
The Bringer of Change
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Painted Marionette
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Energy: 49/50
This dragon’s natural inborn element is Arcane.
Female Skydancer
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This dragon cannot breed until Oct 17, 2024 (24 days).
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“Don't fashion me into a maiden that needs saving from a dragon,
I am the dragon and I will eat you whole.”


History of the Universe

Before The Dawn of the First Age:

Long before the eleven deities of Sornieth had come into existence, there had been a far superior, omnipresent deity that is known by many names. However, in this particular universe, He was known as the Omnios.

The Omnios had brought space, matter and time into being a single thought. He had also made magic. Although, this magic wasn’t like the elemental magic the inhabitants of Sornieth knew. Some of the earliest life forms called it pure magic, since pure magic was the original type of magic that had lead to the creation of all other forms of magic.

Originally, there had been two types of pure magic known as destruction and creation. The Omnios had been very pleased with the magic he had made and desired to fill the universe with it. The Omnios also wished to see his magic move of its own free will, rather than his command. Therefore, the Omnios created the first two dragons.

The Omnios infused the source of all creation magic into the first dragon and named the dragon Banana. Then, the Omnios took the other dragon, which he had named Shade, and filled it with the source of destruction magic. A modern creature would have said Shade’s body looked similar to a fae dragon, but in reality, it was the fae that looked similar to Shade because Shade had been made long before the first fae dragon opened its eyes. Similarly, Banana’s body was a lot like an obelisk dragon’s, but his largeness and extra horns marked him as something different. The bodies of Banana and Shade were far more powerful than the mortal dragon bodies as well and capable of allowing Shade and Banana to travel through outer space with ease.

Once the first dragons to ever exist were complete, the Omnios instructed the newly-made dragons to take the gifts he had given them and share it with the rest of the universe. The two dragons gleefully obliged the Omnios and traveled to the furthest reaches of the universe.

The Omnios delighted in seeing what Banana and Shade did with their magic as the eons passed. However, the Omnios knew there was something the universe lacked, which prevented it from reaching its full potential. For this reason, the Omnios created a third dragon, who he named Nyph, fused with the source of a new pure magic known as change and placed inside a body that resembled a skydancer’s. Then, the Omnios presented the new soul to Shade and Banana.

Shade and Banana welcomed Nyph into existence and quickly accepted her as friend. They showed her their favorite parts of the universe and told of the many adventures the two of them had shared. The three of them even began making a planet together.

However, since this was the first planet Nyph, Shade and Banana had built together they wanted to make it special so the three of them combined their magic and created the first four elemental forms of magic: fire, wind, water and earth. The dragons then wove this magic into the planet’s core. For a moment, the three souls paused to admire their creation. There was one last thing they had to do before their planet was complete; they had to give it a name.

“Sornieth.” Nyph declared. “Lets call it Sornieth.”

“Sounds perfect.” Banana agreed, with a grin.

Shade didn’t protest against the name either.

And so Sornieth was made. It’s three creators took some time to appreciate its beauty. Although, the dragons didn’t stay with their newly made planet for too long and quickly ventured off to the next galaxy in order to spread their magic there.

Little did the dragons know, in the process of making their first planet, they had accidentally created four notorious deities...

The First Age:

The centuries that followed Sornieth's creation were very good for Nyph and Banana. The two made countless planets and galaxies. This source of creation and change naturally worked well together too, which made the two dragons’ relationship very tight.

However, while Banana and Nyph grew close, Shade slowly grew apart from them and spent more time alone. Banana noticed the change in Shade’s behavior and tried asking his dear friend what was wrong. Shade always insisted that he was fine though.

Or least, he did, up until the day he had learned that Banana and Nyph had bonded their souls together...

Shade had been absolutely furious. He had roared that Banana and Nyph’s bonding was direct betrayal of the the Omnios's command because the Omnios had created the three of them to be equal. However, now that Banana’s and Nyph’s souls were bonded the two of them were much stronger than Shade. Nyph tried to quell Shade's anger by explaining that the Omnios had actually blessed their bonding.

