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Personal Style


Welder's Mask
Haunting Amber Forejewels
Haunting Amber Clawrings


Skin: Shattered Serpent



4.18 m
3 m
80.75 kg


Primary Gene
Secondary Gene
Tertiary Gene


May 14, 2021
(3 years)



Eye Type

Special Eye Type
Level 1 Spiral
EXP: 0 / 245




  • none


She might be a skeletal wyrm, or she might be the ghost of a regular dragon that's bound to a train locomotive. She might be the ghostly fire that makes the subterranean train run (without needing coal or smth). She makes the thing go, but she can't steer/drive it on her own.

definition [ def-uh-nish-uh n ]





the act of defining, or of making something definite, distinct, or clear:
We need a better definition of her responsibilities.

the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, idiom, etc., as found in dictionaries. An online dictionary resource, such as, can give users direct, immediate access to the definitions of a term, allowing them to compare definitions from various dictionaries and stay up to date with an ever-expanding vocabulary.

the condition of being definite, distinct, or clearly outlined:
His biceps have great muscle definition.

Optics. sharpness of the image formed by an optical system.

Radio and Television. the accuracy of sound or picture reproduction.
Code by Probablynx #310038

[url=][img][/img][/url] [columns][center][img][/img] [font=Cambria][size=5][i]T I R R I V E E[/i][/size] [size=3]Role/Job here[/size][/font] [font=cambria][i][b]age:[/b] 10 years[/i] [i][b]se[s][/s]x:[/b] female[/i] [i][b]name meaning:[/b] a display of bad temper[/i] [i][b]job desc:[/b] here it is.[/i] [/font] [/center] [br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center][br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [br] [b]RELATIONSHIPS[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img] [/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2][b]TARADIDDLE & BRUMAL[/b] Parents[/size][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [size=2][b]ASAGOHAN[/b] Big-sister figure[/size][/columns] [br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [br] [url=][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=7][font=garamond]lore[/font][/size] [size=2]written by Aeranautics[/size][/center] [font=calibri]A brat and crybaby prone to throwing tantrums, but only because she feels a sense of no control over her life. Not getting to explore her birthplace of the Tangled Wood as a child, only to be packed up and moved to Dragonhome as a tween, wasn't really a great experience for her. Her father's way of dealing with it is by having her do physical labor to build character. She prefers taking foraging classes and learning how to go out and hunt for bugs to housekeeping in the Motel. Very argumentative and a pain in the neck to raise. Both parents are all about that "tough love". Duis vel enim ac dolor dictum vulputate nec iaculis felis. Sed hendrerit risus sit amet velit pretium interdum. Quisque consectetur ut quam ac ornare. In euismod tortor urna, nec aliquet diam tristique eget. Etiam nec nisl dolor. Proin ornare, justo ut consequat ullamcorper, urna erat fermentum dui, non porta tellus lectus vel mauris. Pellentesque nec est eget risus rhoncus congue id a enim. Quisque sagittis ultrices ligula eu rhoncus. Nam congue sapien in rhoncus finibus. Donec vel fringilla ex. Proin sed diam quis mauris vehicula interdum eu vitae enim. Maecenas eget sem gravida, porttitor libero sed, aliquet tortor. Aliquam mollis nunc et augue dapibus pretium. In elementum dapibus mi, vel pulvinar turpis aliquam a. Proin ac lorem vel libero interdum imperdiet. [url=][img][/img][/url] Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. Etiam dignissim, augue non condimentum finibus, enim lorem vehicula lectus, sit amet tempor nibh velit ac metus. Curabitur egestas diam eget mauris convallis egestas. Praesent vitae ligula in ex viverra eleifend. Nulla faucibus sapien a mi mattis, quis malesuada nibh auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris maximus velit laoreet libero hendrerit, vel sodales est ultricies. Morbi pretium at turpis eget imperdiet. Quisque luctus mollis ante id elementum. Vestibulum tortor sapien, blandit vitae arcu sit amet, tempus dictum ante. Curabitur eu blandit risus, ut efficitur odio. Curabitur nec tellus at diam maximus blandit. Etiam condimentum leo id pharetra hendrerit. Vivamus luctus, velit sed ornare vestibulum, metus felis convallis justo, vitae sodales diam dolor vel sem. Suspendisse erat diam, viverra in mi vitae, rutrum auctor justo. Mauris imperdiet mi ac turpis cursus, vel ullamcorper erat elementum. In pellentesque rutrum mattis. Duis vel enim ac dolor dictum vulputate nec iaculis felis. Sed hendrerit risus sit amet velit pretium interdum. Quisque consectetur ut quam ac ornare. In euismod tortor urna, nec aliquet diam tristique eget. Etiam nec nisl dolor. Proin ornare, justo ut consequat ullamcorper, urna erat fermentum dui, non porta tellus lectus vel mauris. Pellentesque nec est eget risus rhoncus congue id a enim. Quisque sagittis ultrices ligula eu rhoncus. Nam congue sapien in rhoncus finibus. Donec vel fringilla ex. Proin sed diam quis mauris vehicula interdum eu vitae enim. Maecenas eget sem gravida, porttitor libero sed, aliquet tortor. Aliquam mollis nunc et augue dapibus pretium. In elementum dapibus mi, vel pulvinar turpis aliquam a. Proin ac lorem vel libero interdum imperdiet.[/font] [/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- ----- [center][color=#9494A9][size=1]Coding by [/size][/color][url=][size=1]Disillusionist[/size][/url][color=#9494a9][size=1]. Click an image asset to find its source.[/size][/color][/center]

