fire dragons. Longing for purpose- Defiance explained that she'd been gripped and awed by the ideas of revolution- spurred by the poor treatment of metal workers in the region by their ruling class. While I know not the details of this conflict- I admire her tenaciousness. I convinced her to lend her spirit to us in our clan- and that I'd give her plenty of recruits to teach her ways to. She happily agreed- and now, she can train the... former members of the beastclans to rebel against their wicked masters. I almost forgot- we've added a fourth member to the raiding team. Ari and Leja fashioned a... working dragon out of the pieces of many Tribeam Hunters. Somehow, they've managed to imbue it with their own wind magic- along with a strange earthen crystal who's origins remain unknown- even to them. This construct- Arbitia- is a rather capable healer- and wind magic user. She's been instrumental in my attacks on the Golem Workshops run by the miths. At times, however... I do feel like there is more on her mind that simply obeying commands and fighting...- she always seems to stare off into the horizon- as if lost... I'll close my report with a few final words- we've expanded rapidly- and our number of beastclan recruits is growing quickly...- perhaps soon- we'll be able to make larger waves in Sornieth. I look forward to growing our power further... and turning a profit from our efforts.

Day 24:

We're making incredible progress. Ari and Leja have been working around the clock alongside Valhaart to create an incredible structure- a blimp. Armored, and full of room for my teams- and our soldiers. It's wind turbines will propel us into the air- and we'll be able to create currents that will allow us to travel the whole world as we please. I must admit... I no longer feel obligated to serve at the whims of headquarters...- I'm thinking... that I could do quite well on my own. For now, I'll continue building my team- and when the time is right... I'll make my move. This... airship- no longer will I be Ikaro, servant of the Stormcatcher...- I'll be... Ikaro... the ruler of the Levin Keep- the lord of the skies...!!

I'm... getting ahead of myself. I've added a new member to my team- Devotion. He's an Obelisk who'd been tracking the movements of the Raptorik and Harpies to our base- he'd explained he was concerned that they were gathering in such a great force in one location. Now that he's seen our base- and the way we're assimilating and locking them away- he's asked to stay- and ensure that they remain pacified. I've allowed him to remain as the keep's warden. He'll keep any of our captors awaiting reassignment in check- until their time finally comes. It's quite nice, not having to worry as much about prison escapes. Defiance and he have been getting along- and I've even seen him speaking with Fyrsa. The three often work together in matters involving prisoners. Seems as though I've been blessed with quite the skilled wanderers.

Day 25:

It is time. My crew has made preparations- and the airship is ready to be raised. From this moment on- I am free to pursue my own ambitions- and rule the skies as I please. Ari and Leja have made the base fully capable of flight- and We've had our avian troops carry our belongings onboard the ship. I've hired one last dragon to defend the ship should it come under attack- Flaak. He's a skilled mage from the ashfall waste- and is quite energetic. I've had Ari and Leja construct a few... defense emplacements aboard the ship- that he will be able to use to fend off any airborne invaders. Now... all that's left to do is raise the ship. My destination? Dragonhome. Surely, there are ancient treasures, and artifacts to be uncovered there. The history of our very people lies within the deserts of the earth dragons. Plus... Devotion has told me that they have beastclan problems- not unlike what we've dealt with. I hope we'll be able to find fortune in turning the tide of the war against dragonkind.

Day 26:

I find myself feeling... so free. I've hid my feelings from my Engineer, Ceirce... for quite a while- but she's such a joy to be around. She's so hard-working and caring- I want our time together to be more than just... the pursuit of our work. When I told her how I felt... she reciprocated my love. I've never been more happy. My final act before I set the LevinKeep towards Dragonhome will be to bear a nest with her, in the Shifting Expanse. I've since stopped making reports to headquarters. Soon, they'll realize that I've fled with company property... And I don't care one bit. My duty from now on is to myself.

Day 27:

Today, I set a course for Dragonhome. Unsurprisingly, word travels fast through the Shifting Expanse. My orders were to build a stronghold in the expanse- not to leave it. When I failed to respond after flying the Keep out of the Expanse- the powers that be put a bounty on me- and my companions. Despite the Flameforger's Festival going on- eager bounty hunters are still attempting to collect the bounty by bringing us down. I am taking the airship over the Ashfall Waste- all who approach us with hostile intentions will pay dearly. I have a family to protect now.