Upon hearing Nyph's explanation, source of destruction let out a piercing shriek of rage and darted off to another galaxy. Banana and Nyph decided to give Shade some space after he had stormed off. However, after a year had passed without Shade returning, the two bonded dragons grew very worried and began searching for their friend.

For many years, Nyph and Banana scoured the universe for Shade. They tried asking the Omnios where Shade was because they knew the deity was capable of seeing every living thing at once, but the Omnios couldn’t see Shade. Upon learning this, their searching became frantic.

They had never thought leaving the Omnios’s sight was possible. The two feared that this meant Shade now ceased to exist somehow, but they kept searching in desperate hope that their fears would be proven wrong.

It wasn’t until the Omnios spoke to them again that became aware of what fate had befallen their dear friend.

My dearest children, I have discovered Shade is still in existence…However, he has bonded with an enemy of mine. I hoped my enemy would never find this dimension, but I was wrong.” Omnios said in a tone that held deep sadness.

Banana and Nyph weren’t entirely sure what this meant for Shade.

“Bonded with an enemy? What does this mean? And will we see him again?” Nyph asked, frantically.

There was a long pause where the Omnios remained silent.

Daughter, I’m afraid that because of the bond Shade has made with my enemy, he is now as connected to him as you and Banana are to Me. If you were to find Shade, my enemy would surely kill you so I have to take you and Banana to another dimension where you will be safe from my enemy and the corruption he will spread to this whole world through Shade.” The Omnios explained.

Both Nyph and Banana were greatly troubled by the Omnios’s words. The two dragons were scared of being killed, but what scared them most was thought of never seeing Shade again.

“Is there anything that we can do to undo his bond to your enemy?" Banana asked earnestly.

There is a way, but doing that requires a tremendous sacrifice.” The Omnios answered.

“Name what we must do.” Nyph stated without a breath of hesitation.

You will both have to suffer and die for Shade. You must know that this will not be easy or quick. My enemy will become your enemy too if you choose to free Shade so he will send you many trials and weaken the connection you have to Me. What he doesn’t realize is that by tormenting you both, he will make you and your sacrifice powerful enough to sever his ties to Shade forever.” The Omnios answered.

Nyph and Banana looked at each other for moment. They didn't fully know what it felt like to die and to suffer, but they loved Shade and for him, facing so many unknowns was worth it.

“We have to.” The source of creation stated to Nyph.

Nyph nodded.

Shortly after Nyph and Banana had made their decision, Shade finally returned to the domain ruled by the Omnios. However, Shade looked different. He no longer had the form of a dragon and was instead a swirling mass of black tendrils and many eyes.

The Omnios asked Shade tell him where he had gone. The essence of destruction did not respond to the deity. Instead, the soul rampaged through galaxies and began destroying everything he had made with Nyph and Banana. The Omnios watched all of this with a heavy, broken heart. The deity was capable of stopping Shade from reeking havoc on the universe. However, the entity knew that doing so would destroy Shade’s soul so He watched. The Omnios tried to speak to Shade, but Shade could no longer hear the Omnios’s voice.

What became of the creatures that lived on the worlds Shade destroyed is not well documented. Rumors suggest some fled to other dimensions and planets, while others perished. It is known with certainty that one elemental deity from the planet Talafir, known as the Timeweilder, escaped to Sornieth.

Shortly after the Timeweilder's arrival, Shade started surrounding the planet, Sornieth. Sornieth was the last planet Shade had made alongside Nyph and for reasons unknown, the source of destruction hated this planet most of all.

Shade slowly began closing in on it. The essence of destruction had unmade much larger planets so he had expected destroying Sornieth to be easy. However, unlike any of the other planets, Sornieth was inhabitanted by eight dragons, who were called the Tidelord, Windsinger, Earthshaker, Flamecaller, Lightweaver, Shadowbinder, Icewarden and Stormcatcher. These deities had been rallied by the newcomer, Timeweilder, to join forces and to fight back against Shade with their elemental magic. The nine deities managed to keep him at bay for centuries.