[img][/img] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [nextcol][columns][columns][img][/img] [nextcol][font=courier][size=5][b]Codename: Frostbite[/b][/size] [b]Affiliation: The Permafrost Impalers Age: 32 years Gender: Male Lethality: Extreme[/b][/columns] ----- [columns][font=courier][b]Size: xx m, xx kg Desc: Silver Imperial, gray mane [nextcol][font=courier][b]Origin: ?, Southern Icefield Last Seen: Sunportal[/b][/columns] ----- [font=courier]Navire Sanchez is an Elite Agent of the Blindsiders Organisation of mercenaries. She has over 200 recorded kills to her name, and significantly more victims to her crimes of arson, property damage, and thievery. She is named as the agent with the most kills within the Blindsiders. Sanchez is rather different from the rest of the agents in the sense that she rarely works alone, and is often seen with Elite Agent McKenzie, Elliot. Reports say that they are related though DNA testing has disproved that. Sanchez is at her core, efficient over anything else, and values money, loot, and personal pride, taking high-risk, high-reward jobs that she never fails. Sanchez does not respond to low-end jobs, but has been seen doing them out of sight, much like a vigilante. Navire has been involved in numerous high-end criminal activities including major heists, assassinations, and blowing up whole buildings. She has not been caught before. Citizens who encounter Agent Sanchez are strongly urged not to engage and to stay as far away as possible, and wait for the authorities to intervene.[nextcol][color=transparent]xxxx[/columns][nextcol][img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/columns] [img][/img] [url=]template [/url] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxx [nextcol][columns][img][/img] [nextcol][font=courier][size=5]Codename: Frostbite[/size] Affiliation: The Permafrost Impalers Age: 32 years Gender: Male Lethality: Extreme [/columns] ----- [columns][font=courier][b]Size: xx m, xx kg Desc: Silver Imperial, gray mane [nextcol][font=courier][b]Origin: Unknown, Southern Icefield Last Seen: Sunportal, Tgld. Wood [/columns] ----- [font=courier]Navire Sanchez is an Elite Agent of the Blindsiders Organisation of mercenaries. She has over 200 recorded kills to her name, and significantly more victims to her crimes of arson, property damage, and thievery. She is named as the agent with the most kills within the Blindsiders. Sanchez is rather different from the rest of the agents in the sense that she rarely works alone, and is often seen with Elite Agent McKenzie, Elliot. Reports say that they are related though DNA testing has disproved that. Sanchez is at her core, efficient over anything else, and values money, loot, and personal pride, taking high-risk, high-reward jobs that she never fails. Sanchez does not respond to low-end jobs, but has been seen doing them out of sight, much like a vigilante. Navire has been involved in numerous high-end criminal activities including major heists, assassinations, and blowing up whole buildings. She has not been caught before. Citizens who encounter Agent Sanchez are strongly urged not to engage and to stay as far away as possible, and wait for the authorities to intervene. [nextcol][color=transparent]xxxxx[/columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [columns][center][img][/img] [font=Cambria][size=5][i]B R U M A L[/i][/size] [size=3]Station Guard, Night[/size][/font] [font=cambria][i][b]job desc:[/b] patrols the clan's outer property at nighttime whilst making sweeps of the interior, which is guarded by Emerald Shardspawn bears.