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Personal Style





27.12 m
14.31 m
6579.87 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


Jul 11, 2021
(2 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Imperial
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


This dragon does not yet have a lore concept and as such cannot be expressly affiliated with any one clan or subgroup. I plan to include them at a later date; as such, they are not for sale. You may send inquiries or offers, but do not be surprised if I will not sell them! Thank you :)

Silver Pocketwatch

"What is dead may never die."
Memento Mori
Generation 10
trait | trait | trait

Memento mori (Latin: "remember that you have to die") is the medieval Latin Christian theory and practice of reflection on mortality, especially as a means of considering the vanity of earthly life and the transient nature of all earthly goods and pursuits.

Memento mori has been an important part of ascetic disciplines as a means of perfecting the character by cultivating detachment and other virtues, and by turning the attention towards the immortality of the soul and the afterlife.

This curse would be traced down his lineage. All Moros' children were destined to die, like any dragon. But they would be given a second chance. It was up to the children if they would accept the bargain.

The First Generation

Battle One: Iskun is ganged up on, dropping to less than 1/4 of his health. Agamemnon and Arashi each lost 1/4 or less.

Battle Two: Arashi takes some damage, dropping down to 1/2 of his health.

Battle Three: Iskun drops to within an inch of his life, but survives.

Battle Four: Iskun falls to a Death's Head Stag; Arashi and Agamemnon level up, refilling their health bars.

Battle Five: No-one takes damage.

Battle Six: Arashi and Agamemnon both take some damage.

Battle Seven: Arashi receives critical damage, but Agamemnon doesn't escape unscathed. Arashi less than 1/2.

Battle Eight: Arashi takes a bit of damage.

Battle Nine: Arashi takes a bit of damage, now less than 1/4.

Battle Ten: Level up! All health bars refilled. A brief pause is taken to remove the dead Iskun from the party.

Battle Eleven: Agamemnon receives critical damage.

Battle Twelve: Arashi and Agamemnon both receive damage.

Battle Thirteen: Arashi is targeted; now almost down to Agamemnon's level.

Battle Fourteen: Agamemnon receives critical damage and nearly dies; Arashi loses a lot of health but dodges several attacks.

Battle Fifteen: Agamemnon is immediately attacked, dying to a single Emerald Webwing. Arashi walks away the victor.

The Second Generation:

Battle One: Iwa took the first hits, dropping by about 1/4 of her health.

Battle Two: Both Iwa and Savir took hits, with Iwa dropping to 1/2 of her health.

Battle Three: Savir receives critical damage, dropping below his sister in health.

Battle Four: Savir is struck down with further critical damage from a Brown-Spotted Mith. Iwa walks away the victor.

The Fourth Generation:

Battle One: Minya and Impulse take heavy hits. Corrente remains untouched.

Battle Two: Minya falls to a critical hit and Impulse goes down two hits later. Corrente leaves the victor, without taking a single hit of damage.

The Fifth Generation:

Battle One: Two critical strikes land on Fulvia, killing her instantly. Oculus also receives critical wounds, leaving Kintsugi the clear and untouched victor. Oculus, however, is still breathing; his mother quickly scoops him up and flees on swift wings into the horizon...

The Sixth Generation:

Battle One: A back-and-forth of criticals leaves Shannon dead and Shen on the edge of life. Still, Shen is the victor.

The Seventh Generation:

Battle One: Argosh receives a blow.

Battle Two: Argosh deals critical damage but is injured further; Kirave remains untouched.

Battle Three: Argosh is dealt another blow and begins to bleed heavily, barely clinging to life. Kirave receives a minor scratch but is otherwise unharmed.

Battle Four: Kirave takes all the damage, allowing Argosh a moment to rest and heal. They level up.

Battle Five: Kirave takes a small blow, and Argosh deals a critical contuse in her defense.

Battle Six: Argosh is severely scratched and misses one of his attacks.

Battle Seven: Though both take some damage, Argosh ultimately falls to a critical blow. Kirave, bereaved at the loss of her brother, flees the field, a victor.

The Eighth Generation:

Battle One: Aviva takes a minor hit, but the rest escape unscathed.

Battle Two: Andrine is contused but no-one else is hurt.

Battle Three: Andrine and Aviva take some significant damage, dropping below half-health. Hyann attempts to help but receives a scratch (from the monsters) for his effort. They level up and take a break, recovering to full health.

Battle Four: Andrine and Aviva are once again the punching bags, with Aviva walking away slightly worse for wear than her sister. Hyann is unscathed.

Battle Five: Aviva fortunately dodges a bolt of magic sent her way. Hyann does not, and receives a critical blow.

Battle Six: The battle opens with Hyann receiving twin blows, his health rapidly falling to below that of his sisters. Aviva also suffers further blows, and Andrine takes a hit as well. She is the only one above half health.

Battle Seven: Hyann dodges an opening blow but his sister Andrine isn't quite so lucky, dropping to a measly quarter of her health. Andrine dodges a blow sent her way but Aviva once again fails to do so. She is barely hanging on. Her siblings frantically deal three consecutive critical blows to finish off their foes.

Battle Eight: Hyann deals a critical blow, but too late--Aviva falls to a bolt of magic. The siblings break and level up, burying their sister before they move on again.

Battle Nine: Hyann takes the lion's share of the damage, dropping to half health, but Andrine does not leave unscathed, either.

Battle Ten: Andrine takes a contuse to the face while Hyann dodges the bolt sent at him. She is still in slightly better shape, but the field is now more even.

Battle Eleven: Andrine takes the battle's only blow. Hyann is now the one better off.

Battle Twelve: The two receive consecutive critical blows; they are panting and bleeding now. Their foes ready more magic and Andrine uses the last of her strength to shield Hyann, the new victor.

The Ninth Generation:

Battle One: Both Orpheus and Geyser sustain hefty damage, with Geyser leaving less battered by a narrow margin.

Battle Two: Geyser is quickly finished off, leaving Orpheus the triumphant victor.

The Tenth Generation:

Battle One: There was no contest. Zylenis missed every attack he attempted, and received devastating damage in return. Kenai had scarcely been scratched when he fell.

A true final heir.
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Exalting Kenai to the service of the Stormcatcher will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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