After years of fighting, the nine sources of elemental magic realized they couldn't defeat the Shade so they used their magic to create a barrier that would prevent him from ever attacking their planet again...

Or so they hoped...

The Second Age:

For centuries, Shade clawed and pounded against the elemental dragon’s shield, but a sudden pulse of creation and change magic made Shade pause. The source of destruction knew Nyph and Banana were near.

Without any further hesitation, the essence of destruction pulled away from Sornieth’s shield only to see Nyph and Banana staring at him in disbelief from a distance. The entity looked nothing like their friend, but they recognized the feel of his magic so they knew it had to be him.

“Shade?” Nyph asked. “Is that really you?“ After so many years of thinking her friend was gone, she didn’t care what Shade looked like now. She just desperately wanted to hug him and tell him how sorry she was for not getting to him sooner. Although, at the same time, she was afraid of finally confronting the Omnios’s enemy so she hesitated to embrace Shade.

The entity didn’t respond to her. He just stared a Nyph and shot a wave of raw destructive magic in her direction. However, before the magic hit Nyph, Banana dashed in front her and took the blow.

“Banana!” Nyph cried as the essence of creation was slammed with destruction magic.

Banana ignored his pain and fixed his eyes on the essence of destruction.

“If you want to harm my mate you're going to have to go through me.” The essence of creation growled.

A wicked grin bloomed near the center of Shade’s dark, formless body, with revealing bright white, needle-like teeth.

If you insist.” The being of destruction purred as his dark, waving tendrils began to enlarge and blot out the stars.

“Banana!“ Nyph shrieked just as a sudden blast of destruction magic sent Nyph hurtling into another galaxy far away from Banana and Shade. Nyph had not known physical pain until Shade had hit her. The unfamiliar, extremely-agonizing sensation of it left her completely stunned for a moment. It was during this moment when Nyph was paralyzed that the Omnios spoke to her.

Nyph, our bond is about to be weakened—I need you to remeber three things: I will still be with you every second, trust me, even when it doesn't make sense and most importantly, know that I love you dearly.

Nyph didn’t have time to say anything back before she all feeling of the connection to the Omnios vanished in an instant. Nyph went blind with another surge of pain and a deep raspy laughter of some other entity echoed in her ears.

Nyph gasped and shuddered violently in terror. The sound of that horrifying laughter still echoed in her memory. Terror and confusion swirled in her mind as grief over her loss of connection to the Omnios took hold of her heart. Nyph wanted to dive into all the feelings and try to comprehend what was happening, but there was no time and Banana needed her. Nyph gave a slight tug on her bond with Banana and tried to feel where he was. Although, she felt nothing. Nyph internally tugged again and yielded nothing from it. Another wave of panic surged into Nyph. She yanked on her link Banana.

Banana, where are you?! She telepathically cried out to Banana.

Only silence answered her.

Hello, Sweetie. I'm afraid your mate is dead. Shade took great pleasure in killing him, you see.” A sweet, yet eerie voice that sounded nothing like the Omnios’s announced.

A chill went down Nyph's spine and her heart began to pound in her chest.

"Although, before I get into the details of all that, I must ask: do you know who I am?"

"You're the enemy of the Omnios," Nyph growled.

"But who is the enemy of the Omnios, Darling? Have you ever wondered that?"

Nyph frowned and paused for a moment as she tried to think of what to say to such a strange question.

"Ha! I figured He would have left you in the dark about me. You see, Honey, I'm the Omnios' brother, Antios."

"That not true," Nyph challenged. "The Omnios has no equal like Himself."

"You can keep telling yourself that, Sweetie, but it won't change the truth Omnios is trying to keep from you. Speaking of which, I think it's time you learned the truth about death. Now, I'm sure big old Omnios-y has spun pretty little lies in your head about how death isn't powerful enough to stop you and Banana from existing, but let me assure, Nyph, that death is the most powerful magic this universe has to offer."