[/i] [color=transparent][size=1]Acquired for free 4/20/21[/size][/color][/font] [/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center][br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [br] [b]RELATIONSHIPS[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [size=2][b]TARADIDDLE[/b] Mate[/size][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [size=2][b]TIRRIVEE Daughter[/b][/size][/columns] [br] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [br] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=7][font=garamond]lore[/font][/size] [size=2]written by Aeranautics[/size][/center] [font=calibri]Standoffish and not very sociable to other members of the clan. Usually only acknowledges other dragons' presence with a flick of an ear. Secretive. Bluntly ignores any questions about his past. His deep voice and sometimes grim choice of words make him a chilling conversation partner. He is not warm or cuddly, but he does bring gifts to Taradiddle and his daughter to show his affection sometimes. Rarely shows glimpses of his extensive knowledge on bladed weapons when he talks. Despite his size and breed, he's somehow able to move almost inaudibly if he wishes. Other dragons can never tell his mood. When angry, his stiff body language, sharp glare, and hardened voice makes most dragons melt into submissive puddles. On rare occasions when he loses his temper, he raises his voice in a most terrifying snarl. Used to be the top assassin in a guild located at the southwestern foot of the Icefield's mighty mountain range. The best of the best, able to sneak up and smoke his targets before they knew what hit them. The head honcho of the operation valued him highly, until one day he started acting peculiar around Brumal. His fellow assassins seemed different, too. He took it as a bad omen. His last mission was to the Snowsquall Tundra. A fierce blizzard was overtaking the mountains. Perfect timing. Brumal took some warmer clothes and camping supplies to brave the storm on his way up the Cloudscrape Crags. He hunkered down for a long blizzard, and when there was a break in the storm, he took off to the northern continent. Sed tempor condimentum ligula. Nulla bibendum interdum bibendum. Cras et turpis at erat blandit varius. Sed est sapien, iaculis quis nibh eget, auctor tristique risus. Duis vestibulum dolor aliquam rutrum accumsan. Donec a augue ac dui placerat suscipit. Sed luctus lobortis laoreet. Nulla a nibh augue. Mauris hendrerit nulla neque, quis ultrices urna dignissim consectetur. In tristique magna at tellus lobortis bibendum a in libero. Nulla pulvinar, enim vitae ullamcorper dignissim, diam justo pellentesque tellus, in facilisis dui ante et justo. Proin eu arcu id est semper aliquam in sed mi. Etiam tempus in nibh sit amet dapibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc dictum a tellus nec efficitur. In ac odio ut urna sollicitudin iaculis. Sed dolor ante, posuere fringilla justo a, varius maximus risus. Sed eleifend fringilla venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse sed purus nisl. Maecenas non neque est. Morbi eget leo dapibus, vehicula urna vel, ultrices turpis. Aenean tincidunt odio in cursus placerat. Etiam dignissim, augue non condimentum finibus, enim lorem vehicula lectus, sit amet tempor nibh velit ac metus. Curabitur egestas diam eget mauris convallis egestas. Praesent vitae ligula in ex viverra eleifend. Nulla faucibus sapien a mi mattis, quis malesuada nibh auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris maximus velit laoreet libero hendrerit, vel sodales est ultricies. Morbi pretium at turpis eget imperdiet. Quisque luctus mollis ante id elementum. Vestibulum tortor sapien, blandit vitae arcu sit amet, tempus dictum ante. Curabitur eu blandit risus, ut efficitur odio. Curabitur nec tellus at diam maximus blandit. Etiam condimentum leo id pharetra hendrerit. Vivamus luctus, velit sed ornare vestibulum, metus felis convallis justo, vitae sodales diam dolor vel sem. Suspendisse erat diam, viverra in mi vitae, rutrum auctor justo. Mauris imperdiet mi ac turpis cursus, vel ullamcorper erat elementum. In pellentesque rutrum mattis. [/font] [/columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] ----- ----- [center][color=#9494A9][size=1]Coding by [/size][/color][url=][size=1]Disillusionist[/size][/url][color=#9494a9][size=1]. Click an image asset to find its source.[/size][/color][/center]
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Exalting Tirrivee to the service of the Earthshaker will remove them from your lair forever. They will leave behind a small sum of riches that they have accumulated. This action is irreversible.

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