Day 28:

We made our way through the Ashfall Waste. Countless harpies, and even some bold dragons, made attempts to bring our ship down today. Seeing the harpies working together with dragonkind against a common foe... quite strange. Though, I suppose I shouldn't be one to talk...- we captured quite a few of the attackers today. I've already set Frysa on them- and using her interrogation methods- she's begun to win them over to our side. A few of them have already sworn loyalty to us- and have begun training with Defiance. They'll make model soldiers. I'm truly glad I have such a wonderful crew to count on! I'll make my way through the Windswept Plateau next...- here's hoping that the kindness of the denizens outshines their greed. Though- I have no qualms about burning a few balloons if I must.

Day 29:

Just as we neared the end of our Ashfall crossing- a rather bold spiral charged right at the airship- trying to bring it down with various spells and slashes. We defeated him in battle- and Fyrsa insisted that she bring him in for interrogation. I allowed it- and when she returned him to me...- he was... uncannily obedient. It seems as though there's barely a shred of free will left within him. It's unsettling, to say the least. Regardless- he's already proven useful- happily taking the fight to other dragons and harpies that dared attack our home. I believe this spiral's name was Reckless. I'll need to keep an eye on Fyrsa- her mysterious past coupled with her untold levels of power are certainly something I need to be wary of...

Day 30:

Things have been moving along smoothly- A few more packs of dragons made attempts on our lives as we passed over their domains. Some came at us riding upon balloons and other airborne contraptions. We dispatched them rather easily- and we were able to bear witness to the various aircrafts burning up and crashing to the ground spectacularly. We're crossing into the Scarred Wasteland today- I fear this is where we'll face the most savage of attacks. But we'll be ready. And if- perhaps, there are capable warriors among our attackers... we'll add new members to our ranks.

Day 31:

The attacks from the Scarred Wasteland were quite brutal- but we've endured. Multiple packs sought to board our airship and bring us down- to no avail. Many of them fell before our combined elemental might- and the arrows of our Harpy and Raptorik soldiers. Many of them are still trailing us as I catalog the day's events- though they appear to be regrouping. We'll be safe soon- once we arrive in Dragonhome, we'll hunker down and drive back any attackers. We're so close to being free- free from the confines of the Stormcatcher. No matter what my old "friends" send at us- we'll be ready.

Day 35:

We've established our position in Dragonhome. We have docked our ship near our allies that live around a nearby Oasis. With our defenses set up- and our ship repaired- we'll be much more difficult for the Stormcatcher's lackeys to come after. Unfortunately, our journey did not come without loss. Of my three newborn children- only two survived. The thought of it still pains me... but I must persist. I hadn't a chance to name the young hatchling before he fell from the ship...- but I've decided that I will call him Freedom- the pursuit of which costed us dearly. We are still adjusting to our new surroundings, but with our independence secured... we can begin hunting for artifacts and treasures around the ancient cities and caves of Dragonhome. I've also formally established our Beastclan military. The harpies and raptorik have been assimilated into one battalion- that I'm calling the Bolts. They are that which help hold us together, and that which gives us power. I will need to have Ceirce come up with a uniform for them, in order to distinguish them from the common rabble.

Day 45:

I've been through quite a lot since my last log. Arodar has left us. Though it pained me to see my long time friend Arodar leave us- I encouraged him to do so if it made him happy. He's done more than enough for me in this past month. He's left us to keep watch over the Oasis. It's interesting...- we've sent quite a few people over to assist them- I'm beginning to wonder who will leave us next... Either way, I'm happy to have helped Arodar find his true purpose in this world. In other news... my daughter has come of age- and she'll be taking Arodar's place in the raiding team. It unnerves me to thrust my daughter into combat, especially after... the loss of both of my other children already, but...- I trust her. Her abilities and natural leadership alone prove her readiness- in truth, I fear she may even be better at leading than myself...- but, that's all the more reason for me to be proud of her. She excels at leading the Bolts in coordinated strikes- as well as tinkering with robots and other automatons...- I'm looking forward to what we can accomplish together.

Day 120:

I've been logging our activities far less lately, out of fear that the Stormcatcher and his mercenaries are spying on us, somehow. The attacks on our lair have increased significantly, lately. The plague mercenaries have backed off, and given way to ones hired by the Stormcatcher's coordinators themselves. Though we have no trouble dispatching them... and subsequently making use of them, it's unnerving to say the least... how much power the company holds...- and how dedicated they are to having their revenge on us. My allies of the Oasis have been of great assistance sacrificing these bandits to the Earthshaker...- and while I'm not of this land... it is my home, and I feel rather protected by its god. I've made a good friend of a Harpy while I was out raiding...- a young harpy, wielding a sword. Her name is Arna, and she's an excellent assassin. I now take her with my on raids, and she helps watch my back- while staying much closer to me than Achelous could. Our force of harpies has grown significantly- we now have a male harpy swearing fealty to us...- and quite often he speaks for them...- voicing their complaints... and trying to keep them unified under our banner. He stays with Fyrsa- and his name is Podori. I've avoided speaking about it for long enough, but... there was a rather serious attack on the ship. A large explosion rocked the eastern wing of the ship- brought on by a Lightning weapon that I've yet to find data on. Vaalhart and Dihseira were both lost. Words can't describe the mood around the ship lately. We're left questioning our own abilities, and whether or not we are safe to roam the world freely. I will not allow this setback to hamper our personal freedoms. We are free, and NOTHING will change that. May Dihseira and Vaalhart rest in peace...- the advancements they've helped us make have shaped the very foundation of our lair. We WILL have our revenge.

Day 121:

We're teaching Fyrsa how to fight today- the proper way, not with her... strange magic. We're taking her on our next raids of the Lightning workshops...- hopefully she'll come away from the endeavor stronger...- and a bit less of a lazy shut-in. I've recruited a few more dragons to bolster our forces after our previous losses. The shadow mirror, Skaldi, apparently has the power to puppet the dead...- and Plyntaerne is skilled in... ritualistic magic. I've decided that in order to beat our enemy, we must abandon our old ways of thinking. The Lightning flight can predict our movements and strategies because I used to be part of them. I'll need to be more savage, and more unpredictable in my actions. They'll tire of throwing soldiers at our home soon enough...- but whatever I can do to hasten that process... I'll do.

Day 135:

Fyrsa and Defiance are now fully-fledged fighters- and we're beginning our attack on the Harpy's Roost. Defiance and Fyrsa have utterly overwhelmed them with help from our allies of the Oasis. Loyalty showed up to kill harpies with us, and I must say, she's become quite an incredible fighter. She moves astoundingly quickly on the battlefield, despite not hitting quite as hard. We've reduced the numbers of the harpy invaders significantly, and burned many of their camps. With enough effort, we'll hopefully be able to drive them away from our territory.

In lighter news, we've hired some goats from our earthen allies. They are meant to scout and scavenge for us. They're all a bit wary, so it seems, but they seem eager to help, and show promise.

Day 180:

Our engineers attempted to stage a coup. They set an army of sentry turrets and attack drones upon us, hoping to take over the keep. Apparently, they were unhappy with our lack of technological progress. Our ally, Glacier, assisted my daughter in putting down the rebellion. Thankfully, not much was lost but a few harpies, and the drones we had to destroy. I had Fyrsa extract some information from them, before she... did her thing. I had the engineers executed for their treason shortly after. I'd like to hire one more specialist to manage the workers and such while I'm gone... but I'll need to make my decision carefully, as to avoid another incident such as this.

Furthermore... it seems that Glacier's interaction with Arbitia awakened something in her... she's speaking now. A function that we didn't think the spirals added. She seems to have a mind of her own now, despite her artificial body. She even produced an... actual pearl- made of a strange green magic. Ceirce is doing more research as to the nature of her newfound magical awakening, but so far, nothing has come up.

Day 219:

I have worked tirelessly with my closest advisors...- my closest friends, to forge an identity for our people. We began as the few, seeking freedom... freedom to pursue our hopes and dreams without intervention, without hinderance. Now, I find myself overseeing more than a few. I am no longer the leader of a group of mercenaries, but the leader of a community. It is my duty to lead this community to a brighter future, one where we fear nothing. Where all of our desires can be fulfilled, without question. No longer will the Stormcatcher order us like grunts- nor will scholars declare our work too dangerous- our tastes too deviant, our faith too heretical. We stand united, as one people, aboard the LevinKeep. Here, we have built a community of both Dragon and Harpy, where we can combine our strengths and drive off ALL who would oppose us. Tyrants everywhere be warned: to infringe on our freedoms is an act of war, and your punishment shall be swift, decisive, and brutal.

Frihet Fremfor Alt.

Day 506:

It's come to my attention that the harpies around Dragonhome have begun casting off their ways of war and are attempting to kindle friendship with the various clans of the area. We will not be fooled. This is merely a farce meant to sew trust while they lurk in the shadows. It seems they'll not try to win this war on the field of battle anymore, but rather through intrigue. Nevertheless, our goals have not changed. Those who fall in line and serve our clan will still be rewarded handsomely, and those who oppose us will still find no mercy. We remain at war, regardless of what lies are being sewn by harpy-kind. Our interactions with the harpy clans will continue to be... enriching experiences for both our kind, and theirs.
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