N-no, that can't be true, Nyph thought as her body began to shake. Such a reality simply couldn't be true...yet there was a seed of doubt now lodged in her heart.

Well, I guess if words can't convince you, I'll have to have my mate, Shade, show what death really is.” The voice purred.

Moment’s after the voice spoke, Shade slowly emerged from the darkness surrounding Nyph and towered over her.

It was then that Nyph was certain she was going to die. The creation of change bowed her head and prayed to the Omnios that her sacrifice for Shade would be enough to free him.

"Nyph, the time of your sacrifice has not yet come. I will stop Shade. You must flee." The Omnios cried to her.

Obediently, Nyph spread her wings and took off.

Shade tried to go after her, but a supernova went off between the entity of change and destruction. The light of this supernova was so bright that it completely blinded Shade and left him stunned. Unfortunately, Shade did not stay frozen for long and started to chase Nyph once more, but that pause had given Nyph the time to get out of the range of his attacks as she flew.

It is not certain if Shade was permanently blinded by that event because the bright light had caused all off the pupils in his eyes to disappear, yet he still seemed to know where Nyph was. It is theorized though that the Omnios' enemy became Shade's eyes that day and began directing him where to go. However, like many things regarding Shade, this has not been confirmed.

It is known with certainty though that while Shade chased Nyph, the being of change spotted Sornieth. Without much hesitation, she darted towards the first planet she had made in hopes she could hide within it from Shade and get a little rest. Much to the being of change’s surprise, entering the planet was not as easy as it had once been because of the new shield that surrounded it. Fortunately, the barrier had not been made to repel change magic so Nyph quickly turned the material of the barrier to air and slipped inside it. Then, the source of change quickly shifted the barrier back to its original form, just before Shade made contact with it.

When the being of destruction had started clawing against the barrier, Nyph braced herself for the moment when the planet’s shield shattered, but after a month had passed and Shade still continued to pound against the barrier, Nyph wept in relief. She was finally safe and could lay down.

The being of change magic found a large cave and for the first time in her existence, fell asleep.

When Nyph awoke, a century had passed and the surface of planet had changed quite drastically. Weather had eroded the earth and much new flora had sprung forth. Normally, Nyph would have leapt with excitement and joy at the sight of so much visible change. Nyph wasn’t the same as she had once been now though, felt hollow and couldn’t even find the energy to smile at the new landscape.

A small part of her had hoped that the sensation of falling asleep was what it felt like to die and that when she woke up, her sacrifice would have been complete.

The source of change slowly turned her head to the sky. She had so many questions about what the Antios had said swirling in her head that it was dizzying. Once, the Omnios had told her and Banana that they could never cease to exist and that her bond to Banana could never be broken. Yet she couldn't sense Banana's presence anymore and everything the Antios suggested seemed imply Banana was gone, in very permanent sense.

Nyph felt hot tears slip down the sides of her cheeks.

Had the Omnios been lying this entire time? She wondered.

Every memory of the Omnios flashed in her head. All her life, the Omnios had been nothing, but pure love to her. He had been the one who had taught her how to love Banana and made her feel assured in her own inherent value. Not to mention, He had made her laugh, smile and feel safe.

No, she reasserted in her heart, Omnios would never lie to her.

She knew Banana must be alive somewhere in the vastness of the universe, even if she couldn't feel him like normal. Nyph looked to the sky again and resolved to leave Sornieth so she could find Banana and take on the Omnios's enemy again with him at her side. Soon after the essence of change made this resolution and began to flap her wings, she realized there was one small problem: she didn't have wings.

Shade's magic had seeped into them after he had attacked her, which caused what the flesh connected to her wing bones to rot. Nyph vomited and wailed once she had seen the state of her wings. She tried to undo the damage done with her magic, but there wasn't enough matter left on her body to change her wings back their original state so all she could do was fashion tiny white feathery wings that resembled a chicken's on her back.

Nyph had took great pride in her four large, kaleidoscopic wings so it brought her great pain to see what had become of them.


best friend



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