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Personal Style

Ancient dragons cannot wear apparel.


Accent: Octomane



13.01 m
5.36 m
9570.36 kg


Primary Gene
Wasp (Gaoler)
Wasp (Gaoler)
Secondary Gene
Daub (Gaoler)
Daub (Gaoler)
Tertiary Gene
Opal (Gaoler)
Opal (Gaoler)


May 16, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Eye Type
Level 1 Gaoler
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


__________________- Pine Branch
⟦ Shanty ⟧
| #605 |
Scarlet Storm's Cook/"What do you mean, you don't want fish?!"
Fir Branch
Born with all of their father’s compassion and none of their mother’s ferocity, Charybdis’ newest brood were a disappointment in more ways than one. The fact that they were both males and had bonded deeply with Phorcys as soon as they’d hatched did nothing to help their case. Sensing Charybdis’ unrest, Phorcys dutifully took the hatchlings out for long fishing trips and adventures to the mainland, which he hoped would aid in their future transition to clan life while serving the dual function of getting them out of Charybdis’ sight.

The goddess was past the point of threatening to murder her own children, but her journey into motherhood was proving far more aggravating than she’d originally anticipated. There had been a few progeny to which she’d felt a mysterious kind of connection, but ultimately, none of them had remained by her side. Not that she blamed them. Her desolate outcrop in the midst of a vast and turbulent sea was not an ideal place to live out a mortal existence. At least for Charybdis, there was still hope of escape, even if it was to happen in some far distant future. As an immortal goddess, she had nothing to lose by biding her time here (except perhaps her sanity). But for all her mortal offspring, things were different. Their lives were finite, their time limited. Why would any of them choose to remain stranded in an unforgiving landscape with a resentful mother? Charybdis herself wouldn’t wish that fate on anyone, let alone her own children.

When a ship appeared on the horizon one day, her two sons begged their mother to spare it. They had witnessed Charybdis’ awful power, and being the kind-hearted (and perhaps slightly naive) offspring they were, they couldn’t bear to witness her destruction again. Angered by their weakness, but too weary to care, Charybdis delivered an ultimatum: if they wanted the ship to be spared, they must travel upon it… and never return.

Phorcys watched with tearful eyes as the two young males disappeared from view, safely aboard the ship’s deck.

Shanty was woken from his dreams of chasing sea birds to the sound of the morning bell, clanging loudly to wake the ship's crew and call them to their duties. Shanty yawned widely, casting a glance over to his brother who usually slumbered only a few feet away. His brother shot a dark look in his direction, and Shanty grinned sheepishly, realizing his seasick brother had not had as restful a sleep as he.

They'd been on the ship for months now, ever since they left their mother's rocky ocean fortress behind in an attempt to assuage her fury. It had been successful for sparing this ship at least, but both of them knew it was only a matter of time before her powers would strike again and this time, they wouldn't be around to stop it. It wasn't something that sat well with either of them, but then again, they stood no chance against a sea goddess, let alone one that was their own mother; and at least this way, one ship and its crew had survived the encounter.

The two had become an invaluable part of the crew, and Shanty had come to love life on the open ocean, so he was a bit disappointed when he appeared on deck to see land on the horizon. He had known the ship had been on its way to port, but hadn't given much thought to what he would do when it finally arrived. Or what his brother would do, for that matter. Thus far, they had been together for their entire lives, and it was difficult to imagine life on his own. The captain's call of joyous amusement to the crew interrupted any further thoughts on the matter, and Shanty gave one final stretch, picking up his crewman's duties where he'd left off the night before.
* * *
Shanty cannot carry a tune to save his life, however much he disputes it. His loud, enthusiastic caterwauling can be heard from the ship's galley whenever possible. Luckily, as the ship's cook, there are none his equal, especially with all those tentacles helping grip and hold all his spices and utensils. Battening down the hatches has also never been quite so easy with a drake who can warn the crew of approaching storms.

Those are really the only things of note that he received as his inheritance, well, according to those that just met him.

Shanty adores his parents, despite the turbulence of the sibling's departure. He hopes to send his mother letters and perhaps paintings from his travels, but fears they may serve to heighten her anger at her own imprisonment.
Lore by Xayxayx | Assets by Ecci__-

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